Dr.KING, Jessica Ann
Lecturer, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, HKU
WEBSITE[javascript protected email address]
2241 5473
Room 408, James Lee Science Building, The University of Hong Kong
Teaching areas
Principles of geologySedimentary environments
Integrated field studies
Understanding Climate Change
The Oceans, Science and Society
Geological Fieldwork II
Research Interests
Tectonic evolution of continental collision zonesCrustal anatexis and high grade metamorphism
Structural geology of deformed terrains
Geochronology - U-Pb accessory phase dating of minimum melt volume crustal
Shah Faisal, Kyle P. Larson, Jess King, John M. Cottle. 2015. Rifting, subduction and collisional records from pluton petrogenesis and geochronology in the Hindu Kush, NW Pakistan: GONDWANA RESEARCH · online 26 JUNE 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2015.05.014A.R. Heri, J.C. Aitchison, J.A. King, I.M. Villa: Geochronology and isotope geochemistry of Eocene dykes intruding the Ladakh Batholith: Lithos Volumes 212–215, January 2015, Pages 111–121
King, J. A., Harris, N., Argles, T., and Parrish, R. R., 2011, The contribution of crustal anatexis to the tectonic evolution of Indian crust beneath Southern Tibet: Geological Society of America Bulletin, January 2011, v. 123, no. 1-2, p. 218-239, First published online October 8, 2010, doi: 10.1130/B30085.1
King, J. A., Harris, N., Argles, T., Parrish, R. R., Charlier, B. L. A., Sherlock, S., and Zhang, H., 2007, First field evidence of southward ductile flow of Asian crust beneath southern Tibet: Geology, v. 35, no. 8, p. 727-730.
Zhang, H., Harris, N., Parrish, R., Kelley, S., Zhang, L., Rogers, N., Argles, T., and King, J., 2004, Causes and consequences of protracted melting of the mid-crust exposed in the North Himalayan antiform: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 228, p. 195-212.