
香港大学理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Dr.MICHALSKI, Joseph

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-04


Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, HKU

BSc (BGSU); MSc, PhD (ASU)


[javascript protected email address]
3917 1452
Room 305, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, The University of Hong Kong

Teaching area

Planetary Geology
Environmental Remote Sensing
Leaving Earth: Our Future in Space

Research Interest

Remote sensing
Mineralogy and geomorphology
Planetary Science


Bishop, J.L., A.G. Fairen, J. R. Michalski, L. Gago-Duport, L. Baker, M. A. Velbel, C. Gross, and E. B. Rampe (2018). Surface clay formation during short-term warmer and wetter conditions on a largely cold ancient Mars, Nature Astronomy.
Michalski, J. R. T.C. Onstott, S. J. Mojzsis, J. Mustard, Q. chan, P. B. Niles, and S. Stewart Johnson (2017), The Martian subsurface as a potential window into the origin of life, Nature Geoscience. doi:10.1038/s41561-017-0015-2
Michalski, J. R., E. Z. Noe Dobrea, P. B. Niles and J. Cuadros (2017). Hydrothermal seafloor deposits in Eridania basin on Mars, Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/NCOMMS15978.
Niles, P. B., J. Michalski, D. W. Ming and D. C. Golden (2017). Elevated olivine weathering rates and sulfate formation at cryogenic temperatures on Mars, Nature Communications 8, 998
Michalski, J. R., T. D. Glotch, L. R. Friedlander, M. D. Dyar, D. L. Bish, T. G. Sharp and J. Carter (2017), Shock metamorphism of clay minerals on Mars by meteor impact, Geophysical Research Letters, 44. DOI:10.1002/2017GL073423

Awards and Honors

Marie Curie Scholar
United Kingdom Space Agency Aurora Scholar
Bowling Green State University Distinguished Alumni
Arizona State University Graduate Scholar

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