
香港大学教育学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Dr CHU, Samuel K.W.

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Dr CHU, Samuel K.W.

Dr CHU, Samuel K.W.


Associate Professor
Academic Unit of Teacher Education and Learning Leadership

B.B.A., M.L.S., (University of British Columbia, CA)
PhD in Education (e-Learning, UCL Institute of Education, UK [Ranked 1st in the world - QS 2019])
PhD in Education (Information & Library Science, HKU, HK [Ranked 3rd in the world - THE 2020])
[javascript protected email address]
(852) 2241 5894
Room 111B, Runme Shaw Building

Research Expertise
Collaborative Learning
Health and Health Professions Education
Information Science and Management
Learning Sciences
Technology-enhanced Learning
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
?I am available to supervise PhD/EdD/MPhil students and would welcome enquiries for supervision.
HKU Scholars Hub
Curriculum vitae

Research Areas

Game-based Learning (遊戲為本學習)
Gamification in Education (教育遊戲化)
21st Century Skills / Transversal Competencies (21世紀技能)
Social Media in Education (社交媒體在教育上的應用)
Plagiarism-free Collaborative Inquiry Project-based Learning (無抄襲的協作式探究專題研習)
Digital Literacies: Information, Media & Technology Literacy (數碼素養: 資訊,媒體和科技素養)
School and Academic Librarianship (學校與學術圖書館學)
Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital (知識管理與智力資本)

Teaching Areas

Dr Chu teaches courses in the following areas in undergraduate and postgraduate levels:
Games: Play, Learning and Society (Syllabus) (Evaluation)
Internship in library and information management(Syllabus)(Evaluation)
Research Method (Syllabus) (Evaluation)
Knowledge Management (Syllabus) (Evaluation)
Digital Libraries (Syllabus) (Evaluation)
Information Behaviour (Syllabus) (Evaluation)
Children and Young Adult Literature (Syllabus) (Evaluation)A "Best Multimedia Children Story Award" together with a $2,000 book coupon sponsored by a publisher may be awarded to the best student group project.
Dr. Chu also supervises 8 doctoral students in the areas ofgame-based learning, gamification and social media in education, plagiarism-free collaborative inquiry project-based learning, digital literacies, academic librarianship, learning analytics, STEM Education, knowledge management and intellectual capital (Former research students).
He welcomes visiting students and professors to work with him (Visitor's comments).Furthermore, he offers research internships for graduates and voluntary student research assistant opportunities to capable high school students (A student's sharing).
Besides being a professorial staff, he also served as the Warden of Swire Hall for more than 12 years. His honorary position there was to help students develop into all-rounded university students. He describes his experience as a warden in his final sharing.

Chapter Member of the Year 2019, The Association of Information Science and Technology
Chapter Event of the Year 2019, The Association of Information Science and Technology
Excellent Health Promotion Project Award,Health Research Symposium 2017, Food and Health Bureau
Best Poster Award, Health Research Symposium 2017, Food and Health Bureau
Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award 2016,Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
Faculty Outstanding Researcher Award 2013, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
Early Career Research Output Awards 2010, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
Doris Zimmern HKU-Cambridge Hughes Hall Fellowships 2010-2011 & 2012-2013, The University of Hong Kong
Publication Awards for EdD Graduate 2015, HKU Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
Based on 2 papers co-authored with the award receiver, my former doctoral student Matsuko Woo

Best Student Paper Award 2009, The 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management
Co-authored with the award receiver, my doctoral student Matsuko Woo

Research Projects

I have been successful in acquiring research funding to carry out research and publish findings. Since 2006, 63 research and project grants have been obtained for a total HK$ 71,510,890 (US$ 9,191,631), with HK$27,287,055 (US$3,507,334) for projects of me serving as a Principal Investigator (PI) and HK$ 44,223,834 (US$ 5,684,297) for projects of me as a Co-Investigator (Co-I). For external funding, there is a sub-total of HK$ 39,120,348 (US$ 5,028,322); and for internal funding, there is a sub-total of HK$ 32,390,541(US$ 4,163,309). Details of on-going and completed projects undertaken in a PI or Co-I capacity are provided below.
As a Principal Investigator:
Creating a Simplified Chinese Version of a Successful Gamified e-Learning Platform); Knowledge Exchange Office, HKU (HK$100,000)
Gamifying primary students’ reading process through an online battle platform: Factors for success and obstacles to be overcome (Jun 2018 - May 2020);
Standing Committee of Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Education Bureau (HK$2,164,347)
Fostering future authors: Co-authoring children's literature with high performers in a gamified e-quiz platform and a children literature course (2017-2018); Knowledge Exchange Office, HKU (HK$100,000)
Strengthening the Alignment of Residential Education and University Educational Aims (Aug 2017-Jul 2020); UGC and 4 UGC Universities (HK$4,233,335)
Implementing sexuality education in secondary schools with a bilingual interactive game playable on Web, Facebook, tablets, and smartphones (Mar 2017-Nov 2019); The Hong Kong Jockey Club (HK$4,720,000)
BeNetWise-Educational Project of Media Literacy: (1) Evaluation and Assessment Tool, and (2) Resource Website Construction (Sep. 2016- Oct. 2017); HKFYG Research Fund, HKFYG (HK$189,919)
Educating Parents in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the World on Developing Children's Reading Habit and Ability through an Online Community (Aug. 2016- Jun. 2017); Knowledge Exchange Office, HKU (HK$100,000)
The development of the Common Core course "Gaming: Play, Learning and Society" (Jun. 2016- Jun. 2017); Common Core Office, HKU (HK$70,000)
Reading Battle: Enhancing Students' Reading Interest and Ability with a Gamified, Self-paced, Interactive Children Literature E-Quiz Platform(May 2016- Jun. 2017); Knowledge Exchange Office, HKU (HK$50,000).
Implementing the blended synchronous teaching and learning mode in two undergraduate programs under the Faculty of Education (Aug. 2015- Jul. 2017); Dean's Innovation Fund (HK$334,275).
Creating a model to guide lecturers (Faculty Internship Supervisors) in applying social media in internship to facilitate students' experiential learning (Mar. 2015 - Sep. 2017); Teaching Development Grants (HK$285,440).
A cross-cultural study of students' development in English reading ability through using an e-quiz database in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the US. (Mar. 2015 - Apr. 2017); Small Project Funding (HK$72,800).
Flipped classroom and participatory design-based approach to construct social media platforms to enhance teaching and learning (May. 2014 - Oct. 2016); Faculty Teaching Development Fund (HK$50,000).
Examining the differences in perception between librarians and end-users regarding the use of Twitter-like technologies for enhancing library services (May. 2014 - Apr. 2016); Small Project Funding (HK$80,000).
A longitudinal study on the Impact of Hall Education in HKU (Apr. 2014 - Nov. 2019); Teaching Development Grants (HK$496,440).
Library-user interaction through social networking tools (Jun. 2013 - May. 2015); Small Project Funding (HK$68,879).
Strengthening students’ reading comprehension ability (both Chinese and English) through developing children’s literature e-quiz bank on cloud (May 2013 - Feb. 2016); Quality Education Fund (HK$2,846,000). (Project Website)(Click to watch the overview video)

Developing an interactive social game playable on iPhones, iPads and Facebook for promoting sexuality education among youngsters (Apr. 2012 - Dec. 2014); HCPF-Seed Funding Scheme (HK$402,589). (Click to watch the intro video)
A comparison of using Facebook and blogs to support learning during summer internship (Apr. 2012 - Sep. 2013); Small Project Funding (HK$36,800). (Project report)
An examination of potential ways to enhance the educational roles of teacher librarians in Hong Kong (Nov. 2011 - Aug. 2012); Faculty Research Fund (HK$30,000).
Developing information literacy through an inquiry project with Web 2.0 (Jul. 2010 – Feb. 2014); General Research Fund / GRF (HK$746,756).
Social networking tools for academic libraries (Oct. 2010 - May 2013); CRCG Small Project Funding (HK$57,336). (Project report)
Using Web 2.0 technologies to enhance experiential and capstone learning in different HKU faculties (Jun. 28, 2010 - Jun. 27, 2012); Teaching Development Grant (HK$343,120). (Project report)
The affordances and constraints of wiki: A case study of university students’ interaction with wiki for group work management and documentation (Jan. 2010 – Jun. 2012); Small Project Funding (HK$52,600). (Project report)
Promoting a collaborative teaching approach to inquiry project-based learning with Web 2.0 at upper primary levels (Apr. 2009 – Jan. 2012); Quality Education Fund (HK$2,973,900 / USD$381,270). (Project report)
Applying outcomes-based teaching and learning and English in the discipline in the BSc [Information Management] program (Dec. 2008 - Mar. 2012); Teaching Development Grant (HK$359,144). (Project report)
Development of social sciences postgraduate students’ information literacy (Dec. 2008 - Nov. 2011); Small Project Funding (HK$52,123). (Project report)
An examination of knowledge management and intellectual capital in major listed companies in Asia (Jan. 2010 – Oct. 2011); Professional Services Development Assistance Scheme and ICKM 2009 Fund (around HK$320,000). (Project report)
An examination of social bookmarking tools for personal and group information management (Apr. 2008 - Sep. 2010); Small Project Funding (HK$64,974). (Project report)
A study on a news database for primary schools (Jul. 2008 - May 2010); Wiser Information Limited and HKSAR Government Matching Grant (HK$42,750). (Project report)
Use of TWiki in facilitating students' learning through three kinds of knowledge building activities in three courses (June 2007 – Sept. 2009); Run Run Shaw Research and Teaching Endowment Fund - Teaching Grants (HK$40,000). (Project report)
Support for internship and final year projects for undergraduate students at the University of Hong Kong (April 2007 - Sept 2009); Teaching Development Grant (HK$389,024). (Project report)
Examining strategies on improving primary school students' reading ability (Aug. 2006 - Feb. 2008); Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research (HK$85,000). (Project report)
A study on inquiry-based learning in primary schools through librarian-teacher partnerships (Jan. 2006 - June 2007); Faculty Research Fund (HK$18,560). (Project report)
Disseminating good practices in plagiarism-free inquiry project-based learning (IPjBL) in Hong Kong secondary schools (Aug. 2015- Jun. 2016); Knowledge Exchange Fund (HK$100,000).
Hall Education Development Project (Phase III) (Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2018); Committee on Halls (HK$2,200,000).
Using Mahara to help manage the academic advising process for BSc(IM) students (May 2012 - Aug. 2014); Faculty e-learning Development Fund (HK$30,000).
21st century skills: digital literacy, learning skills, subject knowledge and personal development (Sep. 2011 - Aug. 2014); Faculty Research Committee (HK$15,000).
探究式學習教師手冊:小四常識科專題研習 (Sep. 2011 - Aug. 2012); INSTEP Knowledge Exchange Grants (HK$ 29,450)
An evaluation study on the roles of teacher-librarians in public sector schools (22 June 2010 - 21 June 2011); A consultancy project for Education Bureau, HKSAR (HK$424,658). (Project report)
Using Web 2.0 technologies to enhance experiential and capstone learning in different HKU faculties (Oct. 2010 - Sep. 2012); Strategic Research Themes for “Sciences of Learning” Fund (HK$ 30,000).
Applying wikis to facilitate group project work in BScIM courses (June 2010 – Aug. 2011); Faculty Teaching Development Fund (HK$20,000). (Project report)
Promoting a collaborative teaching approach to inquiry project-based learning with Web 2.0 at upper primary levels (May – Sept. 2010); Faculty Knowledge Exchange Projects 2010 Fund (HK$22,000). (Project report)
Using blogs to support internship for information management and nursing students (Mar. – Aug. 2010); Strategic Research Themes for “Sciences of Learning” Fund (HK$31,836).
As a Co-Investigator:
Driving Cultural and Educational Shift: Providing Support, Activities and Professional Development in the Pedagogy, Assessment and Evidence of Student Learning in Holistic Competencies; UGC's Funding Scheme for Teaching and Learning Related Proposals for the 2016-19 Triennium (HK$ 8,947,836)
Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship (PI: Law, N.); Theme-based Research Scheme 2016/17 (HK$22,222,000)
Engaging students in online learning: What can we learn from massive open online courses (MOOCs)? (PI: Hew, K.F.T.); General Research Fund (HK$262,940)
Enhancing information literacy in Hong Kong higher education through the development and implementation of shared interactive multimedia courseware (PI: Wong, S.C.W.) (Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2018); UGC's Additional Funding for Teaching and Learning Related Initiatives for the 2012-15 Triennium (HK$6,197,000).
Internship in Exercise Science: Development and assessment of experiential learning aided by social media (Apr. 2015 - Nov. 2017); Teaching Development Grants, University of Hong Kong (HK$147,700).
Learning Analytics for Wiki-based Learning Environments in Primary and Secondary Schools (PI: Hu, X.)(Sep. 2014 - Aug. 2017); RGC Early Career Scheme (HK$649,322).
The design and evaluation of an E-learning course based on active learning and meaning gamification strategies (PI: Hew, T.)(Aug. 2014 - Jul. 2016); Teaching Development Grants (HK$282,113).
Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Integrating Mobile Learning with Learning Management System (PI: Hu, X.)(Jun. 2014 - Jun. 2016); Teaching Development Grants (HK$499,929.2).
Incorporating Wiki to Enhance Students' Collaborative Learning and Academic Performance in Traditional Research Method and Statistics Courses (PI: Fong, S.)(Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2016); Teaching Development Grants (HK$226,632).
Assessment of Collaborative Learning on Social Media: An Automated Mechanism (PI: Hu, X.)(Mar. 2014 - Apr. 2015); Faculty Teaching Development Fund (HK$50,000).
Mining Wiki Logos and Content of Secondary Students in Hong Kong (PI: Hu, X.)(Dec. 2013 - Jun.2014); Faculty Research Fund (HK$30,000).
The roles of teacher-librarians play in developing students' reading ability(PI: Warning, P.)(Dec. 2013 – Aug. 2014); Faculty Research Fund (HK$30,000).
An international comparative study on the educational roles of teacher-librarians in Hong Kong and other countries/regions(PI: Warning, P.) (Dec. 2012 – Aug. 2013); Faculty Research Fund (HK$30,000).
Development of information literacy for NSS liberal studies students (PI: Siu, F.)(Dec. 2012 – Aug. 2013); Faculty Research Fund (HK$30,000).
Hall Education Development Project(Phase I) (Sep. 2011 - Aug. 2012); Committee on Halls (HK$127,000).
Learning 2.0: an online platform and a teacher support network for curriculum and assessment innovation in liberal studies for the NSS curriculum (PI: Law, N.)(Sept. 2008 – Aug. 2010); Quality Education Fund (HK$4,200,100) .
Systemic ILN Integration into Faculty of Education Learning and Teaching Programs (PI: Fox, B.)(2006 – 2008); Faculty-Level Teaching Development Grant 2006 (HK$190,190).

Major Publications

Zainuddin,Z., Chu, S.K.W., Shujahat,M., & Perera,C.J. (2020). The impact of gamification on learning and instruction: A systematic review of empirical evidence. Educational Research Review, 30, 100326. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2020.100326 (Impact Factor 5.2)(Draft Version)
Chu, S.K.W.(2020).Social Media Tools in Experiential Internship Learning.New York: Springer Nature.
Chu, S.K.W., Capio, C.M., van Aalst, J.C.W., and Cheng, E.W.L. (2017). Evaluating the use of a social media tool for collaborative group writing of secondary school students in Hong Kong. Computers & Education, 110(7), 170-180. Ranked 7/272 in ISI’s Education category – top 2.57%; Impact Factor: 5.6 (JCR 2018). Citations (As of June 29, 2020) - SSCI: 6, Google Scholar: 25. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Zhang, Y., Chen, K., Chan, C.K., Lee, C.W.Y., Zou, E., & Lau, W. (2017). The effectiveness of wikis for project-based learning in different disciplines in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 33, 49-60.Ranked 3/272 in ISI's Education category - top 1.10%; Impact Factor: 4.24 (JCR 2016). Citations (As of May 27, 2019) - SSCI: 12, Google Scholar:34. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Reynolds, R.B., Tavares, N.J., Notari, M. & Lee., C.W.Y. (2017). 21st Century Skills Development Through Inquiry-Based Learning: From Theory to Practice. New York: Springer Science. Citations (As of May 27, 2019) - Google Scholar: 49.
Chu, S.K.W., Chan, C.K.K. & Tiwari, A.F.Y. (2012). Using blogs to support learning during internship. Computers & Education, 58(3), 989-1000. Ranked 7/272 in ISI’s Education category – top 2.57%; Impact Factor: 3.82 (JCR 2016). Citations (As of May 27, 2019) - SSCI: 46, Google Scholar: 159. (Web version) (PDF version) (Questionnaire used)
Chu, S.K.W. (2009). Inquiry project-based learning with a partnership of three types of teachers and the school librarian. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(8): 1671-1686. Ranked 18/85 in ISI’s Information & Library Science category – top 21%; Impact Factor: 2.32, (JCR 2016). Citations (As of May 27, 2019) - SSCI: 20, Google Scholar: 109. [Early Career Research Output Awards 2010, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong] (Draft version)

Refereed journal articles

Ng, D.T.K., Reynolds, R., Chan, H.M.Y., Li X.H., & Chu, S.K.W. (in press). Business (Teaching) as Usual amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Online Teaching Practice in Hong Kong. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research. (Draft Version)
Chu, S.K.W., Hu, X., Ng, J.T.D. (In Press). Exploring Secondary School Students’ Self-and Actual Perceptions of Plagiarism. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. (Draft Version)
Zainuddin, Z., Shujahat, M., Haruna, H., & Chu, S.K.W. (In press). The Role of Gamified E-Quizzes on Student Learning and Engagement: An Interactive Gamification Solution for a Formative Assessment System, Computers & Education.
Zainuddin, Z; Shujahat, M.; Chu, S.K.W; Haruna, H.; Farida, R (in press). The effects of gamified flipped instruction on learner performance and need satisfaction: A study in a low-tech setting. Information and Learning Sciences
Zainuddin, Z., Zhang, Y., Li, X., Chu, S.K.W., Idris, S., Keumala, C.M. (in press). Research trends in flipped classroom empirical evidence from 2017 to 2018: A content analysis. Interactive Technology and Smart Education.
Du, H.S., Ke, X., He, W., Chu, S.K.W. & Wagner, C. (in press). Achieving Mobile Social Media Popularity to Enhance Firm’s Customer Acquistion: Cases from P2P Lending Firms. Internet Research.
Haruna, H.; Zainuddin, Z.; Mellecker, R.; Chu, S.K.W; HU, X (in press). An iterative process for developing digital gamified-sexual health education for adolescent students in low-tech settings. Information and Learning Sciences(Draft Version)
Li, X., Yang, Y., Chu S.K.W., Zainuddin Z. & Zhang Y. (2020) Applying blended synchronous teaching and learning for flexible learning in higher education: an action research study at a university in Hong Kong, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, DOI: 10.1080/**.2020.** (Draft Version)
Lui T. T. S., Li Z. & Chu, S.K.W. (2019). Achieving Business Performance Via Implementation of Knowledge Management: A Comparative Study of MAKE and non-MAKE Companies. International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM), 15(4), 1-15. doi:10.4018/IJKM.
Cheng, E.W.L., Chu, S.K.W., and Ma, C.S.M. (2019). Students’ intentions to use PBWorks: A factor-based PLS-SEM approach. Information and Learning Sciences, 120(7/8), 489-504.(Draft Version)
Hu, X., Ng, J., Tsang, K. & Chu. S.K.W. (2019). Integrating Mobile Learning to Learning Management System in Community College. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2019.**.
Chu, S.K.W., Chau, A., Chung, R., Chong, R.E., Wong, A., Ong, E., Tam, A. (2019). A comparison of residence hall experience for students of different backgrounds. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 56(3), 326-339.(Draft Version). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2019.**
Siqin, T. & Chu, S.K.W. (2019). How Students Take Collective Responsibility for Productive Collaboration: An Empirical Examination of Online Discourse. Interactive Learning Environments https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2019.**
李秀晗, 朱启华. (2019). 直播技术在高校混合式教学中的新应用——基于香港大学同步混合教学模式的行动研究. 现代教育技术, 29(2), 80-86. (Draft version)
Woo, M.W.E., Serenko, A. & Chu, S.K.W. (2019). An exploratory study of the relationship between the use of the Learning Commons and students’ perceived learning outcomes. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 45(4), 413-419.
Valdez, J.P.M. & Chu, S.K.W. (2019). Examining the psychometric validity of the five-item gratitude questionnaire: An item response theory approach. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/6542.
Haruna, H., Hu, X., Chu, S.K.W. and Mellecker, R.R. (2019). Initial Validation of the MAKE Framework: A Comprehensive Instrument for Evaluating the Efficacy of Game-Based Learning and Gamification in Adolescent Sexual Health Literacy. Annals of Global Health, 85(1), p.19. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/aogh.1110
Chu, S.K.W., Wu, J., Kwan, C.W.S. & Lai, J.H.Y. (2019). Wiki-based Collaborative Writing: A Comparative Study on First and Second Language Writing among Chinese Secondary Students. International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Sciences, 11(1), 1-10.
Hu, X., Cheong, C.W.L. & Chu, S.K.W. (2018). Developing a Multidimensional Framework for Analyzing Student Comments in Wikis. Educational Technology & Society, 21, 26-38. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Ravana, S. D., Mok, S. W. S. & Chan, R. C. S (2018). Behavior, perceptions and learning experience of undergraduates using social technologies during internship. Educational Technology Research & Development, 1-26.
Chu, S.K.W., Huang, H., Wong, W.N.M., van Ginneken, W., Wu, K.M. & Hung, M.Y. (2018). Quality and clarity of health information on Q&A sites. Library & Information Science Research, 40(3-4), 237-244.
Li X. & Chu, S.K.W. (2018). Using Design-based Research Methodology to Develop a Pedagogy for Teaching and Learning of Chinese Writing with Wiki among Chinese Upper Primary School Students. Computers and Education, 126, 359-375.
Datu, J.A.D., Yang, W., Valdez, J.P.M., & Chu, S.K.W. (2018). Is Facebook Involvement Associated with Academic Engagement among Filipino University Students? A Cross-Sectional Study. Computers & Education, 125, 246-253.
Haruna, H., Hu. X. & Chu S.K.W. (2018). Adolescent School-Based Sexual Health Education and Training: A Literature Review on Teaching and Learning Strategies. Global Journal of Health Science. 10(3), 172-183.
Yongyan, Ge M., Chen, Hu, X. & Chu S.K.W. (2017). Secondary School Students’ Source Reporting and Evaluation in Project Writing. Writing & Pedagogy. 9(2), 301-330. (Draft version)
Siu, F. L.C., & Chu, S.K.W. (2017). Factors influencing knowledge transfer among internship students using Facebook. Asia Pacific Journal of Contemporary Education and Communication Technology, 3(1), 72-86.(Draft version)
Du, H.S., Ke, X., Chu, S.K.W. & Chan, L.T. (2017). A bibliometric analysis of emergency management using information systems (2000-2016). Online Information Review, 41(4), 454-470. DOI: 10.1108/OIR-05-2017-0142.(Draft version)
Fong, S.S.M., Chu, S.K.W., Lau, W.W.F., Doherty,I., Ng, S.S.M. & Hew, K.F. (2017). Incorporating wiki technology in a traditional biostatistics course: Effects on university students’ collaborative learning, approaches to learning and course performance. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 16, 285-299.
Huang H., Chu, S.K.W., Liu, L.Y. & Zheng, P.Y. (2017). Understanding User-Librarian Interaction in Academic Library Microblogging: A Comparison Study in Twitter and Weibo. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 43(4), 329-336.(Draft version)
Lau, W.W.F., & Lui, V., & Chu, S.K.W. (2017). The Use of Wikis in a Science Inquiry-based Project in a Primary School. Educational Technology Research & Development, 65(3), 533-553. (Draft Version)
Chu, S.K.W., Zhang, Y., Chen, K., Chan, C.K., Lee, C.W.Y., Zou, E., & Lau, W. (2017). The effectiveness of wikis for project-based learning in different disciplines in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 33, 49-60. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Capio, C.M., van Aalst, J.C.W., and Cheng, E.W.L. (2017). Evaluating the use of a social media tool for collaborative group writing of secondary school students in Hong Kong. Computers & Education, 110(7), 170-180. (Draft version)
Warning, P., Chu, S.K.W., Wu, W., & Tam, E. (2017). Examining the Self-Perceived Educational Roles of Primary School Teacher Librarians in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China: A Comparative Study. School Libraries Worldwide, 23(1), 95-118.
Du, H., King, R.B. & Chu, S.K.W. (2016). Hope, Social Support, and Depression among Hong Kong Youth: Personal and Relational Self-esteem as Mediators. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 21(8), 926-931, DOI: 10.1080/**.2015.**. (Draft version)
Yeung, A.H.W., Chu, C.B.L., Chu, S.K.W. & Fung, C. (2016).Exploring Junior Secondary Students’ Plagiarism Behavior. Journal of Librarianship & Information Science, 1-13.
Cheng, E.W.L., Chu, S.K.W. & Ma, C.S.M. (2016). Tertiary Students' Intention to E-collaborate for Group Projects: Exploring the Missing Link from an Extended Theory of Planned Behaviour Model. British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(5), 958-969, DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12379.
Theng, Y.L., Lee, E.A.,Chu, S.K.W., Lee, C.W.Y., Chiu, M.M.L. & Chan, R.C.H. (2016). Scaffolding in Information Search: Effects on Less Experienced Searchers.Journal of Librarianship & Information Science, 48(2), 177-190, DOI: 10.1177/5455. (Draft version)
Cheng, E.W.L. & Chu, S.K.W. (2016). The Role of Perceived E-collaborative Performance in an Extended Theory of Planned Behavior Model. International Journal of e-Collaboration, 12(4), 24-40.
Zhang, Y. & Chu, S.K.W. (2016). New Ideas on the Design of the Web-Based Learning System Oriented to Problem Solving From the Perspective of Question Chain and Learning Community. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 17(3), 176-189.
Du, H., Chu, S.K.W., Chan, R.C.H. & He, W. (2016). Collaborative Writing with Wikis: An Empirical Investigation on Group-based Learning. Online Information Review, 40(3), 380-399. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Lau, W.W.F., Chu, D.S.C., Lee, C.W.Y. & Chan, L.L.H. (2016). Media Awareness among Hong Kong Primary Students. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 48(1), 90–104. (Draft version)
Hew, K.F., Huang, B.Y., Chu, S.K.W. & Chiu, D.K.W. (2016). Engaging Asian Students through Game Mechanics: Findings from Two Experiment Studies. Computers & Education, 92-93, 221-236.
Cheng, E.W.L. & Chu, S.K.W. (2016). Students' Online Collaborative Intention for Group Projects: Evidence from an Extended Version of the Theory of Planned Behavior. International Journal of Psychology, 51(4), 296-300.
Chow, K.C.K., Chu, S.K.W., Tavares, N., & Lee, C. W. Y. (2015). Teachers as Researchers: A Discovery of Their Emerging Role and Impact through a School-University Collaborative Research. Brock Education: A Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 24(2), 20-39. (Draft version)
Huang, H., Chu, S.K.W. & Chen, D. (2015). Interactions between English-Speaking and Chinese-Speaking Users and Librarians on Social Networking Sites. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 66(6), 1150-1166. (Draft version)
Kwan, A.C.M., Chu, S.K.W., Hong, A.W.L., Tam, F., Lee, G.M.Y. & Mellker, R. (2015). Making Smart Choices: A Serious Game for Sex Education for Young Adolescents. International Journal of Game Based Learning, 1(5), 18-30.
Noorhidawati, A., Chu, S.K.W., Rajagopal, S., Wan, W.T.A. & Yeung, K.M. (2015). Exploring Libraries Effort in Inclusion and Outreach Activities Using Social Media. LIBRI – International Journal of Libraries and Information Services, 65(1), 34-47. (Draft version) (Questionnaire used)
Chu, S.K.W., Kwan, A., Reynolds, R., Mellecker, R.R., Tam, F., Lee, G., Hong, A. & Leung, C.Y. (2015). Promoting Sex Education among Teenagers through an Interactive Game: Reasons for Success and Implications. Games for Health Journal, 4(3), 168-174.(Draft version)
Siqin, T., van Aalst, J. & Chu, S.K.W. (2015). Fixed Group and Opportunistic Collaboration in a CSCL Environment. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 10(2), 161-181.
Cheang, B., Chu, S.K.W., Li, C. & Lim, A. (2014). A Multidimensional Approach to Evaluating Management Journals: Refining PageRank via the Differentiation of Citation Types and Identifying the Roles that Management Journals Play.Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 65(12): 2581-2591. (Draft version)
Li, X., Chu, S.K.W. & Ki, W.W. (2014). The Effects of a Wiki-based Collaborative Process Writing Pedagogy on Writing Ability and Writing Attitudes among Upper Primary School Students in Mainland China. Computers & Education, 77, 151-169. (Draft version)
Cheang, B., Chu, S.K.W., Li, C. & Lim, A. (2014). OR/MS Journals Evaluation Based on a Refined PageRank Method: An Updated and More Comprehensive Review. Scientometrics. (Draft version)
Du, H., Chu, S.K.W., Gorman, G.E. & Siu, F.L.C. (2014). Academic Social Bookmarking: An Empirical Analysis of the Connotea Users. Library & Information Science Research, 36(1), 49-58. (Draft version)
Fu, H., Chu, S.K.W. & Kang, W. (2013). Affordances and Constraints of Wiki for Primary-school Students’ Group Projects. Educational Technology & Society, 16(4), 85–96. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Siu, F.L.C., Liang, M., Capio, C.M. & Wu, W.W.Y. (2013). Users’ Experiences and Perceptions on Using Two Wiki Platforms for Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Management. Online Information Review, 37(2), 304–325. (Draft version)
Woo, M., Chu, S.K.W. & Li, X. (2013). Peer-feedback and Revision Process in a Wiki Mediated Collaborative Writing. Educational Technology Research & Development, 61(2), 279-309. (Online version)
Chu, S.K.W. & Du, H. (2013). Social Networking Tools for Academic Libraries. Journal of Librarianship & Information Science, 45(1), 64-75. (Draft version)
Chan, K.H., Chu, S.K.W. & Wu, W.W.Y. (2012). Exploring the Correlation between Knowledge Management Maturity and Intellectual Capital Efficiency in Mainland Chinese Listed Companies. Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, 11(3): **-1-11 (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W. (2012). Assessing Information Literacy: A Case Study of Primary 5 Students in Hong Kong. School Library Research, 15: 1-24. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Kwan, A.C.M. & Warning, P. (2012). Blogging for Information Management, Learning, and Social Support during Internship. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 15(2), 168-178. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Chan, C.K.K. & Tiwari, A.F.Y. (2012). Using Blogs to Support Learning During Internship. Computers & Education, 58(3), 989-1000. (Web version) (PDF version) (Questionnaire used)
Li, X., Chu, S.K.W., Ki, W. W. & Woo, M. M. (2012). Using a Wiki-based Collaborative Process Writing Pedagogy to Facilitate Collaborative Writing among Chinese Primary School Students. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 28(1), 159-181. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Woo, M., King, R.B., Choi, S.T.P., Cheng, M.M.Y. & Koo, P.L.H. (2011). Examining the Application of Web 2.0 in Medical-related Organizations. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 29(1), 47-60. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W. & Kennedy, D.M. (2011). Using Online Collaborative Tools for Groups to Co-construct Knowledge. Online Information Review, 35(4): 581-597 (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Chan, K.H. & Wu, W. (2011). Charting Intellectual Capital Performance of The Gateway to China. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 12(2): 249-276. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Tse, S.K., Loh, E.K.Y. & Chow, K. (2011). Collaborative Inquiry Project-based Learning: Effects on Reading Ability and Interests. Library & Information Science Research, 33(3): 236-243. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Chow, K. & Tse, S.K. (2011). Using Collaborative Teaching and Inquiry Project-based Learning to Help Primary School Students Develop Information Literacy and Information Skills. Library & Information Science Research, 33, 132-143. (Draft version)
Woo, M. Chu, S., Ho, A. & Li, X.X. (2011). Using a Wiki to Scaffold Primary School Students’ Collaborative Writing. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 14(1): 43-54. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Chan, K.H., Yu, K.Y., Ng, H.T. & Wong, W.K. (2011). An Empirical Study of the Impact of Intellectual Capital on Business Performance. Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, 10(1): 11-21. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Mak, M.Y.K. & Tsang, K. (2010). An Electronic News Database for Upper Primary School Students and Teachers in Hong Kong. School Library Media Research, 13. Retrieved from http://ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/aasl/aaslpubsandjournals/slmrb/slmrcontents/volume13/contents.cfm
Chu, S.K.W. (2009). Inquiry Project-based Learning with a Partnership of Three Types of Teachers and the School Librarian. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(8): 1671-1686. [Early Career Research Output Awards 2010, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong] (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W. (2009). Using Wikis in Academic Libraries. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 35(2): 170–176. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W. (2008). TWiki for Knowledge Building and Management. Online Information Review, 32(6): 745-758. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W. & Law, N. (2008). The Development of Information Search Expertise of Research Students. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 40(3): 165-177. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Chow, K., Tse, S.K. & Kuhlthau, C.C. (2008). Grade Four Students’ Development of Research Skills through Inquiry-based Learning Projects. School Libraries Worldwide, 14(1): 10-37. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W. & Law, N. (2007). Development of Information Search Expertise: Postgraduates’ Knowledge of Searching Skills. Portal:Libraries and the Academy, 7(3): 295-316. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W. & Law, N. (2007). Development of Information Search Expertise: Research Students’ Knowledge of Source Types. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 39(1): 27-40. (Draft version)
Wong, G., Chan, D. & Chu, S.K.W. (2006). Assessing the Enduring Impact of Library Instruction Programs. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 32(4): 384-395.
Chu, S.K.W. & Law, N. (2005). Development of Information Search Expertise: Research Students’ Knowledge of Databases. Online Information Review, 29(6): 621-642. (Draft version)

Scholarly books

Chu, S.K.W. (in Press). Social Media Tools in Experiential Internship Learning. New York: Springer Nature.
Chu, S.K.W., Tavares, N.J., Tse, B.S.K., Chan, H.M.Y, Wu, W., Lee, C.W.Y. & Hu, X. (2018). The Stories of Eight 300’s (2nd ed.). Hong Kong: Academy 22.
Chu, S.K.W., Reynolds, R.B., Tavares, N.J., Notari, M. & Lee., C.W.Y. (2017). Developing 21st Century Skills with Inquiry Learning, Collaborative Teaching, Social Media, and Games: International Perspectives. Springer Science.
Chu, S.K.W., Hu, X., Chin, Y., Lee, C.W.Y., Lyu, V.J., Ng, J.T.D. & Wong, C.S.Y. (2016). Plagiarism-free inquiry project-based learning.Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.(Full text)
Notari, M., Reynolds, R., Chu. S.K.W. & Honegger B. D. (2016). The Wiki Way of Learning: Creating Learning Experiences Using Collaborative Web Pages. Chicago: American Library Association.
Notari, M.、Honegger, B.D.、朱啟華、陳昭珍 (2013)。維基之道——協同與創造性學習。臺灣:國立臺灣師範大學出版中心。(Full text)
朱啟華、方志新、許靄璇、羅晧章、余澤濤、李詠怡、傅惠鵑 (2012)。協作式教學手冊——小四常識科探究式專題研習。香港大學薄扶林道香港大學教育學院在職教師教育計畫。(Preview)
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Chu, S.K.W., Tavares, N.J., Chu, D., Ho, S.Y., Chow, K., Siu, F.L.C. & Wong, M. (2012). Developing upper primary students’ 21st century skills: inquiry learning through collaborative teaching and Web 2.0 technology. Hong Kong: Centre for Information Technology in Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. (Full Text)
Can be purchased viaQEF Cyber Resource Centre
Chu, S., Ritter, W., & Hawamdeh, S. (Eds.). (2009). Managing knowledge for global and collaborative innovations, Series on Innovation and Knowledge Management, (Vol. 8). Singapore: World Scientific.

Book chapters

Chu, S.K.W. & Mok, S.W.S. (2016). Changing Organizational Structure and Culture to Enhance Teaching and Learning: Cases in a University in Hong Kong. In L. Liudvika & U. Wilkesmann. (Eds.), Organizing academic work in higher education: Teaching, Learning, and Identities. London: Routledge.
Chu, S.K.W., Tavares, N.J., Law, A.H.C., Fung, K.Y., Fong, C.S., Law, O.K.L., Lee, C.W.Y. & Leung, D.W.K.W. (2016). Using a Wiki for Collaborative Learning at Primary Schools. In The Wiki Way of Learning: Creating Learning Experiences Using Collaborative Web Pages. Chicago: American Library Association.
Chu, S.K.W., Rajagopal, S. & Lee, C.W.Y. (2013). Information Literacy in Higher Education: Research Students’ Development in Information Search Expertise. In Developing People’s Information Capabilities: Fostering Information Literacy in Educational, Workplace and Community Contexts. Hepworth, M., and Walton, G. (Eds.). UK: Emerald Group Publishing.(Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W., Tavares, N.J., Law, A.H.C., Fung, K.Y., Fong, C.S., Law, O.K.L., Lee, C.W.Y. & Leung, D.W.K.W. (2013). Verwendung von Wikis zum kollaborativen Lernen in Grundschulen. In Wiki-Weg des Lernens. Notari, M. P., and Doebeli, B. (Eds.). Bern, Switzerland: HEP. (English: Using a Wiki for Collaborative Learning at Primary Schools. In The Wiki-Way of Learning.)
Woo, M.、朱啟華、李絢兮、Leung, D.W.K.W. (2013)。如何善用維基技術技援小學階段的協同式寫作? 見Notari, M.、Honegger, B.D.、朱啟華、陳昭珍編《維基之道——協同與創造性學習》,頁149-164。臺灣:國立臺灣師範大學出版中心。
李絢兮、朱啟華、祁永華、吳麻津子(2013)。如何善用維基技術技援中國大陸小學生的協同式寫作。見Notari, M.、Honegger, B.D.、朱啟華、陳昭珍編《維基之道——協同與創造性學習》,頁175-187。臺灣:國立臺灣師範大學出版中心。
Soubusta, S. & Chu, S.K.W. (2013). Unterricht in Informationskompetenz an Primarschulen in Hong Kong – ein Fallbeispiel. In Informations-kompetenz in der schule - ein informationswissenschaftlicher ansatz, Gust von Loh, S., and Stock, W.G. (Eds.). Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter GmbH. (English: Information Literacy Instruction at Primary Schools in Hong Kong – a Case Study. In Information Literacy in Schools – an Information Science Approach.) (Draft version)
Woo, M., Chu, S.K.W., Ho, A. & Li, X.X. (2009). Collaborative Writing with a Wiki in a Primary Five English Classroom. In Chu S.K.W., Ritter W. and Hawamdeh S. (Ed.), Series on Innovation and Knowledge Management: Vol. 8. Managing Knowledge for Global and Collaborative Innovations (pp. 193-206), Singapore: World Scientific. [Best Student Paper for ICKM 2009] (Draft Version)
Chu S.K.W., Cheung J., Ma, L. & Leung, D. (2008). Student’s Co-Construction of Group Project Work Via Twiki. In Hawamdeh S., Stauss K. & Barachini F. (Ed.), Series on Innovation and Knowledge Management: Vol. 7. Knowledge Management: Competencies and Professionalism (pp. 27-41), Singapore: World Scientific. (Draft Version)
朱啟華、嚴影芙、鄒景芬、周志堅、夏柳薇及馮漢輝(2008)。透過探究式學習改善小四學生的中文寫作能力。見布森祖、蘇詠梅編《綜合學習:理論與實踐(小學篇)》,頁139-151。香港:時信出版(香港)有限公司。 (Draft Version)
周志堅、朱啟華、吳淑嫻、方志新 、關詠茵及梁雅達(2008)。慧科搜索 (WiseNews) 資料庫與小四探究式學習計劃。見布森祖、蘇詠梅編《綜合學習:理論與實踐(小學篇)》,頁177-198。香港:時信出版(香港)有限公司。 (Draft Version)
Chu, S.K.W.、Tavares, N.J.、Law, A.H.C.、Fung, K.Y.、Fong C.S.、Law, O.K.L.、Lee, C.W.Y.、Leung, D.W.K.W. (2013)。在小學中採用維基推行協同教育。見Notari, M.、Honegger, B.D.、朱啟華、陳昭珍編《維基之道——協同與創造性學習》,頁165-174。臺灣:國立臺灣師範大學出版中心。
Chu, S.K.W. (2007). Case Study: The Development and Management of the Online Information Literacy Tutorial at the HKUST Library. In The Role of the Library in the First College Year, 45: 241-247. National Resources Center, U.S.A. (Draft Version)

Conference papers

Mak, M.T.F., Wang, M., & Chu, S.K.W. (2019). Effects of a Gamified Learning Platform on Elementary School Students' Flow Experiences in Leisure Reading. Paper Presented at ASIS&T 2019 Annual Meeting, Melbourne, Australia. (PDF Version)
Zhu, J., Li, X., Zhang, Y., Zainuddin, Z., Lee, S.Y.C. & Chu, S.K.W. (2019). Can Gamification Bring Long-term Effects for Elementary Students’ Learning? Paper presented at theASIS&T AP 2019 regional conference, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.(Draft Version)
Hussein, H., Zainuddin, Z., Mellecker, R., Hu, X. & Chu, S.K.W. (2019). Iterative Process for Developing Digital Games for Adolescent Sexual Health Education in Low-Tech Environments. Paper presented at theASIS&T AP 2019 regional conference, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. (Draft Version)
Jin, Y., Lee, S.Y.C., Lee, M. & Chu, S.K.W. (2019). The Academic Impacts of Oxford Achiever on Hong Kong Primary School Students: A Self-determination Case Study. Paper presented at theASIS&T AP 2019 regional conference, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. (Draft Version)
Chen, X.Y., Li, X.H., Lee, S.Y.C., & Chu, S.K.W. (2018). Re-examining students' reading experience in a gamified context from a self-determination perspective: a multiple-case sudy. ASIS&T 2018, November 10-14, 2018, Vancouver, Canada. (Draft version)
Li, X.H., Mok, S.W., Cheng, Y.Y.J., & Chu, S.K.W. (2018). An examination of a gamified e-quiz system in fostering students’ reading habit, interest and ability. Paper presented at the ASIS&T 2018 Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada. (Draft version)
Zainuddin, Z., Zhang, Y., Li, X., Zhang, X., Wu, W., Chu, S.K.W., Tse, S. & Yau, K. Exploring the impact of Social Media Facebook and Schoology on Students’ Internship Programs. Paper presented at the AERA 2018 Annual Meeting, New York, USA. (Pub. Date: April 2018)
Cheng, K.P.C., Leung, C.K., Mok, J.C.Y., Datu, J.A.D., Valdez, J.P.M., Huang, H., Unsworth, K., Chan, A., Ng, Cecilia., & Chu S.K.W.The Effects of BeNetWise Program on Youth Media Literacy: A Mixed Methods Research. Paper presented at ASIS&T 2017 annual meeting, Washington D.C., USA. (Pub. Date: November 2017)
Yeung, C.Y., Shum, K.H., Hui L.C.K., Chu S.K.W., Chan, T.Y., Kuo, Y.N. & Ng, Y.L. (2017). Exploring Characteristics of Fine-Grained Behaviors of Learning Mathematics in Tablet-Based E-Learning Activities. Paper presented at IADIS EL 2017. (IADIS EL had 14% acceptance rate out of 121 submissions in 2016) (Pub. Date: July 2017)
Chu, S.K.W. & Hu, X. (2017). Plagiarism-free inquiry project-based learning with UPCC. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2017, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. (Pub. Date: June 2017)
Hu, X., Ng J., Yang C, R. & Chu, S.K.W. (2017). Wikiglass: A Learning Analytic Tool for Collaborative Learning in Secondary and Primary Schools. Paper to be presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2017, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. (Pub. Date: June 2017)
Li, X., Zainuddin, Z., Zhang, Y. & Chu, S.K.W. (2017). Effects of applying a blended synchronous teaching and learning mode in higher education. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2017, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. (Pub. Date: June 2017)
Mok, C.Y.J., Leung, C.K., Tse, R.C.F. & Chu, S.K.W. (2017). Enhancing students’ motivation and their learning environment: The effect of gamification and the use of online learning platform. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2017, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. (Pub. Date: June 2017)
Cheung, H., Chu, S.K.W. & Loh, E. (2017). An examination on the Impact of “Integrated Argument & Process-Oriented Wiki Collaborative Writing Methodology, STEPS” on Secondary School Students’ Chinese Writing Process, Attitudes and Competence. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2017, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. (Pub. Date: June 2017)
Shum, K.H., Hui, L.C.K., Yeung, C.Y. & Chu, S.K.W. (2017).Exploring Collaborative Self-Directed Learning for STEM education with a tablet-based app to facilitate exchange of chat messages and development of codes as collaborative interactions during group activities. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2017, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. (Pub. Date: June 2017)
Huang, Y., Kong, Q., Wang, X., Zhu, K., Zhang, Y., Hu, X. & Chu, S.K.W. (2017). A longitudinal study on students’ action, thinking and feeling about plagiarism in their inquiry group project work. Paper to be presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2017, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. (Pub. Date: June 2017)
Zainuddin, Z., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Li, X., Tse, S., Yau, K. & Chu, S.K.W. (2017). Exploring the impact of Social Media on Students’ Internship Programs: A Comparative Study of Facebook and Schoology. Paper to be presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2017, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. (Pub. Date: June 2017)
Zhang, Y., Li, X., Zainuddin, Z. & Chu, S.K.W. (2017). Effectiveness of plagiarism instruction on undergraduates’ learning outcomes in higher education: A meta-analysis. Paper to be presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2017, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. (Pub. Date: June 2017)
Yeung, C.Y., Shum, K.H., Hui L.C.K., Chu S.K.W., Chan, T.Y., Kuo, Y.N. & Ng, Y.L. (2017). Exploring Characteristics of Fine-Grained Behaviors of Learning Mathematics in Tablet-Based E-Learning Activities. Paper presented at IADIS EL 2017.
Chu S.K.W. (2016). Developing reading and writing abilities effectively and efficiently with Reading Battle. Paper presented at Learning and Teaching Expo 2016, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong.
Li, Z., & Chen, Z., & Lui, T.T.S., & Chu, S.K.W. (2016). The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Companies’ Performances: A Study Based on MAKE Award Winners and Non-MAKE Award Winner Companies. Paper accepted for the ICKM 2016, Vienna, Austria (Draft version)
Lee, C.W.Y., & Chu, S.K.W., & Cheng, J.O.Y., & Reynolds, R. (2016). Plagiarism-Free Inquiry Project-Based Learning with UPCC Pedagogy. Paper presented at theASIS&T 2016 annual meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Full text)
Tang, R., Mon, L., Beheshti, J.,Li, Y.,Pollock, D., Ni, C., Chu, S.K.W., Lu, X.,Caffrey, J. & Gentry, S. (2016). Needs Assessment of ASIS&T Publications: Bridging Information Research and Practice. Paper presented at theASIS&T 2016 annual meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Online version)
Hernandez, E., Chu, S.K.W. & Hong, H. (2016). Victorious Battle – Original Librarian Created Content, Book Battle Provides Educational Value to Public Library Programming through Measurable Outcomes. Paper presented at the 2016 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference, Public Library Association, Florida.
Chu, S.K.W., Hernandez, E., Hong, H. & Chen, C.C. (2016). A cross-cultural study of students' development in English reading ability through using an e-quiz database in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the US. Paper presented at the 2016 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference, Public Library Association, Florida.
Bates, M.E., Qiu, J., Chu, S.K.W., Tam, F., Ng, Y.H. (2016). Gamifying the reading process for kindergarteners with i- Fun Reading. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2016 - ‘Engaging Learners: Games and Flipped Learning', The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Lu,Y.Y., Wai, V., Mok, C.Y.J. & Chu, S.K.W. (2016). Examination of top performing primary students in an e-quiz bank “Reading Battle”. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2016, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Warning, P., Chu, S.K.W., Chen, J.C.C. & Ng, Y.H.J. (2016). Comparison between Taiwan and Hong Kong Students in Reading Battle. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2016, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Lai, A.W.H., Li, C.K.M., Chu, S.K.W. & Siu, F. (2016). Mobile Apps for Learning Outside of
Classroom: the Effects of Peer Influence on Learning Outcomes. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2016, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Zheng, L., Wang, Y., Lam, K.M. & Chu, S.K.W. (2016). Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom: Comparison between Secondary School and University Students. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2016, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Hu, X. & Chu, S.K.W. (2016). Information Literacy among Secondary School Students in Hong Kong: Actual Abilities, Self-Perceptions and Teachers’ Support. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2016, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chen, Q., Hu, X. & Chu, S.K.W. (2016). Enhancing Wikiglass with Analytic Functions for Cognitive Domain and Authorial Stance Detection. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2016, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Hu, X., Li, J., Siu, F., Gao, X., Chu, S.K.W., Zhang, W., Lam, J. & Ng, J. (2016). Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Integrating Mobile Learning with Learning Management Systems. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2016, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Shum, K. H., Chu, S.K.W., Hui, L.C.K. & Yeung, C.Y. (2016). SkyApp: A Tablet-based E-learning Design Tool for Mathematics Teachers to Cater for Learning Diversity. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2016, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W. (Apr 2016). Trends, Challenges and Strategies in Integrating Transversal Competencies into Education. Paper presented at Social Media 2016, The International Education and Technology Conference, Hong Kong.
Chan, M.Y.H., Chu, S.K.W., Mok, S.W.S. & Tam, F. (2016). Fostering Interest in Reading and Strengthening Reading Comprehension Ability of Primary School Students Using a Children’s Literature E-quiz Bank on the Cloud. Paper presented at Social Media 2016, The International Education and Technology Conference, Hong Kong. (Draft version)
Chu, S.K.W. (Apr 2016). Developing Students’ Reading Interest and Ability Effectively with the Equiz Platform ―Reading Battle. Paper presented at Social Media 2016, The International Education and Technology Conference, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W. (Apr 2016). Survey on Teachers / Students' Views on Flipped Lesson at Secondary Schools. Paper presented at Social Media 2016, The International Education and Technology Conference, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W.& Hu, X. (Apr 2016). Surveys on Plagiarism in Assignments of Students in Secondary Schools and Introduction of UPCC Model in Avoiding Plagiarism. Paper presented at Social Media 2016, The International Education and Technology Conference, Hong Kong.
Hu, X., Ip, J., Sadaful, K., Lui, G. &Chu, S.K.W. (2016). Wikiglass: A Learning Analytic Tool for Visualizing Collaborative Wikis of Secondary School Students. Paper presented at the 6th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, University of Edinburgh, UK. (PDF version)
Hu, X., Zhang, Y., Chu, S.K.W. & Ke, X. (2016). Towards Personalizing An E-quiz Bank for Primary School Students: An Exploration with Association Rule Mining and Clustering. Paper presented at the 6th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, University of Edinburgh, UK. (Full Text)
Hernandez, E., Chu, S.K.W. & Hong, H. (2015). Victorious Battle - Original Librarian Created Content, Book Battle Provides Educational Value to Public Library Programming through Measurable Outcomes. Paper presented at the 2016 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference, Public Library Association, Florida.
Fong, S.S.M., Chu, S.K.W., Lau, W.W.F., Doherty, I. & Hew, T.K.F. (2015). Incorporating Wiki Technology to Facilitate BSc (Exercise and Health) Students’ Collaborative Learning in a Traditional Research Method and Statistics Course. Paper presented at the 2015 Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education Conference, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Warning, P., Chu, S.K.W. & Yu, W.C.Y. (2015). According to the Perceptions of Ourselves: A Study on How Hong Kong Primary School Teacher-Librarians View Their Roles and Performance. Paper presented at the 44th International Association of School Librarianship 2015 Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Hu, X., Chu, S.K.W. & Ma, Y.H. (2015). Social Network Analysis of Student Wikis for Collaborative Projects. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2015, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Ma, S.M.C., Cheng, W.L.E. &Chu, S.K.W. (2015). Investigating the Use of the Wiki: Test of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2015, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Fong, S.S.M., Chu, S.K.W., Lau, W.W.F., Doherty, I. & Hew, K.F. (2015). Incorporating Wiki Technology to Enhance University Students’ Collaborative Learning in a Traditional Research Method and Statistics Course: A Pilot Study. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2015, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W., Chan, H., Wong, J., Tavernier. M., Wintermeyer, A., Shen, Z., Zhen, Z., Wang, Q.Y., Wang, X.M. & Wu. W. (2015). “Reading Battle” as a Tool to Improve Primary Student’s Reading Habits. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2015, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chu, S. K.W., Kwan, A.C.M., Tam, F., Lee, G.M.Y., Chang.K. & Leung.W. (2015). Examining Young Adolescents’ Knowledge on Safer Sex with Game-based Learning. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2015, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W. (2015). A Quantitative Analysis of University Students’ Use of Social Media for Everyday Life, Informal and Formal Learning. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2015, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W.(2015). Examining University’s Student’s Use of Social Media for Education: A Qualitative Analysis. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2015, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W. (2015). A Participatory Design Approach in Developing Online Collaborative Environments to Scaffold Students’ Inquiry Group Project Work. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2015, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W. (2015). Effective Use of Gamification and Game-based Learning in Education. Paper presented at The International Education and Technology Conference, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W. & Ho, K. W. (2014). Developing Students’ 21st Century Skills with Inquiry Learning, Collaborative Teaching, Social Media and Gamification. Paper presented at the conference “Developing 21st Century Skills with Inquiry Learning”, The University of Teacher Education, Bern, Switzerland.
Wong, W.N.M., Huang, H. & Chu, S.K.W. (2014). Cross-cultural Quality Comparison of Online Health Information for Elderly Care on Yahoo! Answers. Paper presented at the ASIS&T 2014 annual meeting, Seattle, Washington, US. (Full text)
Kwan, A.C.M., Hong, A.W.L., Tam, F., Lee, G.M.Y., Lau, M., Lam, C., Tang, M.T., Yu, P.Y. & Chu, S.K.W. (2014). Enhancing Sexuality Education for Young Adolescents through Serious Gaming. Paper presented at the 8th European Conference on Games Based Learning ECGBL 2014, Berlin. (Full text)
Law, W.W.T., King, R.B., Notari, M., Cheng, E.W.L. & Chu, S.K.W. (2014). Why Do Some Students Become More Engaged in Collaborative Wiki Writing? The Role of Sense of Relatedness. Paper presented at OpenSym 2014, Berlin, Germany. (Full text)
Shu, C., Chu, S.K.W. & Wu, W.W.Y. (2014). Rethinking the Educational Role of School Librarians. Paper presented at the Fifth World Chinese School Librarians’ Forum, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Warning, P., Chu, S.K.W. & Wu, W. (2014). A Decade of Published English Language Research on School Libraries in Hong Kong: A Content-analytic Study. Paper presented at the Fifth World Chinese School Librarians’ Forum, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Law, W.W.T., Du, H., King, R.B. & Chu, S.K.W. (2014). Why Do Some Students Learn Better Than Others in Digital Game Based Learning? The Role of Hope and Social Support. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2014, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Kwan, A.C.M., Chu, S.K.W., Ng, N. & Chan, R.C.H. (2014). Comparing the Use of Blogs and Facebook in Supporting Knowledge Management in Student Placement. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2014, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Siu, F.L.C., Chan, R.C.H., Law, O.K.L. & Chu, S.K.W. (2014). Plagiarism-free Inquiry Learning. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2014, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Lui, W.T.V., Lau, W.W.F. & Chu, S.K.W. (2014). Using Social Media Tools in the Learning and Teaching of General Studies in Primary School: An Inquiry-based Approach. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2014, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Woo, E.M.W. & Chu, S.K.W. (2014). Impact of the Commons Models on Student Learning Behaviours and Outcomes. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2014, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
You, E.F.Y., Poon, K.J.H., Cui, T.X.Z., Chu, S.K.W., Ma, C.S.M. & Cheng, E.W.L. (2014). Impact of Cognitive Development and Training on Students’ Plagiarism Behavior. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2014, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W., Kwan, A.C.M., Reynolds, R., Mellecker, R., Tam, F., Lee, G.M.Y., Hong, A.W.L. & Leung, C.Y. (2014). Promoting Sexuality Education through an Online Interactive Game: Reaching Youngsters without Limits. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2014, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Wu, W.W.Y., Chu, S.K.W., Chan, H., Wong, J., Tse, S.K., Tavares, N.J. & Mok, S.W.S. (2014). Strengthening Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability (both Chinese and English) through Developing Children’s Literature E-quiz Bank on the Cloud. Paper presented at 19th International Education & Technology Conference, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Siu, F.L.C., Chan, R.C.H. & Chu, S.K.W. (2014). Developing Information Literacy among Liberal Studies Students in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W. (2014). Developing 21st Century Skills with Plagiarism-free Inquiry Learning, Collaborative Teaching, Social Media, and Gamification. Paper presented at the Learning and Teaching Expo 2014, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W. (2014). New Roles for School Librarians in the 21st Century. Paper presented at the Fifth World Chinese School Librarians’ Forum, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W. (2014). Examining University Students’ Use of Social Media for Education. Paper presented at the 2014 International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: The New Generation Learners, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W. (2014). Developing Students’ 21st Century Skills with Inquiry Learning: Collaborative Teaching, Social Media, and Gamification. Paper presented at the conference “Developing 21st Century Skills with Inquiry Learning”, University of Teacher Education, Bern, Switzerland.
Chu, S.K.W. (2014). Developing Students’ 21st Century Skills with Inquiry Learning: Collaborative Teaching, Social Media, and Gamification. Paper presented at the 19th International Education and Technology Conference, Hong Kong.
Chan, R.C.H., Chu, S.K.W., Lee, C.W.Y., Chan, B.K.T. & Leung, C.K. (2013). Knowledge Management Using Social Media: A Comparative Study between Blogs and Facebook. Proceedings of the ASIS&T 2013 Annual Meeting. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Full text)
Liu, M., Fan, J., Cheng, X., Chan, K.H., Chu, S.K.W. & Yim, T.H. (2013). Value Added Intellectual Coefficient and Its Impact on Corporate Financial Performance: A Comparative Study between MAKE and Non-MAKE Award Companies. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Knowledge Management, Montreal, Canada.
Hu, X. & Chu, S.K.W. (2013). A Comparison on Using Social Media in a Professional Experience Course. Paper presented at the International Conference on Social Media and Society 2013, Halifax, Canada.
Cheng, E.W.L. & Chu, S.K.W. (2013). Factors Affecting Students’ Intention to Collaborate Online for Their Group Projects. Paper presented at the Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2013, Singapore.
Chu, E.H.Y., Notari, M., Chen, K., Chan, C.K., Chu, S.K.W. & Wu, W.W.Y. (2013). A Triangulated Investigation of Using Wiki for Project-based Learning in Different Undergraduate Disciplines. Paper presented at WikiSym 2013, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Notari, M., Schär, S., Schellenberg, M. & Chu, S.K.W. (2013). Empowering Formative Assessment Using Embedded Web Widgets in Wikis. Paper presented at WikiSym 2013, Hong Kong.
Warning, P., Chan, R.C.H., Ma, B.H.Y., Chu, S.K.W. & Wu, W.W.Y. (2013). The Educational Roles of Primary and Secondary School Teacher-librarians in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 42th International Association of School Librarianship 2013 Conference, Bali, Indonesia. (Full text)
Cheung, K., Leung, C.K. Notari, M. & Chu, S.K.W. (2013). A Comparison on Affordances and Constraints of Wiki for Primary-school and Secondary-school Students’ Group Projects. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2013, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chan, V.S.Y. & Chu, S.K.W. (2013). Wiki-based Collaborative Writing: A Comparative Study on First and Second Language Writings among Chinese Secondary Students. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2013, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Wong, W.N.M., Chu, S.K.W., Hung, G.M.Y. & Huang, H. (2013). Quality Evaluation of Geriatric Health Information on Yahoo! Answers: A Cross-cultural Comparative Study. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2013, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Zheng, Y.P., Liu, Y.Y.L., Chu, S.K.W. & Huang, H. (2013). Interaction between Librarians and Library Users on Twitter and Weibo. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2013, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Wong, C.C.J. & Chu, S.K.W. (2013). New Literacies and Transformative Learning Environments. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2013, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chan, R.C.H., Lee, C.W.Y. Chan, B., Leung, C.K. & Chu, S.K.W. (2013). The Application of Blogs and Facebook in Scaffolding the Internship Learning Process. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2013, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.(Full text)
Chau, K.L.C., Kan, C.Y.J., Wong, C.M.J., Siu, F.L.C., Chu, S.K.W. & Law, J. (2013). Effective Use of Facebook on Knowledge Transfer in a Professional Experience Internship: A Case-based Approach to Analyze Influencing Factors. Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2013, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Siqin, T., van Aalst, J. & Chu, S.K.W. (2013). Examining Dynamics of Implementing Flexible Group Discourse in a Principle-based CSCL Environment. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2013), America, Jun 2013. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Rajagopal, S., Wan, W.W.T. & Yeung, K.M. (2012). Using Social Media to Enhance Inclusion and Outreach by Libraries. Paper presented at The 4th International Conference on Libraries, Information and Society (ICoLIS) 2012, Malaysia. (Full text)
Chen, D.Y.T., Chu, S.K.W. & Xu, S.Q. (2012). How Do Libraries Use Social Networking Sites to Interact with Users? Paper presented at 2012 ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, October 26-30, 2012. (Full text)
Chu, C.B.L., Yeung, A.H.W. & Chu, S.K.W. (2012). Assessment of Students’ Information Literacy: A Case Study of a Secondary School in Hong Kong. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2012, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Yeung, A.H.W., Chu, C.B.L. & Chu, S.K.W. (2012). Explore the Behavior of Plagiarism at the Secondary School Level in Hong Kong. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2012, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Lee, C.W.Y. & Chu, S.K.W. (2012). Inquiry Project-based Learning and Web 2.0 Technologies: 21st Century Skills Education. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2012, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Tavares, N. & Chu, S.K.W. (2012). Experimenting with English Collaborative Writing on Google Sites. Paper presented at CSEDU 2012 - 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Porto, Portugal. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W. & King, R.B. (2012). Affordances and Constraints of Wiki for Collaborative Learning. Paper presented at 2012 AERA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Cheng, E. & King, R.B. (2012). Effectiveness of the Wiki Technology in Facilitating Group Projects Undertaken by Secondary Students. Paper presented at the University of Oxford STORIES Department of Education Conference. The University of Oxford, UK. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Lee, T.L. & King, R.B. (2012). Writing with Others in Wiki: An Investigation of Student Collaborative Writing in English among Chinese Secondary Students. DGI-Conference 2012 on Social Media and Web Science, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Siu, F.L.C., Chu, S.K.W. & Wong, R.L.Y. (2012). Scaffolding Students’ Values and Attitudes Development in General Studies through Online Inquiry Project-based Learning. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2011, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W. (2012). Using Social Media to Enhance Inclusion and Outreach by Libraries. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Libraries, Information and Society (ICoLIS) 2012, Malaysia. (Full text)
Siu, F., Chu, S.K.W., Li, W.Z. & Tavares, N. (2011). Using Online Self Reflection on Google Sites to Enhance the Development of Personal and Social Values and Attitudes in Inquiry Project Based Learning. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2011, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W., Chin, Y.M., Wong, C.Y., Chan, I.H.Y., Lee, C.W.Y., Wu, W.W.Y. & Pun. B.L.F. (2011). Using Google Sites in Collaborative Inquiry Project-based Learning at Secondary School Level. Paper presented at 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Yau, G.Y.C, Chu, S.K.W., Chiu, M.M.L. & Ting, K.K.K. (2011). Development of Doctoral Students’ Information Literacy: Applying Kuhlthau’s ISP into Doctoral Students’ Information Search. Paper presented at CITE Symposium 2011, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Wong, K., Lee, C., Chow, K. & Ng, J. (2011). Inquiry Project-based Learning with Wiki at Primary Five Level. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2011, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Tavares, N., Chu, S.K.W. & Weng, M. (2011). Experimenting with English Collaborative Writing on Google Sites. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2011, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Cheung, H., Chu, S.K.W., Fong, N., Wong, P.T.Y. & Fung, D. (2011). Developing Multiple Literacies for BSc Information Management Students. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2011, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Li, X., Chu, S.K.W. & Woo, M. (2011). Students and Teacher’s Attitudes and Perceptions toward a Wiki-based Collaborative Process Pedagogy in a Primary Five Chinese Classroom. Paper presented to CITE Research Symposium 2011, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Leung, C.K. & Lee, W.Y. (2011). Affordances and Constraints of Using Google Sites in a Local Secondary School Setting. Paper presented at the International Conference on Addressing Student Learning Diversity 2011, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Fu, O.H., Chu, S.K.W. & Kang, W.X. (2011). The Affordances of Wiki for Primary-school Students’ Group Project Work. Paper presented at the International Conference on Addressing Student Learning Diversity in Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Ting, K.K.K., Chu, S.K.W., Chiu, M.M.L. & Yau, G.Y.C. (2011). Doctoral Students’ Development in Information Literacy. Paper presented at CITE Symposium 2011, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Wu, W., Chan, K.H. & Fu, O. (2011). The Relationship between Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital in Listed Companies of Mainland China. Paper presented at ICICKM 2011, Bangkok Thailand.
Chiu, M.M.L., Chu, S.K.W., Ting, K.K.K. & Yau, G.Y.C. (2011). A Novice-expert Comparison in Information Search. Paper presented at CITE Symposium 2011, Hong Kong.
Chen, D.Y.T., Maxwell, W., Chu, S.K.W., Li, W.Z.S. & Tang, L.L.C. (2011). Interaction between Libraries and Library Users on Facebook. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2011, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Law, H.C., Chu, S.K.W., Siu F., Pun, B. & Lei, H. (2011). Challenges of Using Google Sites in Education and How Students Perceive Using It. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2011, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
余澤濤、方志新、郭惠娟、羅詩敏、朱啟華、葉珈甄(2011)。研究匯報:利用Google Sites在常識科進行協作式專題研習。 優質教育基金研究計劃研討會。香港:香港大學教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心。(Full text)
Feng, D., Chu, S.K.W., Zhou, M., Zhao, B. & Chin, Y.K. (2011). Using a Social Bookmarking Tool for Group Project Work Online. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2011, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Zhao, B., Zhou, M., Chu, S.K.W., Feng, D. & Chin, Y.K. (2011). Supporting Secondary School Students’ Group Project Works with the Wiki. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2011, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W. & Chan, C.K.K. (2011). Blogging as a Learning Support during Internship. Paper presented at 2011 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S. (Full text)
Chow, K., Chu, S.K.W., Tavares, N. & Siu, F. (2011). Teachers as researchers and the development of teacher professionalism. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2011, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W. (2010). Applications of Social Networking Tools in Libraries. Paper presented at the Annual conference of International Federation of Library Associations / IFLA (Asia Oceania Section), Gothenburg, Sweden. (Full text)
Yu, K.Y., Ng, H.T., Wong, W.K., Chu, S.K.W. & Chan, K.H. (2010). An Empirical Study of the Impact of Intellectual Capital Performance on Business Performance. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Fong, N. & Tan, S.Y. (2010). Applying Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning Framework in the BSc Information Management Program in the Faculty of Education. Paper presented at Enhancing Learning Experiences in Higher Education: International Conference, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, D., Chu, S.K.W., Tavares, N., Siu, F., Chow, K. & Ho, S.Y. (2010). Media Awareness in the Age of New Media: A Case Study of Primary 4 Students in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the American Society for Information Science and Technology 2010 Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. (Full text)
Chow, K., Chu, S.K.W., Tavares, N., Siu, F., Chu, D., & Ho, S.Y. (2010). An Emerging Role of Teacher-researchers in Hong Kong through a School-University Collaborative Research Project. Paper presented at the 2nd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S. K.W. (2010). A Journey of Teaching and Learning with Wikis. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM2010). Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (Full text)
Woo, M., Chu, S.K.W. & Li, X. (2010). Tracing Peer Feedback to Revision Process in a Wiki Supported Collaborative Writing. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education 2010, Osaka, Japan. (Full text)
Li, X., Chu, S.K.W., Ki, W.W. & Woo, M. (2010). Students and Teacher’s Attitudes and Perceptions toward Collaborative Writing with Wiki in a Primary Four Chinese Classroom. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference “ICT for Language Learning”, Florence, Italy. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Cheung, H.S.C., Hui, J.S.C., Chan, R.L.S. & Man, K.S.Y. (2010). Applications of Social Networking Tools in Libraries. Paper presented at the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Gorman, G.E. & Du, H.S. (2010). Social Bookmarking: An Empirical Analysis of Connotea Users’ Perspectives. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2010, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Choi, S.T.P., Chu, S.K.W., Cheng, M.M.Y., Koo, P.L.H., Leung, D.W. & Fung, S.M.H. (2009). Applying Web 2.0 in Medical-Related Organizations. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Knowledge Management [CD-ROM], Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Chow, K. & Tse, S.K. (2009). The Development of Students’ Information Literacy and IT Skills via Inquiry PBL and Collaborative Teaching. Proceedings of the 2009 ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Mak, M.Y.K. & Wong, P.T.Y. (2009, November). WiseNews Database for Upper Primary Students and Teachers? Paper presented at International Conference on Primary Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Malhotra, N., Ho, I., Leung, D. & Mo, J. (2009). Using Blogs to Support Information, Knowledge Sharing, and Provide Emotional Support during Internship. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Knowledge Management [CD-ROM], Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Kennedy, D. & Mak, M. (2009). MediaWiki and Google Docs as Online Collaboration Tools for Group Project Co-construction. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Knowledge Management [CD-ROM], Hong Kong. (Full text)
Du, H., Chu, S.K.W. & Lam, F. (2009). Social Bookmarking and Tagging Behavior: An Empirical Analysis on Delicious and Connotea. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Knowledge Management [CD-ROM], Hong Kong. (Full text)
Kwan, A., Chu, S.K.W., Tiwari, A., Zhou, A., Leung, D. & Mo, J. (2009). Using Blogs to Support Internship for Information Management and Nursing Students. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Knowledge Management [CD-ROM], Hong Kong. (Full text)
Liang, M., Chu, S.K.W., Siu, F. & Zhou, A. (2009). Comparing User Experiences in Using Twiki & Mediawiki to Facilitate Collaborative Learning. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Knowledge Management [CD-ROM], Hong Kong. (Full text)
Leung, K. & Chu, S.K.W. (2009). Using Wikis for Collaborative Learning: A Case Study of an Undergraduate Students’ Group Project in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management 2009, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Available at http://www.ickm2009.org/snews/upload/ickm_2009 (Full text)
Warning, P., Chu, S.K.W. & Kwan, A.C.M. (2009). Information Seeking and Stopping among Undergraduate Interns. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Knowledge Management [CD-ROM], Hong Kong. (Full text)
Wong, J., Chu, S.K.W., Tiwari, A., Fung, S. & Mo, J. (2009). The Use of Blog to Facilitate Clinical Learning during Practicum among Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Preliminary Study. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Knowledge Management [CD-ROM], Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Chan, Y.L., Kwong, T.W., Pang, H.W. & Yuen, S.N. (2008). A Survey of Using Wikis in Academic Libraries in Different Countries. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management, Columbus, Ohio.
Ip, K., Chu, S.K.W. & Sit, D.K.N. (2008). Primary Students’ Reading Habits of Printed and E-books. Paper presented at the 2008 IASL Conference [CD-ROM], University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Tse, S. K., Loh, E. K. Y., Chow, K., Fung, H. F. & Ng, H. W. R. (2008). Primary Four Students’ Reading Ability through Inquiry-based Learning Projects. Paper presented at the 2008 IASL Conference [CD-ROM], University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA. (Full text)
Chow, K.C.K., Chu, S.K.W., Ng, S.H., Fong, J.C.S., Kwan, W.Y. & Leung, A.A.T. (2007). WiseNews Database for Primary 4 Inquiry-based Learning Projects? Paper presented at the Conference on Integrated Learning, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Chow, K., Yim, Y.F., Chow, J., Ha, N. & Fung, H.F. (2007). Primary Four Students' Development of Writing Ability through Inquiry-based Learning Projects. Paper presented at the Conference on Integrated Learning, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Chow, K., Luk, W.Y., Cheung, K. & Sit, D.K.N. (2007). The Development of Primary Four Students' Information Literacy and Information Technology Skills. Paper presented at the Conference on Integrated Learning, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Lo, C., Chow, K., Mak, M., Ho, E. & Tsang, A. (2007). Primary Four Students' Development of Research Skills through Inquiry-based Learning Projects. Paper presented at the World Association of Lesson Studies International Conference 2007, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. Available at http://www.ied.edu.hk/wals/website/resources/wals07/parallel/040-2.pdf (Full text)
Lo, C. & Chu, S.K.W. (2007). A Tale of Two Wikis: TWiki and Wikibooks. Paper presented at the Conference on Integrated Learning, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Tang, Q, Chow, K. & Tse, S.K. (2007). A Study on Inquiry-based Learning in a Primary School through Librarian-Teacher Partnerships. Paper presented at the 2007 IASL Conference [CD-ROM], National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W. (2001). Quality Assurance for Online Tutorials. Proceedings of the Teaching and Learning Symposium, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, p. 207-215. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W. (1999). Librarians as Marketing Managers: Applying Marketing Principles to the Management of Library Instruction Programs. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Special Libraries Association, Minneapolis, MN, p. 90-105. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W. (1997). Extel: An International Stock Database for Academic Libraries? Proceedings of the International Online Information Meeting, London, UK, p. 119-137. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W. (1995). Difficulties That May Be Encountered by Students in Searching the Dow Jones News/ Retrieval Database and the UMI ProQuest Full-image Databases. Proceedings of the International Online Information Meeting, London, UK, p. 81-100. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W. (1995). Dow Jones versus LEXIS-NEXIS: A Comparison of Two Online Databases. Proceedings of the Asian Information Meeting, Hong Kong, p. 243-254. (Full text)

Story books

Tsang, H.K., Chu, S., Ford, J. & Tavares, N. (2018). 怪物 Monster. Storyjumper.com (URL: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/**/5b080908dba03#)
Tang, C.Y., Chu, S., Ford, J. & Tavares, N. (2018). The Adventure of a Monkey. Storyjumper.com (URL: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/**/5ab9ed851ec40)
Chung, P.T., Chu, S., Ford, J. & Tavares, N. (2018). 小金魚大冒險The Little Goldfish’s Adventure. Storyjumper.com (URL: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/**/5b03cba127faf)
Leung, K., Chu, S., Ford, J. & Tavares, N. (2018). Lily The Little Girl. Storyjumper.com (URL: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/**/Lily-the-Little-Girl#)
Chung, P.C., Chu, S., Ford, J. & Tavares, N. (2018). 腦先生和手小姐 Mr. Brain and Ms. Hand. Storyjumper.com (URL: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/**/5b065a1fcbef8)
Tse, H.T., Chan, H., Chu, S., Ford, J. & Tavares, N. (2018). My Birthday. Storyjumper.com (URL: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/**/5a5406d540d1a)
Li, H.C., Chan, H., Chu, S. & Ford, J. (2018). The Tortoises’ Adventure. Storyjumper.com (URL: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/**/5a54074ba0ba1)
Tang, H.K.K., Chan, H., Chu, S. & Ford, J. (2018). My Ninth Birthday. Storyjumper.com (URL: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/**/5b07c3a623231#)
Mak, E., Chan, H., Chu, S. & Ford, J. (2018). The Fairy Tale Shuffle. Storyjumper.com (URL: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/**/5b0fc49ebefd8)
Pang, S.L., Chan, H., Chu, S., Ford, J. & Tavares, N. (2018). 六年級的快樂事件簿A Record of Joy from a Sixth Grader.Storyjumper.com (URL: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/**/A-Record-of-Joy-from-a-Sixth-Grader)
Law, C.C., Chan, H., Chu, S., Ford, J. & Tavares, N. (2018). Why do I have to clean my room 為什麼我要去清理我的房間. Storyjumper.com (URL: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/**/5a**b7a)
Lee, C.M., Chan, H., Chu, S., Ford, J. & Tavares, N. (2018). All about me. Storyjumper.com (URL: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/**/All-About-Me#)
Ng, H.C., Chan, H., Chu, S., Ford, J. & Tavares, N. (2018). 我的祕密基地 My Secret Base. Storyjumper.com (URL: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/**/My-secret-base)
Lau, H.C.C., Chan, H., Chu, S. & Ford, J. (2018). 大熊和小龍在玩具店一次奇異經歷. Storyjumper.com (URL: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/**/5ac9dede2fc45)
Chu, S. & Sullivan, M. (2008). My Pet Hamsters. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited, Longman Hong Kong Education. ISBN 978-988-00-2473-3.
Chu, S. & Sullivan, M. (2008). Let's Make a Zoo. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited, Longman Hong Kong Education. ISBN 978-988-00-2476-4.
Chu, S. & Sullivan, M. (2008). Train with NoWheels! Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited, Longman Hong Kong Education. ISBN 978-988-00-2475-7.
Chu, S. & Sullivan, M. (2008). The Chocolate Boy. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited,
Longman Hong Kong Education. ISBN 978-988-00-2474-0.
Sullivan, M. & Chu, S. (2008). Music is Everywhere. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited,
Longman Hong Kong Education. ISBN 978-988-00-2469-6.
Sullivan, M. & Chu, S. (2008). Let's Go. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited, Longman
Hong Kong Education. ISBN 978-988-00-2472-6.
Sullivan, M. & Chu, S. (2008). Too Many Kites. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited, Longman Hong Kong Education. ISBN 978-988-00-2470-2.
Sullivan, M. & Chu, S. (2008). A Scary Day. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited, Longman Hong Kong Education. ISBN 978-988-00-2471-9.
Available at: Hong Kong Book CityorCommercial Press
(If the above links don't work, try searching Sam Chu as author at the bookstores' website.)

Story books (Multimedia)

Chu, S. & Sullivan, M. (2008). My Pet Hamsters. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education. [Audio CD ISBN 978-988-00-2594-5], [VCD-ROM ISBN 978-988-00-2586-0].
Chu, S. & Sullivan, M. (2008). Let's Make a Zoo. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education. [Audio CD ISBN 978-988-00-2597-6], [VCD-ROM ISBN 978-988-00-2589-1].
Chu, S. & Sullivan, M. (2008). The Train with No Wheels. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education. [Audio CD ISBN 978-988-00-2596-9], [VCD-ROM ISBN 978-988-00-2588-4].
Chu, S. & Sullivan, M. (2008). The Chocolate Boy. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education. [Audio CD ISBN 978-988-00-2595-2], [VCD-ROM ISBN 978-988-00-2587-7].
Sullivan, M. & Chu, S. (2008). Music is Everywhere. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education. [Audio CD ISBN 978-988-00-2590-7], [VCD-ROM ISBN 978-988-00-2582-2].
Sullivan, M. & Chu, S. (2008). Let's Go. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education [Audio CD ISBN 978-988-00-2593-8], [VCD-ROM ISBN 978-988-00-2585-3].
Sullivan, M. & Chu, S. (2008). Too Many Kites. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education. [Audio CD ISBN 978-988-00-2591-4], [VCD-ROM ISBN 978-988-00-2583-9].
Sullivan, M. & Chu, S. (2008). A Scary Day. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education. [Audio CD ISBN 978-988-00-2592-1], [VCD-ROM ISBN 978-988-00-2584-6].

Teaching guides

朱啟華、何洵怡、周志堅、朱順慈、蕭勵中及麥若琪 (2010)。探究式學習教師手冊:小四常識科專題研習。香港:香港大學教育學院教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心。
朱啟華、Nicole Tavares、蕭勵中、周志堅、何洵怡及蔡國滔 (2010)。探究式學習教師手冊:小五常識科專題研習及英文科協同寫作。香港大學教育學院教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心。(Full Text)
朱啟華、羅晧章、蔡國滔、麥若琪及潘樂輝(2010)。Google Sites 使用手冊。香港:香港大學教育學院教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心。(Full Text)
Chu, S. & Sullivan, M. (2008). My Pet Hamsters. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education. [Teacher’s Guides]. ISBN 978-988-00-2569-3. (Simplified Chinese Text)
Chu, S. & Sullivan, M. (2008). Let's Make a Zoo. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education. [Teacher’s Guides]. ISBN 978-988-00-2573-0.(Simplified Chinese Text)
Chu, S. & Sullivan, M. (2008). The Train with No Wheels. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education. [Teacher’s Guides]. ISBN 978-988-00-2572-3.(Simplified Chinese Text)
Chu, S. & Sullivan, M. (2008). The Chocolate Boy. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education. [Teacher’s Guides]. ISBN 978-988-00-2571-6. (Simplified Chinese Text)
Sullivan, M. & Chu, S. (2008). Music is Everywhere. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education. [Teacher’s Guides]. ISBN 978-988-00-2566-2.(Simplified Chinese Text)
Sullivan, M. & Chu, S. (2008). Let's Go. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education. [Teacher’s Guides]. ISBN 978-988-00-2570-9.(Simplified Chinese Text)
Sullivan, M. & Chu, S. (2008). Too Many Kites. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education. [Teacher’s Guides]. ISBN 978-988-00-2567-9.(Simplified Chinese Text)
Sullivan, M. & Chu, S. (2008). A Scary Day. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited / Longman Hong Kong Education. [Teacher’s Guides]. ISBN 978-988-00-2568-6.(Simplified Chinese Text)

All other outputs

Chu, S.K.W. (2016). Network on Education Quality Monitoring in the Asia-Pacific Comparative Study on Assessment of Transversal (or 21st Century) Skills/Competencies (HK), The University of Hong Kong. (Consultancy project for UNESCO)
Hui, L.C.K., Shum, K.H., Yeung, C.Y., Chu, S.K.W., Chan, T.Y., Kuo, Y.N. & Ng, Y.L. (2016). A Mobile App Platform for Discovering Learning Profiles and Analytics. HKU CS Technical Report TR-2015-08.
朱啟華、汪寧彼德、胡慧瑜 (2011)。推動閱讀,提升資訊素養:學校圖書館示例。香港:香港大學教育學院教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心。(香港教育局顧問研究專案)(Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Warning, P. & Wu, W. (2011). Fostering the culture of reading and enhancing information literacy: Exemplars of school libraries. Hong Kong: Centre for Information Technology in Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. (Consultancy project for Education Bureau, HKSAR) (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W., Warning, P. & Wu, W. (2011). Technical Report: Evaluation Study on the Roles of Teacher-librarians in Public Sector Schools. Hong Kong: Centre for Information Technology in Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. (Consultancy project for Education Bureau, HKSAR)
羅詩敏、朱啟華、鍾秀婷、許文俊、郭惠娟、張惠卿、余澤濤 (2010)。研究匯報:透過探究式學習改善小四學生的中文讀寫能力。 優質教育基金研究計劃研討會。香港:香港大學教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心。(Full text)
謝錦玉、朱啟華、胡詠恒、潘樂輝、袁樂彤、嚴儲文 (2010)。長洲聖心學校協作探究式專題研習(IPjBL)的進程分享。優質教育基金研究計劃研討會。香港:香港大學教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心。(Full text)
Fong, C.S., Chu, S.K.W., Tsang, G.W.K. & Mak, M.Y.K. (2010).How Web 2.0 Enhances Collaborative Teaching: the Experience of Canossa Primary School. Paper presented atthe Quality Education Fund Project Seminar: Sharing the Experience, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Hui, O.S.,Chu, S.K.W., Mak, Y.K., Yim, C., Pun L.F. & Liu, T. (2010).The Roles of Teacher Librarians in Collaborative Inquiry Project-based Learning.Paper presented atthe Quality Education Fund Project Seminar: Sharing the Experience, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Law, H.C., Chu, S.K.W., Pun, L.F. & Lei, H. (2010). The Role of Information Technology in Collaborative Inquiry Project-based Learning. Paper presentedat the Quality Education Fund Project Seminar: Sharing the Experience, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Full text)
Chu, S.K.W. (2009). Managing Knowledge for Global and Collaborative Innovations. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Knowledge Management & 2009 International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences [CD-ROM], Hong Kong.

University / Professional / Community Services

Selected University Services
University Level

Member of Committee for the Selection of Wardens and Hall Tutors

A budget holder of Hall Education Development Project

2013 -Present
Task Force on the Impact of Hall Education

Co-chair for Working group on Cambridge University educational tour

Warden of Swire Hall

Member of Committee on Catering

Faculty Level

FREC delegate for MSc(ITE) program

Internal Examiner for MSc (Library and Information Management)

Internal Examiner for PhD and EdD theses

Internal Examiner for BSc (Information Management) Committee

Internal Examiner for EdD Committee

Reviewer for application for Phd and EdD programmes in Education

Deputy Director for Centre for Information Technology for Education (CITE)

CITE Management Committee

Head of the Division of Information & Technology Studies

Member for the Faculty Research Ethics Committee for MScLIM projects

Academic Adviser, BSc[Information Management]

Chief Examiner, MSc[Library & Info Management] Committee

Program Director, MSc[Library & Info Management]

Chair, MSc[IT in Education / Library & Info Mgmt.] Committee

Program Director, MSc[IT in Education / Library & Info Management]

Alternative Member for I&TS Division in the Faculty Research Ethics Committee

Member for the Faculty Research Ethics Committee for BScIM projects

Acting Programme Director, BSc[Information Management]

Internal Examiner, BSc[Information Management] Committee

Member, Working Group on Information Day for UG Admissions

Programme Director, BSc[Information Management]

Chair & Chief Examiner, BSc[Information Management] Committee

Member, Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee

Member & Internal Examiner, MSc [ IT in Education / Library & Information Management ] Committee

Selected Professional Service
Journal Editorship

From 2019
Co-Editor for Information and Learning Sciences

From 2018
Incoming Editor for Information and Learning Sciences

Managing Editor for Journal of Information & Knowledge Management

Editorial Board Member for Library & Information Science Research

Editorial Board Member for School Libraries Worldwide

Associate Editor - Asia for Online Information Review: The International Journal of Digital Information Research and Use

Regional Editor for Asia for Journal of Information & Knowledge Management

Editorial Board Member for Online Information Review

Special Issue Editor for Journal of Global Information Management

Reviewer of journals / conferences / book & book chapters / research, project & book proposals

Reviewer for the following journals:

International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning

Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology

Library & Information Science Research

Computers & Education

Online Information Review

Journal of Information & Knowledge Management

Studies in Educational Evaluation

Information, Technology and Educational Change

Reviewer for the following conferences:

The 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management

The 8th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium, American Society for Information Science and Technology 2012 Annual Meeting, USA

CITE Research Symposium

The 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

The 18th International Conference on Computers in Education, Malaysia

The 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management & Knowledge Technologies, Messe Congress Graz, Austria

The 7th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning, Hong Kong

Reviewer for books & book chapters:

The new digital shoreline: How Web 2.0 and Millennials are revolutionizing higher education, by Roger McHaney

How to use a wiki in primary education to support collaborative learning processes in The WIKI Way of learning

Reviewer for research, project & book proposals:

Teaching Development Grant Proposals, Faculty of Education, HKU

Quality Education Fund Proposals

A book proposal titled Seamless Learning in the Age of Mobile Connectivity (Springer Science)

A book proposal titled Managing Organizational Knowledge: A project-centric approach to Knowledge Management for Taylor & Francis Group (CRC Press)

A proposal of Dutch Programme Council for Educational Research (PROO)

Conference organization

Paper Co-chair at ASIS&T 2017 Annual Meeting

Mar 2017
Organizer for Symposium on Research Design, Paper Writing & Publishing in Information Science

Apr 2016
Co-organizer for The 25th International Education and Technology Conference, Hong Kong

Feb 2015
Organizer for UIUC GSLIS – HKU Data Curation Spring Institute

Committee Member for The 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management

Co-organizer for The Fifth World Chinese School Librarians’ Forum

Committee member forthe 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM 2014)

Committee Member for the 17th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2013), C8: Digital Technology, Innovation, and Education

Technical Program Committee Member for International Conference on Knowledge Management, Information and Knowledge Systems (KMIKS 2013)

Standing Committee & Programme Committee Member for European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL)

Standing Committee & Programme Committee Member for International Information Literacy Conference (IILS 2012)

Technical Program Committee Member for International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS)

Conference Co-Chair for International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM2011)

Committee Member for the 8th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning (ICICKM 2011)

Conference Executive Committee Member for the 7th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning

Session Chair for Enhancing Learning Experiences in Higher Education: International Conference

Conference Co-Chair for International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM2010)

Conference Co-Chair (Academic) for International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM2009)

Session Chair for International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM2008)

Track Chair (Knowledge Management and Information Science) for CITE Research Symposium

2006-2007, 2011, 2013-2017
Organizing Committee Member of CITE Research Symposium


Member of the Humanities and Social Sciences Panel of the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong

Member of the Curriculum Development Council Committee on Learning Resources & Support Services

Chair of ASIS&T Asia-Pacific Chapter

Acting Co-Chair of ASIS&T Asia-Pacific Chapter

Member of the Program Committee at 81st ASIS&T Annual Meeting

Jul 2016
Jury member of ASIST Doctoral Dissertation Proposal

From 2015
Publications Committee member of ASIST

Research team member for IASL Research SIG – Research Team

Assessor for the academic qualification of a scholar in the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)

Academic Advisor for the Diploma of Teacher Librarianship Programs offered by School of Professional and Continuing Education of the University of Hong Kong

Committee Member for the Bachelor of Education (Library Studies) the University of Hong Kong

Selected Community Service
Adviser, Hong Kong Association of Deputy Principals

Independent Member of School Management Committee of Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School

Member of Judging Panel for Budding Teachers Election 2016 教壇新秀2016 微教學短片比賽(第二屆), Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers

Consultant for Pearson Education Asia on English and Chinese preschool textbook series

2011, 2013
Adjudicator of the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) and Hong Kong Teacher-Librarians’ Association (HKTLA) Award 2011

Member of the Assessment Panel on Information Technology in Education [AP(ITE)], Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence (2011/2012)

Consultant as a knowledge management expert for an MBA course at Westminster College, U.S.A.

Member of the Judging Panel for the Outstanding KM Project Award 2010, organized by the Knowledge Management Research Centre (KMRC), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

2009, 2011, 2014
Member of the Judging Panel of the 2009, 2011 & 2014 Hong Kong Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise Award

Consultant for the Pui Kiu College in reviewing its library

Member of the Judging Panel of the 2007 and 2008 Longman Pre-school English Drama Competition

Honorary Adviser of Longman Early Childhood Education Research Centre

Coordinator for Knowledge Management Diploma Program, Knowledge Management Development Centre

Council Member for the Hong Kong Library Association (Minutes Secretary and Academic Libraries Liaison Officer)

NPAC Resources Centre Director / Consultant

Selected Knowledge Exchange Activities (targeting at non-academic audiences)
Jun 2018
An education seminar titled “Maximising the educational opportunities for students for the 4th Industrial Revolution” was presented to 30 educators.

Jun 2017
An education seminar titled “快速轉變中的資訊科技和中、小學教育”presented to 30 undergraduate students from the School of Marxism in Shanghai at The University of Hong Kong.

May 2017
A talk titled “eLearning/IT and educational research”, presented for CIOs from Taiwan universities at The University of Hong Kong.

Jan 2017
An online news column called 至fun閱讀 (URL: OhPaMa) was set up to share my (and my teammates') knowledge on reading

Apr 2016
A talk titled “Boosting learning motivation with technology”, presented for kindergarten educators at Teacher's professional development workshop - Motivating Early Experience in English organized by Pearson Longman.

Feb 2016
A workshop titled “Enhancing Liberal Studies Group Projects with
Information Literacy, UPCC & Learning Analytics” for students in Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School.

Dec 2015
A staff development workshop titled “Making learning fun, personalized & effective with gamification & game-based learning” for teachers of Marymount Primary School.

May 2015
A book talk titled “電子學習: 電子資源、電子書、電子測驗”was presented to students and parents from Primary 4-6 in Hing Tak School.

April 2015
A book talk on Super Mice Series and the Reading Battle was presented to students from Primary 1-3 in Hing Tak School.

Apr 2015
A book talk on My Pet Hamsters and the Reading Battle was presented to students from Primary 1-3 in Lam Tin Methodist Primary School.

Apr 2015
A book talk titled “資訊素養培育:電子學習計劃” was presented to students, parents and teachers from Primary 4-6 in Lam Tin Methodist Primary School.

Apr 2015
A workshop titled “Developing 21st Century skills with plagiarism-free inquiry learning using wiki, citation and originally check software” was presented to teachers, librarians and educators in The International Education and Technology Conference in Hong Kong

Apr 2015
A workshop titled “Sex education with game-based learning” was presented to teachers, librarians and educators in The International Education and Technology Conference in Hong Kong.

Apr 2015
A workshop titled “Developing students’ reading interest and ability with Reading Battle, an e-quiz learning platform” was presented to teachers, librarians and educators in The International Education and Technology Conference in Hong Kong.

Sep 2014
A talk titled“Plagiarism-free inquiry learning with wiki, citation and originality check software” was presented to teachers and school librarians at the PAOC Ka Chi Secondary School in Hong Kong.

Jul 2014
A dissemination symposium on a QEF Project titled “Reading Battle” was presented to teachers, librarians, parents and students.

Jun 2014 A workshop titled “Plagiarism-free inquiry learning with wiki, citation and originality check software” was presented to teacher-librarians in the Fifth World Chinese School Librarians’ Forum in Hong Kong.

Jun 2014 A workshop was presented to teachers in the Fifth Teacher Network Meeting organized by the Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau on Enhancing the Interface between Integrated Curriculum at JS PSHE KLA and Liberal Studies (S4-6) through Project Learning.

Jun 2014 A workshop titled “Strengthening students’ reading comprehension ability (both Chinese and English) through developing children’s literature e-quiz bank on cloud” was presented in the CITE Research Symposium 2014 in Hong Kong.

Jun 2014 A workshop titled “Plagiarism-free inquiry learning” was presented in the CITE Research Symposium 2014 in Hong Kong.

Jun 2014 A workshop titled “Developing information literacy and reading skills in the 21st century” was presented to the educators at the University of Teacher Education in Switzerland.

Apr 2014 A workshop titled “Using wiki to enhance students' collaborative group work and English co-writing” was presented in the 19th International Education & Technology Conference in Hong Kong.

Feb 2014
RTHK (Radio Television Hong Kong) – 卓越教室
(08:00 & 35:20 at http://outstandingteachers.etvonline.tv/s2_epi03.html)

Aug 2013 A workshop titled “Using wiki to enhance students' collaborative group work and English co-writing” was presented to secondary school teachers and librarians in Taiwan.

Aug 2013
A workshop titled “Using wiki to enhance students' collaborative group work and English co-writing” was presented to primary school teachers and librarians in Taiwan.

Aug 2013
A workshop titled “Social Media to Enhance Teaching and Learning” was presented to professionals in IT in Education at National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.

Aug 2013
A workshop titled “如何使用不同的社交媒體強化館內與館外的服” was presented to librarians.

Jun 2013
A whole day workshop titled “An Intermediate Course for Web 2.0 in School Library” was presented to teachers and librarians for the EDB Curriculum Development Institute in Hong Kong.

Feb 2013
A workshop titled “Using wiki to facilitate students' group project work and English co-writing” was presented to teachers and educators in Germany.

Dec 2012
A whole day workshop consisting of 4 talks titled “Social Media for Higher Education”, “How Do Libraries Use Social Networking Sites to Interact with Users”, “Maximizing the Benefits of Outcome Based Learning”, and “Research Students’ Development in Information Search Expertise” was presented to HKUST librarians and staff.

Nov 2012
A whole day workshop on “social media and inclusion by libraries” for conference participants in Malaysia.

Nov 2012
Co-organized an event titled “Knowledge Exchange on Education using Information Technologies between Switzerland and Hong Kong” with Dr. Michele Notari from Switzerland.

Jun 2012
A whole day workshop titled “An Intermediate Course for Web 2.0 in School Library” was presented to teachers and librarians for the EDB Curriculum Development Institute in Hong Kong.

Summer 2011
A talk was presented to KM professionals and teachers at the KM in Education seminar held by the Knowledge Management Research Center, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Spring 2010
My knowledge management course was showcased on television through a RTHK (Radio Television Hong Kong) programme on digital revolution in teaching and learning.

Keynote Speeches and lectures in conferences

With funding
Chu, S.K.W. (June 2019). 大湾区的研究人员、企业家以及投资者如何合作并发展价值数十亿的EDTECH产业? 廣東省系統工程學會年會, FoShan, Guangdong, Mainland China.
Chu, S.K.W. (Apr 2019). 小學模式下的遊戲化教學. 全国小学语文前沿课堂统编教材教学观摩研训会, Nanning, Guangxi, Mainland China.
Chu, S.K.W. (Dec 2018). 如何推動粵港澳大灣區青年創業人才交流和人才深度合作的發展. 粤港澳大湾区人才创业论坛方案, Dongguan, Mainland China.
Chu, S.K.W. (Dec 2018). How to induce and measure long-term benefits in gamified learning?. ICGBL 2018 The 3rd International Conference on Game-based Learning, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W. (Nov 2018). Education skills and competencies, teaching and learning needed as a response to 4th Industrial Revolution. 2018 International Conference on Looking toward Education 4.0 - Smart school imagination and construction, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.

Chu, S.K.W. (Sep 2017). Curriculum and teaching strategies for the 4th Industrial Revolution. 2017 UNESCO-KEDI Asia-Pacific Regional Policy Seminar, Holiday Inn Sukhumvit 22, Bangkok, Thailand.
Chu, S.K.W. (Feb 2017). Gamification, Data and Learning. International Conference on Research and Practices in Education (ICRPE) 2017, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Chu, S.K.W. (Dec 2016). Gamification, data and learning, Data, Innovation, Social Network and Convergence (DISC) 2016, Daegu, South Korea.
Chu, S.K.W. (Apr 2016). Trends, Challenges and Strategies in Integrating Transversal Competencies into Education, Social Media 2016, The International Education and Technology Conference, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W. (Apr 2015). Effective Use of Gamification and Game-based Learning in Education, Social Media 2015, The International Education and Technology Conference, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W. (May 2014). Examining University Students’ Use of Social Media for Education, The 2014 International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: The New Generation Learners, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.
Chu, S.K.W. (May 2014). Developing Students’ 21st Century Skills with Inquiry Learning: Collaborative Teaching, Social Media, and Gamification, Developing 21st Century Skills with Inquiry Learning, The University of Teacher Education, Bern, Switzerland.
Chu, S.K.W. (Apr 2014). Developing Students’ 21st Century Skills with Inquiry Learning: Collaborative Teaching, Social Media, and Gamification, The 19th International Education and Technology Conference, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W. (Jul 2013). Using Social Media to Enhance Inclusion and Outreach by Libraries, Symposium on Application of Social Media and Cloud Computing in Libraries Services, National Taiwan Norman University, Taiwan.
Chu, S.K.W. (Feb 2013). Developing Students’ 21st Century Skills: Inquiry Learning through Collaborative Teaching and Social Media, Information Literacy Symposium, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany.
Chu, S.K.W. (Nov 2012). Using Social Media to Enhance Inclusion and Outreach by Libraries, The 4th International Conference on Libraries, Information and Society (ICoLIS) 2012, Malaysia.
Chu, S.K.W. (Aug 2010). Applications of Social Networking Tools in Libraries, Annual
conference of International Federation of Library Associations / IFLA (Asia Oceania Section), Gothenburg, Sweden.
Without funding
Chu, S.K.W. (Feb 2020). Challenges and Opportunities for Information Professionals to Achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals. ASIS&T South Asia Chapter 1st International Symposium 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Chu, S.K.W. (Dec 2017). Survival of the fittest! How can iProfessionals survive and thrive in this fast-changing and data-intensive world?, iSchool Asia-Pacific Chapter Annual Meeting & Data Science Winter Institute, HKU.
Chu, S.K.W. (Dec 2014). Developing 21st Century Skills with Plagiarism-free Inquiry Learning, Collaborative Teaching, Social Media, and Gamification, Learning and Teaching Expo 2014, Hong Kong. (PPT)
Chu, S.K.W. (Jul 2014). New Roles for School Librarians in the 21st Century, The Fifth World Chinese School Librarians’ Forum, Hong Kong.
Chu, S.K.W. (Aug 2013). Collaborative Inquiry Project-based Learning, The 4th World Chinese Teacher Librarian Forum, Fujian, Mainland China.


Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Jun 2020). Social Media Tools in Experiential Internship Learning (Asia Pacific Chapter), webinar organized by ASIST Webinars. (PPT)
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (May 2020). Half-Day Virtual Forum: Online T&L 2019-20: The HKU Experience, virtual forum organized by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning & Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative at the University of Hong Kong (HKU).
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Nov 2019). Gamification & Learning, webinar organized by Information and Knowledge Management (IKM) group at University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Oct 2019). Gamification in evidence-based teaching and learning, presented at Hong Kong Shue Yan University.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (May 2019). Sharing of UGC “Funding Scheme for Learning and Teaching Related Proposals (2106-19 Triennium)” & TDG Projects, presented at The Education University of Hong Kong.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Oct 2018). Developing a Winning Proposal for General Research Fund (GRF), presented at SDS Seminar, School of Nursing, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Apr 2018). Researching at the nexus of information and learning sciences, presented at University of North Carolina’s School of Information and Library Science.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Jan 2018). Educational skills and competencies, teaching and learning needed as a response to 4th Industrial Revolution, presented at Asia Society Hong Kong Centre, Hong Kong.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Dec 2017). Perspectives from the Asia Pacific – Assessment tools from Hong Kong, presented at UNESCO-KEDI Asia-Pacific Regional Policy Seminar, Holiday Inn Sukhumvit 22, Bangkok, Thailand.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Oct 2017). Gamification, Data and Learning, presented at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, U.S.A.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Sep 2017). Gamification, Data and Learning, presented at King’s College London, UK.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. and Reynolds, R.B. (Sep 2017). 21st Century Skills Development – Through Fun and Effective Inquiry-Based Learning, webinar organized by ASIST Webinars.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Apr 2017). Transversal Competencies and their Assessment: Perspectives from the Asia Pacific – Experience from Hong Kong, webinar organized by UNESCO Bangkok.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Apr 2017). Survival of the fittest! How can librarians survive and thrive in this fast-changing world?, presented at University of Macau, Macau.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Mar 2017). Impact Beyond Impact Factor, presented at the Symposium on Research Design, Paper Writing & Publishing in Information Science, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Mar 2017). Educational Challenges in Hong Kong – Gamification in Education: Reading Battle, School of Communication & Information, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, U.S.A.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Jan 2017). Implementing the Blended Synchronous Teaching and
Learning (BSTL) mode in the Faculty of Education, presented at the L&T Forum on eLearning and innovative pedagogies, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Dec 2016). Helping academically at risk students to balance residential hall life and academic commitments, presented at the Academic Advising Committee, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Dec 2016). Cultivating interest and developing knowledge in the science part of STEM education for primary school students, for educators and policy makers at STEM and Gifted Education Conference 2016, Hong Kong Science Park, Hong Kong.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Dec 2016). Reading Battle: Enhancing students’ reading interest and ability with a gamified, self-paced, interactive children literature e-quiz platform, Seoul National University, South Korea.
Invited Lecture – Hu, X., Chu, S.K.W. (Nov 2016). Gamification, data and learning. Reading Battle: Enhancing students’ reading interest and ability with a gamified, self-paced, interactive children literature e-quiz platform, for teachers and educators at the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Nov 2016). Developing reading and writing abilities effectively and efficiently with Reading Battle – A sharing by students, parents, and teachers, for parents and educators at Hong Kong Science Park, Hong Kong.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Nov 2016). L&T Forum on Common core curriculum, for university lecturers, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Sep 2016). Comparison between Taiwan and Hong Kong students in Reading Battle, for 40 teacher librarians at Independent Schools Foundation Academy, Hong Kong.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Sep 2016). Designing a research with profound practical impact, Knowledge Exchange (KE) lunch meeting, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Jul 2016). Gamification, data and learning, for students and staff visiting from Xidian University.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (July 2016). Gamification, data and learning, Science of Learning SummerFest 2016, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (June 2016). Gamification, data and learning, University of South Florida, USA.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (May 2016). Secondary School Students’ Source Use in Inquiry Project-based Learning (PjBL): Working Towards Avoiding Plagiarism and Engaging with Sources, Language Policy and Practice Research Seminar Series, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Mar 2016). Effective Library Support/ Training for Doctoral Students, University of British Columbia, Canada.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Mar 2016). Educational Challenges in Hong Kong – Gamification in Education: Reading Battle, Harvard University, USA.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (May 2015). Helping Academically at Risk Students to Balance Residential Hall Life and Academic Commitments, Supporting Academically at-risk Students, Academic Advising Office of the Registry, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Apr 2015). Three Pillars of Swire Hall: Sports & Cultural Teams & Social Responsibility Committee, 港大舍堂 /學院教育與中大書院精神--回顧與展望, Convocation of the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Feb 2015). Developing 21st Century Skills with Plagiarism-free Inquiry Learning, Collaborative Teaching, Social Media, and Gamification, Vocational Training Council.
Invited Lecture - Chu, S.K.W. (Feb 2015). Social Media in Higher Education, Vocational Training Council.
Invited Talk - Chu, S.K.W. (Jan 2015). Impact for the REF, Forum on Research Impact, University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Jan 2015). 快速轉變中的信息科技和中,小學教育, HKU China Affairs Office and Peihua Education Foundation.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Nov 2014). Promoting Sex Education among Teenagers through an Interactive Game: Reasons for Success and Implications, University of Victoria, Canada.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Oct 2014). HKU Hall Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Oct 2014). Is Knowledge Management in Decline? How Various Social Media (Facebook, Blog and Wiki) can Support KM in Learning?, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (May 2014). Interactions between English-speaking and Chinese-speaking Users and Librarians on Social Networking Sites, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (May 2014). Developing 21st Century Skills with Inquiry Learning, Collaborative Teaching, Social Media, and Gamification, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Nov 2013). Developing Students’ 21st Century Skills with Inquiry Learning: Collaborative Teaching, Social Media, and Gamification, McGill University, Canada.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Oct 2013). Value Added Intellectual Coefficient and Its Impact on Corporate Financial Performance: A Comparative Study between MAKE and Non-MAKE Award Companies, University of Toronto, Canada.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Oct 2013). Developing Students’ 21st Century Skills with Inquiry Learning: Collaborative Teaching, Social Media, and Gamification, University of Toronto, Canada.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Oct 2013). Using Social Media to Enhance Inclusion and Outreach by Libraries, Pusan National University, Korea.
Invited Lecture - Chu, S.K.W. (Aug 2013). Developing Students’ 21st Century Skills: Inquiry Learning through Collaborative Teaching and Social Media (for Secondary Schools), National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.
Invited Lecture - Chu, S.K.W. (Aug 2013). Developing Students’ 21st Century Skills: Inquiry Learning through Collaborative Teaching and Social Media (for Primary Schools), National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.
Invited Lecture - Chu, S.K.W. (Nov 2012). Social Media for Higher Learning Institutions, The University of Malaya, Malaysia.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Oct 2012). How Do Libraries Use Social Networking Sites to Interact with Users?, Stanford University, U.S.A.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Aug 2012). Social Media to Enhance Attainment of Learning Outcomes, eLearning Pedagogical Support Unit (EPSU) Seminar, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, The University of Hong Kong.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (May 2012). Balancing Residential Hall Life and Academics, Academic Advising Office, The University of Hong Kong.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (May 2012). Developing Upper Primary Students’ 21st Century Skills: Inquiry Learning through Collaborative Teaching and Web 2.0 Technology, Knowledge Exchange in Primary School Libraries Dinner Seminar, Hong Kong Teacher-Librarians’ Association.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Apr 2012). A Collaborative Teaching Approach to Inquiry Project-based Learning with Web 2.0 at Upper Primary Levels, Seoul National University, Korea.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Apr 2012). Social Networking (SN) Tools for Libraries, The University of British Columbia Library, Canada.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Mar 2012). Fostering the Culture of Reading and Enhancing Information Literacy: Exemplars of School Libraries (Primary School Section), Education Bureau (Curriculum Development Institute).
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Mar 2012). Fostering the Culture of Reading and Enhancing Information Literacy: Exemplars of School Libraries (Secondary School Section), Education Bureau (Curriculum Development Institute).
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Oct 2011). Using Blogs and Facebook to Support Learning during Internship, University of Macau.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Sep 2011). Boosting Corporate Financial Performance with Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management Development Centre Limited.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Aug 2011). Development of Tertiary Education in Hong Kong, HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (July 2011). Knowledge Management in Higher Education, The Knowledge Management Research Center, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (May 2011). Use of Web 2.0 Tools to Enhance Learning and Teaching in IES / Liberal Studies, Education Bureau (IT in Education Section).
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Apr 2011). Web 2.0 for Nursing Education, School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Feb 2011). The Roles of Teacher Librarians in Facilitating Inquiry Project-based Learning, Education Bureau (School Library Section).
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Feb 2011). Teaching with Wikis, University of Oxford, U.K.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Jan 2011). Applying Social Network Tools in Libraries, University of Cambridge.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Jan 2011). A Collaborative Teacher/librarian Approach for Inquiry PjBL with Web 2.0 at Upper Primary Levels, University of Cambridge, U.K.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Oct 22, 2010). A Journey of Teaching and Learning with Wikis, The 9th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM 2010), Hilton Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Dec 2010). Social Networking Websites for Libraries, Tsing Hua University, PRC.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Dec 2010). A Collaborative Teaching Approach to Inquiry Project-based Learning with Web 2.0 at Primary Schools, Department of Information Management, Peking University, PRC.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Dec 2010). Teaching and Learning with Wikis, Graduate School of Education, Peking University, PRC.
Invited Talk - Chu, S.K.W. (Dec, 2010). Measuring Intellectual Capital Performance in Mainland China with VAICTM, HKU SPACE Forum held in Oriental Plaza, Beijing, PRC.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Oct 2010). Social Networking Tools for Academic Libraries, Harvard University, U.S.A.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Oct 2010). A Collaborative Teaching Approach to Inquiry Project-based Learning with Web 2.0 at Upper Primary Levels, School of Communication & Information, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, U.S.A.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Aug 2010). Applications of Social Networking Tools in Organizations, Alexanderson Institute, Varberg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Jun 12, 2010). Partnership of the School Librarians and Teachers in the 21st Century Schools, Hong Kong Teacher Librarians’ Association (HKTLA), Hong Kong.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Jun 12, 2010). A Collaborative Teaching Approach to Inquiry Project-based Learning with Web 2.0 at Upper Primary Levels, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Ltd.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Jun 7, 2010). A Collaborative Teacher/librarian Approach for Inquiry PjBL with Web 2.0 at Upper Primary Levels, Your School Library Fourth International Online Conference, May 25-June 10, 2010.
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (May 18, 2010). A Collaborative Teacher/librarian Approach for Inquiry PjBL with Web 2.0 at Upper Primary Levels, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information, NanYang Technological University, Singapore.
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Jun 2008). Effective Inquiry-based Project Learning with a Partnership of Three Types of Teachers and the School Librarian, Education Bureau (Life-wide Learning and Library Section).
Invited Talk – Chu, S.K.W. (Feb 2008). A Study on Inquiry-based Learning (IBL) in a Primary School through a Collaboration between Four Kinds of Teachers, Education Bureau (IT in Education Section).
Invited Lecture – Chu, S.K.W. (Aug 2007). TWiki for Knowledge Building and Management, Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, U.K.

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