
香港大学教育学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Ms LEUNG, Promail K.Y.

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-04

Ms LEUNG, Promail K.Y.

Ms LEUNG, Promail K.Y.


B.Sc., PDGE, M.Sc., M.Ed., FHEA
Director, School-University Partnerships
Senior Lecturer
Academic Unit of Teacher Education and Learning Leadership

[javascript protected email address]
(852) 2859 1958
Room 315, Runme Shaw Building

Research Expertise
Curriculum and Instruction
Primary and Secondary Education
Science Education
Teacher Education and Development
University-School Partnerships
Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
Not applicable.

Teaching Areas:

STEM Education;Science Education;Transferable Skills;Teacher Education

Research Interests:

STEM Education;Science Education; Critical Thinking, Teacher Education


2021 Faculty of Education, Early Career Teaching Award, The University of Hong Kong
2020 Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowship
2011 Singapore Outstanding Educator in Residence (OEIR) Program Awardee, The Ministry of Education, Singapore
2006 Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (行政長官卓越教學獎), Science KLA, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Funding Projects

2021/2022:Developing innovative hands-on and minds-on learning and teaching packages in Physics/STEM education, Quality Education Funding, The Education Bureau, ($199,900), Principal Investigator
2020/2021, Fostering 4Cs (Creativity, Complex Problem-Solving Skills, Communication and Collaboration skills) through engaging STEM/STEAM-related EL Activities, (an experiential learning course BBED6794), The Gallant Ho Experiential Learning Fund, The University of Hong Kong, ($100,000), Principal Investigator
2019/2020, Fostering 4Cs (Creativity, Complex Problem-Solving Skills, Communication and Collaboration skills) through engaging STEM/STEAM-related EL Activities, (an experiential learning course BBED6794), The Gallant Ho Experiential Learning Fund, The University of Hong Kong, ($100,000), Principal Investigator


Leung, P. K. Y., & Cheng, M. M. W. (2021). Practical work or simulations? Voices of millennial digital natives. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 50(1), 48-72. DOI: 10.1177/18967.
Leung, K. Y. P. & Yip, W. Y. Valerie(2021). Promotion of STEM Literacy and STEM teacher identity in Preservice Science Teacher Education through Experiential Learning.Paper presented at the International Science Education Conference (ISEC) 2021, Singapore, 22 June - 24 June.
Tsui, A. B., Chan, C. K., Harfitt, G., & Leung, P. (2020). Crisis and opportunity in teacher preparation in the pandemic: exploring the “adjacent possible”. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, Vol. 5 No. 3/4, pp. 237-245.
Leung, K. Y. P. & Cheng, M. M. W. (2019). Practical Work or Simulations? Voices from Generation Z. Paper presented at the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Conference, Bologna, Italy, 26 August - 30 August.
Leung, K. Y., Lee, A. M. S., & Cheng, M. M. W. (2018). The making of a Master of Education (Teaching Science in International Contexts) programme - alignment with IB philosophy. Paper presented at the IB Educator Certificate University Conference, University of Bath, England, 18th June - 20th June.
Leung, K. Y. (2012). Self-Directed Learning in Science. Paper presented at the 2012 Hong Kong Biennial Gifted Education Conference, The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, Hong Kong, 17th May.
Leung, K. Y. (2010). Self-Directed Learning in AL Physics. Paper presented at the 2010 Singapore Teachers’ Conference, SUNTEC Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore, 6th Sept – 7th Sept.
Leung, K. Y. (2010). One Size Doesn’t All. Paper presented at the 2010 Singapore Teachers’ Conference, SUNTEC Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore, 6th Sept – 7th Sept.
Leung, K. Y. (2007). Effective Teaching in Science. Paper presented at the 2007 Conference on Integrated Learning: Research and Classroom Practices, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, 14th Dec – 15 Dec.

NewspaperSTEM-related series(click here)

Leung, K.Y. (2019, Sept 12). STEM Education and STEM Literacy in Hong Kong series (3/3): (STEM 教育 與 STEM 素養(三)). The Sing Tao Daily, p. F2
Leung, K.Y. (2019, Sept 11). STEM Education and STEM Literacy in Hong Kong series (2/3): (STEM 教育 與 STEM 素養(二)). The Sing Tao Daily, p. F2
Leung, K.Y. (2019, Sept 9). STEM Education and STEM Literacy in Hong Kong series (1/3): (STEM 教育 與 STEM 素養(一)). The Sing Tao Daily, p. F2
Leung, K.Y. (2018, Sept 27). STEM Education and Other Learning Experience Practices in Hong Kong (3/3): Integration of Design Thinking (STEM教育與其他學習經歷(三)). The Sing Tao Daily, p. F2
Leung, K.Y. (2018, Sept 26). STEM Education and Other Learning Experience Practices in Hong Kong (2/3): Authentic Application (STEM教育與其他學習經歷(二)). The Sing Tao Daily, p. F2
Leung, K.Y. (2018, Sept 17). STEM Education and Other Learning Experience Practices in Hong Kong (1/3): Serving Others and the Community (STEM教育與其他學習經歷(一)). The Sing Tao Daily, p. F2
Leung, K.Y. (2018, June 11). STEM Education and Odyssey of the Mind program (2/2) (STEM教育與香港創意思維活動). The Sing Tao Daily, p. F2
Leung, K.Y. (2018, June 8). STEM Education and Odyssey of the Mind program (1/2) (STEM教育與香港創意思維活動). The Sing Tao Daily, p. F6
Leung, K.Y. (2018, May 28). STEM Education in Hong Kong series (5/5): Challenges to HK pre-service teachers (STEM教育對香港準老師的挑戰). The Sing Tao Daily, p. F4
Leung, K.Y. (2018, May 25). STEM Education in Hong Kong series (4/5): Bringing Finland pre-service training experience (STEM教育與芬蘭師訓經驗). The Sing Tao Daily, p. F4
Leung, K.Y. (2018, May 17). STEM Education in Hong Kong series (3/5): Bringing Win-Win-Win Situations (STEM 教育能帶來三贏局面). The Sing Tao Daily, p. F4
Leung, K.Y. (2018, May 10). STEM Education in Hong Kong series (2/5): Implementation Suggestions (STEM教育在香港推行的建議). The Sing Tao Daily, p. F2
Leung, K.Y. (2018, May 9). STEM Education in Hong Kong series (1/5): Status and Challenges (STEM教育在香港的現況和面對的困難). The Sing Tao Daily, p. F2

Social Media/NewspaperOthers

〈Spark of Ideas Series of COTAP: New Norm for Teachers Professional Development〉Please visit https://t-surf.hk/download/001pdf1.pdfto read the article (Chinese only). (03-12-2020) 〈教師及校長專業發展委員會 Spark of Ideas系列:老師專業發展新常態〉請瀏覽https://t-surf.hk/download/001pdf1.pdf(03-12-2020)
Promoting STEM education and the role of the Faculty School-University Partnerships Office, the Hong Kong Economic Journal (Chinese only).(18-06-2020) 本學院院校夥伴計劃總監梁健儀女士於《信報》分享本學院如何與中小學緊密合作,鼓勵學校推動STEM教育,以及相關項目的實踐及成效。請瀏覽以閱讀全文。
星島日報 - 教壇生力軍 (梁健儀女士) (08-06-2020)
Sing Tao Daily - Newsclip **.pdf
【香港教育工作者看贵州系列之五】梁健仪:谈贵州教师的特质 (23-11-2018)
香港電台 - 梁健儀女士擔任《教學有心人》嘉賓 談論STEM教育 (May 23 2020)

Professional Societies

2021-2023 Chairperson,Assessment and Monitoring Committee, Quality Education Fund, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2021-2023Chairperson,CDC-HKEAA Committee on Physics, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2017-2023 Member,Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals (COTAP), EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2019-2022 Member,Committee of Certification for Principalship, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2018-2022 School Manager, Incorporated Management Committee of Hong Kong University Graduates Association Primary School
2016-2022 Science KLA Representative,Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence Teachers’ Association (CEATETA) (行政長官卓越教學獎教師協會), EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2020-2022 Member, Panel of Review Boards on School Complaint, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2016-2022Teaching Advisors, Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, The Education University of Hong Kong
2020-2021 Member, Committee of Working Group on the Implementation of Commendation Schemes, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2016-17, 2012-13Science KLA Assessor,Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence Award, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2013-2016 Vice-Chairlady,the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence Teachers’ Association (CEATETA) (行政長官卓越教學獎教師協會), EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2017-2019 Member,Task Force on Professional Development of Teachers, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2017-2018 Member,Sub-committee on Teachers’ Professional Development (SCTPD), EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2016-2018 Member, Advisory Committee on the Education Development Fund (ACEDF), EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2015-2017 Member, Focus Group on STEM Education in Hong Kong, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Project advisor/Speaker/Judge

2019-2022Professional Adviser, QEF Thematic Network Project (QTN) Self-Directed Learning as a Strategy to Promote STEM Education (2019-2022)
2019-2021Instructor, Project "In-service Professional Development Programme on Course for Secondary School Teachers on Teaching Science Education Key Learning Area in the English Medium", The Education Bureau
2020-2021 Instructor, "School-based Support Programme on Developing Curriculum Materials to Enhance Teaching the Science Education Key Learning Area in the English Medium", The Education Bureau
2012-2020 Instructor, Gifted Education Program, “Optics Course: STEM your Monocular” program, The Hong Kong Academy of Gifted Education
2018-2020 Regional Problem Captian (Spon Problem), The Odyssey of The Mind Program Regional Competition (Hong Kong region)
2018-2019 Award Adjudicator,The Hong Kong Budding Scientists Award 2018/19 (Secondary Section), Gifted Education Section, EDB
2017-2018 World Final Judge, The Odyssey of The Mind Program World Finals Competition, University of Iowa, USA
2004-2005 World Final Judge, The Odyssey of The Mind Program World Finals Competition, University of Colorado, USA
2001-2019: Regional Judge, The Odyssey of The Mind Program Regional Competition (Hong Kong region)

Teaching profession services

2021 Speaker of "Staff Development Day: Science Inquiry and Design Thinking in Curriculum Planning", Yan Tak Catholic Primary School
2021 Adjudicator of "Summer School for Global Leadership 2021", the Hong Kong Federal of Youth Groups
2021 Speaker of "Understanding and Interpreting the Physics and Combined Science (Physics Part) Curriculum", CDI, EDB
2021Speakerof "Developing STEM Activity: Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment Part II (Secondary)", QTN Project, QEF, EDB
2021 Speaker of "Developing STEM Activity: Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment Part II (Primary)", QTN Project, QEF, EDB
2020 Speaker of "Science Teaching Enrichment Workshop" for Science/Physics Teachers
2020 Superviseproject "Physics Teaching Package for Secondary School Physics Teachers", Faculty of Education, HKU (https://web.edu.hku.hkhttps://web.edu.hku.hk/sup-partners/community-engagement)
2020 Supervise project "Workshop on Unleash Your Creativity at Home", Faculty of Education, HKU (https://web.edu.hku.hkhttps://web.edu.hku.hk/sup-partners/community-engagement)
2020-21 Supervise project "Video Series of Stay Home Science Experiment: Primary School", Faculty of Education, HKU(https://web.edu.hku.hkhttps://web.edu.hku.hk/sup-partners/community-engagement)
2020Speakerof "Developing STEM Activity: Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment Part I (Secondary)", QTN Project, QEF, EDB
2020 Speakerof "Developing STEM Activity: Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment Part I (Primary)", QTN Project, QEF, EDB
2019 Speakers of "Staff Development Day: Developing STEM teachers’ Competence", Ng Clan’s Association Tai Pak Memorial School
2019 Affiliated guest and adjudicator of the district-wide STEM competition, SKH Li Ping Secondary School
2019 STEM-related Activities in Secondary Schools, QEF Teachers’ Professional Experience Sharing Month 2019, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2019 STEM Education Sharing, New Territory East Region, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2019 STEM-related Classroom Activities for Primary Schools, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2019 STEM-related Classroom Activities for Secondary Schools, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2018 Staff Development Day: Re-think and Re-shape Your Classroom Talk, The Chinese Foundation Secondary School
2018 STEM Classroom Activity for Secondary Schools, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2018 STEM Classroom Activity for Primary Schools, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2018 AGM Forum: STEM-re-THINK!?, Hong Kong Association for Science & Mathematics Education
2018 Use of micro:bit in STEM education: HKU experience in pre-service teachers training, BroadLearning Education (Asia) Limited
2018 Implementation of STEM education: The Role of Mathematics educator, Hong Kong Association for Mathematics Education
2018 STEM Education workshop, SKH Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
2017 Seminar on Secondary School Curriculum Reform: Looking Back and Looking Forward, Hong Kong University Graduates Association Education Foundation
2017 Finland Attachment Trip, The Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence Teachers’ Association, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2017-2018 Science Learning and Teaching Staff Development Series: Dissemination of Teaching Practices, Lesson Observation, Theories and Experience Sharing, Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary School
2017-2018 Science Learning and Teaching Staff Development Series: Dissemination of Teaching Practices in General Studies, F.D.B.W.A. Chow Chin Yau School
2017 STEM Education Workshop (Primary School session), A.D. & F.F. of Pok Oi Hospital Mrs Cheng Yam On Millennium School
2017 Sharing of an effective lesson (General Studies), Lesson observation post-conference, Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT), The Education University of Hong Kong
2016 STEM Education Workshop (Junior Secondary School session), San Wui Commercial Society Secondary School, Gertrude Simon Lutheran College, SMKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial College
2016 Sharing on Schools Development in Hong Kong, EDB CEATE Professional Exchange Trip (Changsha), EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2016 Staff Development Day Sharing Session: Dissemination of Teaching Practices, TWGHs Kwok Yat Wai College
2016 Sharing on Science Learning Circle Experience, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2015 Seminars on Effective Teaching Strategies for Novice Teachers, 「新教師研習課程」延伸課程之教學策略與課堂學習的分享 (物理科)
Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2015 Guest Speakers of RTHK Radio 5 Programme (Backchat) on STEM Education, Radio Television Hong Kong
2015 Staff Development Day Sharing Session: Dissemination of Teaching Practices, 貴州省三都民族中學, Guizhou Province
2012-2013 Action Research Experience Sharing in Singapore, Leadership Development Programme for Middle Leaders of Secondary Schools, Hong Kong Baptist University
2011 Professional Development Practices in Hong Kong, Singapore Outstanding-Educator-in-Residence (OEIR) Programme Awardee, Ministry of Education, Singapore
2011 Effective Teaching Practice Sharing, Singapore Outstanding-Educator-in-Residence (OEIR) Programme Awardee, Ministry of Education, Singapore
2010 Singapore TEACHERS’ CONFERENCE 2010 (Top Overseas Teachers), “Deepening Professional Practice: teachers as learners, teachers as leaders”, Ministry of Education, Singapore
2010 Staff Development Day Sharing Session: How to develop students' learning strategies through science classroom, Lok Sin Tong Wong Chung Ming Secondary School
2009 The Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence Teachers Sharing Session – Physics Lessons’ Practice, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2008 Sharing on An Odyssey of Discovery - Scientific Discovery in Student Learning, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2007 Conference on Integrated Learning: Research and Classroom Practices, COIL 2007 – Effective Teaching in Science, The Hong Kong Institute of Education
2007 On-line Teachers TV: Excellence in Teaching Tour 8 (Science): Learning to learn through games,The Hong Kong Education City
2006 The Showcase of the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence: Sharing on Effective Teaching Practices, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2006 TV Programme of Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence教出彩虹, Radio Television of Hong Kong, EDB, The Government of Hong Kong SAR

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