
香港大学教育学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Dr MIRHOSSEINI, Seyyed-Abdolhamid

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Dr MIRHOSSEINI, Seyyed-Abdolhamid

Dr MIRHOSSEINI, Seyyed-Abdolhamid

Associate Professor
Academic Unit of Teacher Education and Learning Leadership

BA, MA, PhD (English Language Education)
[javascript protected email address]
Room 663, Meng Wah Complex

Prospective PhD/ EdD/ MPhil Applications
I am available to supervise PhD/EdD/MPhil students and would welcome enquiries for supervision.

Personal Homepage

Teaching and Research Areas:
Social and cultural aspects of English language education; Language education ideologies and policies; English medium instruction; Qualitative research methodology (Grounded theory, Ethnographic research, Narrative inquiry); Critical discourse studies; Critical sociolinguistics
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Seyyed_Abdolhamid_Mirhosseini
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=0r7beXYAAAAJ&hl=en

● University Distinguished Researcher (Tier 1), Alzahra University, Iran, 2020.
● University Distinguished Researcher (Tier 1), Alzahra University, Iran, 2019.
● University Distinguished Researcher (Tier 1), Alzahra University, Iran, 2018.
● University Distinguished Researcher (Tier 1), Alzahra University, Iran, 2017.
● University Distinguished Researcher (Tier 3), Alzahra University, Iran, 2016.

● Language education policies in Iran. Alzahra University, Iran, 2017. (Principal Investigator)
● Science diplomacy. National Research Institute for Science Policy (NRISP), Iran, 2013. (Co-Investigator)
● An exploration of international collaboration programs at selected centers of the world. Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC), Iran, 2011.(Principal Investigator)
● A comparative investigation of academic promotion criteria in selected universities of the world. National Research Institute for Science Policy (NRISP), Iran, 2008.(Co-Investigator)


● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2020). Doing qualitative research in language education. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & De Costa, P. (Eds.) (2020). The sociopolitics of English language testing. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
● Al-Issa, A. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (Eds.) (2020). English language education worldwide today: Ideologies, policies, and practices. London: Routledge.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (Ed.). (2017). Reflections on qualitative research in language and literacy education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Rouzbeh, H. (Eds.). (2015). Instances of Islamophobia: Demonizing the Muslim ‘other’. Lanham, MD, USA: Lexington Books.
● Ghahremani-Ghajar, S. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (Eds.). (2011). Confronting academic knowledge. Tehran: Iran University Press.

Edited Special Issues

● Doecke, B., Mirhosseini, S. A., Al-Issa, A., & Yandell, J. (Eds.). (2019). The Ideological Work of Teaching English. Special Issue of Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, 26(4).
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (Ed.). (2018). Politics of Research in Language Education. Guest Edited Special Issue of Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 15(4).

Chapters in Books

● Abednia, A., Mirhosseini, S. A. & Nazari, M. (2022). Critical literacy in Iran: A tour d'horizon. In J. Z. Pandya, R. A. Mora, J. Alford, N. A. Golden, & R. S. de Roock, (Eds.), The critical literacies handbook (pp. 177–184). New York: Routledge.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Babu, S. (2020). Policies of English language teaching within the global “war of ideas”. In A. Al-Issa & S. A. Mirhosseini (Eds.), Worldwide English language education today: Ideologies, policies, and practices (pp. 18–34). London: Routledge.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Shafiee, Z. (2019). Writing louder? Coping with the push to publish in English at an Iranian university. In J. Corcoran, K. Englander, & L. Muresan (Eds.), Pedagogies and policies for publishing research in English: Local initiatives supporting international scholars (pp. 252–265). London: Routledge. (Invited Chapter)
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2017). Scientism as a linchpin of oppressing isms in language education research. In D. J. Rivers & K. Zotzmann (Eds.), Isms in language education: Oppression, intersectionality and emancipation (pp. 185–202). Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2017). Introduction: Qualitative research in language and literacy education. In S. A. Mirhosseini (Ed.), Reflections on qualitative research in language and literacy education (pp. 1–13). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Rouzbeh, H. (2015). Introduction: Islamophobia as a global concern beyond Muslim communities. In S. A. Mirhosseini & H. Rouzbeh (Eds.), Instances of Islamophobia: Demonizing the Muslim ‘other’ (pp. 1–10). Lanham, MD, USA: Lexington Books.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Khodakarami, S. (2015). A glimpse of contrasting de jure–de facto ELT policies in Iran. In C. Kennedy, (Ed.). English language teaching in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Innovations, trends and challenges (23–32). London: British Council. (Invited Chapter)
● Ghahremani-Ghajar, S. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (2012). Decolonizing language education research in Iranian universities. In C. Alvares & S. S. Faruqi (Eds.), Decolonising the university: The emerging quest for non-Eurocentric paradigms (pp. 290–308). Malaysia, Pinang: University Sains Malaysia and Citizens International.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2011). Who accepts? Who rejects?: The case of a rejected paper in applied linguistics. In F. Salager-Meyer & B. Lewin (Eds.), Crossed words: Criticism in scholarly writing (pp. 153–172). New York: Peter Lang.
● Ghahremani-Ghajar, S. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (2011). Whose knowledge? Whose language?: Reeds crying tales of separation. In S. Ghahremani-Ghajar & S. A. Mirhosseini (Eds.), Confronting academic knowledge (pp. 217–233). Tehran: Iran University Press.
● Ghahremani-Ghajar, S., Mirhosseini, S. A., & Fattahi, H. (2009). Re-searching pains: Iranian students exploring medical English. In A. Smith & G. Strong (Eds.), Adult language learners: Context and innovation (pp. 107–114). USA, Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
Articles in Refereed Journals
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (forthcoming). Covid-19 and language education: Lessons of a pandemic for English teaching. Changing English. DOI: 10.1080/**X.2021.**
● Mirhosseini, S. A., Tajik, L., & Bahrampour, A. (forthcoming). Policies of English language teacher recruitment in Iran and a glimpse of their implementation. Pedagogy, Culture and Society. DOI: 10.1080/**.2021.**
● Mirhosseini, S. A., Shirazizadeh, M., & Pakizehdel, H. (forthcoming). Bridging language education and ‘New Literacy Studies’: Reinvigorating courses of general English at an Iranian university. Language, Identity and Education. DOI: 10.1080/**.2020.**
● Noori, M. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (2021). Testing language, but what?: Examining the carrier content of IELTS preparation materials from a critical perspective. Language Assessment Quarterly, 18(4), 382-397.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2021). A critical study of Barack Obama’s discourse on the Iranian nuclear issue during his eight years in office (In Farsi). Political Sociology of Islamic World, 8(2), 279–304.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Badri, N. (2020). Examining the awareness of students at universities in Tehran regarding the international policies of spreading the English language (In Farsi). Journal of Foreign Language Research, 10(1), 82–99.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Noori, M. (2019). Discursive portrayal of Islam as “a part of America’s story” in Obama’s presidential speeches. Journal of Language and Politics, 18(6), 915–937.
● Doecke, B., Mirhosseini, S. A., Al-Issa, A., & Yandell, J. (2019). Editorial: The ideological work of English teaching. Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, 26(3), 216–220.
● Tajik, L., Mirhosseini, S. A., & Ramezani, A. (2019). “Now as a teacher”: Novice teachers reflect on English language teacher education in Iran. The Qualitative Report, 24(6), 1373–1398.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2019). Review Essay: A view of two classic introductory qualitative research texts evolving through decades. Qualitative Research, 19(2), 231–234.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Kianfar, R. (2019). Writing the world in a foreign language. Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, 26(1), 16–29.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2018). Introduction to the special issue: Politics of research in language education. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 15(4), 231–236.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Badri, N. (2018). Perspectives of Iranian university students on learning English: A practical need or an international policy push. Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, 25(3), 286–299.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2018). Mixed methods research in TESOL: Procedures combined or epistemology confused? TESOL Quarterly, 52(2), 468–478.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2018). An invitation to the less-treaded path of autoethnography in TESOL research. TESOL Journal, 9(1), 76–92.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2018). Issues of ideology in English language education worldwide: An overview. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 26(1), 19–33.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2017). Discursive double-legitimation of (avoiding) another war in Obama’s 2013 address on Syria. Journal of Language and Politics, 16(5), 706–730.
● Mirhosseini, S. A., Sazvar, A., & Rashed, F. (2017). “I love foreigners’ attitudes towards life”: Reproducing lifestyles in an Iranian ‘English language teaching’ context. Compare: A journal of Comparative and International Education 47(5), 756–772.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2017). Early metaphorical communication: Farsi-speaking children beginning to learn proverbs. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 7(1), 71–86.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Abazari, P. (2016). “My language is like my mother”: Aspects of language attitudes in a bilingual Farsi-Azerbaijani context in Iran. Open Linguistics, 2, 373–385.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Khodakarami, S. (2016). From ‘our own beliefs’ to ‘out of who you are’: Aspects of ‘English language education’ policies in Iran. Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 11(3), 283–299.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Doostdar, H. M. (2016). Political and cultural aspects of international scientific collaboration in national science and technology plans of selected countries( (In Farsi). Intercultural Studies Quarterly, 10(2), 45–76.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2016). Listen to what doctors say: Discursive authority in two Persian medical publications. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 6(1), 77–87.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2015). Resisting magic waves: Ideologies of ‘English language teaching’ in Iranian newspaper advertisements. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 36(6), 932–947.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2015). Loving but not living the vernacular: A glimpse of Mazandarani-Farsi linguistic culture in northern Iran. Language Problems and Language Planning, 39(2), 154–170.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Samar, R. G. (2015). Ideologies of ‘English language teaching’ in Iranian academic research: Mainstream, alternative, and beyond. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 12(2), 110–136.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Doostdar, H. M. (2015). Science diplomacy as soft power) (In Farsi). Biannual Journal of Soft Power Studies, 4(2), 127–147.
● Doostdar, H. M. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (2014). Policies and processes of academic promotion in selected universities of the world) (In Farsi). Sharif University Journal of Science and Technology Policy, 2(4), 55–70.
● Ghahremani-Ghajar, S., Doostdar, H. M. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (2012). We have been living with this pain: Enquiry-based language learning in Iranian higher education. Teaching in Higher Education, 17(3), 269–281.
● Kiany, G. R., Mirhosseini, S. A., & Navidinia, H. (2011). Foreign language education policies in Iran: Pivotal macro considerations. Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning (Formerly Tabriz University Journal of Humanities), Volume 53, No 222, 49–70.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Fattahi, H. (2010). The language of ‘circule’: Discursive construction of false referral in Iranian teaching hospitals. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 24(3), 304–325.
● Doostdar, H. M. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (2009). The core and cover of quality in higher education. International Journal of Information Science and Management, 7(2), 45–55.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2009). For our learn of English: Dialogue journal writing in EFL Education. Prospect: An Australian Journal of TESOL, 24(1), 40–48.
● Doostdar, H. M. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (2008). A comparative investigation of academic promotion criteria in higher education (In Farsi). Journal of Science and Technology Policy, 1 (3), 91–106.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2008). English and a world of diversities: confrontation, appropriation, awareness. Applied Linguistics, 29(2), 312–317.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2007). Real flowers or plastic flowers in learning medical English. The Asian ESP Journal, 3(1), 107–111.
● Ghahremani-Ghajar, S. and Mirhosseini, S. A. (2006). Dialogue and critical literacy in English dialogue journal writing in a Tehran high school) (In Farsi). Alzahra University Journal of Humanities (Special issue on foreign language education), 16, 25–53.
● Ghahremani-Ghajar, S. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (2005). English class or speaking about everything class? Dialogue journal writing as a critical EFL literacy practice in an Iranian high school. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 18(3), 286–299.
Book Reviews
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2020). [Review of the book Global perspectives on language education policies, by J. Crandall & K. M. Bailey (Eds.). (2018), New York, Routledge]. Journal of Education Policy, 35(2), 283–286.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Taromsari, S. M. (2019). [Review of the book Autonomy, agency, and identity in teaching and learning English as a foreign language, by (Mark) Feng Teng (2019). Springer, Singapore]. System, 86, Article 102134. DOI: 10.?1016/?j.?system.?2019.?102134
● Rambukwella, H. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (2019). [Review of the book International perspectives on critical pedagogies in ELT, M. E. Lopez-Gopar (Ed.). (2019), Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan]. Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, 26(4), 332–335.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2019). [Review of the book The SAGE handbook of qualitative business and management research methods (Two volumes), by C. Cassell, A. L. Cunliffe, & G. Grandy (Eds.). (2018). Los Angeles: SAGE Reference]. Tourism Management, 74, 408–409.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Noori, M. (2019). [Review of the book Doing qualitative research: The craft of naturalistic inquiry (2nd ed.), by J. Beuving & G. de Vries (2015). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press]. Educational Action Research, 27(2), 331–334.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Rashed, F. (2017). [Review of the book Doing sociolinguistics: A practical guide to data collection and analysis, by M. Meyerhoff, E. Schleef, & L. MacKenzie (2015). New York: Routledge]. Sociolinguistic Studies, 11(1), 207–209.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2016). [Review of the book Resistance to the known: Counter-conduct in language education, by D. Rivers (Ed.). (2015), Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan]. System, 58, 128–130.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Shafaghiha, G. (2015). [Review of the book Introducing qualitative research in psychology (3rd ed.), by C. Willing (2013), Buckingham, UK: Open University Press]. The Journal of Social Psychology, 155(2), 185–188.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Bagheri-Lori, F. (2015). [Review of the book Doing qualitative research from start to finish, by Robert Yin (2011), New York: Guilford Press]. Qualitative Sociology Review, 11(1), 126–128.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Fattahi, H. (2009). [Review of the book The language of pain: Expression or description?, by C. Lascaratou (2007), Amsterdam: John Benjamins]. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 19(2), 334–336.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2009). [Review of An introduction to language policy: Theory and method, by T. Ricento (Ed.). (2006), USA, Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing]. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 19(2), 209–213.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2008). [Review of the book Critical pedagogies and language learning, by B. Norton & K. Toohey (Eds.). (2004), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press]. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 21(2), 186–190.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2007). [Review of the book Discourse and power in a multilingual world, by A. Blackledge (2005), Amsterdam: John Benjamins]. Journal of Pragmatics, 39(12), 2355–2357.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2007). [Notice of the book Educating English language learners: A synthesis of research evidence, by F. Genesee, K. Lindholm-Leary, W. M. Saunders, & D. Christian (Eds.). (2006), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press]. Language in Society, 36(4),645.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2007). [Notice of the book Applied linguistics as social science, by A. Sealey & B. Carter (2004), New York: Continuum]. Language in Society, 36(4), 644–645.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2007). [Joint Review of the books A companion to qualitative research, by U. Flick, E. von Kardorff, & I. Steinke (Eds.). (2004), London: SAGE, and Understanding qualitative research and ethnomethodology, by P. ten Have (2004), London: SAGE]. Discourse and Society, 18(2), 233–236.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2006). [Review of the book Analysing discourse: Textual analysis for social research, by N. Fairclough (2003), London: Routledge]. Language in Society, 35(4), 620–624.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2006). [Review of the book Negotiating Critical Literacies with Young Children, by V. M. Vasquez (2004), USA, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates]. THE LINGUIST LIST. Available online at: http://linguistlist.org/issues/17/17-2164.html.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2005). [Review of the book Understanding reading (6th ed.), by F. Smith (2004), USA, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum]. Reading in a Foreign Language, 17(2), 168–171.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2005). [Review of the book Discourse and technology: Multimodal discourse analysis, by P. Levine & R. Scollon (Eds.). (2004), Georgetown University Press]. Applied Linguistics, 26(4), 597–600.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2005). [Review of the book Task-based instruction in foreign language education: Practices and programs, by B. L. Leaver & J. R. Willis (Eds.). (2004), Georgetown University Press]. THE LINGUIST LIST. Available online at: http://linguistlist.org/issues/16/16-1664.html.

Editorial Board Membership

● Member of the Editorial Board, Changing English (Routledge), 2021–present.
● Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Language Horizons (Alzahra University, Iran), 2021–present.
● Section Editor, Open Linguistics (De Gruyter Publishing), 2014–present.
● Member of Editorial Review Board, TESOL Journal (Wiley), 2017–2018.
● Member of the Editorial Board, The Asian ESP Journal, 2007–2012.
● Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of English as an International Language, 2008–2010.
Reviewing for Journals
TESOL Quarterly (Wiley)
Journal of Language Horizons (Alzahra University, Iran)
Language Research (Alzahra University, Iran),
English Teaching and Learning (Springer)
Language Teaching Research (Sage)
Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism (Wiley)
Changing English (Routledge)
Open Linguistics (De Gruyter)
Educational Research for Policy and Practice (Springer)
International Multilingual Research Journal (Taylor & Francis)
Language and Education (Taylor & Francis)
Journal of Teaching Language Skills (Shiraz University, Iran)
Journal of Multicultural Discourses (Taylor & Francis)
Medical Anthropology Quarterly (Wiley)
Language, Culture and Curriculum (Taylor & Francis)
Conference and Book Proposal Reviewing
● Conference Submissions Reviewer, 2022 Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics. Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2021.
● Book Proposal Referee, Multilingual Matters, Clevedon, UK, 2021.
● Book Proposal Referee, Bloomsbury Publishing, London, UK, 2020.
● Conference Submissions Reviewer, The 5th ELT Conference. Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran, 2019.
● Book Manuscript Referee, Educational Linguistics Series, Springer International Publishing, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2018.
● Translated Book Manuscript Referee, Soroush Publications, Tehran, 2017–2018.
● Conference Submissions Reviewer, The 4th ELT Conference, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran, 2017.
● Manuscript Reviewer, Organization for Studying and Compiling University Books in Humanities (SAMT), Tehran, 2009–2010.
● Conference Proceedings Reviewer, Athens Institute of Educational Research (ATINER) Conference, 2008. (Proceedings appeared as Socarras, G. M. (Ed.) (2009). Philological explorations. Athens: ATINER)

External Dissertation/Thesis Examination

● PhD Dissertation Examiner, Department of English Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran, 2020.
● PhD Dissertation examiner, Faculty of Education, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 2018.
● PhD Dissertation Examiner, Department of English Language and Literature, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran, 2018.
● PhD Dissertation Examiner, Department of English Language Education, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, 2018.
● PhD Dissertation Proposal Examiner, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Tehran, 2018.
● MA Thesis Examiner, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Tehran, 2017.

Academic Services

● Member of the university taskforce for developing international relations with Arab Countries, Alzahra University, 2021.
● Project Referee, Iran National Science Foundation (INSF), 2020–2021.
● Member of the humanities taskforce for revisiting Academic Promotion Statute, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, 2019–2020.
● Representative of the Faculty of Literature in university taskforce for Research Focus projects, Alzahra University, 2018–2020.
● Member of the Doctoral Admissions Committee, Department of English, Faculty of Literature, Alzahra University, 2015–2020.
● Representative of the Department of English in the Faculty Research Committee, Faculty of Literature, Alzahra University, 2014–2019.
● Coordinator of the faculty task force for the revision of university grant procedures for disciplines of humanities, Faculty of Literature, Alzahra University, Spring 2016.
● Executive Secretary, Alzahra University First Postgraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics. Alzahra University, May 2015.
● Executive Secretary, The Fourth International Conference of the Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC), Tehran, February 2014.
● Research Coordinator, Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC), Tehran, Iran, 2010–2014.
● Member of the International Committee, The Second International Congress on Islamic Humanities (ICIH2), Tehran, November 2013.
● Projects Referee, Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC), Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, 2011–2013.
● Scientific Secretary of the International Committee, The First International Congress on Islamic Humanities (ICIH1), Tehran, May 2012.
● Coordinator of the Organizing Committee, The Third International Conference of the Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC), Tehran, May 2012.
● Coordinator of the Organizing Committee, The Second International Conference of the Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC), Tehran, May 2011.
● Member of the Organizing Committee, The Sixth International Learning Societies Conference, Tehran, September 2007.
● Member of the High School Department of English, District 15 Tehran Board of Education, 2005–2006.

Invited Presentations

● Seminar Presentation (Title to be Determined). Hong Kong Association of Applied Linguistics (HAAL). (forthcoming January 2022).
● One-day workshop on ‘Fundamentals of data analysis in qualitative research’, Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI), September 2017.
● Two-day workshop on ‘Qualitative module of TELLSI summer school on research methodology’, Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI), August 2015.
● Four-day workshop on ‘Writing academic papers in English’, Alzahra University Vice-Presidency on Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies, July 2015.
● Lecture on ‘Revisiting academic promotion criteria in universities around the world’, National Research Institute for Science Policy (NRISP), January 2009. (Co-presenter)
● Lecture on ‘Revisiting the core and cover of quality in higher education’, Presented at the Seminar on The Link between Scientific Progress and International Publications Indexing, Office of the Deputy of Research and Technology, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, December 2007. (Co-presenter)
● Lecture on ‘Writing research papers in English: Sharing a research finding or indexing a scientific product?’, Orthopedics Society of Tehran, August 2007. (Co-presenter)
● Workshop on ‘Sharing research findings’, Center for Cancer Studies, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, March 2007. (Co-presenter)
● Lecture on ‘EFL education ‘magic waves’ in newspaper advertisements’, Department of English Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabaei University, December 2006.
● Lecture on ‘A CDA approach to EFL education ideologies’, Department of English Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabaei University, December 2005.
● Workshop on ‘Problem posing in foreign language education’, Department of Junior High School English, District 17 Tehran Board of Education, April 2005.
● Workshop on ‘Problem posing in foreign language education’, Department of Junior High School English, District 13 Tehran Board of Education, December 2004.
● Lecture on ‘Alternative views of language education’, Central Department of Junior High School English, Tehran City Board of Education, November 2004.


● Mirhosseini, S. A., Tajik, L., & Afifezade, M. (2019, May). Changes for the better in a globalized Era: MA TEFL admission processes and procedures in Iran and universities around the world. Paper presented at the Fifth ELT Conference. Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Pakizehdel, H. (2018, February). Teaching courses of general English at an Iranian university based on the idea of ‘Whole Language’. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences. Istanbul, Turkey.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2017, November). “In any tongue”: Reflections on multilingualism and education in Iran today. Presented at the 12th International Language and Development Conference. Dakar, Senegal.
● Shafiee, Z. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (2017, November). Iranian academics’ dilemmas concerning the dominance of English as the privileged language of publication. Paper presented at The Fifteenth International Conference of the Teaching Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI15). Roudehen University, Iran.
● Noori, M. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (2017, September). A critical exploration of the discursive portrayal of Islam in Barack Obama’s presidential speeches. Paper presented at The Eighth Conference on Issues in English Language Teaching in Iran (IELTI8). University of Tehran, Iran.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Babu, S. (2017, May). Sticking a superpower’s tongue out beyond borders: American policies of teaching English worldwide. Paper presented at the Fourth ELT Conference. Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran.
● Mirhosseini, S. A., Babazade, Z., Mohammadi, M., & Zare, S. (2015, May). The language of ‘push for investment’: Persuasive discourse in bank advertisements. Paper presented at Alzahra University First National Postgraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics. Tehran, Iran.
● Sazvar, A., Mirhosseini, S. A., & Rashed, F. (2015, May). The reflection and reproduction of lifestyles in an Iranian EFL context. Paper presented at Alzahra University First National Postgraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics. Tehran, Iran.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Asadi, S. (2015, May). Not quite an innocent proficiency test: Aspects of the worldview underlying TOEFL content. Paper presented at Alzahra University First National Postgraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics. Tehran, Iran.
● Mirhosseini, S. A., Zohali, L., Zabihi, F., & Sanajoo, N. (2015, May). Living with ‘the language of Hafez’: A sociolinguistic glimpse of Iranians’ view of their great poet. Poster presented at Alzahra University First National Postgraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics. Tehran, Iran.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Asadi, S. (2014, September). Exploring the lived experience of a graduate TEFL course of ‘qualitative research methodology. Paper presented at The Seventh Conference on Issues in English Language Teaching in Iran (IELTI7), University of Tehran, Iran.
● Gafar Samar, R., Mehrani, M., & Mirhosseini, S. A. (2012, October). Does the supply meet the demands? The (mis)match between researchers’ interests and practitioners’ needs. Paper presented at The Tenth International Conference of the Teaching Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI10), Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. & Ghahremani-Ghajar, S. (2012, July). Crucial criticality in language learning; But is it enough? Paper presented at The Second International Conference on Critical Education, University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
● Ghahremani-Ghajar, S. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (2011, June). Decolonizing language education research in Iranian universities. Paper presented at The Fourth International Multiversity Conference, University Sains Malaysia, Pinang, Malaysia.
● Samar, R. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (2011, May). To me reading is not only…: An instance of socio-cultural SLA theory in practice. Paper presented at The Third National Conference on Education, Shahid Rajaei University, Tehran, Iran.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2009, October). The course book syndrome: ELT materials and language education policies in Iran. Paper presented at The Seventh International Conference of the Teaching Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI7), Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.
● Kiany, G. R., Mirhosseini, S. A., Navidinia, H., Mehrani, M. B., Mohammadi, E., & Amiri, M. (2009, October). SYMPOSIUM; Foreign Language Education Policy as Part of Educational Reform: Pivotal Macro and Micro Considerations. The Seventh International Conference of the Teaching Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI7), Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2008, September). Let’s not measure: A call for fuzzy applied linguistics. British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Conference, September 2008, Swansea University, UK. (Awarded the international Chris Brumfit Award for conference attendance)
● Ghahremani-Ghajar, S., Mirhosseini, S. A., & Fattahi, H. (2007, July). Living the language of pain: A language-discovery approach to medical English. Paper presented at The Fourth Conference on Issues in English Language Teaching in Iran (IELTI4), July, 2007, University of Tehran, Iran.
● Mirhosseini, S. A. (2005, June). Advertisements demystified: A CDA approach to critical sociology of English language teaching in Iran. Paper presented at The Third Conference on Issues in English Language Teaching in Iran (IELTI3), May 2005, University of Tehran, Iran.
● Ghahremani-Ghajar, S. & Mirhosseini, S. A. (2003, May). Critical pedagogy and writing in English as a foreign language: Dialogue journal writing as a critical literacy practice. Paper presented at The Second Conference on Issues in English Language Teaching in Iran (IELTI2), May 2003, University of Tehran, Iran.

Courses Taught

● Grounded Theory (MPhil/EdD/PhD)
● Sociolinguistics (PhD)
● Qualitative Research Methodology (PhD)
● Culture and Identity in Language Education (PhD)
● Culture and Identity in Language Education (MA)
● Qualitative Research Methodology (MA)
● Discourse Analysis (MA)
● Sociolinguistics (MA)
● Academic Writing (MA)
● Language Teaching Methodology (Undergraduate)
● English for Students of Medicine (Undergraduate)
● Principles of Translation (Undergraduate)
● Reading II & II (Undergraduate)
● General English (Undergraduate)
● Pre-University English (Undergraduate)

Completed Supervision

● Noori, M. (2021). Examining the content of IELTS preparation materials: A critical applied linguistics perspective (PhD Dissertation, Alzahra University)
● Arjmandi, Z. (2021). Investigating teacher recruitment processes in private English language institutes in Tehran from the perspective of teachers. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Emadi, A. (2021). Developing local English language teaching materials for Iranian elementary learners based on a whole language approach. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Hashempour, Y. (2021). An exploration of teaching academic writing to MA TEFL students in universities of Tehran. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Rezvani, F. (2021). Authorial voice in Iranian academic writers’ articles in international English language journals: A critical qualitative content analysis. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Biparva, E. (2021). A meta-synthesis of sociocultural studies on English language teaching (ELT) in Iran within the past two decades. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Khodras Haghighi, N. (2020). Applying multiple literacies in English language teaching in Iran. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Aryankhah, Z. (2020). The role of promotional discourse in shaping social cognitions regarding ELT in Iran. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Haghi, M. (2019). A comparative study of English language teaching policies in Iran and expanding circle countries. (MA Thesis, Khatam University, Tehran, Iran)
● Bayat, G. (2019). A narrative inquiry on perspectives of a group of English language teachers about their sociocultural role in Iran. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Sharif, N. (2019). A Microethnographic study of teaching English to young learners in a language institutes in Tehran. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Faghani, Z. (2019). Imagined communities embedded in popular ELT textbooks in Iran. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Teimouri, S. (2019). Pre-school English language teaching in Iran. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Motezakker, S. (2019). Executive plans of the U.S. Department of State for English language teaching worldwide. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Affifezadeh, M. (2019). A comparative study of MA TEFL admission processes in Iran and selected universities around the world. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Babu, S. (2018). American policies of teaching the English language worldwide. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Bahrampour, A. (2017). English language teacher recruitment policy and practice in selected Iranian universities, high schools, and language institutes. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Pakizehdel, H. (2017). A whole language approach to teaching courses of General English at an Iranian university. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)
● Rashed, F. (2016). Reflection and reproduction of lifestyles in an Iranian ELT context. (MA Thesis, Alzahra University)

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