
香港大学经济管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Chun HUI

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-04

Prof. Chun HUI
Management and Strategy

MGM Programme Director
3917 5138
KK 711

Academic & Professional Qualification
PhD Indiana
M.A. Indiana
Professor Chun HUI is a Professor in the area of Management at the University of Hong Kong.? He is an established researcher and has published widely in first class academic journals, including, among others, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.? He has served on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal and Journal of International Business Studies.? He now serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Organizational Behavior and Journal of Management.?? He has received multiple competitive research grants, including a prestigious Joint National Science Foundation of China and Research Grant Council of Hong Kong competitive grant.? Professor Hui has co-authored a book on team leadership in Chinese.? Professor Hui has also served on two panels (social science and public policy) of the Research Grant Council that administers government grants for research projects in Hong Kong and is currently a member of the Research Grant Council of the HKSAR.? He has researched and presented talks on strategic human resource management, Chinese management and employee performance.? Professor Hui’s recent consulting experiences include, among others, designing a performance management system for a government department, devising a leadership assessment protocol that include a range of exercises for a governmental department, administering attitude opinion surveys to some major organizations, conducting a strategic analysis and plan for a non-profit religious organization, and setting up a quality system for ISO9000 certification.? His research interests include conflicts management, change management, performance appraisal, employee performance, selection, leadership, comparative management and Chinese management.
Organizational Behavior
Global Leadership
Global Enterprise Management
Globalization Business Management
Management in Chinese Contexts
Introduction to Organizational Behavior
Personnel Measurement
Experimental Methodology
Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Social Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Correspondence teaching for Organizational Behavior and Organizational Behavior in hospital contexts
Organizational Leadership
Organizational Behavior
Cross-cultural Comparative Management
Global Business Management
Asian Pacific Management
Organizational Behavior
Multinational Manager
Mphil/PhD seminar on Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management
Research Interest
Team development and relationship building, employee performance (extra-role performance, organizational citizenship behavior), management in Chinese contexts, leadership process (empowerment, leadership-member relationship, conflict management, impact on career development), and selection (interviews, predictive validities).
Selected Publications
Publication in English
Hui, C., Lee, C., & Wang, H. (in press).? Organizational Inducements and Employee Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Role of Perceived Insider Status and The Moderating Role of Collectivism.? Human Resource Management.
Liu, J., Hui, C., Lee, C., & Chen, Z. X. (in press). Why do I feel valued and why do I contribute? A relational approach to employee’s organization-based self-esteem and job performance. Journal of Management Studies.
Liu, J., Hui, C., Lee, C. & Chen, Z.X. (in press).? Taking on obligations: why employees stay.? International Journal of Human Resource Management.
Liu, J., Lee, C., Hui, C., Kwan, H. K, & Wu, L. Z. (2013). Idiosyncratic deals and employee outcomes: The mediating roles of social exchange and self-enhancement and the moderating role of individualism. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98, 832-840.
Liu, J., Kwan, H.K., Lee, C., & Hui, C. (2013).? Work-to-Family Spillover Effects of Workplace Ostracism: The Role of Work-Home Segmentation Preferences.? Human Resources Management, 52, 75-93.
Li, Y., Hui, C., Ashkanasy, N., & Ahlstrom, D. (2012).? A multi-level study of emergent group leadership: Effects of emotional stability and group conflict.? Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 29, 351-366.
Liu, J., Wang, H., Hui, C., & Lee, C. (2012).? Psychological ownership: how having control matters.? Journal of Management Studies, 49, 869-895.
Wang, H., Begley, T., Hui, C., & Lee, C.? (2012). Are the effects of conscientiousness on contextual and innovative performance context specific? Organizational culture as a moderator.? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23, 174-189.
Graen, G., Hui, C., & Wakabayashi, M. (2012).? Manager-direct report alliances as a context for integrating cross-cultural and diversity research.? Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 5, 375-376.
Lee, C., & Hui, C. 2011. Antecedents and consequences of idiosyncratic deals: a frame of resource exchange. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 5(3), 380-401.
Lee, C., Liu, J., Rousseau, D.M., Hui, C., & Chen, Z.X. (2011).? Inducements, contributions and fulfillment in the new psychological contracts.? Human Resources Management, 50, 201-226.
Hui, C., Lee, C., & Niu, X (2010).? The moderating effects of polychronicity and achievement striving on the relationship between task variety and organization-based self-esteem.? Human Relations, 63 (9), 1395-1416.
Wang, H., Law, K.S., & Hui, C. (2010).? Currencies of exchange and global LMX: How they affect employee task performance and extra-role performance.? Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 27(4), 625-646.
Hui, C., Law, K.S., Chen, Y., & Tjosvold, D. (2008).? The role of co-operation and competition on leader-member exchange and extra-role performance in China.? Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 46, 133-152.
Hui, C., Wong, A., & Tjosvold, D. (2007).? Turnover intention and performance in China: the role of positive affectivity, Chinese values, perceived organizational support and constructive controversy.? Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 80, 735-751.
Graen, G.B., Hui,C., & Taylor, E.A. (2006).? Experience-based learning about LMX leadership and fairness in project teams: A dyadic directional approach.? Academy of Management: Learning & Education, 4, 448-460.
Begley, T., Lee, C., & Hui, C.? (2006).? Organizational level as a moderator of the relationship between justice perceptions and work-related reactions.? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 705-721.
Lee, C., Hui, C., Tinsley, C., & Niu, X.? (2006).? Goal orientations and performance: role of temporal norms.? Journal of International Business Studies, 37 (July), 484-498.
Grover, S., & Hui, C.? (2005).? How job pressures and extrinsic rewards affect lying behavior.? International Journal of Conflict Management, 16, 287-300.
Tjosvold, D., Hui, C., & Sun, H.? (2004).? Can Chinese discuss conflicts openly?? Field and experimental studies of face dynamics in China.? Group Decision and Negotiation, 13, 351-373.
Tjosvold, D., Yu, Z.Y., & Hui, C.? (2004).? Team learning from mistakes: the contribution of cooperative goals and problem solving.? Journal of Management Studies, 41, 1223-1245.
Hui, C., Lee, C., & Rousseau, D.? (2004).? Employment relationships in China: do workers relate to the organization or to people?? Organization Science, 15, 232-240.
Hui, C., Lee, C., & Rousseau, D.? (2004).? Psychological contract and organizational citizenship behaviors in China: exploring generalizability and instrumentality.? Journal of Applied Psychology, 89, 311-321.
Tjosvold, D., Hui, C., Ding, D., Sun, H. & Hu, J.C. (2003).? Conflict values and team relationships: conflict’s contribution to team effectiveness and citizenship in China. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24, 69-88.
Tjosvold, D., Hui, C., & Yu, Z.Y. (2003).? Conflict management and task reflexivity for team in-role and extra-role performance.? International Journal of Conflict Management, 14, 141-163.
Hui, C., Lam, S.S.K & Schaubroek, J.? (2001).? Can good citizens lead the way for providing quality service?? A field quasi-experiment.? Academy of Management Journal, 44, 988-995.
Tjosvold, D., Hui, C., & Law, K.S. (2001).? Constructive conflict in China: cooperative conflict as a bridge between East and West.? Journal of World Business, 36, 166-183.
Wong, C.S., Wong, Y.T., Hui, C., & Law, K.S. (2001). The significant role of Chinese employees’ organizational commitment: Implications for managing employees in Chinese societies. Journal of World Business, 36(3), 326-340.
Hui, C., Lam, S.S.K., & Law, K.S.? (2000).? Instrumental values of organizational citizenship behavior for promotion: A field quasi-experiment.? Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 822-828.
Hui, C., & Lee, C. (2000).? Moderating effects of organization-based self-esteem on the relationship between perception of organizational uncertainty and employee response.? Journal of Management, 26, 215-232.
Graen, G.B., Wakabayashi, M., & Hui, C.? (1999).? Third culture management issues in two-culture business ventures in the United States and the People’s Republic of China.? Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, 13, 87-98.
Lam, S.S.K., Hui, C., & Law, K.S. (1999).? Organizational citizenship behavior: comparing perspectives of supervisors and subordinates across four international samples. Journal of Applied Psychology, 84, 594-601.
Hui, C., Law, K.S., & Chen, Z.X. (1999).? A Structural equation model of the effects of negative affectivity, leader-member exchange and perceived job mobility on in-role and extra-role performance: A Chinese case.? Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 77, 3-21 (lead article).
Lee, C., & Hui, C.? (1999).? Antecedents and outcomes of work-family interface. Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 127-143.
Lin, Z., & Hui, C. (1999).? Should lean replace mass organization systems: A comparative examination from a management control perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 30, 1 (First Quarter 1999): 45-80.
Chen, X.P., Hui, C., & Sego, D. (1998).? The role of organizational citizenship behavior in turnover: Conceptualization and preliminary tests of key hypothesis.? Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 922-931.
Tjosvold, D., Hui, C, & Law, K. S. (1998).? Empowerment in the manager-employee relationship in Hong Kong: Interdependence and controversy. Journal of Social Psychology, 138, 624-637.
Wong, C.S., Hui, C., & Law, K.S. (1998).? A longitudinal study of the job perception-job satisfaction relationship: Test of three job design theories.? Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 71, 127-146.
Hui, C., & Graen, G.B. (1997).? Guanxi and professional leadership in contemporary Sino-American joint ventures in mainland China.? Leadership Quarterly, 8, 451-465.
Lin, Z., & Hui, C. (1997).? Adapting to the changing environment: a theoretical comparison of decision making Proficiency of lean and mass organization Systems. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 3, 1133-142.
Graen, G.B., & Hui, C. (1996).? Managing changes in globalizing business: how to manage cross-cultural Business Partners. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 9, 62-72.
Organ, D.W., & Hui, C. (1995).? Time pressure, Type A syndrome, and organizational citizenship behavior: A field study replication of Hui, Organ, and Crooker (1994).? Psychological Reports, 77, 179-185.
Grover, S., & Hui, C.? (1994).? The influence of role conflict and self-interest on lying in organizations.? Journal of Business Ethics, 13, 295-303.
Hui, C., Organ, D.W., & Crooker, K. (1994).? Time pressure, Type A syndrome, and organizational citizenship behavior: A laboratory experiment.? Psychological Reports, 75, 199-208.
Podsakoff, P., MacKenzie, S., & Hui, C. (1993).? Organizational citizenship behaviors as determinants of managerial evaluations of employee performance: A review and suggestions for future research.? Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management (Vol. 11, pp. 1-40). Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press Inc.
Gavanski, I., & Hui, C. (1992).? Natural sample spaces and uncertain belief.? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 63, 766-780.
Publications in Chinese
刘军,吴隆增,许浚.(2010).? 政治技能的前因与后果:一项追踪实证研究.管理世界,第11期,94-104.
吴隆增,刘军,许浚.(2010).? 职场排斥与员工组织公民行为:组织认同与集体主义倾向的作用.南开管理评论,第3期,36-43.
Tjosvold, D., 許濬,粟芳 (2004).? 领导: 适合中国企業的领导模式.中國上海遠東出版社 .? [Tjosvold, D., Hui, C., & So, F. (2004).? Leadership in Chinese Enterprise.? Shanghai, China: Shanghai Fareast Publishing.] (in Chinese).
Competitive Grants
Hui, C., Lee, C., Liu, J., Kwan, H.K., & Lam, S.S.K. Towards a threat-reaction theory of supervisor reactions to subordinate voice.? RGC General Research Fund (GRF) 2013-2015. (HK$394500) (Ref: HKU791013) (Principal investigator)
Hui, C., Liu, J., Lee, C., & Wu, L.? Workplace ostracism: A longitudinal examination of its antecedents and work and family outcomes.? NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme 2010-2012 (HK$386120; RMB$29800) (Ref: N_HKU778/10) (Principal investigator in Hong Kong)
Hui, C., & Liu, J., & Lee, C.? Idiosyncratic deals in different cultures: Does being an insider matter?? RGC General Research Fund (GRF) 2010-2012. (HK$323750) (Ref: HKU745410H) (Principal investigator)
Hui, C.? Investment in organizational behavior: An investment theory of perceived insider status and outcomes.? RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2008-2011. (HK$552578) (Ref: HKU444208) (Principal investigator)
Hui, C.? A temporal perspective of psychological ownership.? RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2006-2009. (HK$645270) (HKU4647/06H) (Principal investigator)
Law, K.S., Wang, H., & Hui, C.? Leader-Member Exchange: Its dimensionality and relationship with individual outcomes in the PRC.? RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2006-2009. (HK$503000) (CUHK6482/06H) (Co-investigator)
Hui, C.? The roles of extra-roles of employees: A multi-level role-based study of employee extra-role.? RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2004-2006. (HK$523320) (CUHK4458/04H) (Principal investigator)
Fu, P.P., Tsui, A., Hui, C., Wu, W.K., Li, Y., & Li, L.? Chief executive officer values, human resource systems, and firm outcomes.? RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2004-2006.? (HK$653,100) (CUHK4457/04H) (Co-investigator)
Hui, C., & Turner, J.W.? Managing in polychronic times: Cross-cultural comparisons of temporal norms and communication medium.? RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2001-2003. (HK$404600) (CUHK4309/01H) (Principal investigator)
Tjosvold, D., Leung, K., & Hui, C.? Developing Effective Teamwork in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland: Antecedents of Cooperative Goals and Constructive Controversy.? RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2001-2003. (HK$400000) (LU3013/01H) (Co-investigator)
Hui, C., & Rousseau, D.? Cross-cultural differences in group member expectations and outcomes.? RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2000-2002. (HK$467817) (CUHK4026/00H) (Principal investigator)
Hui, C., Chen, Z.X, & Rousseau, D.? The nature and outcome of psychological contracts: A longitudinal study in a Chinese context.? RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 1998-2000. (HK$404000) (CUHK6197/98H) (Principal investigator)
Tjosvold, D., Hui, C., Lam, S.S.K., Wong, A. The Leader Member Relationship in China: Studies in Interdependence and Power.? RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 1998-2000. (HK$385000) (LC3004/98H) (Co-investigator)
Tjosvold, D., Hui, C., & Ding, D.? Cooperative teamwork and conflicts in Hong Kong and in China.? RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 1996-98. (HK$367000) (LC890/96H) (Co-investigator)
Hui, C., Graen, G.B., & Law, K.S.? A cross-cultural study of the effects of leader-member relationship on the evaluation of member performance.? RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 1995-97.(HK$150000) (HKUST534/95H) (Principal investigator)
Lin, Z., Carley, K., & Hui, C.? A structural analysis of organizational decision making performance: With applications to selected nuclear power plants.? RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 1995-97. (HK$250000) (HKUST533/95H) (Co-investigator)
Book and Book Chapters
Kwan, H.K., Lee, C., Wright, P.L., & Hui, C. (2013).? Re-examining the goal-setting questionnaire.? In E.A. Locke & G.P. Latham (Eds.), New developments in goal setting and task performance (pp. 583-600).? New York: Routledge.
Lee, C., Hui, C., & Tinsley, C.H.? (2008).? Group diversity and performance: the effects of diversity type, context and group cooperation. In K.H. Kiefer (Ed.), Applied Psychology Research Trends, Ch. 3 (pp. 59-80).? Nova Science Publishers Inc.
Hui, C., Lee, C., Tinsley, C.H., & Yang, D. (2007).? Group member expectations, group processes, expectation fulfillment and group performance.? In C. Chriesheim & L.L. Neider (Eds.), Research in Management: International Perspectives, Vol. 6, p. 169-196.
Graen, G. B., Hui, C., and Taylor, E. T.? (2004).? A new approach to team leadership: Upward, downward and horizontal differentiation, in New Frontiers of Leadership, LMX Leadership: The Series Chapter 2, (Editor George. B. Graen).? Information Age Publishing, Inc., Greenwich, CT:? Vol. 2, (pp. 33-66).
Graen, G. B., Hui, C., and Gu, QingLiang, (2004).? A new approach to intercultural cooperation in New Frontiers of Leadership, LMX Leadership: The Series Chapter 9, (Editor George. B. Graen).? Information Age Publishing, Inc., Greenwich, CT:? Vol. 2, (pp. 225-246).
Tjosvold, D., Wong, A., & Hui, C. (2004).? Leadership research in Asia: Developing relationships.? In K. Leung & S. White (Eds.), Handbook of Asian Management.? Kluwer Academic Publishers (pp. 373-395).
Hui, C., Kwong, J.Y.Y., & Lee, C. (2004).? Work motivation in Asia: Review and future directions.? In K. Leung & S. White (Eds.), Handbook of Asian Management.? Kluwer Academic Publishers (pp. 349-372).
Graen, G.B., & Hui, C. (2001).? Approaches to leadership:? Toward a complete contingency model of face-to-face leadership.? (M. Erez, U. Kleinbeck, & H. Thierry), Work motivation in the context of a globalizing economy (pp. 211-225).? Erlbaum Publishing: New York.
Tjosvold, D. & Hui, C.? (2001).? Leadership in China: Recent Studies on Relationship Building.? In W.H. Mobley, V. Arnold, & J. Gessner (Eds.)? Advances in Global Leadership.? Volume 2 (pp. 127-151). JAI Press.
Tjosvold, D., Hui, C., & Sun, H. (2000).? Social face and open-mindedness: Constructive conflict in Asia.? C.M. Lau, K.S. Law, D.K. Tse, & C.S. Wong (Eds.), Asian Management Matters: Regional Relevance and Global Impact (pp. 3-16).? London: Imperial College Press.
Graen, G.B., & Hui, C. (1999). Transcultural global leadership in the 21st century: Challenges and implications for development.? In W.H. Mobley, V. Arnold, & J. Gessner (Eds.)? Advances in Global Leadership.? Volume 1. (pp. 9-26).? JAI Press.
Graen, G.B., & Hui, C. (1999). US Army Leadership in Century XXI: Challenges and Implications for Training.? In J. G. Hunt, G.E. Dodge, & L. Wong (Ed.), Out-of-the-box leadership: Transforming the 21st century army and other top-performing organizations, (pp. 239-252).? Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
Graen, G.B., & Hui, C., Wakabayashi, M., & Wang, Z.M. (1997).? Cross-cultural research alliances in organizational research: cross-cultural partnership-making in action.?? In C. Earley & M. Erez (Eds.) New perspectives on international industrial/organizational psychology, (pp. 160-189).? San Francisco: The New Lexington Press.
Sego, D., Hui, C., & Law, K.S. (1997).? Operationalizing cultural values as the mean of individual values: Problems and suggestions for research.?? In C. Earley & M. Erez (Eds.) New perspectives on international industrial/organizational psychology, (pp. 148-159).? San Francisco: The New Lexington Press.
Tjosvold, D., Hui, C., & Law, K.S. (1997).? The leadership relationship in Hong Kong: power, interdependence, and controversy.? In K. Leung, U. Kim, S. Yamaguchi, & Y. Kashima (Eds.), Progress in Asian Social Psychology (pp. 295-310).
Conference Papers
Liu, B.C., Hui, C., Lee, C., & Liu, Y. (2014, August).? Psychological Ownership: Linking Employee Past and Future in an Organization to Employee Outcomes. 9th Annual London Business Research Conference, Imperial College, London.
Wang, Y., & Hui, C. (2013, November).? Voicing in groups: The effects of experiencing and observing workplace ostracism.? Congress on Economy, Finance and Business, Bangkok, Thailand.
Hui, C., Lee, C., & Liu, J. (2013, June).? Employee-employer investment and career success: Mediating role of perceived insider status.? Paper presented at the 2013 International Academy of Business and Economics Conference in Bangkok, Thailand.
Lam, S., Hui, C., & Lee, C (2012, December).? Servant Leadership and Team Performance: Moderating Effects of Cultural Values.? Paper presented at the 2012 Asia Academy of Management Conference, December 10-12, in Seoul, Korea.
Bachrach, D.G., Nielsen, T.M., Jarvey, J., Hui, C., & He, F. (2012, August).? Paying it forward: A trickle-down model of citizenship instrumentality.? Paper presented at the 72th Annual Academy of Management Meetings, Boston, MA, USA.
Kwan, H.K. Mao, Y., Liu, J., Lee, C., & Hui, C. (2012, August).? Workplace ostracism and creativity: The role of individual differences.? Paper presented at the 72th Annual Academy of Management Meetings (GDO, IM & OB Divisions), “Creativity in social context” symposium, Boston, MA, USA.
Zhao, H., Huang, G.H., Lee, C., Chen, G., & Hui, C. (2012, July).? Job insecurity in Chinese context: A critical review.? Paper presented at the 30th International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town, South Africa.
Lee, C., Kwan, H.K., Liu, J., Lam, S.S.K., & Hui, C. (2012, June).? The mediating effects of social exchange and self-enhancement on the relationship between idiosyncratic deals and employee contribution.? Paper presented at the International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Hong Kong.
Chiu, W., Kong, K., Yan, X, Hui, C., & Lee, C.? (2012, January).? Psychological Contract Fulfillment and Employee Performance: Untangling the Employer-Employee and Employee-Task Relationships.? Paper presented at and published in the proceedings of the 4th International Human Resource Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
Lee, C. & Hui, C.? (2011, April).? Work-to-Family Spillover Effects of Workplace Ostracism: The Role of Work–Home Segmentation Preferences.? Paper presented at the 26th national meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.? Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Lee, C., Hui, C., & Liu, J. (2010, August).? Idiosyncratic Deals and Organizational Attachment: The Roles of Organizational-Based Self-esteem and Individualism.? Paper presented at the 70th Annual Academy of Management Meetings, Montreal, Canada.
Hui, C., Lee, C., Liu, B.C, & Ko, Y.O. (2010, July).? Chips for Challenging: The Moderating Effects of Past Attainment and Future Prospect on the Relationship between Perceived Insider Status and Offering Challenging Opinions.? Paper presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
Liu, J., Hui, C. & Lee, C. (2010, June).? Antecedents and consequences of idiosyncratic deals: the role of resource exchange.? Paper presented at the International Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research, Shanghai, China.
Liu, J., Wang, H., Hui, C. & Lee, C. (2010, April).? Psychological ownership: The importance of having a say.? Paper presented at the 25th national meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.? Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Lee, C., Liu, J., Hui, C, & Chen, Z.X. (2009, August).? Why do I feel valued and why do I reciprocate.? Paper presented at the 69th National Academy of Management Meetings, Chicago, IL.
Kwok, O.T.Y., & Hui, C. (2008, December).? Understanding employee competence and service quality: Understand the Role of Human Resource Systems and Goal Orientation in Service Sector.? Paper presented at the 6th Asian Academy of Management Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
Kwok, O.T.Y., & Hui, C. (2008, December).? Managing Front-line Services by High-involvement Work Systems: Learning Goal Orientation and Empowerment.? Paper presented at the 22nd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, Auckland, New Zealand.
Tso, T., & Hui, C.? (2008, August). A Broader View on Organizational Identification: An Empirical Study of a Chinese Factory.? Paper presented at the 68th National Academy of Management Meetings, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Li, Y., & Hui, C. (2008, August). Multilevel model of emotional stability on emergent group leadership.? Paper presented at the 68th National Academy of Management Meetings, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Hui, C., Liu, J., & Lee, C.? (2008, August). Future Orientations and Proactive Behaviors: A Cross-Level Analysis.? Paper presented at the 68th National Academy of Management Meetings, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Hui, C., Lee, C., & Liu, J. (2008, July 20-25).? A temporal perspective of psychological ownership and employee extra-role behavior.? Paper presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology ICP, Berlin, Germany.
Wang, H., Lee, C., Begley, T., Hui, C.? (2008, June 19-22).? Organizational culture as a moderator of the conscientiousness-performance relationship.? Paper presented at the International Conference of the Association for Chinese Management Research, Guangzhou, China.
Kwan, H.K., & Hui, C. (2008, June 19-22).? The Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Resource Exchanges and Career Growth Opportunities.? Paper presented at the International Conference of the Association for Chinese Management Research, Guangzhou, China.
Liu, J., Hui, C., & Lee, C. (2008, March).? Taking on obligations: why employees stay.? 8th International Business Research Conference, Dubai, UAE.? Best Paper Award.
Rousseau, D.M., Lee, C., Dabos, G., Hui, C., & Wang, H. (2007, August).? Firm culture as an antecedent of the employee psychological contract: Its alignment and fulfillment.? 67th? Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Lee, C., Hui, C., & Rousseau, D.M. (2007, August).? Mutuality in group context: What happens when we agree.? Paper presented at the symposium organized by Z. Lei, “The employment relationship in China: Western theory in the Chinese context.”? 67th? Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Hui, C., Lee, C., & Zou, Z. (2007, July).? The Extra-roles of employees.? Paper presented at the 10th European Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.
Hui, C., Wong, A., & Tjosvold, D. (2006, December).? The relationship between disposition, Chinese value, organizational context, employee intention and performance in China.? AIB Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
Wang, H., Lee, C., & Hui, C. (2006, December).? I want to be included: Sources of perceived insider status and why insider status is important.? Presented and published in the Best Papers Proceedings of the 5th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Tokyo, Japan.? Paper was nominated as one of the five best papers.
Liu, J., Hui, C., Rousseau, D.M., Lee, C., & Chen, Z.X. (2006, August).? A longitudinal study of employment obligations: A constructive replication and extension.? 66th? Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Li, Y. & Hui, C. (2006, August).? Multilevel model of emotional stability on emergent group leadership.? Paper presented at the Asia Management Roundtable of the 66th? Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Hui, C., Lee, C. & Niu, X. (2006, June).? The relationship between fit of personal orientations and tasks, organization-based self-esteem and employee outcomes.? 2nd Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research, Nanjing, China.
Hui, C., & Yang, D. (2005, August).? I Think We Can: Influence Of Group Member Expectations On Group Processes And Performance.? 65th? Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Hui, C., & Lee, C. (2005, August).? A Matter of Exchange: Individual and contextual antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior.??? 65th? Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Chen, X.Z., Aryee, S., Lee, C., & Hui, C. (2005, August).? Perceived leader–subordinate goal similarity and employee performance: test of? mediating and moderating effects in china.? Presented and published in the Best Papers Proceedings of the 65th? Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Hui, C., Lee, C. & Niu, X.Y. (2005, July).? I have, I am, I want to: on building organization-based self-esteem.? The 5th International conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations, Rhode, Greece.
Hui, C., Lee, C., Tinsley, C. & Yang, D.? (2004, December).? The Interplay Between Group Members and Group: The Role of Group Member Expectations.? 4th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Shanghai, China.
Hui, C., Lee, C. & Tinsley, C. (2004, November).? The effects of diversity type, task type and group cooperation on group performance.? Paper presented at and published in the proceedings of the 3rd Academy of Human Resource Development Conference in Asian, Seoul, South Korea.
Lee, C., Hui, C., Niu, X. (2004, August).? Temporal norms and goal orientation.? 64th? Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Begley, T.M., Lee, C., & Hui, C. (2004, August).? Job level, justice, and employee outcomes in a Chinese firm.? 64th? Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Tjosvold, D., Yu, Z.Y., Chen, N.Y., & Hui, C. (2003, August).? Learning from mistakes: The role of team problem solving and cooperative goals.? 63rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Graen, G. B., Wakabayashi, M., Hui, C. (2003).? Is a Radical Change in Kaisha’s Approach to Bicultural Ventures in Asia Needed?? Paper presented at Association of Japanese Business Studies convention, St. Louis, MO.
Hui, C., Lee, C., & Rousseau, D. (2002, December).? An analysis of the forms and outcomes of psychological contract in China.? 3rd Asian Academy of Management Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
Hui, C., Kwong, J., & Lee, C. (2002, December).? Work motivation in Asia.? Special Symposium on Asian Management: past, present, and future.? 3rd Asian Academy of Management Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
Hui, C., & Lee, C. (2002, August).? Organization versus relationships in China: Are organizational influences distinguishable from personal relations with one’s manager?? 62nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Rousseau, M.D., Hui, C., & Lee, C. (2002, July 3-5).? Organization versus relationships in China: Are organizational influences distinguishable from personal relations with one’s manager?? Organization Science Special Issue Conference: Corporate Transformations in the People’s Republic of China: Implications for Management in Private, State and Foreign Firms.? Beijing, China.
Hui, C. (2001, August).? From the West Wing to Beijing: Issue Interpretation and Framing in Public Sectors.? Panel Discussant.? 61st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Washington D.C., USA.
Graen, G.B., & Hui, C. (1999, April).? Cross-cultural leadership.? Paper presented in the Symposium on Cross-cultural research in industrial and organizational psychology, at the Annual Conference for the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Xin, K.R., Tsui, A.S., & Hui, C.? (1998, December).? Impact of self-disclosure and perceived similarity on LMX: a longitudinal study?? Presented at the Inaugural Asian Academy of Management Conference, Hong Kong.
Tjosvold, D., & Hui, C. (1998, August).? Conflict’s contribution to team effectiveness: Studies in China.? Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, San Diego, California, USA.
Tjosvold, D., & Hui, C. (1998, June).? Showing respect among Chinese: A study of social face in conflict.? Paper presented at and published in the Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference on International Association for Conflict Management, College Park, Maryland, USA.? (Best Conference Paper Award.)
Tjosvold, D., & Hui, C. (1998, May).? The positive role of conflict on teams and citizenship behavior in China.? Paper presented at and published in the Proceedings of the China International Business Symposium, Shanghai, China.
Tjosvold, D., Hui, C., & Law, K. (1998, April).? Cooperative conflict for innovative groups: Evidence from North America and East Asia.? Paper presented in the Symposium on Conflict and performance in groups and organizations, at the Annual Conference for the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Dallas, Texas.
Hui, C. (1998, April).? The Great Sino-American divide: The Chinese perspective.? Paper presented in the Symposium on Organizational culture, work quality, and reactions to quality management programs, at the Annual Conference for the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Dallas, Texas.
Hui, C., & Lee, C. (1998, April).? Moderating effects of organization-based self-esteem on uncertainty-response relationships.? Paper presented at the Annual Conference for the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Dallas, Texas.
Lee, C., & Hui, C. (1997, August).? Career success: The roles of work-family conflicts, family-support practices and other antecedents.? Paper presented in the Academy of Management Meeting, Boston.
Phillips, E.T., Graen, G.B., & Hui, C. (1997, August).? The effect of dyadic leadership and friendship relationships on team success: A naturally occurring field simulation.? Paper presented in the Academy of Management Meeting, Boston.
Graen, G., & Hui, C. (1997, March).? US army leadership in Century XXI: Challenges and implications for training.? Paper presented at the Army Symposium on Leadership Challenges of the 21st Century Army, Contigny, Wheaton, Illinois, U.S.A.
Hui, C. (1997, March).? Motivation and incentive systems in the People’s Republic of China.? Paper presented in the Conference on Strategic Human Resource Management in International Joint-Ventures, Hangzhou, China.
Graen, G.,? Hui, C., Dharwadkar, R. Grewal, R., & Wakabayashi, M. (1997, February).? Predicting speed of managerial advancement over 23 years using a parametric duration analysis: A test of early leader-member exchange, early job performance, early career success, and university prestige.? Paper presented and published in Best Paper Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Business Studies.
Chen, X.P., Hui, C., & Sego, D. (1996, December).? Employee turnover: A China study.? Conference of Chinese Enterprise Management, Taipei, Taiwan.
Law, K. S., Tjosvold, D. & Hui, C. (1996, June). Cooperative conflict, leader-member relationships, and citizenship behavior in China. Paper presented at the International Association for Conflict Management, Ithaca, New York.
Hui, C., & Graen, G. (1996, May).? Managing changes in globalizing business: The third culture approach.? Paper presented at the International Conference on Comparative Management, National Sun Yat-sun University, Kuoshung, Taiwan.
Lin, Z., & Hui, C. (1996, May).? Adapting to the changing environment of decision making: A theoretical comparison of lean and mass management systems. Paper presented at the International Conference on Comparative Management, National Sun Yat-sun University, Kuoshung, Taiwan.
Hui, C., & Mobley, W.H. (1996, April).? Employment interviewing in China: Cultural, content, and process issues.? Paper presented in the 11th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, U.S.A.
Graen, G., & Hui, C. (1996, February).? When to use which leadership approach: Toward a complete contingency model of face-to-face leadership.? Paper presented at the Conference on Work Motivation in the Face of Global World: Theory Development, Empirical Testing and Practical Applications at Kibbutz Ein-Gedi, Israel.
Hui, C., & Lin, Z. (1996, January).? Regulating collective actions: A case of two cultural systems.? Paper presented at the Research Workshop on Global Organizations at Hong Kong University of Science & Technology.
Lin, Z., & Hui, C. (1995, October).? Lean production versus mass production: A theoretical comparison using computer simulation.? Paper presented in the Hitotsubashi-Organizational Science Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Tjosvold, D., Hui, C., & Law, K.S. (1995, June).? The leadership relationship in Hong Kong: Power, Interdependence, and controversy.? Paper presented in the Inaugural Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, Hong Kong.
Wong, C.S., Hui, C., & Law, K.S. (1995, August).? Causal relationship between attitudinal antecedents to turnover.? Paper presented and published in the Proceedings of the Academy of Management Meeting, Vancouver.
Hatfield, R., & Hui, C. (1995, January).? Predicting hiring decisions concerning applicants with disabilities.? Paper presented in the National Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York.
Grover, S., & Hui, C. (1994, August).? Moving toward theoretical consensus on a specific unethical behavior: The case of lying in organizations.? Paper presented in the Academy of Management Meeting, Dallas.
Hatfield, R., & Hui, C. (1992, December).? Avoiding discrimination suits under the American With Disabilities Act: An analysis of when discrimination is most likely.? Paper presented and published in the Proceedings of The Council on Employee Responsibilities and Rights.
Baldwin, T.T., Magjuka, R.J., & Hui, C. (1992, August).? Contextual influences on training effectiveness: An empirical analysis.? Paper presented in the Academy of Management Meeting, Las Vegas.
Hui, C., & Hatfield, R. (1992, May).? Discrimination against the physically disabled in selection: When concern for success matters.? Paper presented and published in the Proceedings of the 34th Midwest Academy of Management.
Grover, S., & Hui, C. (1991, May).? The influence of role conflict and reward contingencies on lying behavior.? Paper presented and published in the Best Paper Proceedings of the 33rd Midwest Academy of Management.
Gavanski, I., & Hui, C. (1990, March).? Natural sample spaces and the base rate fallacy.? Paper presented at the 62nd annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Service to the University/Community
University Service
2013 – present Associate Dean in Teaching and Learning Quality, Faculty of Business and Economic, HKU
2011 – 2013??? Director, BBA Programmes, School of Business, HKU
2002 – 2007??? Director, Master of Science in Global Business, CUHK
2002 – 2003??? Associate Director, MBA Programmes, CUHK
Professional Service
2013?Served on University Grant Committee, Research Assessment Exercise 2014, Business and Economics Panel
2010 – present?Served on editorial board of Journal of Organizational Behavior
?Served on editorial board of Journal of Management
2009Served on editorial board of Journal of Organizational Behavior
?Served on editorial board of Journal of Management
?Served as ad hoc reviewer for Asia Pacific Journal of Management
2008Serve as Panel Member for Research Grant Council (the Business panel)
?Served on editorial board of Journal of Organizational Behavior
?Served on editorial board of Journal of Management
?Served as ad hoc reviewer for Human Relations; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
?Committee member of the Academy of Management Conference Best Student Paper Award (HR Division)
2007Serve as Panel Member for Research Grant Council (the Business and the Public Policy panel)
?Served on editorial board of Academy of Management Journal
?Served on editorial board of Journal of International Business Studies
?Served on editorial board of Journal of Organizational Behavior
?Served on editorial board of Journal of Management
?Served on editorial board of Management and Organization Review
2006Serve as Panel Member for Research Grant Council (the Business and the Public Policy panel)
?Served on editorial board of Academy of Management Journal
?Served on editorial board of Journal of International Business Studies
?Served on editorial board of Journal of Organizational Behavior
?Served on editorial board of Journal of Management
?Served on editorial board of Management and Organization Review
?Served as ad hoc reviewer for Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
2005Serve as Panel Member for Research Grant Council (Business panel)
?Served on editorial board of Academy of Management Journal
?Served on editorial board of Journal of International Business Studies
?Served on editorial board of Journal of Organizational Behavior (Starting April, 2005)
?Served on editorial board of Journal of Management (starting July, 2005)
?Served on editorial board of Management and Organization Review
?Served as ad hoc reviewer for Human Relations, Journal of Management Studies, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Academy of Management Review
2004Serve as Panel Member for Research Grant Council
Served on editorial board of Academy of Management Journal
Served on editorial board of Journal of International Business Studies
Served on editorial board of Management and Organization Review
Served as ad hoc reviewer for Human Relations, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Occupation and Organizational Psychology, Journal of World Business, Basic and Applied Social Psychology
2003Served on editorial board of Journal of International Business Studies
Served on editorial board of Management and Organization Review
Served as ad hoc reviewer for Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Occupation and Organizational Psychology
2002Served as ad hoc reviewer for RGC grant proposals
Served as ad hoc review for the Academy Management Journal, Organizational Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Human Resource Management
2001Served as ad hoc reviewer for RGC grant proposals
Served as ad hoc review for the Academy Management Journal, Human Relations, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, and Perceptual and Motor Skills
2000?Served as ad hoc reviewer for RGC grant proposals
1999?Served as ad hoc reviewer for Human Relations
1998?Served as ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Applied Psychology
1998?Served as ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Organizational Behavior
1997?Served as reviewer for the 10th Annual Meeting of the Association for Japanese Studies
1996?Served as ad hoc reviewer for Asia Pacific Area Conference organized by AIB
1996?Served as ad hoc reviewer for Organizational Science
1992?Served as ad hoc reviewer for Academy of Management Journal

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