
香港大学建筑学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Leung, Rosalia H.C.

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-01

Leung, Rosalia H.C.

BAAS, HKU; DEA, M.Arch, ENSA Paris-Malaquais
Rosalia Leung is lecturer in the Department of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong.
Receiving her architectural education and professional training in Hong Kong and in France, her research and teaching primarily focus on urban-rural development and community participatory design. She has been involving in community projects with various NGOs, in which she investigates the role of rural in the contemporary urban context of Hong Kong.
She has conducted community building workshops in the New Territories and design studios which have researched on the balance between urban and rural development.
Central Market Revisited from network to agoraRosalia Leung
MArch Studios2017-18

Design ShapingChang Su , Geraldine Borio , Rosalia Leung , Sunnie Lau , Ulrich Kirchhoff & Wallace Chang
BA Studios2018-19

Building Community Projects in Hong Kong: Summer Workshop for Rural VillageChristian Lange , Rosalia Leung & Weijen Wang

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