Kwok, Patrick P. H. 郭炳濠
Professor Kwok is an Executive Director of Henderson Land Development Company Limited. He joined the company in 1987 and has been an Executive Director since 1993. Professor Kwok holds a Bachelor of Science (Engineering) (Civil Engineering Group) Honours degree from the University of London and a Master of Science degree in Administrative Sciences from Cass Business School, City, University of London. He also received his Postgraduate Diploma in Surveying (Real Estate Development) from The University of Hong Kong. Professor Kwok is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS) and an Associate Member of The Chartered Institute of Bankers (A.C.I.B.) of the United Kingdom. Professor Kwok had previously been a Part-time Lecturer for the MBA programme of The University of Hong Kong and is currently an Adjunct Professor of the Department of Real Estate and Construction, Faculty of Architecture of The University of Hong Kong. He had worked in the international banking field for more than a decade with postings in London, Chicago, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore as well as in Hong Kong before joining Henderson Land and has over 30 years of experience in the finance and business management areas which include responsibilities in the corporate investment, finance and treasury and project management activities of Henderson Land Group, such as group re-organisation, privatisation proposals and corporate acquisitions. He is also a non-executive director of Henderson Sunlight Asset Management Limited, the manager of the publicly-listed Sunlight Real Estate Investment Trust.