
香港树仁大学HongKongShueYanUniversity辅导及心理学系老师简介-Dr. LI, Wang-on Alex

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-05

Dr. LI, Wang-on Alex Associate ProfessorHead of Department

Research Interest (Potential PhD/MPhil Supervisor)
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Perception
- Emotion

Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong
M.Phil., The University of Hong Kong
B.Cog.Sc., The University of Hong Kong

Publications (in reverse chronological order)
Li, W. O., Yu, C. K., C., & Yuen, S. L., (in principle acceptance). A systematic examination of the neural correlates of subjective time perception with fMRI and tDCS. NeuroImage
Lo, L. Y., Li, W. O., & Lee, L. P. (2018). Form Follows Function: An Investigation Into the Categorical Boundary of Surprise. Psychological Reports, 5135.
Lo, L. Y., Li, W. O., Lee, L. P., & Yeung, P. S. (2018). Running in fear: an investigation into the dimensional account of emotion in discriminating emotional expressions. Cognitive Processing, 1-11.
Yu, C. K. C., & Li, W. O. (2018). A Fundamental Question about the Application of High-Density Electroencephalography and Time-Series Analysis in Examining Synchronous Networks During Sleep–Does the Use of Different Referencing. Sleep and Hypnosis, 20(4), 253-261.
Yu, C. K. C., & Li, W. O. (2018). Examining Dense-Array Electroencephalographic Networks during Sleep–Partial or Non-Partial Correlations?. Sleep and Hypnosis, 20(4), 253-261.
Li, W. O. & Yuen, S. L., (2015). The perception of time while perceiving dynamic emotional faces. Frontiers in Psychology, 6.
Internet use and the mediating effect of psychological distress. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1562.
Yu, C. K. C., Fan, T. W., & Li, W. O. (2012). Diagnostic characteristics of care receivers with intellectual disabilities and the difficulty and burden experienced by family caregivers. Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 3 (2), 202-221.
Li, W. O., Fan, T. W., & Yu, C. K. C. (2012). Difficulty and burden experienced by principal family caregivers of people with intellectual disabilities in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 3 (1),95-105.
Li, W. O., Saunders, J. A., & Li, L. (2009). Recruitment of a novel cue for active control depends on control dynamics. Journal of Vision, 9 (10), 1-11.
Li, W. O., Khuu, S. K., & Hayes, A. (2009). Background motion and the perception of shape defined by illusory contours. Journal of Vision, 9 (6):5, 1-11.
Li, W. O., Khuu, S. K., & Hayes, A. (2008). Interaction between complex motion patterns in the perception of shape. Vision Research, 167-178.
Lee, T. C. P., Khuu, S. K., Li, W. O., & Hayes, A. (2008). Distortion in perceived image size accompanies flash lag in depth. Journal of Vision, 8 (11):20, 1-10.
Khuu, S. K., Li, W. O., & Hayes, A. (2006). Global speed averaging is tuned for binocular disparity. Vision Research, 407-416.

Conference Papers and Presentations (in reverse chronological order)
Cheung, Y. & Li, W. O. (2018). A Dyadic Analysis Study on Chinese Cultural Values, Parent-Child Relationship and Level of Individuation of Hong Kong Mothers and their Teenage Children. The 5th Asian Academy of Family Therapy Annual Conference, Taipei.
Cheung, Y. & Li, W. O. (2017). The Influence of Chinese Cultural Values to Parenting Styles and Child Development. The 5th Asia Pacific Rim International Counselling & Psychotherapy Conference, Singapore.
Lee, L.P., Lo, L. Y., & Li, W. O., (2016). Sadly disgust or disgustedly sad: A study on the distinctivenes s of basic emotions with a new Asian emotional expression photobank. The 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016.
Huang, L., & Li, W. O. (2015). The pet-type effect on Hong Kong Pet owner’s human-animal bond and psychological distress. The Hong Kong Psychological Society (HKPS) Annual Conference 2015.
Wong, W. L. S., Wong, A., Li, W. O., & Connie S. –H., Ho (2015). The role of understanding of comic convention in graphic novel reading comprehension and story retelling in children. 2015 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting.
Kwan, K. , Fu, W. & Li, W. O. (2014). Estimation of Mental Health Related Needs Among People With Physical Disabilities in Hong Kong: Reports from a Two-year Six Stages Longitudinal Study. Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development.
Wong, D. L. L., Liang, J. J. M., & Li, W. O. (2011). The paternal and maternal influence to the development of emotional awareness. 2nd Asia Pacific Rim International Counselling Conference.
Wong, D. L. L., Liang, J. J. M., & Li, W. O. (2010). The influence of parental care and protection to emotional awareness. Hong Kong Psychological Society Annual Conference 6/2010.
Li, W. O., Cheng J. C. K., Saunders, J., Li, L. (2008). Cue recruitment in active control of a moving line. Hong Kong Vision Meeting. 3/2008.
Li, W. O., Cheng J. C. K., Saunders, J., Li, L. (2007). Cue recruitment in active control of a moving line. Perception (Supplementary), v.36, ECVP Abstract Supplement.
Li, W. O., Khuu, S. K., & Hayes, A. (2006). Global motion distorts shape perception: An investigation on Kanizsa Figures, Vision: The Journal of the Vision Society of Japan (Supplement), v.18, 98.
Lee, T. C. P., Li, W. O., Khuu, S. K., & Hayes, A. (2005). Flash-lag in depth is induced by stereomotion but not looming: Distorted size and position perception. Perception (Supplementary), v. 34, p.34
Li, W. O., Khuu, S. K., & Hayes, A. (2005). Background motion affects global shape perception. Perception (Supplementary), v.34, p.176 .
Li, W. O., & Spinks, J. A. (2004). The statistical assessment of learning outcome: knowledge structure. International Journal of Psychology (Supplementary), v.39(5-6) , p.249
Li, W. O., & Spinks, J. A. (2002). The interaction effect of medium and pedagogy on semantic knolwedge structure. In W. D. Gray & C. D. Shunn (Eds.) Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. p. 1051 . Mahwah , NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.

Youth Identity Status and its Psychosocial Correlates: A Longitudinal Study in Hong Kong
IDS Collaborative Research Grant, Research Grant Council (Co-PI, 2019; HKD3,465,000)
A systematic examination of the neural correlates of subjective time perception with fMRI and tDCS.
Faculty Development Scheme, Research Grant Council (PI, 2018; HKD709,742)
Constructing An Interdisciplinary Research Platform at Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Institutional Development Scheme, Research Grant Council (Project Member, 2014, HKD6,746,671)
Angry is not that Angry: Relativity of Emotion Perception and New Development of Emotional Expressions Photobank
Faculty Development Scheme, Research Grant Council (Co-I, 2014, HKD607,823)
Reading to learn: An investigation of comic comprehension in Chines dyslexic children with and without oral language difficulties
General Research Fund, Research Grant Council (Co-I, 2013, HKD595,500)
Frontline Service Staff Training and Development Program and its Effectiveness,
Hong Kong Physically Handicapped and Able-Bodied Association (Co-I, 2011, HKD527,550)

Courses Taught
CP516 Research Methods in Counselling Psychology
CP518 Research Workshops & Seminars in Counselling Psychology
CP530-1 Dissertation
PSY311-2 Research Internship
PSY401-3 Research Thesis

Office:LG107Main Building,
Hong Kong Shue Yan University,
10 Wai Tsui Crescent, Braemer Hill,
North Point,Hong Kong

Consultation Hours
Monday 1400-1700

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