Research and Clinical Interests?(Potential PhD/MPhil Supervisor)
- Vocational psychology (strength-based, post-modern career counselling & assessment)
- Career and identity development of college students, mid-life adults and ethnic minorities
- Change process in psychotherapy and clinical supervision
- Experiential training in counselling and psychotherapy
- Indigenization of multicultural counselling training
- Psycholinguistic phenomenology in counselling encounters
Ph.D., Counselling Psychology, Southern Illinois University, United States
M.A., Counsellng Psychology, Southern Illinois University, United States
B.A., Psychology, Southern Illinois University, United States
Pang, L.-S., & Bullock, M. (2008). Background characteristics of international students. In N. Hasan, N. Fouad, & C. Williams-Nickelson (Eds.), Studying Psychology in the United States: Expert Guidance for International Students. Washington, DC: APA Books.
Wang, Y.-W., Lin, J. C. G., Pang, L.-S., & Shen, F. C. (2007). International students from Asia. In F. T. L. Leong, A. G. Inman, A. Ebreo, L. Yang, L. M. Kinoshita, & M. Fu (Eds.), Handbook of Asian American Psychology (2nd ed., pp. 245- 261). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Foley, R. M., & Pang, L.-S. (2006). Alternative education program: Program and student characteristics. The High School Journal, 89(3), 10-21.
Conference Papers and Presentations (in reverse chronological order)
Pang, L.-S.(2020, May 20-30). Disembodiment of counselling under Covid-19 crisis: Challenges that may change counselling forever [Keynote address]. 2020 Psychology of Global Crises Virtual Conference, American University of Paris, France. psychology-global-crises
彭蘭施 (07/2019)。「貼地」語言的力量: 本土化敘事生涯咨商。《第八屆兩岸四地高校心理輔導與諮詢高峰論壇》。貴州: 貴州大學。[Pang, L.-S. (2019, July). The power of “down-to-earth” dialect: Indigenization of narrative career counselling. Oral presentation at the 8th Cross-Strait University Student Counselling Summit, Guizhou University, China.]
彭蘭施 (09/2017)。敘事生涯輔導: 香港在地化實踐故事。《第七屆兩岸四地高校心理輔導與諮詢高峰論壇》。 澳門:澳門科技大學。[Pang, L.-S. (2017, September). Narrative career counselling: A practice-informed localization story in Hong Kong. Oral presentation at the 7th Cross-Strait University Student Counselling Summit, Macau University of Science and Technology.]
彭蘭施 (09/2017)。出口就在迷失裡: 優勢為本生涯探索。《第七屆兩岸四地高校心理輔導與諮詢高峰論壇》。 澳門:澳門科技大學。[Pang, L.-S. (2017, September). A way out in the lost: A strength-oriented approach to career exploration. Oral presentation at the 7th Cross-Strait University Student Counselling Summit, Macau University of Science and Technology.]
Pang, L.-S. (2015, June). Cultivating Identity: Career Counselling in the Work World of Change. Invited workshop conducted at the Hong Kong Psychological Society Annual Conference 2015, Hong Kong Shue Yan University.
Pang, L.-S., & Hiranandani, N*. (2013, August). Bridging from resistance to commitment: A career exploration program for ethnic minority youths in Hong Kong. Workshop conducted at the 3rd Asia Pacific Rim International Counselling & Psychotherapy Conference, Malaysia. [ *presented with master student]
彭蘭施 (06/2013)。生涯概念之正面轉變:生涯建構理論在大學生涯教育的應用。《第五屆兩岸四地高校心理 輔導與諮詢高峰論壇》。香港:香港城市大學。[Pang, L.-S. (2013, June). Transformation in career concept: An application of the Career Construction Theory in University students?| career education. Oral presentation at the 5th Cross-Strait University Student Counseling Summit, City of University Hong Kong.]
Pang, L.-S. (2013, June). Code-switching and emotional expression in the autobiographical stories of Mandarin-English bilinguals in the United States: Implications for bilingual counselling. In Li Wei (Chair), Multilingualism in the Chinese Diasporas. Colloquium conducted at the 9th International Symposium of Bilingualism, Singapore.
Pang, L.-S. (2012, March). The language negotiation process and code-switching behaviors of bilingual individuals: Implications for bilingual counselling. In C. T. L. Sun (Chair), Self and language: Multicultural perspectives on counselling the Chinese population. Panel conducted at the 7th Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Pang, L.-S., & Chavez, N. (2007, August). Cultural challenges for international trainees in professional development. In F. C. Shen (Chair), Exploring cultural identities in graduate training. Symposium conducted at the APAGS, 2007 American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA.
Pang, L.-S., Wang, Y.-W., & Rottinghaus, P. (2006, August). International Student College Experience Scale: Development and Preliminary Findings. Poster presented at the Section on Ethnic & Racial Diversity SAG/CCPTP Social Hour, 2006 American Psychological Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Obasi, E., Pang, L.-S., Shah, S., Caldwell T., Chavez, N., Alabi, D., Ortiz, Y., Mrnak, J., Tamkin, V., Jean-Michel, K., Ross, N., & Wright, K. (2006, August). Worldview Analysis Scale: A Validity Study. Poster presented at the 2006 American Psychological Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Pang, L.-S., & Wang, Y.-W. (2005, August). Embrace the uniqueness of international students in Counseling Psychology. In Y.-W. Wang (Chair), Students?| perspectives on multicultural training: Valuing our differences and strengths. Symposium conducted at the 2005 American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, DC.
Principal Investigator
2020-2022, University Research Grant
Online face-to-face psychotherapy experience of psychotherapist trainees and clients during Covid-19 crisis: An exploratory qualitative study. (Project No.: URG/19/05)
Invited Seminars and Workshops?
2019 Know Your Story: Be the Author of Your CareerLife
The Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2018 Know Your Story: Be the Author of Your Career-Life
Career Planning and Development Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2018 專題分享: 天生我才必有用
Jockey Club StarTER Project Sharing Seminar [賽馬會「啟程?職聘」支援計劃分享會], Heep Hong Society
2017 Know Your Career Story: Be the Author of Your Career-Life
Lady Ho Tung Hall, The University of Hong Kong
2016 Multicultural Counselling Training: Introducing the Identity Development Framework
Hong Kong Council of Social Service
2016 Vocational Psychology Training Workshops for Counsellors & Teachers Working with SEN Students
Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong
2016 Career Workshop, e+ Startup Internship Program Orientation
Cyberport Startup Alumni Association [數碼港創業學會], Hong Kong
2016 The Courage Lies Within You: Career Counselling in Times of Change
Division of Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Hong Kong Psychological Society
2015 表達性藝術臨床運用 [Clinical Application of Expressive Arts]
多元文化輔導入門 [Introduction to Multicultural Counselling]
青年工作者專業培訓, 澳門教育暨青年局, Macau
2012 Vocational Psychology: Implications & Applications in Hong Kong
Professional Development Series, Asian Professional Counsellors Association, Hong Kong
Professional Registration and Membership
Registered Counselling Psychologist, Hong Kong Psychological Society
Associate Fellow, Hong Kong Psychological Society
Full Member, Division of Counselling Psychology, Hong Kong Psychological Society
Member, Asia Pacific Career Development Association
Courses Taught
PSY204 Personality and Individual Differences
PSY304 Psychological Assessment
PSY373 Capstone Project
COUN410 Alternative Approaches to Counselling & Psychotherapy
COUN450 Career and Employment Counselling
CP400P Theories and Techniques in Counselling and Psychotherapy
CP509 Clinical Seminar: Vocational Psychology & Counselling
CP517 Cultural and Individual Diversity
CP519 Assessment and Evaluation in Counselling Psychology I
CP520 Assessment and Evaluation in Counselling Psychology II
CP522 Professional Practice and Ethical Issues in Counselling Psychology
CP524 Internship
CP525-7 Externship I, II & III
CP530-1 Dissertation
CP601 Culture and Psychotherapy
CP611 Clinical Independent Study II
CP612-4 Clinical Practice II & III
Office: Room 102A, Library Complex,
Hong Kong Shue Yan University,
10 Wai Tsui Crescent, Braemer Hill,
North Point, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 2570-7110 ext. 144
Fax: (852) 2806-8044
Consultation Hours
By appointment