
香港浸会大学语文中心老师教师导师介绍简介-Mr Georges Elemboya OLONGO

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04

Mr Georges Elemboya OLONGO

Part-time Lecturer (French)

PhD Candidate in Conflict Studies
Graduate Certificate in Law
MA Political Science
BA (hons) Political Science (Criminal Justice minor)
Telephone: 3411 5843
Office: RRS620

Georges has lived in Hong Kong on and off since 2004. He is currently teaching French language and culture at HKBU and elsewhere whilst working on his doctorate. His dissertation will focus on the external causes of civil wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Georges’ research interests include Sino-African relations particularly in the field of development and the nature of civil war in weak states, with a focus on the DRC and other sub-Saharan countries.

2019-present: French teacher – HKBU / French Tutors / St Hilary’s School
2017-2018: Graduate Instructor – St Paul’s University, Ottawa, Canada
2016-2017: Language Monitor – White Woods Public School, Ontario, Canada
2014-2015:Research Assistant – Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada

? Appuis externes et déclenchement d’une guerre civile : Le cas de l’ex-Za?re ?, in Moda Dieng (dir.), évolutions Politiques en Afrique : Entre Autoritarisme, Démocratisation, Construction de la Paix et Défis Internes, Academia, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2015, pp. 67-85.

Conference Presentations
? To fight or not to fight: How international relations affect civil wars ?, SAGSA March 19 2015: Hope, Freedom & Responsibility. Concordia University, Montréal QC.
? Se battre ou ne pas se battre : le r?le des appuis externes dans le déclenchement d’une guerre civile? Feb. 25 2014 Université of Montréal, Montréal QC.

FREN1005 French I
FREN3006 Contemporary French Society through Its National Cinema
ECS3530/PHI2711A Sujets spéciaux en études de confits/ Thèmes choisis en philosophie politique

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