
香港中文大学地理与资源管理学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Prof. FUNG Tung

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30

Prof. FUNG Tung Professor
Department Chairperson BA, MPhil (Hong Kong)
PhD (Waterloo)
(852) 3943-6535 tungfung@cuhk.edu.hk

RESEARCH PROJECTS Principal InvestigatorRGC GRF Grant, “Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Data and Multi-source Data for Mangrove Survey and Monitoring”, (HK$ 547,691), with Wong Kwan Kit and Huang Bo, 2016-2017.
RGC GRF Grant, “A Multifractal Approach to Multiscale Feature Extraction in Remotely Sensed Images”, (HK$812,322) with Leung Yee and Yu Zu Guo, 2012-2015.
RGC GRF Grant, “Mangrove Species Mapping and Leaf Area Index Modeling Using Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing Technologies in Hong Kong”, (HK$343,700) with Lawal M. Marafa and Lin Hui, 2009-11.
The Planning Department, HKSAR Government, “Revision of Broad Land Use Updating Methodology”, (HK$450,000), with Huang Bo, 2007.
CUHK Direct Grant, “Channel Alteration in the Pearl River Delta: An Analysis with Latest TM/ETM+ Data”, (05/06 – 04/07, $63,300)
Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Dept, HKSAR Government, “Provision of Service for Mapping of Distribution and Extent of Mangroves in Hong Kong Using Satellite Image Analysis”, Principal Investigator with MARAFA Lawal, (03/06 – 05/07, $190,000)
Quality Education Fund, HKSAR Government, “Utilizing GIS in School Geography: Education Software Development for Secondary Students in Hong Kong”, with Lam Chi Chung (09/05 – 03/07, $670,300)
RGC Earmarked Research Grant, “A Vision-Based Approach to Remote Sensing Image Classification”, Principal Investigator, with LEUNG Yee, XU Zong-ben, (01/07-12/08, $510,400)
The Planning Department, HKSAR Government, “Consultancy Study to Analyze Broad Land Use Pattern in Hong Kong”, Principal Investigator (with Prof. Ng Sai-leung), (11/00 – 07/01, HK$387,650).
Co-InvestigatorsLand Use Allocation in High-growth Cities Using Adaptive Multiobjective Optimization, RGC GRF Grant, Huang Bo (P.I.), Fung Tung, Tsou Jinyeu and Meng Qiang, 2009-2011
Program for Geographical Modeling and Geocomputation (SS10350), CUHK Focused Investments Scheme – Scheme B, (HKD 1,500,000), Leung Yee (PI), 2011-2014.
Investigating the Impact of Coastal Water Quality on Hong Kong’s Coral Environment Using Satellite Remote Sensing (CU10592), Research Grants Council – General Research Fund (HK $539,650), Zhang YZ (PI), 2011-2012.
Land Use Allocation in High-growth Cities Using Adaptive Multiobjective Optimization (CU09443), Research Grants Council – General Research Fund (HKD 610,160), Huang Bo (PI), 2009-2012.
Water Quality Monitoring from Multi-satellite Observations in the Coastal Region of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Estuary (CU09549), Research Grants Council – General Research Fund (HK $574,200), Zhang YZ (PI), 2009-2011.
Using Support Vector Machines to Support Land Use Change Modelling, Research Grants Council Earmarked Research Grant (HK$770,200) Huang Bo (P.I.), Cheng J.Q., Fung Tung, Lin H. and Luo P., 2007-2009.
Propagation of Uncertainty in the Fusion of Multi-Source and Multi-Scale Spatial Information, Research Grants Council Earmarked Research Grant (HK$787,200) Leung Yee (P.I.), Fung Tung, 2007-2009.
Siting Locally Unwanted Land Uses: In Your Backyard or In Mine? Research Grants Council Public Policy Research Grant, (HK$472,000) Lam Kin Che (P.I.), Fung Tung, Lai Pong Wai and Lee Wai Ying, 2006-2008.
Effects of Health Scare on Outdoor Recreation and Leisure Trends: Lessons from the SARS Outbreak, University Direct Grant ($32,300), L.M. Marafa and Fung Tung, 2004-2005.

Wong Kwan Kit and Fung Tung, “Habitat Modelling for Conservation Analysis using GIS and Remote Sensing in Lantau Island, Hong Kong”, Universal Journal of Geoscience, 3(4), pp.146-169, 2015.
Wong Kwan Kit and Fung Tung, “Combining EO-1 Hyperion and ENVISAT ASAR Data for Mangrove Species Classification in Mai Po Ramsar Site, Hong Kong”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35 (23): pp.7828-7856, 2014.
WONG Kwan Kit and FUNG Tung. 2013, “Combining Hyperspectral and Radar Imagery for Mangrove Leaf Area Index Modeling”. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 79 (5): 479-490.
ZHANG Yongjun and FUNG Tung. “A Model of Conflict Resolution in Public Participation GIS for Land-use Planning”. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, vol.40 no.3, pp.550-568. United Kingdom: PION Ltd., 2013.05.
WONG Kwan Kit and FUNG Tung. “Combining Hyperspectral and Radar Imagery for Mangrove Leaf Area Index Modeling”. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, vol.79 no.5, pp.479-490. 2013.05.
ZHOU Daqing; FUNG Tung and CHU LM. “Avian Community Structure of Urban Parks in Developed and New Growth Areas: a Landscape-scale Study in Southeast Asia”. Landscape and Urban Planning, vol.108 no.2-4, pp.91-102. Elsevier Sciences B.V., 2012.09.07.
FUNG Tung; LESBIREL S. Hayden and LAM Kin Che. ed. Facility Siting in the Asia-Pacific – Perspectives on Knowledge Production and Application. 273 pgs. The Chinese University Press, 2011.
CHIOU Chang-tay; LEE Wai Ying Joanna and FUNG Tung. “Negotiated Compensation for NIMBY Facilities: Siting of Incinerators in Taiwan”. Asian Geographer, vol.28 no.2, pp.105-121. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2011.12.
FUNG Tung and PUN CHENG Shuk Ching Lilian.? “Geographic Information Systems”.? A New Geography of Hong Kong, Vol. 2 ed. by JIM C.Y., LI Si Ming and FUNG Tung. 1 ed. pp.195-227. Hong Kong SAR: Cosmos Books Ltd, 2010.07.01.
WU Bo; HUANG Bo and FUNG Tung. “Projection of Land Use Change Patterns Using Kernel Logistic Regression”. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, vol.75 no.8, pp.971-979. 2009.08.
MENG Deyu; LEUNG Yee; FUNG Tung and XU Zongben. “Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction of Data Lying on the Multicluster Manifold”. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part B: Cybernetics, vol.38 no.4, pp.1111-1122. 2008.08.
FUNG Tung; SO L. L. H.; CHEN Y.; SHI P. and WANG J.. “Analysis of Green Space in Chongqing and Nanjing, Cities of China with ASTER Images Using Object-oriented Image Classification and Landscape Metric Analysis”. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol.29 no.24, pp.7159-7180. Taylor & Francis, 2008.12.
MENG Deyu; LEUNG Yee; XU Zongben; FUNG Tung and ZHANG Qingfu. “Improving Geodesic Distance Estimation Based on Locally Linear Assumption”. Pattern Recognition Letter, vol.29 pp.862-870. 2008.01.
CHEN Yunhao; SHI Peijun; FUNG Tung; WANG Jinfei and LI X. “Object-oriented classification for urban land cover mapping with ASTER imagery”. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol.28 no.20, pp.4645-4651. Taylor and Francis, 2007.10.20.?
LEUNG Yee; FUNG Tung; MI Ju-sheng and WU Wei-zhi. “A Rough Set Approach to the Discovery of Classification Rules in Spatial Data”. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol.21 no.9, pp.1033-1058. Taylor & Francis, 2007.10.
FUNG Tung and WONG F. K.K. “Ecotourism Planning Using Multiple Criteria Evaluation with GIS”. Geocarto International, vol.22 no.2, pp.87-105. Taylor & Francis, 2007.06.

Teaching Fields

Remote sensing
Geographic Information Systems

Research interests

Digital image analysis
Spatial modelling
Land cover change detection

Services/ Posts

Associate Vice President, CUHK (2009 – 2017)
Interim Dean, Faculty of Social Science (08 – 11, 2014)
Co-Director, Institute of Future Cities, CUHK
Associate Director, Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability, CUHK
Convenor, Hong Kong Sustainable Campus Consortium (2012 – 2013)
Member, Advisory Council of the Environment, Environment Bureau, HKSAR
Member, Foodwise Hong Kong Steering Committee, Environment Bureau, HKSAR
Member, Panel on Promoting Testing and Certification Services in Environmental Protection Trade, Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification, ITC, HKSAR
Member, Task Force on Hong Kong Geological Park, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, HKSAR

SUGGESTED RESEARCH TOPICS FOR POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Habitat monitoring with integrated geospatial data
Feature extraction and image classification with satellite videos

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