
香港中文大学地理与资源管理学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Prof. HUANG Bo

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30

Prof. HUANG Bo Professor BSc (Wuhan)
(852)3943-6536 bohuang@cuhk.edu.hkDownload CV >

RESEARCH PROJECTS RGC Collaborative Research Fund, “Assessment and Implementation of Non-pharmaceutical Interventions to Avoid COVID-19 Resurgences: Accounting for Human Mobility, Contacts and Behavioral Change Using Both Big and Small Data”, Principal Coordinator (HK$ 3,512,631), 2021-2022.
RGC Area of Excellence (AoE) Scheme, “Center for Slope Safety”, Co-Principal Investigator (HK$ 6,653,000), 2019-2027.
RGC General Research Fund, “Using big spatial data to support urban air pollution monitoring in real time”, Principal Investigator ($838,500), 2016-2019.
RGC Earmarked Research Grant, “Using deep learning to support urban land use classification with optical imagery and LiDAR data”, Principal Investigator ($585,000), 2015-2018.
Nansha District Government, “Urban resilience planning for Nansha new district, Guangzhou city”, Principal Investigator (RMB5.6 million), 2013-2015.
RGC General Research Fund, “Spatio-temporal image fusion for monitoring fast-changing land cover dynamics”, Principal Investigator ($588,379), 2012-2015.
Social Science Collaborative Fund, “Unified Fusion of Remote Sensing Imagery for Sustainable High-Density Urban Environment”, Principal Investigator ($400,000), 2012-2014.
863-Hightech Program (strategic fund) of China, “Global land cover change detection, analysis and map update”, Co-PI (RMB¥3,000,000), 2009-2012.
RGC General Research Fund, “Land use allocation in high-growth cities using adaptive multiobjective optimization”, Principal Investigator ($701,600), 2009-2011.
RGC Earmarked Research Grant, “Using Support Vector Machines to Support Land Use Change Modeling”, Principal Investigator ($770,200), 2007-2009.
RGC Earmarked Research Grant, “The role of forest products in the productivity of shifting cultivation systems”, Co-investigator (HK$655,910), 2008-2011.
RGC Earmarked Research Grant, “Water quality monitoring from multi-satellite observations in the coastal region of Hong Kong and the Pearl River estuary”, Co-investigator (HK$660,330), 2008-2011.
“Economic reforms and land use/land cover change in Yunnan: between centralised policy planning and local implementation” funded by South China Program, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Co-investigator (HK$150,000), 2009-2011.
“Intelligent spatio-temporal data analysis and prototype system development” funded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, PRC, Principal Investigator (HK$800,000), 2009-2012.
“Virtual laboratory for urban land use policy simulation” funded by the Ministry of Land and Resources, PRC, Co-Principal Investigator (HK$960, 000), 2009-2010.
CUHK Direct Grant, “Generating Pareto-optimal land use plans for rapidly developing cities”, Principal Investigator (HK$72,000), 2007-2008.
CUHK Direct Grant, “Incremental routing approaches for dynamic transportation networks”, Principal Investigator, HK$78,000, 2007-2008.
National Natural Science Foundation (NNSF) of China, “Spatial intelligence: theories and applications”, Principal Investigator, RMB250,000, 2007-2009.
“Broad land use update of Hong Kong” funded by the Planning Department, Hong Kong Government, Co-Investigator, HK$450,000, 2007 (PI: Fung T).
Canada National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), “Efficient mobile GIS for location based service”, Principal Investigator (2005-2010, CAD110,000).
University of Calgary, “Multi-dimensional GIS”, Principal Investigator (2004-2006, CAD10,000).
University of Calgary, “Intelligent algorithms for transportation and logistics” funded by University of Calgary, Principal Investigator (2004-2006, CAD21,000).
Science and Research Engineering Council of Singapore (A*Star), “SANDY: A Spatio-temporal AutoNomic Database System for Location-based Services”, Co-PI (with Profs. Beng Chin Ooi and Zhiyong Huang, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, 01/2004-12/2005, S$600,000).
National University of Singapore, “GIS and heuristic algorithms for location optimization of emergency response facilities”, Principal Investigator (10/2003-10/2005, S$83,000).
National University of Singapore, “Temporal GIS for road and traffic information management”, Principal Investigator (01/2002-01/2004, S$50,000).

See relatively complete list at:
Huang, B., Wang, J.H., Cai, J.X., Yao, S.Q., Chan, P., Tam, T., Hong, Y.Y., Ruktanonchai, C.W., Carioli, A., Floyd, J.R., Ruktanonchai, N.W., Yang, W.Z., Li, Z.J., Tatem, A.J., and Lai, S.J., 2021. Integrated vaccination and physical distancing interventions to prevent future COVID-19 waves in Chinese cities. Nature Human Behavior, 5:?695–705. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-021-01063-2.
Liu, H.M, Huang, B., Zhan, Q.M., Gao, S.H., Li, R.R., and Fan, Z.Y., 2021. The influence of urban form on surface urban heat island and its planning implications: Evidence from 1288 urban clusters in China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 71(822): 102987. DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2021.102987.
Wu, S.S., Huang, B., Wang, J.H., He, L.J., Wang, Z.Y., Yan, R., Lao, X.Q., Zhang, F., Liu, R.Y., and Du, Z.H., 2021. Spatiotemporal mapping and assessment of daily ground NO2 concentrations in China using high-resolution TROPOMI retrievals. Environmental Pollution, 273(5): 116456. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116456.
Tan, X.Y., Huang, B., Batty, M., and Li, J., 2021. Urban spatial organization, multifractals, and evolutionary patterns in large cities. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 111(5):?1539-1558. DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2020.1823203.
Cai, J.J. and Huang, B., 2020. Super-resolution-guided progressive pansharpening based on a deep convolutional neural network. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 59(6): 5206?– 5220. DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3015878.
Huang, B., Zhou, Y., Li, Z., Song, Y., Cai, J., and Tu, W., 2020. Evaluating and characterizing urban vibrancy using spatial big data: Shanghai as a case study. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 47(9): 1543-1559. DOI: 10.1177/23998.
Song, Y., Huang, B., He, Q., Chen, B., Wei, J., and Mahmood, R., 2019. Dynamic assessment of PM2.5 exposure and health risk using remote sensing and geo-spatial big data. Environmental Pollution, 253, 288-296. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.06.057.
Zhou,?Y.L., Huang, B., Wang,?J.H., Chen,?B., Kong, H., and?Norford, L., 2019. Climate-conscious urban growth mitigates urban warming: Evidence from Shenzhen, China. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(20): 11960-11968. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b01645.
Wang, J. and Huang, B., 2018. A spatiotemporal satellite image fusion model with autoregressive error correction (AREC), International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39(20):?6731-6756. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2018.1466073.
Huang, B., Zhao, B., and Song, Y.M., 2018. Urban land-use mapping using a deep convolutional neural network with high spatial resolution multispectral remote sensing imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 214: 73-86. DOI: 10.1016/ j.rse.2018.04.050.
Zhao, Y.Q., Huang, B., and Song, H.H., 2018. A robust adaptive spatial and temporal image fusion model for complex land surface changes. Remote Sensing of Environment, 208: 42-62. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2018.02.009.
He, Q.Q. and Huang, B., 2018. Satellite-based mapping of daily high-resolution ground PM2.5 in China via space-time regression modeling, Remote Sensing of Environment, 206: 72-83. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2017.12.018.
Wei, J.,?Huang, B.,?Sun, L.,?Zhang, Z.,?Wang, L., and?Bilal, M.,?2017.?A simple and universal aerosol retrieval algorithm for Landsat series images over complex surfaces.?Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122(24): 13,338-13,355. DOI: 10.1002/2017JD026922.
Meng, L. and Huang, B., 2017. Shaping the relationship between economic development and carbon dioxide emissions at the local level: Evidence from spatial econometric models. Environmental and Resource Economics, 71(1): 127-156. DOI: 10.1007/s10640-017-0139-2.
Cai, J.X., Huang, B., and Song, Y.M., 2017. Using multi-source geospatial big data to identify the structure of polycentric cities. Remote Sensing of Environment, 202: 210-221. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2017.06.039.

Teaching Fields

Geographic Information Systems
GIS for Transportation and Logistics
Global Positioning Systems

Research interests

Spatio-temporal data analytics
GIS for sustainable urban/transportation/land use planning
Unified image fusion for sustainable urban environment
Spatial statistics for land use change modeling
Multi-objective optimization for spatial planning with consideration of vulnerability and resilience

Services/ Posts

Chang Jiang Scholar Chair Professor, Ministry of Education of PR China, Southwest Jiao Tong University (教育部长江学者讲座教授)
Associate Director, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science
Director, MSc program in GeoInformation Science, CUHK
President, Hong Kong Society of Remote Sensing (2015 – ~)
President, Hong Kong GIS Association (2009 – 2012)
Editor-in-Chief, Comprehensive Geographical Information Systems (Three-volume GIS sourcebook) (Elsevier, Oxford)
Asia-Pacific Editor, International Journal of Geographical Information Science (Taylor & Francis)
Executive Editor, Annals of GIS (Taylor & Francis)
Associate Editor, International Journal of Sustainable Society (InderScience Publishers, UK)
Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IGI Global, US)
Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IGI Global, US)
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Remote Sensing 遥感学报 (Science Press, China)
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Geography and GIS 地理与地理资讯科学
Guest Editor, Change analysis. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 75(8), 2009.
Guest Co-editor (with Li, J.) Web & Wireless GIS. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 73(6), 2005.
Member, Taskforce of visualization for transportation, Transportation Research Board, US.
Guest Professor, Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Science; Hohai University; State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping, Remote Sensing, Wuhan University; State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information Systems, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Chief Scientist, National Smart City Joint Laboratory, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China


Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award 2020 (Second Class Award in Natural Sciences), Theory and methodology for spatiotemporal multi-scale data fusion, Ministry of Education (MoE), 2021.
ICT Awards 2018 – Smart People Award, TouchAir: A mobile APP for real-time estimation of ubiquitous air pollution concentrations, Hong Kong, 2018.
Best Paper Award, “A Hybrid Image Fusion Model for Generating High Spatial-Temporal-Spectral Resolution Data Using OLI-MODIS-Hyperion Satellite Imagery,” ICGRS 2017: 19th International Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Rome, Italy, September 18-19, 2017.
Research Excellence Award, CUHK, 2009
Young Researcher Award, CUHK, 2011
First Prize of the 2012 Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award (Basic Science), 2013
高校GIS创新人物奖, 2014
Special Contribution Award on Satellite Image Fusion, 2014
Chang Jiang Scholar (Chair Professor), Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China, 2016

SUGGESTED RESEARCH TOPICS FOR POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Multi-source data fusion Blending of satellite, social media, and other data to facilitate urban and environmental change monitoring, modeling and related policy making.

Spatio-temporal data analytics Design and development of spatial statistical models with consideration of spatio-temporal autocorrelation and non-stationarity.

Evidence-based spatial planning Finding evidence in support of the generation of optimal spatial plans with respect to economic development, environmental protection and social equity.

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