Professor Gavin Chit TSUI(徐哲教授)
Assistant Professor
?Room 162 Science Centre
?(852) 3943 6293
?Tsui Research Group Website
Education2013–2015 Postdoctoral Fellow Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Germany (with Prof. Benjamin List)
2008-2013 Ph.D. University of Toronto, Canada (with Prof. Mark Lautens)
2011 Visiting Scholar Kyoto University, Japan (with Prof. Tamio Hayashi)
2004-2006 M.Sc. University of Guelph, Canada (with Prof. William Tam)
2000-2004 B.Sc. (Hons.) University of Guelph, Canada
Position2015-present Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Research InterestsOrganofluorine chemistry
Homogeneous catalysis
Asymmetric synthesis
Pharmaceutical, agrochemical and material applications
Honours and Awards2019 Asian Core Program Lectureship Award (Taiwan)
2018 Asian Core Program Lectureship Award (Japan)
2017 Asian Core Program Lectureship Award (Singapore)
2017 Asian Core Program Lectureship Award (Korea)
2016 Thieme Chemistry Journals Award
2013 Humboldt-Bayer Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
2013 Boehringer Ingelheim Award of Excellence in Organic or Bio-Organic Chemistry
2011 JSPS Summer Program Fellowship
2009 Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS)
Publications (since independent career)
23. Stereoselective Palladium-Catalyzed Base-Free Suzuki–Miyaura Cross-Coupling of Tetrasubstituted gem-Difluoroalkenes: An Experimental and Computational Study. Wang, Y.; Qi, X.; Ma, Q.; Liu, P.;* Tsui, G. C.* ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 4799-4809.
22. Perfluoroalkylation of Thiosulfonates: Synthesis of Perfluoroalkyl Sulfides. Luo, Z.; Yang, X.; Tsui, G. C.* Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 6155-6159.
21. Palladium-Catalyzed Stereoselective Hydrodefluorination of Tetrasubstituted gem-Difluoroalkenes. Ma, Q.; Liu, C.; Tsui, G. C.* Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 5193-5197.
20. Radical Pentafluoroethylation of Unactivated Alkenes Using CuCF2CF3. Yang, X.; Tsui, G. C.* Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 4562-4567.
19. Stereoselective Palladium‐Catalyzed C?F Bond Alkynylation of Tetrasubstituted gem‐Difluoroalkenes. Ma, Q.; Wang, Y.; Tsui, G. C.*?Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 11293-11297.
18. Silver-Catalyzed Trifluoromethylalkynylation of Unactivated Alkenes with Hypervalent Iodine Reagents. Yang, X.; Tsui, G. C.*?Org. Lett. 2019, 21, ?8625-8629.
17. Trifluoromethylation of Anthraquinones for n-Type Organic Semiconductors in Field Effect Transistors. Zhao, M.; Yang, X.;?Tsui, G. C.*; Miao, Q.*?J. Org. Chem. 2020, 85, ?44-51.
16. Trifluoromethylation of Unactivated Alkenes with Me3SiCF3 and N-Iodosuccinimide. Yang, X.; Tsui, G. C.*?Org. Lett.?2019, 21, 1521-1525.
15. Domino Cyclization/Trifluoromethylation of 2-Alknylphenols for the Synthesis of 3-(Trifluoromethyl)benzofurans and Evaluation of Their Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities. Li, M.; Ye, Y.; He, L.; Hui, M.; Ng, T. B.; Wong, J. H.;?Tsui, G. C.*?Asian J. Org. Chem.?2019, 8, 702-709.
14. Trifluoromethylation of α-Diazoesters and α-Diazoketones with Fluoroform-Derived CuCF3: Synergistic Effects of Co-Solvent and Pyridine as a Promoter. Ma, Q.;?Tsui, G. C.*?Org. Chem. Front.?2019, 6, 27-31.
13. Copper-Mediated 1,2-Bis(trifluoromethylation) of Arynes. Yang, X.;?Tsui, G. C.*?Chem. Sci.?2018, 9, 8871-8875.
12. Domino Cyclization/Trifluoromethylation of 2-Alkynylanilines Using Fluoroform-Derived CuCF3: Synthesis of 3-(Trifluoromethyl)indoles. Ye, Y.; Cheung, K. P. S.; He, L.;?Tsui, G. C.*?Org. Chem. Front.?2018, 5, 1511-1515.
11. Synthesis of 2-(Trifluoromethyl)indoles via Domino Trifluoromethylation/Cyclization of 2-Alkynylanilines. Ye, Y.; Cheung, K. P. S.; He, L.;?Tsui, G. C.*?Org. Lett.?2018, 20, 1676-1679.
10. Copper-Mediated Domino Cyclization/Trifluoromethylation of Propargylic N‐Hydroxylamines: Synthesis of 4‐Trifluoromethyl-4- isoxazolines. Wang, Q.;?Tsui, G. C.*?J. Org. Chem.?2018, 83, 2971-2979.
9. Copper-Mediated Trifluoromethylation-Allylation of Arynes. Yang, X.;?Tsui, G. C.*?Org. Lett.?2018, 20, 1179-1182.
8. Domino Hydroboration/Trifluoromethylation of Alkynes Using Fluoroform-Derived CuCF3. He, L.; Yang, X.;?Tsui, G. C.*?J. Org. Chem.?2017, 82, 6192-6201.
7. Copper(I)-Catalyzed Interrupted Click Reaction with TMSCF3: Synthesis of 5-Trifluoromethyl 1,2,3-Triazoles. Cheung, K. P. S.;?Tsui, G. C.*?Org. Lett.?2017, 19, 2881-2884.
6. Hydroxytrifluoromethylation of Alkenes Using Fluoroform-Derived CuCF3. Yang, X.; He, L.; Tsui, G. C.*?Org. Lett.?2017, 19, 2446-2449.
5. Synthesis of Fluorescent Indazoles by Palladium-Catalyzed Benzannulation of Pyrazoles with Alkynes. Kim, O. S.; Jang, J. H.; Kim, H. T.; Han, S. J.;?Tsui, G. C.*;?Joo, J. M.* Org. Lett.?2017, 19, 1450-1453.
4. Copper-Mediated Domino Cyclization/Trifluoromethylation/Deprotection with TMSCF3: Synthesis of 4-Trifluoromethylpyrazoles. Wang, Q.; He, L.; Li, K. K.;?Tsui, G. C.*?Org. Lett.?2017, 19, 658-661.
3. Fluoroform-Derived CuCF3 for Trifluoromethylation of Terminal and TMS-Protected Alkynes. He, L.;?Tsui, G. C.*?Org. Lett.?2016, 18, 2800-2803.
2. Review: Fluoroform, First Update. He, L.;?Tsui, G. C., In?Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Rovis, T. Ed.; Wiley-VCH: Weinheim,?2017.
1. Book chapter: Five-Membered Ring Systems: Furans and Benzofurans. Ke, Z.;?Tsui, G. C.*, Peng, X.-S.; Yeung, Y.-Y., In?Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Gribble, G. W.; Joule, J. A. Eds.; Elsevier: Oxford,?2016?to present.
香港中文大学化学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Professor Gavin Chit TSUI(徐哲教授)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30
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