Dr. Cat Chui Man LO(卢翠雯博士)
Lecturer Room 333C Science Centre
(852) 3943 0623
EducationPh.D. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
B.Sc. (1st Class Hon.) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
PositionSince 2021 Lecturer, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2015-2021 Assistant Professor, School of Science and Technology, The Open University of Hong Kong
2012-2015 Lecturer, School of Science and Technology, The Open University of Hong Kong
2010-2012 Assistant Lecturer, School of Science and Technology, The Open University of Hong Kong
2010-2019 Honorary Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Research InterestsApplications of Hydrogels
Chemistry in Food and Cosmetics
Honours and Awards2009 Cover Art Design for The Journal of Organic Chemistry (Volume 74, Issue 15)
2007 Best Poster Award (Organic Chemistry Group) in 14th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong
Representative Publications
Lo, C.-M.*; Han, J.; Wong, E. S. W.; Tang, C.-C. Flexible Learning with Multi-component Blended Learning Mode for Undergraduate Chemistry Courses in the Pandemic of COVID-19. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 2021, Accepted. (DOI: 10.1108/ITSE-05-2020-0061).
Law, S.; Lo, C.-M.; Han, J.; Leung, A. W.; Xu, C. “Dandelion” for Skincare. Traditional & Integrative Medicine, 2021, Accepted.
Law, S.; Han, J.; Lo, C.-M.*; Leung, A. W.; Xu, C. A Literature Review on Indigowoad Root Hydrogel Development for Skincare. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal 2021, 14(1), 95–98.
Duan, J.; Han, J.; Cheung, S. G.; Chong, R. K. Y.; Lo, C.-M.; Lee, F. W.-F.; Xu, S. J.-L.; Yang, Y.; Tam, N. F.-Y.; Zhou, H. How Mangrove Plants Affect Microplastic Distribution in Sediments of Coastal Wetlands: Case Study in Shenzhen Bay, South China, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 767, 144695.
Lo, C.-M.*; Han, J.; Wong, E. S. W. Chemistry in Aromatherapy – Extraction and Analysis of Essential Oils from Plants of Chamomilla recutita, Cymbopogon nardus, Jasminum officinale and Pelargonium graveolens. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal 2020, 13(3), 1339-1350.
Law, S.; Lo, C.-M.; Han, J.; Yang, F.; Leung, A. W.; Xu, C. Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Curcumin Derivatives. Natural Products Chemistry & Research, 2020, 8, 367–383.
Yau, Y.-H.; Rudolph, V.; Lo, C.-M.; Wu, K.-C. Restaurant Oil and Grease Management in Hong Kong. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018, 1–11.
Yau, Y.-H.; Rudolph, V.; Ho, K.-C.; Lo, C.-M.; Wu, K.-C. Evaluation of Different Demulsifiers for Marpol Oil Waste Recovery. Journal of Water Process Engineering 2017, 17, 40–49.
Chow, H.-F.; Lo, C.-M.; Chen, Y. Triazole-Based Polymer Gels. Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry 2012, 28, 137–162.
Wong, C.-H.; Chan, W.-S.; Lo, C.-M.; Chow, H.-F.; Ngai, T.; Wong, K.-W. Synthesis and Self Assembling Properties of Rod-Like, 2-Ureido-4-pyrimidinone-Based Main Chain Supramolecular Dendronized Polymers. Macromolecules 2010, 43, 8389–8399.
Chow, H.-F.; Lau, K.-N.; Ke, Z.-H.; Liang, Y.-T.; Lo, C.-M. Conformational and Supramolecular Properties of Main Chain and Cyclic Click Oligotriazoles and Polytriazoles. Chemical Communications 2010, 46, 3437–3453.
Leung, K. C.-F.; Xuan S.; Lo, C.-M. Reversible Switching Between Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Microspheres via One-Step Supramolecular Dynamic Dendronization: Exploration of Dynamic Wettability. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2009, 1, 2005–2012.
Lo, C.-M.; Chow, H.-F. Structural Effects on the Catalytic, Emulsifying, and Recycling Properties of Chiral Amphiphilic Dendritic Organocatalysts. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2009, 74, 5181–5191. (Featured in the Cover Page of Issue 15, Volume 74, 2009).
Leung, K. C.-F.; Chak, C.-P.; Lo, C.-M.; Wong, W.-Y.; Xuan, S.; Cheng, C. H. K. pH-Controllable Supramolecular Systems. Chemistry – An Asian Journal 2009, 4, 364–381.
Chow, H.-F.; Zhang, J.; Lo, C.-M.; Cheung, S.-Y.; Wong, K. W. Improving the Gelation Properties of 3,5-Diaminobenzoate-Based Organogelators in Aromatic Solvents with Additional Aromatic-Containing Pendants. Tetrahedron 2007, 63, 363–373.
Chow, H.-F.; Ng, K.-F.; Wang, Z.-Y.; Wong, C.-H.; Luk, T.; Lo, C.-M.; Yang, Y.-Y. Synthesis of New Amphiphilic Dendrons Bearing Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Surface Sectors and a Monocarboxylic or Dicarboxylic Acid Focal Point. Organic Letters 2006, 8, 471–474.
香港中文大学化学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Dr. Cat Chui Man LO(卢翠雯博士)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30
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