
香港中文大学防治传染病研究中心老师教授导师介绍简介-Dr. TO Kin Wang

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Dr. TO Kin Wang
Clinical Assistant Professor (honorary), Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases
Email: tokw617@yahoo.com.hk

Education and Qualification MSc(EPB), FACCP, FHKAM, FHKCP, MRCP, MBChB
BiographyDr. To is a graduate from CUHK. He is qualified as a respiratory specialist by the Hong Kong College of Physicians in 2002. He received sleep medicine training in the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, and obtained Master in Science (epidemiology and biostatistics) in 2005. Currently he is an Associate Consultant in the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics of Prince of Wales Hospital. He is also an Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor in CUHK, participating in teaching and research activities.
Research Interest Sleep Medicine
HIV Medicine
Selected Publications
相关话题/香港中文大学 传染病 研究中心