
香港中文大学儿科学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Professor NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn (Tony)倪以信教授

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Professor NELSON Edmund Anthony Severn (Tony)
Clinical Professional Consultant and Professor of Practice in Paediatrics, Department of Paediatrics

MB ChB (Cape Town), MD (Otago), FRCPCH, FRCP(Edin), FHKAM(Paed), FHKCPaed, DCH

Clinical Team: General Paediatrics
Research Team: Child Health

BiographyTony has published widely on vaccine preventable diseases, infant and child nutrition, and the sudden infant death syndrome. He has conducted studies on respiratory and diarrhoeal disease surveillance; influenza and rotavirus vaccine effectiveness; rotavirus vaccine efficacy and rotavirus vaccine economic evaluations. He chairs the Steering Committee of Immunization Partners in Asia Pacific that organize biennial Asian Vaccine Conferences and is a member of the ROTA Council since 2012. He was a member of Hong Kong's Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases (2004-2013); participated in WHO's SAGE Working Group on Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus Elimination and Broader Tetanus Control (2015-2016); WHO's Expert Advisory Group on Quantitative Immunization and Vaccines Related Research (2007-2012). He has coordinated Paediatric undergraduate teaching (1994-2020) and was a Faculty of Medicine Year coordinator (2005-2017). During this time he has been involved in curriculum design and innovative projects to enhance student learning and participation. Tony graduated from the University of Cape Town in South Africa in 1978 and obtained his doctorate from the University of Otago in New Zealand in 1989.

Research Interests Rotavirus, influenza and other vaccines
Diarrhoeal and respiratory disease surveillance
Obesity and child growth
Breastfeeding promotion
Sudden infant death syndrome

Selected Publications Yeung KHT, Lin SL, Clark A, McGhee SM, Janusz CB, Atherly D, Chan KC, Nelson EAS. Economic evaluation of the introduction of rotavirus vaccine in Hong Kong. Vaccine 2021;39:45–58. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.10.052
Woh PY, Yeung MPS, Nelson EAS, Goggins WB. Risk factors of non-typhoidal Salmonella gastroenteritis in hospitalized young children: a case-control study. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2021;5:e000898. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000898
Hogan W, Frost S, Johnson L, Schulze,TG, Nelson EAS, Frost W, Doctors for Assange. The ongoing torture and medical neglect of Julian Assange. Lancet 2020;396(10243):22-3.
Chiyanika C, Chan DFY, Hui SCN, So HK, Min Deng, Yeung DKW, Nelson EAS, Chu WCW. The relationship between pancreas steatosis and the risk of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance in Chinese adolescents with concurrent obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Pediatric Obesity. DOI: 10.1111/ijpo.12653
Hui LL, Kwok MK, Nelson EAS, Lee SL, Leung GM, Schooling CM. Breastfeeding in Infancy and Lipid Profile in Adolescence. Pediatrics 2019;143(5).
Lee CH, Tse B, Lai N, Goggins W, Baum L, Nelson EAS. Hong Kong’s role in global health: Public opinion of official development assistance. PLOS ONE 2018;13(12): e0207687. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0207687
Yeung KHT, Tarrant M, Chan KCC, Tam WH, Nelson EAS. Increasing influenza vaccine uptake in children: A randomised controlled trial. Vaccine 2018;36(37):5524-5535. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.07.066
Abou-Nader AJ, Sauer MA, Steele AD, Tate JE, Atherly D, Parashar UD, Santosham M, Nelson EAS. Global rotavirus vaccine introductions and coverage: 2006 – 2016. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 2018;14(9):2281-2296. https://doi.org/10.1080/21645515.2018.1470725
Yeung KHT, Chan KCC, Chan PKS, Lam DSY, Sham PCO, Yau YS, Chan WH, Chiu WK, Ng KL, Ng DKK, Chan IMC, Nelson EAS. Influenza vaccine effectiveness in hospitalised Hong Kongchildren: Feasibility of estimates from routine surveillance data. Vaccine 2018;36(24):3477–3485. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.04.081
Hui LL, Li AM, Nelson EAS, Leung GM, Lee SL, Schooling CM. In utero exposure to gestational diabetes and adiposity: does breastfeeding make a difference? International Journal of Obesity 2018;42(7):1317 – 1325. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41366-018-0077-2
Burnett E, Tate JE, KirkwoodCD, Nelson EAS, Santosham M, Steele AD. Estimated impact of rotavirus vaccine on hospitalizations and deaths from rotavirus diarrhea among children <5 in Asia. Expert Review of Vaccines. 2018;17(5):453–460. https://doi.org/10.1080/14760584.2018.1443008
Chan NPT, Tarrant M, Ngan E, So HK, Lok KYW, Nelson EAS. Agreement between self-/home-measured and assessor-measured waist circumference at 3 three sites in adolescents/children. PlosONE 2018;13(3):e0193355.
Chan DFY, So HK, Hui SCN, Chan R, Li A, Sea M, Chu WCW, Chan M, Woo J, Nelson EAS. Dietitian-led lifestyle modification programme for obese Chinese adolescents with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A randomized controlled study. International Journal of Obesity 2018;42(9):1680 – 1690. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41366-018-0010-8
Hui LL, Kwok MK, Nelson EAS, Lee SL, Leung GM, Schooling CM. The association of breastfeeding with insulin resistance at 17 years: Prospective observations from Hong Kong’s ‘‘Children of 1997’’ birth cohort. Maternal and Child Nutrition. 2018;14 (1).
Hui LL, Nelson EAS, Wong MY, Chung TWH, Lee KKY, Leung GM, Schooling CM. The association of intergenerational mismatch with adiposity and blood pressure in childhood and adolescence. Journal of Adolescent Health 2018;62(1);100–106
Goh DYT, Bravo L, Nelson EAS. ASVAC2017: 6th Asian Vaccine Conference. Hum Vaccin Immunother 2017;13(10):2240-4.
Chiang GPK, Chen Z, Chan MCW, Lee SHM, Kwok AK, Yeung ACM, Nelson EAS., Hon KL, Leung TF, Chan PKS. Clinical features and seasonality of parechovirus infection in an Asian subtropical city, Hong Kong. PLOS ONE 2017;2(9):e0184533, 2017.
Yeung KHT, Duclos P, Nelson EAS, Hutubessy RCW. An update of global burden of pertussis in children aged below 5 years: a modeling study. Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2017;17(9):974–980.
Nelson EAS, Steele AD. Vaccine Impact Data Should Support Country Decision Making (Editorial Commentary). J Infect Dis 2017;215 (11): 1634-1636. https://doi.org/10.1093/infdis/jix187
Yeung KHT, Tate JE, Chan CC, Chan MCW, Chan PKS, Poon KH, Siu SLY, Fung GPG, Ng KL, Chan IMC, Yu PT, Ng CH, Lau YL, Nelson EAS. Rotavirus vaccine effectiveness in Hong Kong children. Vaccine. 2016 Sep 22;34(41):4935-42. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.08.047. Epub 2016 Aug 29.

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