XU, Jie
Associate Professor
Education Background
PhD (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
BE (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
Research Field
Wireless Communications, wireless power transfer, UAV communications, and mobile edge computing and machine learning
Personal Website
Jie Xu received the B.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Science and Technology of China, in 2007 and 2012, respectively. From 2012 to 2014, he was a Research Fellow with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore. From 2015 to 2016, he was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow of the engineering systems and design pillar with the Singapore University of Technology and Design. From 2016 to 2019, he was a Professor with the School of Information Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, China. His research interests include energy efficiency and energy harvesting in wireless communications, wireless information and power transfer, UAV communications, and mobile edge computing and learning.
Dr. Xu was a recipient of the 2019 IEEE Communications Society Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award, the 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications Technical Committee Outstanding Young Researcher Award, the 2017 IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award, and the IEEE/CIC ICCC 2019 Best Paper Award. He is the Symposium Co-Chair of the IEEE GLOBECOM 2019 Wireless Communications Symposium, the Workshop Co-Chair of ICC 2018 and ICC 2019 Workshop on UAV Communications, and the Tutorial Co-Chair of the IEEE/CIC ICCC 2019. He served or is serving as an Editor for the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, and a Guest Editor for the IEEE Wireless Communications and the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
Academic Publications
[1]???? X. Mo, Y. Huang, and?J. Xu, "Radio-map-based robust positioning optimization for UAV-enabled wireless power transfer," to appear in?IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.
[2]???? P. Li and?J. Xu, "Fundamental rate limits of UAV-enabled multiple access channel with trajectory optimization," to appear in?IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
[3]???? J. Yao and?J. Xu, "Secrecy transmission in large-scale UAV-enabled wireless networks," to appear in?IEEE Transactions on Communications.
[4]???? Y. Huang, W. Mei,?J. Xu, L. Qiu, and R. Zhang, "Cognitive UAV communication via joint maneuver and power control,"?to appear in?IEEE Transactions on Communications.
[5]???? Q. Lin, F. Wang, and?J. Xu, "Optimal task offloading scheduling for energy efficient D2D cooperative computing,"?IEEE Communications Letters, vol.?23, no. 10, pp. 1816-1820,?Oct. 2019.
[6]???? X. Li and?J. Xu, "Positioning optimization for sum-rate maximization in UAV-enabled interference channel,"?IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 26, no.10, pp. 1466-1470,?Oct. 2019.
[7]???? Y. Hu, X. Yuan,?J. Xu, and A. Schmeink, "Optimal 1D trajectory design for UAV-enabled multiuser wireless power transfer,"?IEEE Transactions on Communications,?vol. 67, no. 8, pp. 5674-5688, Aug. 2019.
[8]???? J. Zhang, Y. Pan, and?J. Xu, "Compressive sensing for joint user activity and data detection in grant-free NOMA,"?IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 8, no. 3, pp.?857-860, Jun. 2019.
[9]???? T. Feng, G. Ma, and?J. Xu, "Cognitive wireless power transfer in the presence of reactive primary communication user,"?IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking,?vol.?5, no. 2, pp. 370-381, Jun. 2019.
[10] H. Xing, L. Liu,?J. Xu, and A. Nallanathan, "Joint task assignment and resource allocation for D2D-enabled mobile-edge computing,"?IEEE Transactions on Communications,?vol.?67, no. 6, pp. 4193-4207, Jun. 2019.
[11] Z. Ding,?J. Xu, O. A. Dobre, and H. V. Poor, "Joint power and time allocation for NOMA-MEC offloading,"?IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.?68, no. 6, pp. 6207-6211, Jun. 2019.
[12] X. Cao, F. Wang,?J. Xu, R. Zhang, and S. Cui, "Joint computation and communication cooperation for energy-efficient mobile edge computing,"?IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol.?6, no. 3, pp. 4188-4200, Jun. 2019.
[13] L. Xie,?J. Xu, and R. Zhang, “Throughput maximization for UAV-enabled wireless powered communication networks”,?IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, pp.?1690-1703, Apr. 2019.
[14] Y. Zeng,?J. Xu, and R. Zhang, “Energy minimization for wireless communication with rotary-wing UAV”,?IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 2329-2345, Apr. 2019.
[15] F. Wang,?J. Xu, and Z. Ding, "Multi-antenna NOMA for computation offloading in multiuser mobile edge computing systems,"?IEEE Transactions on Communications,?vol.?67, no. 3, pp. 2450-2463, Mar. 2019.?
[16] C. Zhong, J. Yao, and?J. Xu, "Secure UAV communication with cooperative jamming and trajectory control,"?IEEE Communications Letters,?vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 286-289, Feb. 2019.?
[17] J. Xu?and J. Yao, "Exploiting physical-layer security for multiuser multicarrier computation offloading,"?IEEE?Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 8, no.1, pp. 9-12, Feb. 2019.
[18] G. Ma,?J. Xu, Y. Zeng, and M. R. V. Moghadam, "A generic receiver architecture for MIMO wireless power transfer with non-linear energy harvesting,"?IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.?26, no. 2, pp. 312-316, Feb. 2019.
[19] Q. Wu,?J. Xu, and R. Zhang, "Capacity characterization of UAV-enabled two-user broadcast channel,"?IEEE Journal on?Selected Areas in Communications?(JSAC), vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1955-1971, Sep. 2018.
[20] J. Xu, Y. Zeng, and R. Zhang, "UAV-enabled wireless power transfer: Trajectory design and energy optimization,"?IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 5092-5106, Aug.?2018.
[21] F. Wang,?J. Xu, X. Wang, and S. Cui, "Joint offloading and computing optimization in wireless powered mobile-edge computing systems,"?IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 1784-1797, Mar. 2018.
[22] X. Chen, Q. Shi, L. Yang, and?J. Xu, "ThriftyEdge: Resource-efficient edge computing for intelligent IoT applications,"?IEEE Network, vol. 32, no. 1, pp.?61-65,?Jan.-Feb. 2018.
[23] Y. Liu,?J. Xu, and R. Zhang,?“Exploiting interference for secrecy wireless information and power transfer,''?IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 25, no. 1 pp. 133-139, Feb. 2018.
[24] G. Cai, Y. Fang, G. Han,?J. Xu, and G. Chen, "Design and analysis of relay-selection strategies for two-way relay network-coded DCSK systems,"?IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,?vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 1258-1271, Feb. 2018.
[25] G. Zhang,?J. Xu, Q. Wu,?M. Cui, X. Li, and F. Lin, "Wireless powered cooperative jamming for secure OFDM system,"?IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,?vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 1331-1346, Feb. 2018.?
[26] J. Xu, L. Duan, and R. Zhang, “Transmit optimization for symbol-level spoofing,''?IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 41-55,?Jan 2018.
[27] Z. Chen, Z. Ding, P. Xu, X. Dai,?J. Xu, and D. W. K. Ng, "Comment on “optimal precoding for a QoS optimization problem in two-user MISO-NOMA downlink”,"?IEEE?Communications Letters,?vol.?21, no. 9, pp. 2109-2111,?Sep. 2017.
[28] J. Xu, L. Duan, and R. Zhang, “Surveillance and intervention of infrastructure-free mobile communications: a new wireless security paradigm,”?IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 152-159, Aug. 2017.
[29] X. Ji,?J. Xu, Y. Che, Z. Fei, and R. Zhang,?“Adaptive mode switching for cognitive wireless powered communication systems,''?IEEE?Wireless Communications Letters,?vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 386-389, Jun. 2017.
[30] J. Xu, L. Duan, and R. Zhang, “Proactive eavesdropping via cognitive jamming in fading channels,''?IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,?vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 2790-2806, May 2017.
[31] J. Xu, L. Duan, and R. Zhang, “Fundamental rate limits of physical layer spoofing,”?IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.?6, no. 2, pp. 154-157, Apr. 2017.
[32] J. Xu,?Z.?Zhong, and B. Ai,?“Wireless powered sensor networks: collaborative energy beamforming considering sensing and circuit power consumption,"?IEEE?Wireless Communications Letters,?vol. 5, no. 4, pp.?344-347, Aug. 2016.
[33] J. Xu?and R. Zhang, “A general design framework for MIMO wireless energy transfer with limited feedback,”?IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,?vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 2475-2488, May 2016.
[34] J. Xu, L. Duan, and R. Zhang, “Energy group-buying with loading sharing for green cellular networks,”?IEEE Journal on?Selected Areas in Communications?(JSAC),?vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 786-799, Apr. 2016.
[35] J. Xu?and R. Zhang, “Cooperative energy trading in CoMP systems powered by smart grids,”?IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,?vol. 65, no.4, pp. 2142-2153, Apr. 2016.
[36] J. Xu, L. Duan, and R. Zhang, “Proactive eavesdropping via jamming for rate maximization over Rayleigh fading channels,”?IEEE?Wireless Communications Letters,?vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 80-83, Feb. 2016.
[37] Y. Che,?J. Xu, L. Duan, and R. Zhang, “Multi-antenna wireless powered communication with co-channel energy and information transfer,"?IEEE?Communications Letters,?vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 2266-2269, Dec. 2015.
[38] S. Luo,?J. Xu, T. J. Lim, and R. Zhang, “Capacity region of MISO broadcast channel for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer,”?IEEE Transactions on Communications,?vol. 63, no. 10, pp. 3856-3868, Oct. 2015.?
[39] J. Xu, S. Bi, and R. Zhang, “Multiuser MIMO wireless energy transfer with coexisting opportunistic communication,”?IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 273-276, Jun. 2015.
[40] J. Xu?and R. Zhang, “CoMP meets smart grid: a new communication and energy cooperation paradigm,”?IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,?vol. 64, no. 6, pp.?2476-2488, Jun. 2015.?
[41] J. Xu, L. Duan, and R. Zhang, “Cost-aware green cellular networks with energy and communication cooperation,”?IEEE Communications Magazine,?vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 257-263, May 2015.?
[42] H. Li,?J. Xu, R. Zhang, and S. Cui, “A general utility optimization framework for energy harvesting based wireless communications,”?IEEE Communications Magazine,?vol. 53, no. 4, pp.?79-85, Apr. 2015.
[43] K. Rahbar,?J. Xu?and R. Zhang, “Real-time energy storage management for renewable integration in microgrids: an off-line optimization approach,”?IEEE Transactions on?Smart Grid, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 124-134, Jan. 2015.?
[44] Y. Guo,?J. Xu, L. Duan, and R. Zhang, “Joint energy and spectrum cooperation for cellular communication systems,”?IEEE Transactions on?Communications,?vol. 62, no. 10, pp. 3678-3690, Oct. 2014.
[45] J. Xu?and R. Zhang, “Energy beamforming with one-bit feedback,”?IEEE Transactions on?Signal Processing,?vol. 62, no. 20, pp. 5370-5381, Oct. 2014.?
[46] J. Xu, L. Liu, and R. Zhang, “Multiuser MISO beamforming for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer,”?IEEE Transactions on?Signal Processing,?vol. 62, no. 18, pp. 4798-4810, Sep. 2014.?
[47] J. Xu?and R. Zhang, “Throughput optimal policies for energy harvesting wireless transmitters with non-ideal circuit power,”?IEEE Journal on?Selected Areas in Communications?(JSAC), vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 322 - 332, Feb. 2014.
[48] Z. Zhang,?J. Xu, and L. Qiu, “Robust ARQ precoder optimization for AF MIMO relay systems with channel estimation errors,”?IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,?vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 5236 - 5247, Oct. 2013.
[49] J. Xu?and L. Qiu, “Energy efficiency optimization for MIMO broadcast channels,”?IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 690-701, Feb. 2013.
[50] Z. Zhang, L. Qiu, and?J. Xu, “Progressive linear precoder optimization for ARQ packet retransmissions in nonregenerative MIMO relay systems,”?IEEE?Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 68-81, Jan. 2013.
香港中文大学深圳理工学院老师教授导师介绍简介-XU, Jie
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-29
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