
香港中文大学深圳理工学院老师教授导师介绍简介-CHEN, Yuan

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CHEN, Yuan
Assistant Professor

Education Background
Xiamen University (Bachelor’s degree)
Chinese University of Hong Kong (PhD degree)

Research Field
Partial differential equations and its applications
Yuan obtained her bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Xiamen University in 2014 and PhD degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2018. Before joining CUHKSZ in 2021, she had been a postdoctoral fellow at Michigan State University.
Yuan Chen’s background is in nonlinear partial differential equations and its applications, and her research emphasis is on the structure and dynamics of PDEs arising from material science and biology.

Academic Publications
Yuan Chen, Keith Promislow, Manifolds of amphiphilic bilayers: stability up to the boundary. Journal of Diff. Eqs. 292, 1-69, 2021.
Leonardo Abbrescia, Yuan Chen, Global stability of some totally geodesic wave maps. Journal of Diff. Eqs. 284, 219-252,2021.
Yuan Chen, Arjen Doelmen and Keith Promislow, Robust stability of multicomponent membranes: the role of glycolipids. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 232(1), 303-336, 2020.
Yuan Chen, Soojung Kim and Yong Yu, Twisted solutions to a simplified Ericksen-Leslie equation. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 232(1), 303-336, 2019.
Yuan Chen, Soojung Kim and Yong Yu, Twisted solutions to a simplified Ericksen-Leslie equation. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 50(5), 4838-4860, 2018.
Yuan Chen, Yong Yu, Global m-equivariant solutions of nematic liquid crystals in dimension two. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 226(2), 767-808, 2017.

相关话题/介绍 理工学院 深圳