
香港中文大学信息工程系老师教授导师介绍简介- Dahua Lin

本站小编 免费考研网/2022-01-29

Dahua Lin

    Associate Professor
    Department of Information Engineering
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Curriculum Vitae

I am an Associate Professor at the department of Information Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Director of CUHK-SenseTime Joint Laboratory. I received the B.Eng. degree from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2004, the M. Phil. degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2012. Prior to joining CUHK, I served as a Research Assistant Professor at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, from 2012 to 2014.

My research interest covers computer vision and machine learning. In recent years, I primarily focused on deep learning and its applications on high-level visual understanding, cross-domain modeling, and big data analytics. I have published over 120 papers on top conferences and journals, e.g. CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, ICML, NeurIPS, and T-PAMI. My work on a new construction of Bayesian nonparametric models has won the best student paper award in NIPS, the most prestigious conference on machine learning, in year 2010. I also received the outstanding reviewer awards in ICCV 2009 and ICCV 2011. I supervised or co-supervised CUHK teams in international competitions and won multiple awards in ImageNet 2016, ActivityNet 2016 & 2017, COCO 2018 & 2019.

I serve on the editorial board of the International Journel of Computer Vision (IJCV). I also serve as an area chair for multiple conferences, including ECCV 2018, ACM Multimedia 2018, BMVC 2018, CVPR 2019, BMVC 2019, AAAI 2020, and CVPR 2021.

Besides research, I am also actively working on extending AI education to high schools. Particularly, I served as the Executive Editor and led the editing team of "Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence", the first AI textbook for high school education.
Research Interests

    Deep learning technologies in large-scale applications
    High level visual understanding in connection with linguistic analysis
    Efficient modeling and analytics of videos and movies
    The use of deep networks in general probabilistic inference


in Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

in Information Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

in Information Science and Electronic Engineering
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
Associate Professor

in Information Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Assistant Professor

in Information Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Research Assistant Professor

in Computer Science
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC)
Selected Honors & Awards
COCO 2019

Supervised the CUHK team in COCO 2019, who won No.1 in the detection track (without using external data).
COCO 2018

Supervised the CUHK team in COCO 2018, who won No.1 in the detection track.
ActivityNet 2017

Supervised the CUHK team in ActivityNet 2017, who won No.2 in three tracks, untrimmed video classification, trimmed classification on Kinetics, and temporal action localization.
ActivityNet 2016

Supervised the CUHK team in ActivityNet 2016, who won No.1 in the track of untrimmed video classification. Later in the same year, the Structured Segmental Network (SSN) gets No.1 in the track of temporal action localization.
ImageNet 2016

Co-supervised the CUHK teams in ImageNet 2016, who won No.1 in two tracks, DET and VID, and No.3 in image classification. Particularly, I supervised the development of PolyNet, which achieves the best single-network performance. It remains the best-performing network until June 2017.
NIPS 2010 Best Student Paper

I proposed a new construction of Dirichlet processes, which fundamentally differs from previous constructions and makes it easy to build a sequence of dependent DPs. This work won the best student paper award at NIPS 2010, the most prestigious conference on machine learning.
Best Master Thesis

I graduated as an M.Phil. student of CUHK in year 2006. My master thesis on face recognition won the best master thesis award of the faculty of Engineering, CUHK.
