Chuck-jee Chau
Computer Music, Music Information Retrieval, Signal Processing, Audio Engineering, Music/Visual Programming, Music Technology
YIA 1207H / SHB 128
+852 3943 9783 / 3943 1283
Research Areas
Data and Software EngineeringInformation Retrieval
Rich Media
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Chuck-jee Chau obtained his PhD from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), focusing on timbre analysis and music emotion. He earned his BEng in Computer Engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) with a minor in Music.
He has developed and started the first computer music UG course in CUHK in 2019. Outside of computer music research, he is also a versatile collaborative pianist and mallet percussionist active in chamber music performances.
Top Cited Publications
C.-j. Chau, B. Wu, and A. Horner: The Emotional Characteristics and Timbre of Nonsustaining Instrument Sounds. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 63, pp. 228–244, Apr. 2015
C.-j. Chau, R. Mo, and A. Horner: The Emotional Characteristics of Piano Sounds with Different Pitch and Dynamics. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 64, pp. 918–932, Nov. 2016
C.-j. Chau, R. Mo, and A. Horner: The Emotional Characteristics of Piano Sounds with Different Pitch and Dynamics. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 64, pp. 918–932, Nov. 2016
Recent Publications
K.-w. Ho, Y. Ling, and C.-j. Chau, Guitar Virtual Instrument using Physical Modelling with Collision Simulation, Proceedings of the 46th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Santiago, Chile (to appear)
Y. Hong, C.-j. Chau, and A. Horner, How often and why mode fails to predict mood in low-arousal classical piano music, Journal of New Music Research, vol. 47, pp. 462–475, June 2018
香港中文大学计算机科学与工程系老师教授导师介绍简介-Chuck-jee Chau
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-29
相关话题/介绍 计算机科学 香港中文大学
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