Yu Li
B.Sc. (USTC), M.Sc., Ph.D. (KAUST)
Assistant Professor
SHB 106
+852 3943 8397
Research Areas
Artificial Intelligence Bioinformatics
Deep Learning
Machine Learning
Personal Homepage
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Yu Li joined the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in December 2020 as an assistant professor, leading the Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (AIH) group.
He works at the intersection between machine learning, healthcare and bioinformatics, developing new machine learning methods to resolve the computational problems in biology and healthcare. During his four-year Ph.D. study, he published over 30 papers in the top venues, such as Nature Communications, PNAS, NAR, ICLR, ICML, Bioinformatics, ISMB/ECCB. He got his Bachelor degree (honored) in Biosciences from the BEI Shizhang Elite Class at USTC in 2015. He got Master degree in Computer Science at KAUST in December 2016 and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from KAUST in October 2020 (KAUST news). He is the first Chinese commencement student speaker candidate in the KAUST history.
Recent Publications
Y Li*, Z Xu*, W Han*, H Cao, R Umarov, A Yan, M Fan, H Chen, L Li, P Ho, X Gao: HMD-ARG: hierarchical multi-task deep learning for annotating antibiotic resistance genes. Microbiome (IF=11.607), 2021
Y Li*, S Wang*, C Bi, Z Qiu, M Li, X Gao: DeepSimulator1.5: a more powerful, quicker and lighter simulator for Nanopore sequencing. Bioinformatics (IF=5.610) 36(8): 2578-2580, 2020
X Chen*, Y Li*, R Umarov, X Gao, L Song: RNA Secondary Structure Prediction By Learning Unrolled Algorithms. ICLR-20 (Oral), 2020
C Bi, L Wang, B Yuan, X Zhou, Y Li, S Wang, Y Pang, X Gao, Y Huang, M Li: Long-read Individual-molecule Sequencing Reveals CRISPR-induced Genetic Heterogeneity in Human ESCs. Genome Biology (IF=10.806) 21:213, 2020
J Lam*, Y Li*, L Zhu, R Umarov, H Jiang, A Heliou, F Sheong, T Liu, Y Long, Y Li, L Fang, R Altman, W Chen, X Huang, X Gao: A deep learning framework to predict binding preference of RNA constituents on protein surface. Nature Communications (IF=12.121) 10: 4941, 2019
香港中文大学计算机科学与工程系老师教授导师介绍简介-Yu Li
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-29
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