

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-28


World War Two in Japanese, Chinese and American film
The Japanese occupation of Singapore in visual media
Youth suicide represented in Japanese cinema
“Japanese Involvement in Hong Kong Musical Films,” The Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World Volumes VIII to XIII: Genres, John Shepherd & David Horn, eds., London: Bloomsbury Publishing [English] (forthcoming)

?“Japanese Media and China-Japan Relations: From the Normalization of Diplomatic Relations to the Second Abe Regime,” The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, USA, vol. 19, issue 14, no. 4, 15/07/2021 [English] https://apjjf.org/2021/14/Yau.html

“From March of the Volunteers to Amazing Grace: The Death of the Main Melody Movie in the 21st Century,” Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media, Berkeley, California, USA, Summer/Fall, 2019 [English] http://ejumpcut.org/archive/jc59.2019/KinnieYauMainMelody/index.html

“Bad Father and Good Mother: Changing Masculinity in Post-bubble-economy Japan,” International Perspectives on Translation, Education and Innovation in Japanese and Korean Societies, David G. Hebert, ed., pp. 243-253, Switzerland: Springer, 2018 [English]

“Tokyo Trial as New Battlefield: Tōjō Hideki and Mei Ruao’s Missions in the Film Versions of the Trial,” Workshop on Sino-Japanese Relationships as Seen through Japanese and Chinese Media during the Post-war 70 Years,” organized by the Department of Japanese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp. 1-17, 06/06/2015 [English]

?“Meanings of the Imagined Friends: Good Japanese in Chinese War Films,” Imagining?Japan in Post-war East Asia: Identity Politics, Schooling and Popular Culture, Paul Morris, Naoko Shimazu & Edward Vickers, eds., pp. 68-84, London & New York: Routledge, 2013 [English]

《港日影人口述历史:化敌为友》(An Oral History of Hong Kong and Japanese Filmmakers: From Foes to Friends), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2012, 240 pages [Chinese]

《中日韩电影:历史、社会、文化》(Chinese-Japanese-Korean Cinemas: History, Society, and Culture), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2010, 228 pages [Chinese]

?Japanese and Hong Kong Film Industries: Understanding the Origins of East Asian Film Networks, London & New York: Routledge, 2010, 288 pages [English]

《香港?日本映画交流史:アジア映画ネットワークのルーツを探る》(Interrelationships between the Hong Kong and Japanese Film Industries: An Investigation of the Roots of Asian Film Networks), Tokyo: The University of Tokyo Press, 2007, 407 pages [Japanese]

相关话题/介绍 日本 香港中文大学