
香港中文大学英文系老师教授导师介绍简介-Jane JACKSON

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-28

Jane JACKSON Emeritus Professor
B.T., B.A. (St. Thomas); M.Ed. (Calg); Ph.D. (OISE/Tor)

Research Interests
Language and intercultural communication; internationalization and education abroad; language, culture and identity; intercultural/cross-cultural pragmatics; language policies; ethnography; qualitative & mixed-method research; reticence and anxiety; cultures of learning; case-based teaching and learning; English for specific/business purposes

Selected Publications
Jackson, J. (2020) (Ed.). Routledge Handbook of Language and Intercultural Communication, 2nd edn. London and New York: Routledge.

Jackson, J. (2020). Introducing Language and Intercultural Communication, 2nd edn, London and New York: Routledge.

Jackson, J. (2020). Introducing language and intercultural communication. Companion website (Instructor’s guide and resources online, 2nd ed). London and New York: Routledge.

Jackson, J. (2019). Online Intercultural Education and Study Abroad: Theory into Practice, London and New York: Routledge

Jackson, J. (2018). Interculturality in International Education. London and New York: Routledge.

Jackson, J. and Oguro, S. (Eds) (2018). Interventions in Study Abroad. London and New York: Routledge.

Jackson, J. (2014). Introducing Language and Intercultural Communication. London and New York: Routledge. (Details)

Jackson, J. (2012) (Ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Language and Intercultural Communication. London and New York: Routledge. (Details)

Jackson, J. (2010). Intercultural Journeys: From Study to Residence Abroad. (S. Wright and H. Kelly-Holmes, Series Eds., Language and Globalization Series). Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. (Details)

Jackson, J. (2008). Language, Identity, and Study Abroad: Sociocultural Perspectives. (S. Sarangi and C. Candlin, Series Eds.; Studies in Applied Linguistics Series.) London: Equinox. (Details)

Jackson, J., Sargent, M. & Hunt, J. (1995). Campus bound: Passport to academic success. Toronto: Nelson Canada.

Edited issues in journals
Plews, J. L. & Jackson, J. (Eds.). (2018) Introduction: Study abroad: To, from, and within Asia. Special issue of Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, 2(2): 137-146.

Articles in refereed journals (since joining CUHK)
Jackson, J. (2018). Intervening in the learning of L2 study abroad students: From research to practice, Language Teaching, 51(3): 365-382. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0392

Schwieter, J. Jackson, J. and Ferreira, A. (2018). When 'domestic' and 'international students' study abroad: Reflections on language learning, contact, and culture. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2018.1447545

Jackson, J. and Chen, X. (2017). 'Discussion-based pedagogy through the eyes of Chinese international exchange students', Pedagogies: An International Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/1554480X.2017.1411263 (available online)

Jackson, J. (2017). 'Case studies in study abroad: Making sense of developmental trajectories', Commentary in Study Abroad in Contemporary Times: Methodological Innovations', Special issue editor Peter De Costa, System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, 71: 122-124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2017.09.016 (Invited commentary)

Plews, J. and Jackson, J. (2017). 'Introduction to "Study abroad: To, from, and within Asia"', a special issue of journal Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, 2 (2): 137-146

Jackson, J. (2017). The personal, linguistic, and intercultural development of Chinese sojourners in an English-speaking country: The impact of language attitudes, motivation, and agency. Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, 2(1): 80-106.

Jackson, J. (2016). Global Citizenship and Intercultural Engagement: Insights from an Online Course for International Exchange Students. The International Journal of Learning: Annual Review Volume 23, 15-26.

Jackson, J. (2016). Asynchronous threaded discussions and intercultural learning: Student sojourner perspectives. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 25(3): 229-249.

Jackson, J. (2016). 'Breathing the smells of native-style English': A narrativised account of a L2 sojourn. Language and Intercultural Communication (Invited article for special issue: Erasmus student mobility and intercultural learning; C. Borghetti & A. Beaven, Eds.) (Invited article) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/ 14708477.2016.1168047

Jackson, J. (2016). The language use, attitudes, and motivation of Chinese students prior to a semester-long sojourn in an English-speaking environment. Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, 1(1), 4-33. (Invited article, inaugural issue) https://benjamins.com/catalog/sar.1.1.01jac

Jackson, J. (2015). Becoming interculturally competent: Theory to practice in international education. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 48, 91-107. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S0358 (Impact factor: 1.058)

Jackson, J. (2015). Preparing students for the global workplace: The impact of a semester abroad. Language and Intercultural Communication, 15(1), 76-91. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/ 14708477.2014.985307 (Impact factor: 0.65)

Jackson, J. (2015). Intercultural L2 teaching: Enhancing intercultural interactions at home and abroad. English Teaching in China (ETiC), 6, 1-5. (Lead article, by invitation) Retrieved from Click Here

Jackson, J. (2011). Cultivating cosmopolitan, intercultural citizenship through critical reflection and international, experiential learning. Language and Intercultural Communication, 11(2), 80-96. (Invited article for special issue: Citizenship, Education, and Global Spaces) https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ925704 (Impact factor: 0.65)

Jackson, J. (2011, Fall). Host language proficiency, intercultural sensitivity, and study abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, XXI, 167-89.

Jackson, J. (2010). Habitus, self-identity, and positioning: The multifarious nature of study abroad. Cultus: The Journal of Intercultural Mediation and Communication, 3, 65-78.

Jackson, J. (2009). Intercultural learning on short-term sojourns. Intercultural Education, 20, 59-71. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/ 1467598

Liu Meihua and Jackson, J. (2009). Reticence in Chinese EFL students at varied proficiency levels. TESL Canada Journal, 26(2), 65-81. Retrieved from http://teslcanadajournal.ca/index.php/tesl/article/ view/415/245. (My contribution: 50%)

Jackson, J. (2008). Globalization, Internationalization, and Short-term Stays Abroad. Special issue of the International Journal of Intercultural Relations (Y. Y. Kim & D. P.S. Bhawuk, Special edition Eds.), Theme: Globalization and Diversity: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives. 32(4), 349-358. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S0266

Liu Meihua and Jackson, J. (2008). An exploration of Chinese EFL learners’ unwillingness to communicate and foreign language anxiety. The Modern Language Journal. 92(1), 71-86. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1540-4781.2008.00687.x (My contribution: 50%)

Jackson, J. (2006). Ethnographic preparation for short-term study and residence in the target culture. The International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 30(1), 77-98. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S091X

Jackson, J. (2005). An inter-university, cross-disciplinary analysis of business education: Perceptions of business faculty in Hong Kong. English for Specific Purposes, 24(3), 293-306. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S0456

Jackson, J. (2005, Fall). Assessing intercultural learning through introspective accounts. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, XI, 165-186.

Jackson, J. (2004). Language and cultural immersion: An ethnographic case study. RELC Journal: A Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 35(3), 261-279. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/ 2140

Jackson, J. (2004). Case-based Teaching in a Bilingual Context: Perceptions of Business Faculty in Hong Kong. English for Specific Purposes, 23(3), 213-232. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S053X

Jackson, J. (2003). Case-based learning and reticence in a bilingual context: Perceptions of business students in Hong Kong. System, 31(4), 457-469. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S0346251X03000642

Jackson, J. (2002). In search of a home: Identities in transition in postcolonial Hong Kong. English Today, 18(2), 39-45. https://doi.org/10.1017/S2067

Jackson, J. (2002). Reticence in second language case discussions: Anxiety and aspirations. System, 30(1), 65-84. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S0346251X01000513

Jackson, J. (2002). The China strategy: A tale of two case leaders. ESP Journal, 21(3), 243-259. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0889-4906(01)00023-0

Jackson, J. (2002). Diversity and the case leader: Linguistic, cultural, psychological and contextual insights. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, Special Issue: Teaching with Case Studies, 13, 87-102.

Jackson, J. (2001). Cross-cultural case discussions in international business: Encouraging the nails to stick up. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 13(1), 67-86. https://doi.org/10.1300/J066v13n01_05

Jackson, J. (2000). The case for decision-forcing cases: Preparing teachers for EFL settings. TESOL Journal. Special issue: Preparing Teachers for Work in Diverse ESOL Contexts: An International Perspective, 9(3), 5-9. Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.1949-3533.2000.tb00260.x/epdf

Jackson, J. (1998). Reality-based decision cases in ESP teacher education: Windows on practice. English for Specific Purposes Journal, 17(2), 151-167. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0889-4906(97)00004-5

Jackson, J. (1997). Cases in TESOL Teacher education: Creating a forum for reflection. TESL Canada Journal, 14(2), 1-16. Retrieved from http://www.teslcanadajournal.ca/index.php/tesl/ article/view/682/513

Book chapters/Encyclopedia chapters (since joining CUHK)
in preparation
Jackson, J., Howard, M. & Schwieter, J.W. (in preparation). Language proficiency. In A. C. Ogden, B. Streitwieser & V. Van Mol (eds.) Education abroad: Leveraging international research and scholarship to inform practice, London and New York: Routledge. (Invited chapter)

Jackson, J. (forthcoming). Study abroad. In In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. 2nd edn. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell. (Invited chapter)

Jackson, J. (forthcoming) Intercultural competence and L2 pragmatics. In N. Taguchi (Ed.) the Routledge Handbook of SLA and Pragmatics, London and New York: Routledge. (Invited chapter)

Jackson, J. (forthcoming). "'Cantonese is my own eyes and English is just my glasses': The evolving language attitudes and L2 identities of a Chinese study abroad student", in M. Howard (ed.), Study Abroad, Second Language Acquisition and Interculturality: Contemporary Perspectives, Bristol: Multilingual Matters. (Invited chapter)

Jackson, J. (forthcoming). Intercultural education in study abroad contexts, in S. Rasinger and G. Rings (eds), Cambridge Handbook on Intercultural Communication, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Invited chapter)

Jackson, J. and Schwieter, J.W. (forthcoming). 'Study abroad and immersion', in J.W. Schwieter and A. Benati (eds), Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Invited chapter)

in press
Jackson, J. (in press). National identity and intercultural engagement: Mainland Chinese students abroad, In Bo Shan & Jun Xiao (Eds.) Ethnic communication, National Image and Intercultural , Social Science Academic Press: Beijing, China. (Invited chapter)

Jackson, J. (forthcoming). Building an online community to contest stereotyping and Otherization during study abroad. In M. D. López- Jiménez and J. Sánchez Torres (Eds.) Issues in intercultural learning and teaching across L2 contexts and situations. New York: Springer. (Invited chapter)

Jackson, J. (forthcoming) Commentary on Sara Amadasi’s chapter 'The disruptive effect of a mango. The relevance of enhancing the unexpected to become a critical interculturalist', in F. Dervin, A. Holliday & R. Marchant (Eds.). The road to becoming a critical interculturalist. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. (Invited chapter)

Jackson, J. (forthcoming). My intercultural journey. In F. Dervin, A. Holliday & R. Marchant (Eds.). The road to becoming a critical interculturalist. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. (Invited chapter)

Jackson, J. (2018). Optimizing intercultural learning and engagement abroad through online mentoring. In J. Jackson & S. Oguro (Eds.), Intercultural interventions in study abroad. (pp. 119-136) London and New York: Routledge.

Jackson, J. and Oguro, S. (2018) Introduction: Enhancing and extending study abroad learning through intercultural interventions, in J. Jackson & S. Oguro (Eds.), Intercultural interventions in study abroad. (pp. 1-17) London and New York: Routledge.

Jackson, J. (2018). Identity, bilingual & multicultural, In Y. Y. Kim (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of intercultural communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell. (Invited chapter)

Jackson, J. (2018) 'Breathing the smells of native style English': A narrativized account of a L2 sojourner. In C. Borghetti and A. Beaven (Eds) Study Abroad and Interculturality: Perspectives and Discourses, London and New York: Routledge.

Jackson, J. (2018). Sociolinguistic approach to intercultural communication. In Y. Y. Kim (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of intercultural communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell. (Invited chapter)

Jackson, J. (2018). Intercultural friendship. In Y. Y. Kim (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of intercultural communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell. (Invited chapter)

Jackson, J. (2018). Sojourner communication. In Y. Y. Kim (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of intercultural communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell. (Invited chapter) (Model chapter)

Jackson, J. (2018). Training for study abroad. In Y. Y. Kim (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of intercultural communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell. (Invited chapter) (Model chapter)

Jackson, J. (2017). Intercultural communication and engagement abroad. In D. K. Deardorff & L. A. Arasaratnam-Smith (Eds.), Intercultural competence in higher education: International Approaches, assessment and application. (pp. 197-201)London: Routledge.

Jackson, J. (2017). Preparing students for the global workplace: The impact of a semester abroad. In H. Ladegaard & C. Jenks (Eds.), Language and intercultural communication in the workplace: Critical approaches to theory and practice. London: Routledge.

Jackson, J. (2017). Second language teacher identity. In G. Barkzhuizen (Ed.), Reflections on language teacher identity research. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. (Invited chapter)

Jackson, J. (2016). Encountering unfamiliar educational practices abroad: Obstacles or opportunities? In D. M. Velliaris & D. Coleman-George (Eds.), Handbook of research on study abroad programs and outbound mobility (p. 138-163). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. (http://www.igi-global.com/book/handbook-research-study-abroad-programs/142197)

Jackson, J. (2016). Encountering the ‘West’ through academic mobility: Shifting representations and reinforced stereotypes. In R. Machart, M. Gao, & F. Dervin (Eds.), Intercultural masquerade: New Orientalism, new Occidentalism & old exoticism (pp. 17-32). N.Y.: Springer. (http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783662470558)

Jackson, J. (2016). Ethnography. In Zhu Hua (Ed.), Research methods in intercultural communication: A practical guide (pp. 239-254). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley & Sons. (Invited chapter) (http://as.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1118837460.html)

Jackson, J. (2016). How to design a research project. In Zhu Hua (Ed.), Research methods in intercultural communication: A practical guide (pp. 147-164). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley & Sons. (Invited chapter) (http://as.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1118837460.html)

Jackson, J. (2015). Intercultural communication and language. In J. Bennett (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of intercultural competence, volume 2 (pp. 453-458). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. (Invited chapter) (http://www.sagepub.in/books/Book238738?subject=A00&bookType=%22Reference%20Books %22&sortBy=defaultPubDate%20desc&fs=1 #tabview=title)

Jackson, J. (2015). Intercultural interpersonal conflict in international education. In Bo Shan & Jun Xiao (Eds.), Cultural conflicts and intercultural communication (pp. 286-303). Social Science Academic Press: Beijing, China. (Invited chapter)

Jackson, J. (2015). ‘Unpacking’ international experience through blended intercultural praxis. In R. D. Williams & A. Lee (Eds.), Internationalizing higher education: Critical collaborations across the curriculum (pp. 231-52). Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: SENSE Publishers. (https://www.sensepublishers.com/media/2294-internationalizing-higher-education.pdf)

Jackson, J. (2014). The process of becoming reflexive and intercultural: Navigating study abroad and reentry experience. In J. Byrd Clark & F. Dervin (Eds.), Reflexivity and multi- modality in language education: Rethinking multilingualism and interculturality in accelerating, complex and transnational spaces (pp. 43-63). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Jackson, J. (2013). Study abroad. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell. (Invited chapter) (http://as.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1405194731.html)

Jackson, J. (2013). Teaching for internationalization and critical citizenship. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of applied linguistics: Language learning and teaching. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell. (Invited chapter) (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ 9781405198431.wbeal1156)

Jackson, J. (2013). The transformation of ‘a frog in the well’: A path to a more intercultural, global mindset. In C. Kinginger (Ed.), Social and cultural aspects of language learning in study abroad (pp. 179-204). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Invited chapter) (https://benjamins.com/)

Jackson, J. (2013). Adjusting to differing cultures of learning: The experience of semester-long exchange students from Hong Kong. In L. Jin & M. Cortazzi (Eds.), Researching intercultural learning (pp. 235-52). Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave MacMillan. (Invited chapter) (http://www.palgrave.com/la/book/978)

Jackson, J. (2012). Introduction. In J. Jackson (Ed.), Routledge handbook of language and intercultural communication (pp. 1-14). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. (https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Handbook-of-Language-and-Intercultural-Communication/Jackson/p/book/978)

Jackson, J. (2012). Education abroad. In J. Jackson (Ed.), Routledge handbook of language and intercultural communication (pp. 449-63). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. (https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Handbook-of-Language-and-Intercultural-Communication/Jackson/p/book/978)

Jackson, J. (2011). Mutuality, engagement, and agency: Negotiating identity on stays abroad. In C. Higgins (Ed.), Identity formation in globalizing contexts: Language learning in the new millennium (pp. 127-46). Berlin/ New York: Mouton de Gruyter. (Invited chapter) (http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/179368)

Jackson, J. (2011). Second language and intercultural learning in the context of study abroad. In Z. Lu, W. Zhang, & A. Crippen (Eds.), Issues in English language teaching and learning at tertiary level (pp. 269-277). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. (Invited chapter)

Lui, M. and Jackson, J. (2011). Reticence and anxiety in oral English lessons: A case study in Mainland China. In L. Jin & M. Cortazzi (Eds.), Researching Chinese learners: Skills, perceptions, and intercultural adaptation (pp. 119-137). Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave MacMillan. (Invited chapter) (http://www.palgrave.com/us/book/978) (My contribution: 50%)

Jackson, J. (2006). Ethnographic pedagogy and evaluation in short-term study abroad. In M. Byram & A. Feng (Eds.), Living for study abroad (pp. 134-156). Clevedon, U.K.: Multilingual Matters. (Invited chapter)

Jackson, J. (2018, October) Intercultural learning and engagement during study abroad: An online intervention, Invited webinar, organized by the Institute for Cross-Cultural Teaching and Learning (IFCCTL), USA, 4 October 2018 https://www.ifcctl.com/for-education-abroad-professionals-and-faculty-leading-programs.html

Selected special conference presentations (Keynotes, plenaries, colloquia)
Jackson, J. (2018, January) Fostering intercultural learning and engagement, CUHK’s Symposium on Internationalization of Student Affairs in Higher Education, Hong Kong. (By invitation), 25-26 January 2018

Jackson, J. (August, 2017). Interculturality, criticality, and intercultural praxis in study abroad, Plenary (Keynote speaker), Study Abroad Research in European Perspective (SAREP), COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology, University of Turku, Finland.

Jackson, J. and Dervin, F. (2017, August-Sept) Criticality in study abroad research and practice, Criticality in Education (Research): Definitions, Discourses and Controversies. University of Helsinki, Finland, 31 August-1st September 2017.

Jackson, J. (2017, July) Bridging the research-practice nexus to enhance study abroad learning, Presentation at the ReN Study Abroad Institute: Colloquium: SA (Social networks, language learning & SA): ReN theme: Contemporary Directions in Study Abroad Research, the 18th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA 2017), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 25 July 2017.

Jackson, J. (2017, June) Intercultural relations and situated learning theory: Critical applications in study abroad contexts, Invited presentation in colloquium ‘From theory to reality: Generating practical insights for improving intercultural contact and communication’ organized by Y. Y. Kim; Fellow presenters: D. Bhawuk, Y.Y. Kim and L. Arasaratnam-Smith (Discussant)), the10th Biennial conference of the Intercultural Academy for Intercultural Research, Staten Island, New York, 26 June 2017.

Jackson, J. (2017, June). Invited discussant for colloquium 'Intercultural competence in international higher education: Part I: Case studies' organized by Professor Lily Arasaratnam-Smith, the 10th Biennial conference of the Intercultural Academy for Intercultural Research CUNY College of Staten Island, Staten Island, New York, 26 June 2017.

Jackson, J. (2017, June) The construction, negotiation and representation of Chinese student identities abroad, Keynote address at the 6th International Conference on English, Discourse & Intercultural Communication, Part II, Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, June 2017.

Jackson, J. (2017, June) Interculturality, diversity and internationalization: Challenges and opportunities, Invited plenary at the 6th International Conference on English, Discourse & Intercultural Communication, Part I, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau University, Macau, June 2017.

Jackson, J., Barkhuizen, G., Benson, P., and Sun, T. (2017, March) Tracing the developmental trajectories of Chinese exchange students in Australasia, UMAP-supported panel presentation at the Asia-Pacific Association of International Education (APAIE) conference, 20-23 March 2017.

Jackson, J., Chen, X., Sun, T. and Chan, C. (2017, March). Intercultural outcomes assessment in study abroad: What's a semester worth?, Panel presentation at the Asia-Pacific Association of International Education (APAIE) conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 20-23 March 2017.

Jackson, J. (2017, February). 'Internationalisation at home: Current and future directions', Teaching and Learning Experience Sharing (TALES) Workshop, Invited talk at Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 21 February 2017.

Jackson, J. (2017, January). Issues and agendas for study abroad research, Invited talk at the Applied Linguistics Research Workshop, Migration, study abroad and language learning beyond the classroom: Research agendas and approaches, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 24-25 January 2017.

Jackson, J. (2017, January). Ethnography in study abroad, Invited talk at the Applied Linguistics Research Workshop, Migration, study abroad and language learning beyond the classroom: Research agendas and approaches, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 24-25 January 2017.

Jackson, J. (2017, January). Researching language, culture, and identities in study abroad contexts, Invited talk. University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 19 January 2017.

Jackson, J. (2016, December). Micro modules and intercultural mentoring online: Enriching international educational experience, CUHK’s Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO 2016. 16 December 2016. (Invited presentation).

Jackson, J. (2016, September). Intercultural communication and immersion abroad: An online intervention, Invited talk, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 8 September 2016.

Jackson, J. (2016, June). From research to practice: Intervening in the learning of L2 study abroad students, Keynote address, Hong Kong Association of Applied Linguistics (HAAL) conference, Hong Kong SAR, 11 June 2016.

Jackson, J. (2016, May). Inspiring language and intercultural learning in student sojourners, Shantou University, Shantou, China (Invited workshop/ talk), 16 May 2016.

Jackson, J. (2016, April). Optimizing intercultural learning and engagement abroad through online mentoring, Keynote address, Intercultural learning through study abroad colloquium in Bern, Switzerland that was co-hosted by the University of Bern and the University of Technology Sydney, 14 April 2016.

Jackson, J. (2016, March). Reflective journaling: Making sense of international/L2 experience, Keynote address, HKU Space conference on Language andCommunication, Hong Kong SAR. 11 March 2016.

Jackson, J. (2016, January). From research to praxis: An intercultural approach to study abroad, Invited talk, Distinguished lecture series, Department of English, the University of Macao, 27 January 2016.

Jackson, J. (2015, December) Enhancing student learning abroad: A research-based, online General Education course, CUHK’s Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2015. 16 December 2015. (Invited presentation).

Jackson, J. (2015, November), National identity and intercultural engagement: Mainland Chinese students abroad, Keynote address, The 8th International Conference on Intercultural Communication (ICIC 2015), Ethnic communication, National Image and Intercultural Communication, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 20-22 November 2015.

Jackson, J. (2015, July) Research-based interventions in study abroad programming. Keynote address. International conference on ‘The Culture of Study Abroad’ (linked to the AILA research network on study abroad, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, N.S., Canada, 16 July 2015.

Jackson, J. (2015, July) Becoming interculturally competent: From theory to practice in international education, presentation in a the symposium Showcasing the IJIR special issue on intercultural communication competence Lily Arasaratnam & Darla Deardorff, organizers, the 9th Biennial Congress of the International Academy for Intercultural Research IAIR 2015, Bergen, Norway, 28 June – 2July 2015.

Jackson, J. (2015, June) Intercultural Competence in Teaching and Learning: Toward Promoting and Assessing Intercultural Competence (Ken Cushner and Jennifer Mahon, organizers). IDI Guided Development & online support for student sojourners, Invited symposium at the 9th Biennial Congress of the International Academy for Intercultural Research IAIR 2015, Bergen, Norway, 28 June – 2 July 2015.

Jackson, J. (2015, June) Becoming intercultural: The discourse of a L2 sojourner, Invited plenary, The 5th International Conference on English, Discourse & Intercultural Communication, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, 2-5 June 2015.

Jackson, J. (2015, May). TESOL research: Current and future directions, Invited talk, Shantou University, Shantou, China, 17-23 May 2015.

Jackson, J. (2015, April). Case studies in Applied English Linguistics and study abroad research, Invited talk, School of Foreign Languages, Beijing Normal University, 27 April 2015.

Jackson, J., Chen, X., and Chan, C. (2015, March). Assessing the impact of international exchange programs, Colloquium at the 10th Annual Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) conference, Beijing, China, 23-26 March 2015.

Jackson, J. (2014, August) Sojourn language learning and social networks: Agency and affordances, Presentation at the ReN Study Abroad Institute: Colloquium: SA (Social networks, language learning & SA): ReN theme: ‘Study Abroad and Language Learning: The role of social networks, integration, and identity’, Strand 2 Individual factors: Agency, affordances, and identities, at the AILA: World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia, 10-15 August 2014.

Jackson, J. (2014, May). Enhancing the international educational experience of undergraduates. Invited talk linked to the CUHK Teaching Ambassadors Scheme, Retreat of the Japanese Department, CUHK, 9 May 2014.

Jackson, J. (2014, April) Deepening language and intercultural understanding through critical reflection, Invited keynote address, ‘Teaching Language toward Intercultural Competence’, Shantou University International Conference, Shantou, China, 25-27 April 2014.

Jackson, J. (2014, April). Representing Chinese identity and core values globally. Cross-cultural dialogue/panel of intercultural communication experts moderated by Yang Rui at the 2nd Chinese Intercultural Disciplinary Development Forum 'Developing intercultural research in China' Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), 13 April 2014

Jackson, J. (2014, April). Intercultural issues in education abroad, Invited presentation, 2nd Chinese Intercultural Disciplinary Development Forum 'Developing intercultural research in China' Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), 11-13 April 2014

Jackson, J. (2014, April). Intercultural communicative competence: ELT and study abroad. Invited workshop. English Teaching and Intercultural Competence Cultivation’ conference . Shanghai, China: Sino Foreign Language Teacher Training Institute, 25 April 2014.

Jackson, J., Chen, X. & Chan, S. Y. (2014, March) Tracking the 'whole person development' of international exchange students. Colloquium at the 9th Annual Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) conference, Seoul, Korea, 17-20 March 2014.

Jackson, J. (2013, December) Invited keynote address: Facilitating Intercultural Learning on Campus: Strengthening the Research-Teaching Nexus, Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 5 December 2013.

Jackson, J. (2013, Nov.) International transitions: Facilitating intercultural learning & global citizenship. Invited presentation: Senior Scholars' Forum, 10th CAFIC (China Association for Intercultural Communication) International Conference (co-sponsored with IAFICS -International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies, and ACCS-the Association for Chinese Communication Studies): Intercultural Communication for a Harmonious World: Challenges and Opportunities Hainan University Tourism College, Haikou, China, 21-24 November 2013.

Jackson, J. (2013, Nov.) Presentation at the colloquium 'East-West Dialogue: Values, Languages, Media and Intercultural Communication' (Co-chairs: Viktoria Timchenko & Jane Jackson); Presentation: Intercultural sensitivity development through study abroad, 10th CAFIC (China Association for Intercultural Communication) International Conference (co-sponsored with IAFICS -International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies, and ACCS-the Association for Chinese Communication Studies): Intercultural Communication for a Harmonious World: Challenges and Opportunities Hainan University Tourism College, Haikou, China, 21-24 November 2013.

Jackson, J. (2013, November). Nurturing Intercultural/L2 Learning through Critical Reflection, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, China (Invited talk),15 November 2013.

Jackson, J. (2013, Nov.) Intercultural interpersonal conflict in international education. Keynote address. 7th International conference of Intercultural Communication (2013 ICIC), Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, 15-17 November 2013.

Jackson, J. (2012, March) Optimizing and extending international student exchange experience: From research to practice, Invited Faculty seminar/workshop at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) organized by the Center for Learning Enhancement.

Jackson, J. (2011, August) 'Towards interculturality through study and residence abroad', Symposium at the 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, with Jim Coleman, Stephanie Houghton and Xingsong Shi; Paper 'The language and (inter)cultural learning of semester-long exchange students', 23-28 August 2011. (Symposium organizer & presenter)

Jackson, J., & Pan, P. (2011, June) Enriching and extending international learning through critical reflection & web-enhanced pedagogy, Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 15 June 2011. (Invited presentation)

Jackson, J., & Lai, P-C. (2010, December) 334 and the Faculty of Arts, Seminar on the new curriculum for 2012, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 10 December 2010.

Jackson, J. (2010, December) Enhancing international learning, Invited poster presentation, Poster Sessions on Teaching Development Grants Projects 2009-2012, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 10 December 2010. (Invited presentation)

Jackson, J. (2010, November) Transformative education: Critical thinking and experiential learning, Faculty of Arts Workshop, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Jackson, J. (2010, October). SLA and intercultural learning in the context of study abroad, the 6th International Conference on Teaching English at the Tertiary Level, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. (Keynote address).

Jackson, J. (2010, October). Fostering intercultural communicative competence through innovative coursework, Invited talk, Department of Foreign Languages, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.

Jackson, J. (2010, October). Maximizing education abroad learning: An outcomes-based approach. Invited talk at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

Jackson, J. (2010, October) Enriching and extending international learning through critical reflection and web-enhanced pedagogy, Invited talk and poster, CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2010, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong.

Jackson, J. (2010, March). The dialogic, situated learning of L2 sojourners. presentation in the colloquium, "The social turn in study abroad research" organized by C. Kinginger (Penn State) at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (Invited colloquium presentation).

Jackson, J. (2009, August). Intercultural relations in homestays: Variations in mutuality and engagement.Presentation in colloquium, “The Intercultural sojourn as a way to attain a peaceful world: Research and reflections on sojourners” at the International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR) conference, Honolulu, Hawaii. (Invited colloquium presentation).

Jackson, J. (2007, March). Mutuality, engagement, and agency: Negotiating identity on stays abroad. Presentation in colloquium, “Negotiating the Self in Another Language: Discourse Approaches to Language Learning as Cross-Cultural Adaptation” at the 17th International Pragmatics & Language Learning Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii. (Invited colloquium presentation).

Professor Jackson is a regular presenter at international conferences that focus on applied linguistics, language and intercultural communication, and education abroad/internationalization.
Recent interviews
Fo, Kent (2016, May). Interview related to RGC project 'Higher Education, Inclusive Leadership and Gender: the Hong Kong Academy'. PI: Dr Sarah Jane Aiston, Hong Kong University.

Chan, Mabel (2015, November). Invited by the Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research (CLEAR) to be videotaped discussing innovative teaching practices; material available on website 'New Teachers Support @CUHK' (website available: July 2016).

St. John, E. (2015, November). Interview related to Ethnographic Encounters Project: Cultural knowledge for Language Learners at the University of Southampton, U.K. http://generic.wordpress.soton.ac.uk/ ethnographicencounters/interviews/.

Goodwin, A. (2015, April). Study abroad perspectives: An interview with Jane Jackson. JALT Study Abroad SIG Journal 8 (1), 9-12. http://jalt-sa.org/PDF/8-1Jackson.pdf

Forestier, K. (2013, December). Insight: Intercultural exchanges at colleges fall short of expectations, South China Morning Post,http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/family-education/article/1390996/insight-intercultural-exchanges-colleges-fall-short

CUHK PR (2013, December). Thus spake: Jane Jackson on Education Award, CUHK Newsletter, 429/430.http://www.iso.cuhk.edu.hk/english/ publications/newsletter/article.aspx?articleid=58474

Committee membership
Department Academic Personnel Committee (DAPC) (English Department)
Category (2) member, Board of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (Faculty of Education)
Committee on Overseas Experience (New Asia College)
Sexual Harassment Panel (University)
Advisor, ELTU Quality Assurance Committee (English Language Teaching Unit, Faculty of Arts)
Invited Member, Teaching Excellence Ambassador (TEA) Programme (University)
Invited Mentor, CUHK Female Faculty Support Network (University)

Recognition of teaching/research
2016-17 Hong Kong (RGC) Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS) Award (http://www.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/web/en-gb/research/research-projects/rgc-funding-schemes/humanities-and-social-sciences-prestigious-fellowship-scheme-hsspfs)
2016-17 CUHK Faculty Outbound Research Mobility Award
2015-16 Invited by the Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research (CLEAR) to be videotaped discussing innovative teaching practices; material available on website ‘New Teachers Support @CUHK’ (website available: July 2016).
2013 CUHK Education Award(https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/vc-exemplary-teaching-award/english/university-education-award.html)
2013 One of five finalists for the 2013 University Grant Committee’s 2013 Excellence in Teaching Award
2013-present Member of CUHK’s UGC-funded Teaching Excellence Ambassador (TEA) programme
2011-12 Nominated by Faculty of Arts for University Education Award
2009-10 Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award
2008-09 Exemplary teacher award, Department of English & Faculty of Arts, CUHK
2004-05 Exemplary teacher award, Department of English, CUHK
2001-02 Exemplary teacher award, Department of English, CUHK; Short-listed for Faculty Award

Elected Board member
International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR) (2015-2019)
Intercultural Communication Studies

Editorial posts (selected)
Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (AJELT) (Editorial Board)
International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education (IGI-Global), Editorial Review Board
Journal of Language, Identity, and Education (Taylor and Francis) (Editorial Board)
Study abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education (John Benjamins)
The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell (Editorial Board)

Professor Jackson serves as a reviewer for many journals and publishers in applied linguistics, intercultural education, and education abroad (e.g., articles, book proposals, manuscripts).

Research Grants and Awards
'Education for ethical global and intercultural citizenship: 'Real-world' international experience and online debriefings', Teaching Development andLanguage Enhancement Grant (TDLEG), (Principal investigator). Award: $193,700.00. [Abstract]

'eLearning and English as an academic lingua franca: The needs, perspectives, and experiences of incoming exchange students', Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG), (Principal investigator ). Award: $210,000.00 [Abstract]

'Intercultural communication and engagement abroad: An ethnographic investigation of an online intervention in international exchange programs', the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) Prestigious Fellowship Scheme under Humanities and Social Science Panel (HSSPFS); Principal Investigator. Award: $831,220.00 [Abstract]

'The Second Language Identities and Academic/Social (Non)integration of Chinese International Exchange Students', (Co-investigators: Professor Gary Barkhuizen, University of Auckland; Professor Phil Benson, Macquarie University, Tongle Sun and Chan Sin Yu, CUHK, University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP), Award: US$9,000.00

Internationalization Faculty Mobility Scheme, Outbound Research Mobility Scheme for 2016-17, Office of Academic Links, CUHK (Visit to University of Auckland, New Zealand and Macquarie University, Australia. January 2017).

'Designing, implementing, and measuring the impact of micro modules on the intercultural learning of international exchange students in an online course', A CUHK Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant, Scheme 3: eLearning Pedagogy Research. Principal Investigator. Award: 150,000.00

'The second language identities and academic/social (non)integration of Chinese international exchange students in Australasia: A pilot study', Faculty of Arts, CUHK. (Principal investigator; Co-investigators: Professor Gary Barkhuizen, University of Auckland; Professor Philip Benson, Macquarie University; and Dr. Chan Wai Nga (Gloria), Shue Yan University). Award: $40,000.00

'Liberal education and the semester-long exchange program: Assessing the "whole person development" of L2 sojourners from Greater China', Competitive General Research Fund; (Principal investigator; Co-investigators: Professor Chen Xinren, Nanjing University, China, Professor Chu Xiaoquan, Dean of the School of Foreign Languages, Fudan University, China, and Professor Liu Meihua, Tsinghua University, China). Award: $1,438,366.00

'Optimizing the education abroad learning of CUHK students through learner-centered, online support: From pre-sojourn to re-entry', Teaching Development Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Principal Investigator. Award: HK $200,000.00

'Enhancing the education abroad learning and intercultural interactions of local and international students on campus'. Teaching Development Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Principal Investigator. Award: HK $100,000.00

"International exchange programs and the acquisition of academic, linguistic, personal and intercultural competencies." Competitive General Research Fund; (Principal investigator). Award: HK $985,631.00

"Assessing the L2 and intercultural learning of semester-long exchange students from CUHK and Tsinghua University". A Direct Grant from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Principal Investigator. (Co-investigator: Dr. Lui Meihua, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China). Award: HK $99,230.00

"Bridging experiential (study abroad) and academic learning through critical reflection and web-enhanced pedagogy". Teaching Development Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Principal Investigator. Award: HK $250,000.00

"Creativity as a Learning Outcome in the Humanities". Teaching Development Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Principal Investigator: Lan Pan-Chiu, Associate Dean and Chair of the Faculty Committee on Teaching and Learning; Co-investigator along with other members of the committee. Award: HK $1,000,000.00

"E-learning in the Humanities". Teaching Development Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Principal Investigator: Lan Pan-Chiu, Associate Dean and Chair of the Faculty Committee on Teaching and Learning; Co-investigator along with other members of the committee. Award: HK $450,000.00

"Intercultural sensitivity, identity reconstruction, and sociopragmatic development in L2 sojourners." A Direct Grant from the Arts and Languages Council of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Principal Investigator. Award: HK $100,000.00.

Academic Staff
Administrative Staff
English Language Instructors
Postgraduate Research Students Awards (Postgraduate) Publications and Presentations (Postgraduate Students)

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