
香港中文大学英文系老师教授导师介绍简介-Gerald NELSON

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-28

Gerald NELSON Emeritus Professor
B.A., M.A., Ph.D.(NUI, Dublin)

ENGE1520 Grammatical Structure of English
ENGE2820 Introduction to Semantics & Pragmatics
ENGE5450 Corpus Linguistics

Research Interests
English grammar; corpus linguistics; World Englishes; the history of English; the history of linguistics

Selected Publications
Major Publications
An Introduction to English Grammar. 4th edition. Routledge. (with Sidney Greenbaum).

English: An Essential Grammar. 2nd edition. Routledge.

Exploring Natural Language: Working with the British Component of the International Corpus of English. Benjamins. (with Sean Wallis and Bas Aarts).

The Internet Grammar of English. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/internet-grammar.

Selected Publications
in press
World Englishes and Corpus Linguistics. In Ee Ling Low & Anne Pakir (eds) World Englishes: Re-thinking Paradigms. Routledge. (with Gabriel Ozon).

The circle of English: An exploration of the core and periphery of world Englishes. In Eugene Green & Charles F. Meyer (eds) The Variabiity of Current World Englishes. De Gruyter. pp. 99-115.

Particle Verbs in African Englishes: Nativization and Innovation. In Marianne Hundt & Ulrike Gut (eds) Mapping Unity and Diversity World-Wide. Benjamins. pp.197-213. (with Ren Hongtao).

Philippine English among others: An exploration of grammatical 'keywords' in the ICE Philippines corpus. In Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista, (ed.) Studies in Philippine English: Exploring the Philippine Component of the International Corpus of English. Manila: Anvil Press. pp. 201-22. (with Ren Hongtao)

Academic Staff
Administrative Staff
English Language Instructors
Postgraduate Research Students Awards (Postgraduate) Publications and Presentations (Postgraduate Students)

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