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香港中文大学研究人员 ( 现职)
车锡英教授 (那打素护理学院) |
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摘要Health compromising behaviours such as physical inactivity and poor nutrition are detrimental to human health, which finally leading to loss in efficiency and productivity of the individual and burdening the health care system. Eating healthily and integrating regular exercise in daily life is a critical component in preventing heart disease as well as other chronic diseases such as stroke, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. By reducing the risk of getting these diseases in general public, the health care cost can definitely be confined especially in a government subsidized healthcare system like Hong Kong. This project aimed to promote healthy behaviours of the general public regarding heart health favored lifestyle through the following activities: - Community roadshows and health promotion exhibitions - Dietary workshops and a 'HealthyMenu Design Competition' - A Physical exercise program - Production of an educational booklet. ? 2 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
着者Chair S.Y.
编辑ed. by Carman WH Chan.
详细描述ed. by Carman WH Chan.
页次151 - 157