
Capital account reform and short- and long-run stock price leadership (2015)_香港中文大学

香港中文大学 辅仁网/2017-06-24

Capital account reform and short- and long-run stock price leadership
Publication in refereed journal

香港中文大学研究人员 ( 现职)
麦建理教授 (金融学系)


Scopushttp://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/0Scopus source URL


摘要This paper studies the effect of capital account liberalization policies on the price discovery of cross-listings in Chinese stocks. We construct a non-linear causality framework that decomposes short- and long-run dimensions of price leadership. Our analysis shows that capital account liberalization has had a profound effect on long-run A- and H-price leadership traits. Specifically, increased inward capital movement from Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors strengthens long-term leadership in the mainland A-market. Similarly, increased capital outflow from the Chinese mainland galvanizes long-term price discovery processes in the Hong Kong H-market. We thus offer strong evidence that capital account liberalization promotes stock market efficiency in the long-run. The present study's empirical account also suggests that such capital flows inhibit short-term lead-lag effects.

着者Cai C.X., McGuinness P.B., Zhang Q.
期刊名称European Journal of Finance
出版社Chapman & Hall
出版地United Kingdom

关键词A- and H-share cross-listings, capital account liberalization, short- and long-run price leadership

相关话题/金融 国际 语言 香港中文大学 英语