
香港城市大学数据科学学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr. GUO Ruocheng (郭若城博士)

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Dr. GUO Ruocheng (郭若城博士) BEng(HUST), MSc(HKUST), PhD(Arizona State University)

Assistant Professor

Contact Information Office: LAU-16-279
Phone: 34427131
Email: ruochguo@cityu.edu.hk
Web: Personal Homepage

Research Interests Causal Machine Learning
Social Media Mining
Algorithmic Fairness
Generalizable AI
Data Efficient Learning

Ruocheng obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Arizona State University under the supervision of Professor Huan Liu. He was the recipient of the Outstanding Computer Science Ph.D. Student Award of ASU CIDSE in 2020-2021. He was an AI resident at Google X, and a research intern at Microsoft Research AI and Etsy. He received his MSc degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and BEng degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

Awards and Achievements May 2021 “Outstanding CS PhD Student” Arizona State University.

Previous Experience Aug 2020 - Dec 2020, AI resident, Google X.

Publications Show All Publications Show Prominent Publications
Journal Guo, Ruocheng. , Cheng, Lu. , Li, Jundong. , Hahn, P. Richard. & Liu, Huan. (Jul 2020). A survey of learning causality with data: Problems and methods. ACM CSUR.

Conference Paper Cheng, Lu. , Guo, Ruocheng. , Shu, Kai. & Liu, Huan. (Aug 2021). Causal Understanding of Fake News Dissemination on Social Media. KDD'21.
Guo, Ruocheng. , Zhao, Xiaoting. , Henderson, Adam. , Hong, Liangjie. & Liu, Huan. (Aug 2020). Debiasing Grid-based Product Search in E-commerce. KDD'20.
Guo, Ruocheng. , Li, Jundong. & Liu, Huan. (Feb 2020). Learning Individual Causal Effects from Networked Observational Data. WSDM'20.

External Services
Public Service 2021, Co-chair (Special Track of Causal Learning), IEEE SMDS'21.
2021 - Now, PC member, ACL.
2021, Session Chair, SIGKDD'21.
2020 - Now, PC member, SIGKDD.
2020 - Now, PC member, EMNLP.
2020 - Now, PC member, AAAI.
2020 - Now, PC member, ICLR.
2020 - Now, PC member, Neurips.
2020 - Now, PC member, ICML.
2020 - Now, SPC member, IJCAI.

Links Google Scholar

Last update date : 12 Oct 2021

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