
香港城市大学商学院老师教授导师介绍简介-Prof. LEE Kwok On Matthew

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30

Prof. LEE Kwok On Matthew 李国安教授 Department of Information Systems
Vice-President (Development & External Relations)
Chair Professor of Information Systems & E-Commerce

6117, Cheng Yick Chi Building, City University of Hong Kong

+852 34422882

+852 34420338


Personal Web

Research Areas Electronic Commerce
Online Social Networks
Knowledge Management
Managing IT-based Innovation Adoption and Diffusion

Qualifications LLM - Commercial & Corporate Law (University of London)
LLB - Law (University of London)
PhD - Computer Science (University of Manchester)
MSc - Computation (University of Oxford)
MBA - Business Administration (University of Sheffield)
BEng - Electronic Engineering (University of Sheffield)

Biography Professor Matthew K. O. Lee is Vice President (Development and External Relations) at CityU, where he also holds a tenured position as Chair Professor of Information Systems & E-Commerce. He was Associate Dean (2001-2006, 2007-2011) and Acting Dean (2006-2007) of the College of Business, CityU, and the founding Director of the CityU DBA Programme. Professor Lee was also Head of Department of Information Systems at CityU (1995-2001), and the Residence Master of Jockey Club Harmony Hall at the CityU Student Residence (2005-2011), and Director of Communication & Public Relations of CityU(2010-2015).He was previously a faculty member at University College London (UCL), and a staff scientist at BP Research headquarters in London. Professor Lee holds a first class honors bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering, an MSc in software engineering, a PhD in computer science, an MBA, and two law degrees. He is the recipient of a number of prestigious University scholarships, including a College Scholarship from Oxford University where he read for one of his degrees. He has also completed the Internet Law Program at Harvard Law School. Professor Lee is a qualified Barrister-at-Law in both Hong Kong, England & Wales, a Chartered Engineer (UK Engineering Council), and a professional member of the British Computer Society.
Professor Lee has a research and professional interest in IT based innovation adoption and diffusion (focusing on systems implementation management issues), knowledge management, electronic commerce, online social networks, and legal informatics encompassing the legal, ethical and policy aspects of information technology. He is Chairman of the Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (HKCPEC) advising the Secretary for Commerce, Economic and Development (SCED) on relevant economic and cooperation matters. He is also an independent non-executive director of two major IT enterprises listed in the main board of the HK Stock Exchange. Professor Lee was a member of the Hong Kong Research Grant Council (RGC) Business Studies Panel (2009-2014), and an Appeal Board member under the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Ordinance. He was a founding vice-chairman of the Hong Kong Computer Society e-Business Special Interest Group and served as a member of the IT Training Committee of the Vocation Training Council. Professor Lee had also served on the IT Projects Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Commission for many years.
Professor Lee's has published over one hundred refereed articles in international journals, conference proceedings, and research textbooks. He is the Principal Investigator of a number of prestigious competitive grants and has published in leading journals in his field (such as MIS Quarterly, Journal of MIS, Communications of the ACM, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, and the Journal of International Business Studies). His work has received numerous citations in the SCCI/SCI database and Google Scholar. Professor Lee serves/has served as Associate Editor and Area Editor of the Journal of Electronic Commerce and Applications (Elsivier), the International Journal of Information Management (Elsivier)and the International Journal of Information Policy and Law (Inderscience) and served on the editorial board of the Information Systems Journal (Blackwell Scientific). He has also served as a special Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly and the Information Systems Journal. Prof Lee is currently Associate Editor of the International Journal of Information Management.
According to the “H-Index for Management Information Systems” published by the University of Arizona in May 2020, Prof Lee ranks 38th in the world, and ranks top in Hong Kong. He is ranked among the top 2% of scientists in his field, according to a recent report and data metrics published by Standford University.
(Google Scholar Citations: 26242 ; H-Index: 69 ; i10-Index: 147 - as of 22 March 2021)

Research Grants PI: "CoolThink 2.0 - Computation Thinking for Primary School Students
Why We Cannot Put Down Our Smart-phones: Explaining Compulsive Smartphone Use Through Positive and Negative Reinforcement Processes
Understanding Instant Information Sharing in Social MediaNational
The Development of Problematic Use of Online Social Networking Sites: A Theoretical Model and its Empirical Test
Why Members Continue to Share Knowledge in Virtual Knowledge Communities : A Longitudinal Study
KM Information e-Portal User Satisfaction: The Asymmetric and Non-Linear Impact of Perceived Performance and Expectation Disconfirmation
The Measurement of Web-based Information Systems Satisfaction: Theoretical Development and Testing of Competing Models
Building Trust in the Digital Economy: Perception Management on the Internet
The University Learning Park
Organizational Adoption of Internet-based Electronic Commerce: A Hong Kong Study
Adoption and Impact of Financial EDI in Hong Kong
IT Centre for Business Process Reengineering
Building a Better World Through Information Systems
Building a Better World Through Information Systems
we": Using instant messaging for student group project discussion. 2008; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Zhang, Kem Z.K.; Cheung, Christy M.K.; Lee, Matthew K.O.; Chen, Huaping / Understanding the blog service switching in Hong Kong: An empirical investigation. 2008; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Jin, Xiao-Ling; Cheung, Christy M. K.; Lee, Matthew K. O.; Chen, Huaping / User information satisfaction with a knowledge-based virtual community: An empirical investigation. 2008; Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society: First World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2008, Proceedings. Vol. 5288 LNAI, pp. 123-130

Jin, Xiao-Ling; Cheung, Christy M. K.; Lee, Matthew K. O.; Chen, Hua-Ping / Factors affecting users' intention to continue using virtual community. 2007; Proceedings - The 9th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology; The 4th IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services, CEC/EEE 2007. pp. 239-246

Cheung, Christy M. K.; Lee, Matthew K. O. / Information adoption in an online discussion forum. 2007; ICE-B 2007 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on e-Business. pp. 322-328

Cheung, Christy M.K.; Shen, Aaron X.L.; Lee, Matthew K.O.; Wang, Wei Ping / Let's work together! we-intention to use instant messaging for e-collaboration. 2007; Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2007. pp. 407-418

Cheung, Christy M.K.; Lee, Matthew K.O.; Rabjohn, Neil / Maintaining a virtual professional community through positive word of mouth. 2007; PACIS 2007 - 11th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Managing Diversity in Digital Enterprises.

Cheung, Christy M K.; Lee, Matthew K O. / Understanding user intention to continue sharing knowledge in virtual communities. 2007; Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2007. pp. 635-646

Cheung, Christy M. K.; Lee, Matthew K. O. / Web-based information systems satisfaction-Theoretical development and testing of competing models. 2007; Webist 2007 - 3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Proceedings. Vol. SEBEG, pp. 46-53

Shen, Aaron X.L.; Cheung, Christy M.K.; Lee, Matthew K.O.; Wang, Wei Ping / We-intention to use instant messaging for collaboration: A social influence model. 2007; PACIS 2007 - 11th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Managing Diversity in Digital Enterprises.

Shen, Aaron X. L.; Cheung, Christy M. K.; Lee, Matthew K. O.; Wang, WeiPing / We-intention to use instant messaging for collaborative work: The moderating effect of experience. 2007; ICE-B 2007 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on e-Business. pp. 235-242

Cheung, Christy M. K.; Lee, Matthew K. O. / What drives members to continue sharing knowledge in a virtual professional community? The role of knowledge self-efficacy and satisfaction. 2007; Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management: Second International Conference, KSEM 2007, Proceedings. Vol. 4798 LNAI, pp. 472-484

Lee, Matthew K. O.; Cheung, Christy M. K.; Sia, Choon Ling; Lim, Kai H. / How positive informational social influence affects consumers' decision of Internet shopping?. 2006; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 6, pp. 115a

Cheung, Christy M.K.; Jin, Xiaoling; Lee, Matthew K.O.; Chen, Hua Ping / User satisfaction with virtual social community: The case of Bulletin Board Systems. 2006; PACIS 2006 - 10th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: ICT and Innovation Economy. pp. 1234-1246

Lam, Jolie; Lee, Matthew K. O.; Wong, Y. C.; Fung, John Y. C. / A digital inclusive society study - Understanding the social impacts of information communication technology (ICT) usage in China. 2005; Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Information Systems, Information Systems in a Rapidly Changing Economy, ECIS 2005.

Fu, Sabrina S. S.; Lee, Matthew K. O. / An integrated framework for research in organizational Knowledge Management. 2005; ICEIS 2005 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. pp. 151-156

Cheung, Christy M. K.; Lee, Matthew K. O. / Consumer satisfaction with internet shopping: A research framework and propositions for future research. 2005; ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Vol. 113, pp. 327-334

Fu, Sabrina S. S.; Lee, Matthew K. O. / IT-based knowledge sharing and organizational trust: The development and initial test of a comprehensive model. 2005; Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Information Systems, Information Systems in a Rapidly Changing Economy, ECIS 2005.

Kwong, Timothy C.H.; Lee, Matthew K.O. / Understanding the behavioral intention to digital piracy in virtual communities - A propose model. 2004; Proceedings - 2004 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service, EEE 2004. pp. 223-226

Zhang, Liang; Lee, M. K O; Zhang, Zhe; Banerjee, P. / Critical success factors of enterprise resource planning systems implementation success in China. 2003; Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2003.

Zhang, Liang; Lee, Matthew K.O.; Zhang, Zhe; Cheung, Christy M.K. / ERP systems implementation determinants and success measures in China: A case study approach. 2003; ICEIS 2003 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Vol. 1, pp. 136-143

Chan, J. K Y; Lee, M. K O / SME e-procurement adoption in Hong Kong - The roles of power, trust and value. 2003; Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2003.

Kwong, T. C H; Lee, M. K O / Behavioral intention model for the exchange mode Internet music piracy. 2002; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 2002-January, pp. 2481-2490

Cheung, C. M K; Lee, M. K O; Chen, Zhaohui / Using the Internet as a learning medium: An exploration of gender difference in the adoption of FaBWeb. 2002; Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. 2002-January, pp. 475-483

Shao, Y. P.; Lee, M. K O; Liao, S. Y. / Virtual organizations: The key dimensions. 2000; Proceedings - Academia/Industry Working Conference on Research Challenges 2000: Next Generation Enterprises: Virtual Organizations and Mobile/Pervasive Technologies, AIWORC 2000. pp. 3-8

Lee, Matthew; Wei, Kwok Kee; Davison, Robert / The adoption and diffusion of collaborative systems and technology. 1999; Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences.

Zeng, Lin; Wang, Huaiqing; Lee, Matthew K O / Multiple intelligent agent supported Internet security system: Issues, current solutions, and a proposed approach. 1998; Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing Systems, ICIPS. Vol. 1, pp. 920-922

Lee, Matthew KO / The Discipline of software engineering in information systems research and education. 1993; SOFTWARE ENGINEERING EDUCATION: Proceedings of the IFIP WG3.4/SEARCC (SRIG on Education and Training) Working Conference. pp. 151-159

Lee, Matthew K. O. / A packet based demand/data driven reduction model for the parallel execution of logic programs. September 1986; CONPAR 1986 - Conference on Algorithms and Hardware for Parallel Processing, Proceedings. pp. 214-221

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