
香港城市大学商学院老师教授导师介绍简介-Dr. SO Jane

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30

Dr. SO Jane Department of Marketing
Assistant Professor

10-220, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong

+852 34428667

+852 34420346


Research Areas Resource scarcity
Perceptions of self versus others

Qualifications PhD - Marketing (University of Washington)
MS - Marketing (Seoul National University)
BA - Business Administration (Seoul National University)

Biography Jane So is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the City University of Hong Kong. She received her Ph.D. in Marketing from the Foster School of Business, the University of Washington. She received her M.S. in Marketing and B.A. in Buisness Administration from Seoul National University, Korea. Her research focuses on feelings of resource scarcity, emotions and perceptions of self versus others.

Publications Journal Publications and Reviews Achar, Chethana; So, Jane; Agrawal, Nidhi; Duhachek, Adam / What we feel and why we buy: the influence of emotions on consumer decision-making. August 2016; In: Current Opinion in Psychology. Vol. 10, pp. 166-170

So, Jane; Achar, Chethana; Han, DaHee; Agrawal, Nidhi; Duhachek, Adam; Maheswaran, Durairaj / The psychology of appraisal: Specific emotions and decision-making. July 2015; In: Journal of Consumer Psychology. Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 359-371

Conference Papers So, Jane; Agrawal, Nidhi; Tatarvathy, Aruna / The Big Picture or Details: Effect of Construal Levels and the Expertise Evaluations of Advice. March 2021; Society for Consumer Psychology 2021 Annual Conference (SCP 2021), 04/03/2021 - 06/03/2021, , .

Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works So, Jane; Agrawal, Nidhi / The Effect of Resource Scarcity on Advice-taking. 2020; ACR 2020 (PARIS) OCT 1-4: FIRST EVER VIRTUAL CONFERENCE: PROCEEDINGS. pp. 698-700

So, Jane; Agrawal, Nidhi / The Asymmetry between Time and Money Compensation effect when feeling Scarcity: Time helps the Money Poor, but Money doesn’t help the Time Poor. October 2018; Advances in Consumer Research - Proceedings. Vol. 46, pp. 794-795

So, Jane; Agrawal, Nidhi / Lacking a Resource or Being One: Money Scarcity versus Time Scarcity Differentially Shape Self-value and Product Judgments. October 2017; Advances in Consumer Research - Proceedings. Vol. 45, pp. 890-891

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