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办 公 室:工商管理学院A501-3、办公电话:86-、E-mail:yangkuan@hnu.edu.cn

杨宽,博士,现任湖南大学工商管理学院教授,博士研究生导师,湖南省技术经济与管理现代化研究会副秘书长,院学科建设与科研管理中心副主任。国家自然科学基金重点项目核心骨干成员,主持国家自然科学面上项目1项,省部级课题3项,承担企事业单位横向课题2项,校级重点课题1项。具体包括:主持承担国家自然科学面上项目(**)“基于供应商开发的特征条件集动态风险识别及其控制研究”及主持2012年度省自然科学面上项目(12JJ3081 )“基于特征条件异质分析的投资组合绩效动态评价研究”,主持教育部一般项目(教财司预函[2011]185号) “基于特征条件异质分析的投资组合绩效动态评价研究”以及2012年度教育部人文社科基金(12YJA630170)“异质偏好供应商开发动态供应风险控制及决策研究”,主持2011年度教育部专项重点项目“特征条件的投资组合绩效动态评价研究”等。另外,作为主研人员参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目与国家社会科学基金项目4项,作为核心骨干成员参加省部项目10多项。在国外SCI源刊发表学术论文2篇,在国外EI源刊发表学术论文2篇,在国内外管理学科重点学术期刊发表学术论文二十余篇,其中重点期刊5篇,CSSCI收录10篇,CSCD收录7篇,ISTP检索6篇次,EI检索2篇次,其中多篇被EI核心与ISTP等国际著名检索机构收录。发表刊物包括国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的国内30种重要的学术刊物A类中的《管理科学学报》、《中国管理科学》、《数量经济技术经济研究》等。公开出版个人专著《投资组合绩效评价及其实证研究》(知识产权出版社),《沪深300股票指数期货投资分析》(知识产权出版社),主编教材《投资学》(清华大学出版社),参编《行为金融理论与实证》(湖南大学出版社),译著参编《投资学学》(机械工业出版社)。
2002.09-2005.05 湖南大学 管理科学与工程 博士
1999.09-2001.12 湖南大学 管理科学与工程 硕士
1986.09-1990.06 湖北汽车工业学院 工业工程 学士

1. 供应链与物流管理
2. 投融资决策与风险管理
3. 传播控制与管理

MBA &硕士:高级金融理论、投资学

[1] Kuan Yang. Optimal vaccination policy and cost analysis for epidemic control in resource limited settings,Kybernetes, 2015, 44(3):475 - 486
摘要:Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to use analytical method and optimization tools to suggest time-optimal vaccination program for a basic SIR epidemic model with mass action contact rate when supply is limited.
Design/methodology/approach – The Lagrange Multiplier Method and Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle are used to explore optimal control strategy and obtain analytical solution for the control system to minimize the total cost of disease with boundary constraint. The numerical simulation is done with Matlab using the sequential linear programming method to illustrate the impact of parameters.
Findings – The result highlighted that the optimal control strategy is Bang-Bang control – tovaccinate with maximal effort until either all of the resources are used up or epidemic is over, and the optimal strategies and total cost of vaccination are usually dependent on whether there is any constraint of resource, however, the optimal strategy is independent on the relative cost of vaccination when the supply is limited.
Practical implications – The research indicate a practical view that the enhancement of daily vaccination rate is critical to make effective initiatives to prevent epidemic from out breaking and reduce the costs of control.
Originality/value – The analysis of the time-optimal application of outbreak control is of clear practical value and the introducing of resource constraint in epidemic control is of realistic sense, these are beneficial for epidemiologists and public health officials.
[2] Yinggao Zhou, Kuan Yang. Optimal Vaccination Policies for an SIR Model with Limited Resources. Acta Biotheor,2014,(62): 171-181
摘要:The purpose of the paper is to use analytical method and optimization tool to suggest a vaccination program intensity for a basic SIR epidemic model with limited resources for vaccination. We show that there are two different scenarios for optimal vaccination strategies, and obtain analytical solutions for the optimal control problem that minimizes the total cost of disease under the assumption of daily vaccine supply being limited. These solutions and their corresponding optimal control policies are derived explicitly in terms of initial conditions, model parameters and resources for vaccination. With sufficient resources, the optimal control strategy is the normal Bang-Bang control. However, with limited resources, the optimal control strategy requires to switch to time-variant vaccination.
[3] Yinggao Zhou, Kuan Yang. Optimal Treatment Strategies for HIV with Antibody Response. Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2014, Article ID 685289
摘要:Numerical analysis and optimization tools are used to suggest improved therapies to try and cure HIV infection. An HIV model of ordinary differential equation, which includes immune response, neutralizing antibodies, and multidrug effects, is improved. For a fixed time, single-drug and two-drug treatment strategies are explored based on Pontryagin's maximum principle. Using different combinations of weight factor pairs combining with special upper-bound pairs for controls, nine types of treatment policies are determined and different therapy effects are numerically simulated with a gradient projection method. Some strategies are effective, but some strategies are not particularly helpful for the therapy of HIV/AIDS. Comparing the effective treatment strategies, we find a more appropriate strategy with maximizing the number of uninfected CD4(+)T-cells and minimizing the number of active virus.
[4] Kuan Yang. Optimal control of decoupling point with deteriorating items. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management , 2014,7(5): 1368-1384
摘要:Purpose: The aim of this paper is to develop a dynamic model to simultaneously determine the optimal position of the decoupling point and the optimal path of the production rate as well as the inventory level in a supply chain. With the objective to minimize the total cost of the deviation from the target setting, the closed forms of the optimal solution are derived over a finite planning horizon with deterioration rate under time-varying demand rate.
Design/methodology/approach: The Pontryagin's Maximum Principle is employed to explore the optimal position of decoupling point and the optimal production and inventory rate for the proposed dynamic models. The performances of parameters are illustrated through analytical and numerical approaches.
Findings: The results denote that the optimal production rate and inventory level are closely related to the target setting which are highly dependent on production policy; meanwhile the optimal decoupling point is exist and unique with the fluctuating of deteriorating rate and product life cycle. The further analyses through both mathematic and numerical approaches indicate that the shorten of product life cycle shifts the optimal decoupling point forward to the end customer meanwhile a backward shifting appears when the deterioration rate increase.
[5] Qiong Liu, Kuan Yang. The effect of management team characteristics on performance and style extremity of mutual fund portfolios. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management , 2014, 7(1): 294-310
摘要: Purpose:Along with mutual funds’ scale and quantity expanding, it is common for fundmanagement companies hiring new managers or the original fund managers mobilizing fromone to another. The high liquidity of fund managers makes different managers regroup tomanage the funds that belong to the same fund management company in each fund year. Thecharacteristics of these different management teams will influence the fund performance, andalso affect the earnings of the fund management companies and portfolio investors. Thepurposes of this paper are as follows. First, evaluating the effect of management teamcharacteristics on portfolio characteristics: risk, performance, and extremity. Second, testing thehypothesis that the ranking of mid-year performance have effect on investment style extremityand researching what relationship exists between this phenomenon and management teamcharacteristics in depth.
Design/methodology/approach:On the analysis of the relationships between themanagement team characteristics and portfolio characteristics, a series of OLS regressions wererun. The time series regression model (the factor model) and cross-sectional regression wereincluded based on using the STATA, EVIEWS and MATLAB. All of the above were aimed atachieving portfolio optimization and realizing the maximization of the interests for fundmanagement companies and investors.
Findings: The main findings are as follows. Teams with more degrees(MBA, CPA and CFA)held more risky portfolios, while teams with long team tenure held less. More members, largeage diversity and long team tenure had positive effect on performance, and the opposite wasgender diversity. Teams with more members tend to hold less extreme style decisions, butgender diversity and long tenure were related to more. Besides, tournament hypothesis did existin China investment funds industry especially when the economy was in a downward phase, andfund managers were more likely to increase the risk of portfolio when their term was coming toan end.
Research limitations/implications: The primary limitation in the scope is the sample. Thefunds in our sample whose ages have to be more than one year, so the funds that can reach thecondition are not a lot. It may affect the accuracy of the results on some degree.
Practical implications: These findings have important implications for fund managementcompanies as they try to form a highly efficient management team as well as for individualinvestors’ investment allocation decisions.
Originality/value: This paper proposes a new perspective to evaluate the relationship betweenthe management team characteristics and portfolio characteristics. It focuses on the fundmanagement companies rather than a single fund.
[6] Kuan Yang. Optimal Control of Decoupling Point for Deteriorating Food with Time-Varying Demand, Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology ,2016,10(10): 742-749
摘要:The position of decoupling point denotes the penetration degree of customer demand into supply chain.To optimize the performance of deteriorating food supply chain, we consider the decoupling point control in conjunction with food production and inventory management under time-varying demand over a finite time horizon. Using dynamic models, optimal position of decoupling point and production-inventory plan are simultaneously determined. The results show that the optimal decoupling point is not related to the change of food demand under zero-inventory policy and it is a monotonically ascending function of demand rate under roduction smoothing policy. The simulation illustrates a diagram depicting that the optimal decoupling point shifts to the upstream suppliers along with the increase of food deteriorating rate while shifts downstream to the end customers with the growth of the time elasticity of food demand.
[7] 杨宽.收益共享契约及广告投入下易损品供应链协调,系统工程,2015,33(8):33-38
[8] 易灵燕,杨宽. 收益共享契约下内生偏好零售商供应链协调. 系统工程, 2014(2):78-83
[9] 冯君莲,杨宽. 内生偏好零售商采购决策分析. 系统工程, 2012(2):99-103
[10] 冯君莲,杨宽.中断风险的供应商开发动态风险控制研究. 求索,2012(2):89-90
摘要: 供应链中断风险管理是企业风险管理的重要内容,采用供应商开发控制风险是利用供应商关系管理供应链风险的新模式。论文首先讨论中断风险产生及预防;其次讨论供应商开发定义、模式及作用;最后讨论如何构建异质供应商开发动态控制风险的最优决策模型,推动供应商开发理论的创新并拓宽其应用领域。
[1] 基于供应商开发的特征条件集动态风险识别及其控制研究. 国家自然科学基金项目. 2013-2016. 项目主持人.
[2] 基于特征条件异质分析的投资组合绩效动态评价研究. 湖南自然科学基金项目. 2013-2015. 项目主持人.
[3] 异质偏好供应商开发动态供应风险控制及决策研究. 教育部人文社科资助项目. 2013-2015. 项目主持人.
[4] 基于特征条件异质分析的投资组合绩效动态评价研究. 教育部一般项目. 2011-2015. 项目主持人.
[1] 战略导入的投资决策与风险管理. 国家自然科学资金资助重点项目. 2010-2014. 主要研究人员.
[2] 金融市场多标度行为特征的随机级串建模及其风险管理研究. 国家自然科学资金资助项目. 2010-2013. 主要研究人员.
[3] 公司绩效、信用风险评价与市场安全研究. 国家社会科学资金资助项目. 2005-2009. 主要研究人员.
[4] 科技人力资源对经济增长影响的研究. 十五科技攻关计划资助项目. 2003-2005. 主要研究人员.

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