林忠财(Tung-Chai Ling),马来西亚华裔,教授,海外高层次青年人才,香港混凝土学会Fellow。中国高校首位荣获国际材料与结构研究实验联合会授予的Robert L'Hermite奖章(设立于1967年,全球每年遴选一名),入选全球前2%顶尖科学家(职业生涯)。曾在美国、英国、中国香港、马来西亚等地科研工作,专注于绿色建材研究,主要研究方向包括固废资源化、水泥和固废碳化强化等。主持10余项包括国自科基金、国家外专局、湖南省重点研发计划(“一带一路”专项)、香港创新及科技局等项目。发表学术论文100余篇,总引用4000余次,h-index36。
General information
Tung-Chai (Bill) Ling, is a Professor at Hunan University and Fellow of the Hong Kong Concrete Institute. He was recently awarded the “2020 RILEM Robert L’Hermite Medal” in recognition his remarkable leadership and research independence as well as his significant international contributions on the low-embodied-energy construction materials. Key pillars of his research include: carbonation of waste and cement, treatment of waste, direct recycling of non-hazardous waste.He has secured over 10 research funding fromthe National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (one is project of key program of NSFC), Hunan Province KeyResearch and Development Program ("One belt and One Road" Special Project), etc. He published over SCI 100 journal papers with current h-index of 36. He is one of thetop 2% world scientists for career-long (by Stanford University).He serves on many international scientific committees, and isa peer reviewer for many scholarly journals (including Materials and Structures).He has also been the recipient of several prestigious awards.
Google scholar: http://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=gFgzLrYAAAAJ&hl=en
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tung_Chai_Ling_bill
ORCID: 0000-0002-8276-5212
2008 Ph.D. (Civil Engineering), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Malaysia.
2005 M.Eng. (Highway & Traffic), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Malaysia.
2003 B.Eng.(Civil), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Malaysia.
Jun 2015 – Jan 2016, Senior Research Associate,United States National Academies, Federal Highway Administration, USA (美国联邦公路管理局)
Jun 2014 – May 2015, Project Leader, Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited, HK (项目主管,香港纳米及先进材料研发院)
Jan 2014 – Jun 2014, Research Fellow, PolyU Technology & Consultancy Company Limited (研究员,香港理大科技及顧問有限公司)
Mar 2012 – Dec 2013, Lecturer, University of Birmingham, UK (大学讲师-终身职位,英国伯明翰大学)
Jun 2009 – Feb 2012, Postdoctoral Fellow, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK (博士后研究员,香港理工大学)
[2016 – Present]Hong Kong Concrete Institute
2020, The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)-Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Guest Editor
2017, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (SCI Journal), Special Issue- Alternative Cementitious Materials and Their Composites
Editorial Team Member
[2021 - Present]Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences)《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》(青年编委会委员)
[2019 - Present] International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, Materials《矿物治金与材料学报(英文版)》
[2017 – Present] The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal
[2016 – Present] Journal of Zhejiang University: Science A《浙江大学学报:A卷(英文版)》
[2010 – Present] Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology
Senior Member
[2016 – Present] RILEM- International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures
Committee Member
[2016 – Present] RILEM TC 258-AAA, Avoiding Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Concrete– Performance Based Concept
[2017 – Present] RILEM TC WMR, Volorisation of Waste and Secondary Materials for Roads
[2017 – Present] RILEM TC CCC, Carbonation of Concrete with Supplementary Cementitious Materials
[2017 – Present] ACI Committee 555, Concrete with Recycled Materials
[2016 – Present] The Chinese Ceramic Society, Solid Waste Division
[2016 – Present] ACI (American Concrete Institute)
[2016 – Present] American Ceramic Society- Cements Division
[2016 – Present] 中国硅酸盐学报学会固废分会建筑固废专委会
[2016 – Present] America Concrete Institute China Chapter
Peer Reviewer for
Materials and Structures, Cement and Concrete Research, Cement and Concrete Composites, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Waste Management, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, ACS Environmental Science and Technology, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Journal of Cleaner Production, Construction and Building Materials, Journal of CO2 Utilization, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Chemosphere, Science of the Total Environment, Waste and Biomass Valorization, Journal of Environmental Engineering, Journal of Materials Cycles and Waste Management, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Road Materials and Pavement Design, Computers and Concrete, Thermochimica Acta, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Journal of Zhejiang University- Science A, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Science, Proceedings of the ICE- Construction Materials, Proceedings of the ICE- Waste and Resource Management, Case Studies in Construction Materials, Journal of Building Engineering, Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology, Buildings, International Journal of Physical Science, Sustainable Environment Research.
Recruitment of talents to my research team (欢迎报考结构工程方向研究生)
- Master and PhD Program: Full scholarship is available for local & INTERNATIONAL candidates
- Postdoctoral Positions: A very competitive package will be provided
Curent Research Team Members
My recent research team comprised 24 members, 2 postdoctoral fellows, 7 PhDs and 15 Master students (full-time by research). Also, I am serving as co-supervisor for a PhD student of Prof. C.S. Poon at HK PolyU and a PhD student of Dr Kim Hung Mo at University of Malaya.
Mentoring of 2 active Postdoctoral Fellows/Visiting scholars at Hunan University, China.
o2019 Sept.-present, Dr. Hamideh Mehdizadeh(CO2sequestration through calcium-rich waste slurry).
o2019 Sept.-present, Dr. Lufan LI (Life cycle assessment of carbonation and waste recycling).
o2019 May-2020 April, Dr. Nur Hafizah Abd Khalid(Value-added foamed made by glass waste).
o2017 Nov-2019 Nov., Dr. Nicholas Lippiatt(Aqueous carbonation of cement-based mixture).
o2016 Nov.-2019 Dec., Dr. Sarra Drissi(Energy-efficient concrete using a phase change material composite).
o 2016 Dec.-2019 June, Dr. Senthil Kumar K (Artificial aggregate made by waste materials and CO2)
Supervising 8 PhD Candidates(2 as co-supervisor)
o 2020, Xiaoli WANG (sole-supervisor)Synthesis of low-carbon cementitious materials from industrial solid waste
o2019, Hao YU (sole-supervisor) Carbonation on cementitious materials using flue gas.
o 2019, Xin SHAO (sole-supervisor) Life cycle assessment on different curing methods.
o 2019, Jinxin WEI (sole-supervisor) Aqueous carbonation on concrete performance.
o 2019, Tee How TAN(Dr Kim Hung Mo as main-supervisor) Geopolymer as alternative adsorbent for heavy metals removal.
o 2018, Pengfei REN(sole-supervisor) Treatment and reutilization of MSWI fly ash.
o 2017, Yuxuan LIU (sole-supervisor) Use of kaolinite-based wastes in concrete.
o 2017, Yi LIU (sole-supervisor) Environmental sustainability assessment of concrete with recycled concrete aggregate.
o 2016-2020, Shuqing Yang (Prof. C.S. Poon as main-supervisor) Alkali-silica reaction and high-temperature properties of dry-mixed blocks and wet-mixed concrete with recycled glass.
Supervising 15 Master Candidates(by research)
o 2020 Intake- Zhe YU, Xingyuan LEI, Minlu WANG, Pengxu ZHU, Yisha LI
o 2019 Intake-Yingting WANG, Yujia XIAO, Yuqing WU,Shaoxiang DENG, Rumeng CHEN
o 2018Intake- Xinzhou ZHONG,Mengting Ma, Yuanlan Zhang, Fangping ZHU, Chenxi TANG
o 2017 Intake (completed)- Yi JIANG, Xiaoxiao JIA, Xuemiao LI,Yazi MENG
o 2016 Intake (completed), Xiong Fei CHENG,Ming Jiao SHI, Quan CHENG,Wei Hao TIAN
主持的项目 (Research Projects as PI)
1. 国家自然科学基金,关于二氧化碳(CO2)养护对水泥基材料高温性能影响的基础研究, **, 2021年01月-2024年12月.
2. 湖南省国际与区域科技合作领域重点研发计划项目(“一带一路”技术合作与人文科技交流合作专项)基于锰矿废弃物制备相变储能骨料的基本机理及应用基础研究, 2017WK2090, 2018年01月-2020年9月.
3. 海外高层次青年人才项目, 2016-2018.
4. 湖南大学高层次人才引进启动项目(绿色环保建筑材料), 2016-2020.
5. [香港]创新科技署, 回收利用廢棄物再製輕骨料的研發及其在土木工程中的應用, 278万港币
Recycling HK-based Wastes into Lightweight Aggregates for Civil Engineering Applications. ITF Hong Kong SAR (HKD 2,776,000), 2015–2016, ITP/071/14NP, PI.
6. [香港]创新科技署, 一種具有改良抗火性能的非承重再生玻璃混凝土磚, 160万港币
Non-Load Bearing Concrete Blocks with Recycled Glass Cullet and Improved Fire Resistance. ITF Hong Kong SAR (HKD 1,598,000), 2015–2016, ITP/072/14NI, PI.
7. [香港]创新科技署, 以立米技术改良的绿色织物补强水泥沙浆, 274万港币
Green Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix Enhanced by Nanotechnology. ITF Hong Kong SAR (HKD 2,736,000), 2014–2015, ITP/018/14NP, PI.
8. [香港]创新科技署, 实习研究员计划, 13万港币
Internship Programme. ITF Hong Kong SAR, (HKD 131,795), 2014–2015, InP/271/14, PI.
9. 地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室开放基金, 再生材料制成的毛细格栅在坡面加固中的应用
Use of Capillary Barrier formed by Recycled Materials for Slope Stabilization. SKLGPGP, Open Fund Project, 2013–2014, PI.
1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(课题负责人), 海洋环境下高性能再生混凝土材料制备和结构设计的基础理论研究, U**, 2017-2020.
依托人 (Host Researcher)
1. 国家自然科学基金—2019年外国青年****研究基金项目, Use of Calcium-rich Waste Concrete and CO2to Produce Carbonated Slurry for Enhancing Cementitious Properties,, 2020年01月-2021年12月. Dr.Hamideh Mehdizadeh(Postdoctoral fellow in my team)
2. 国家自然科学基金—2018年外国青年****研究基金项目, Carbonation of Ready-mix Concrete by Direct Infusion of Carbonated Solution,,2019年01月-2020年12月. Dr.Nicholas Lippiatt (Postdoctoral fellow in my team)
3. 国家自然科学基金—2017年外国青年****研究基金项目, Production of Artificial Aggregate from Concrete Wastes and CO2 Sequestration, , 2018年01月-2019年12月. Dr.Senthil Kumar (Postdoctoral fellow in my team)
PATENT (专利):
1. Rubberized Concrete Paving Blocks. Inventor: Hasanan Md Nor and Ling Tung Chai. Patent Number: MY-143982-A (Date of Grant: 29.07.2011)
2. Highway Accelerated Loading Instrument. Inventor: Hasanan Md Nor and Ling Tung Chai. Application Number: PI 2008 4370 (Date of Filling: 03.11.2008)
3. Multi-Layer Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix and Application Method Thereof. LI Bo, LING Tung Chai, CHEN BM, Wan KT, LAM YK, SHAM MK, US Patent Application Number 6167 (Date of Filling: 10.12.2015)
4. Synthetic Aggregate from Waste Materials. Bo Li, Man Lung Sham, Tung-Chai Ling, Yan Gao, Honggang Zhu, Yifei Yan. US Patent Granted No. US 10 207 954 B2 (Date of Grant: 19.02.2019)
I have published over 100peer-reviewed articles (70 as first or corresponding author; 99 articles are listed on the ISI Web of Science).
Citation report from ISI, Scopus and Google Scholar by May 2021.
Google Scholar
Total citations
Journal Papers – SCI(E) (SCI论文)
Mehdizadeh, H., Jia, X.X., Mo, K.H., Ling, T.C.* (2021). Effect of water-to-cement ratio induced hydration on the accelerated carbonation of cement pastes. Environmental Pollution, 280: 116914.
Guo, M.Z., Ling, T.C., Poon, C.S.* (2021). Highly-efficient green photocatalytic cementitious materials with robust weathering resistance: From laboratory to application. Environmental Pollution, 273: 116510.
Mehdizadeh, H., Meng, Y.Z., Guo, M.Z., Ling, T.C.* (2021). Roles of CO2 curing induced calcium carbonates on high temperature properties of dry-mixed cement paste. Construction and Building Materials, In Press.
Guo, M.-Z., Ling, T.C., Poon, C.S.* (2021). Stress-strain behaviour of cement mortars containing recycled glass during and after exposure to elevated temperatures. Cement and Concrete Composites, 118: 103970.
Ren, P.F., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2021). Recent advances in artificial aggregate production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 291: 125215
Liu, Y.X., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2021). Progress in developing self-consolidating concrete (SCC) constituting recycled concrete aggregates: A review. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 28,522-537.
Mo, K.H.*,Ling, T.C., Tan, T.H., Leong, G.W., Yuen, C.W. Shah, S.N. (2021). Alkali-silica reactivity of lightweight aggregate: A brief overview. Construction and Building Materials, 270: 121444.
Tang, C.X., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2021). Raman spectroscopy used as a tool to understand the mechanism of concrete durability—A review. Construction and Building Materials, 268: 121079.
Mehdizadeh, H., Ling, T.C.*, Cheng, X.F., Pan, S.Y., Mo, K.H. (2021). CO2 treatment of hydrated cement powder: Characterization and application Consideration. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 33 (4): **.
Li, L.F., Ling, T.C.*, Cheng, Q., Mo, K.H. (2021). Synergistic effect of pre-carbonated slurry and mixing sequence on the performance of self-compacting recycled aggregate modified mortar. Waste and Biomass Valorization, In press.
Kaliyavaradhan, S.K., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2020). CO2 sequestration of fresh concrete slurry waste: Optimization of CO2 uptake and feasible use as a potential cement binder. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 42: 101330.
Kaliyavaradhan, S.K., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2020). Valorization of waste powders from cement-concrete life cycle: A pathway to circular future. Journal of Cleaner Production, 268: 122358.
Jia, X.X., Ling, T.C.*, Mehdizadeh, H., Mo, K.H. (2020). Impact of CO2 curing on the microhardness and strength of 0.35 w/c cement paste: Comparative study of internal/surface layers. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(5): 11849-60.
Mehdizadeh, H., Ling, T.C.*, Cheng, X.F., Mo, K.H. (2020). Effect of particle size and CO2 treatment of waste cement powder on properties of cement paste. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 48: 522-531.
Li, X.M., Ling, T.C.* (2020). Instant CO2 curing for dry-mix pressed cement pastes: Consideration of CO2 concentrations coupled with further water curing. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 38: 348-354.
Jiang, Y., Ling, T.C.*, Shi, M.J. (2020) Strength enhancement of artificial aggregate prepared with waste concrete powder and its impact on concrete properties. Journal of Cleaner Production, 257: 120515.
Pan, S.-Y.*, Chen, Y.-H., Fan, L.-S., Kim, H., Gao, X., Ling, T.-C., Chiang, P.-C., Pei, S.-L., Gu, G. (2020). CO2 mineralization and utilization by alkaline solid wastes for potential carbon reduction. Nature Sustainability, 3: 399-405.
Jiang, Y., Ling, T.C.*. (2020). Production of artificial aggregates from steel-making slag: Influences of accelerated carbonation during granulation and/or post-curing. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 36: 135-144.
Lippiatt, N., Ling, T.C.*, Pan, S.Y. (2020). Towards carbon-neutral construction materials: Carbonation of cement-based materials and the future perspective. Journal of Building Engineering, 28: 101062.
Lippiatt, N., Ling, T.C.*., Eggermont, S. (2019). Combining hydration and carbonation of cement using super-saturated aqueous CO2 solution. Construction and Building Materials, 229: 116825.
Zhang, Y.L., Ling, T.C.*. (2020). Reactivity activation of coal gangue and its impact on the properties of cement-based materials – A review. Construction and Building Materials, 234: 117424.
Yang, S.Q., Ling, T.C., Poon, C.S.* (2020). High temperature performance of wet-mix and dry-mix mortars prepared with different contents and size gradings of glass aggregates: hot test and cold test. Cement and Concrete Composites, 108: 103548.
Li, X.M., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2020). Functions and impacts of plastic/rubber wastes as eco-friendly aggregate in concrete - A review. Construction and Building Materials, 240: 117869.
Tan, T.H., Mo, K.H.*, Ling, T.-C.*, Lai, S.H. (2020). Current development of geopolymer as alternative adsorbent for heavy metal removal. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 18: 100684.
Drissi, S., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2020). Development of leak-free phase change material aggregates. Construction and Building Materials, 230:117029.
Tie T.T., Mo, K.H.*, Putra, A., Loo, S.C., Alengaram, U.J., Ling, T.C.* (2020). Sound absorption performance of modified concrete: A review. Journal of Building Engineering, 30, 101219.
Mo, K.H., Hussin, M.N., Ling, T.C., Sulong, N.H.R., Lee, F.W. Yuen, C.W. (2020). Development of lightweight aggregate mortar skin layer for an innovative sandwich concrete composite. Journal of Building Engineering, 27:100941.
Ewe, B., Mo, K.H.*, Lee, F.W., Yuen, C.W., Ling, T.C. (2020). Strength performances of brick assemblies strengthened with basalt textile reinforced mortar. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 48 In Press, DOI: 10.1520/JTE**
Drissi, S., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H., Eddhahak, A. (2019). A review of microencapsulated and composite phase change materials: Alteration of strength and thermal properties of cement-based materials. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 110: 467-484.
Jiang, Y., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H., Shi, C.J. (2019). A critical review of waste glass powder - Multiple roles of utilization in cement-based materials and construction products. Journal of Environmental Management, 242: 440-449.
Meng, Y.Z., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H., Tian, W.H. (2019). Enhancement of high temperature performance of cement blocks via CO2 curing. Science of Total Environment, 671: 827-837.
Li, B., Ling, T.C.*, Yu, J.G., Wu, J.Q. (2019). Cement pastes modified with recycled glass and supplementary cementitious materials: Properties at the ambient and high temperatures. Journal of Cleaner Production, 241: 118155
Yang, S.Q., Ling, T.-C., Cui, H.Z., Poon, C.S.* (2019). Influence of particle size of glass aggregates on the high temperature properties of dry-mix concrete blocks. Construction and Building Materials, 209: 522-531
Yang, S.Q., Poon, C.S.*, Ling, T.C. (2019) Distribution of ASR gel in conventional wet-mix glass mortars and mechanically produced dry-mix glass blocks. Construction and Building Materials, 229: 116916.
Kaliyavaradhan, S.K., Ling, T.-C.*, Mo, K.H. (2019). Waste recourses recycling in controlled low-strength material (CLSM): A critical review on plastic properties. Journal of Environmental Management, In press
Drissi, S., Ling, T.-C.*, Mo, K. H. (2019). Thermal efficiency and durability performances of paraffinic phase change materials with enhanced thermal conductivity–A review. Thermochimica Acta 673: 198-210
Shi M.J.,Ling, T.-C.*,Gan,B.L., Guo, M.Z. (2019). Turning concrete waste powder into carbonated artificial aggregates. Construction and Building Materails,199, 178-184
Ewe, B., Mo, K.H.*, Lee, F.W., Yuen, C.W., Ling, T.C. (2018). Strength performances of brick assemblies strengthened with basalt textile reinforced mortar. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. In Press.
Meng, Y.Z., Ling, T.C.*, Mo, K.H. (2018). Recycling of wastes for value-added applications in concrete blocks: An overview. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, In Press.
Mo, K.H.*, Lee, H.J., Liu, M.Y.J., Ling, T.C.* (2018). Incorporation of expanded vermiculite lightweight aggregate in cement mortar. Construction and Building Materials, 179: 302-306.
Wong, C.L., Mo, K.H.*, Yap, S.P., Alengaram, U.J., Ling, T.C. (2018). Potential use of brick waste as alternate concrete-making materials: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 195: 226-239.
Yi, J., Ling, T.C.*, Shi, C.J., Pan, S.Y. (2018). Characteristics of steel slags and their use in cement and concrete - A review. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 136: 187-197.
Pan, S.Y.*, Ling, T.C., Park, A.H.A, Chiang, P.C.*. (2018). An overview: CO2 mineralization, reaction mechanism and modelling. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 18: 829-848.
Guo, H., Shi, C.J.*, Guan, X.M., Zhu, J.P., Ding, Y.H., Ling, T.C., Zhang, H.B., Wang, Y.L. (2018). Durability of recycled aggregate concrete – A review. Cement and Concrete Composites, 89: 251-259.
Ling, T.C.*, Balachandran, C., Munoz, J.F., Youtcheff J. (2018). .Chemical evolution of alkali-silicate reaction (ASR) products: A Raman spectroscopic investigation. Materials and Structures, 51(1): 32.
Ling, T.C.*, Qu, L.*, Yang, J., Guo, L. Mo, K.H. (2018). Autoclaved lime-saline soil products: Reactivity assessments and effects of quartz sand. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 30(4): **.
Shi, C.J.*, Wu, Z.M.*, Cao, Z.J., Ling, T.-C., Zheng, J.L. (2018). Performance of mortar prepared with recycled concrete aggregate enhanced by CO2 and pozzolan slurry. Cement and Concrete Composites, 86: 130-138.
Ling, T.C., Kaliyavaradhan, S.K., Poon, C.S.* (2018). Global perspective on application of controlled low-strength material (CLSM) for trench backfilling - An overview. Construction and Building Materials, 158: 535-548.
Yao, Z.*, Ling, T.-C., Sarker, P.K., Su, W., Liu, J., Wu, W.* (2018). Recycling difficult- to-treat e-waste cathode-ray-tube glass as construction and building materials: A critical review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81: 595-604.
Guo, M.-Z., Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.S.* (2017). Photocatalytic NOx degradation of concrete surface layers intermixed and spray-coated with nano-TiO2: Influence of experimental factors. Cement and Concrete Composites, 83: 279-289.
Lim, S. K., Tan C. S., Li, B.*, Ling, T.-C.*, Hossain, M. H., Poon, C. S. (2017). Utilizing high volumes quarry wastes in the production of lightweight foamed concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 151: 441-448.
Ling, T.C., Poon, C.S.* (2017) Spent fluorescent lamp glass as a substitute for fine aggregate in cement mortar. Journal of Cleaner Production, 161: 646-654.
Kaliyavaradhan, S.K., Ling, T.C.* (2017). Potential of CO2 sequestration through construction and demolition (C&D) waste – An overview. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 20: 234-242.
Ling, T.C., Mo, K.H.*, Qu, L.*, Yang, J., Guo, L. (2017). Mechanical strength and durability performance of autoclaved lime-saline soil bricks. Construction and Building Materials, 146: 403-409.
Ong, S.K., Mo, K.H.*, Alengaram, U.J., Jumaat, M.Z., Ling, T.C. (2017). Valorization of wastes from power plant, steel-making and palm oil industries as partial sand substitute in concrete. Waste and Biomass Valorization, In Press DOI 10.1007/s12649-017-9937-6.
Chen, B., Li, B.*, Gao, Y., Ling, T.-C., Lu, Z., Li, Z. (2017). Investigation on electrically conductive aggregates produced by incorporating carbon fiber and carbon black. Construction and Building Materials, 144: 106-114.
Mo, K.H.*, Ling, T.-C., Alengaram, U.J., Yap, S.P., Yuen, C.W. (2017). Overview of supplementary cementitious materials usage in lightweight aggregate concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 139: 403-418.
Pan, X.Y., Shi, Z.G., Shi, C.J.*, Ling, T.-C., Li, N. (2017). A review on concrete surface treatment Part I: Types and mechanisms. Construction and Building Materials, 132: 578-590.
Pan, X.Y., Shi, .G., Shi, C.J.*, Ling, T.-C., Li, N. (2017). A review on surface treatment for concrete – Part 2: Performance. Construction and Building Materials, 133: 81-90.
Li, B., Ling, T.-C.*, Qu, L.*, Wang Y. (2016). Effects of a two-step heating process on the properties of lightweight aggregate prepared with sewage sludge and saline clay. Construction and Building Materials, 114: 119-126.
Ling, T.-C.*, Kou, S.-C., Poon, C.-S.* (2016). Precast architectural tiles produced by double-layer casting method. Cement and Concrete Composites, 66:73-81.
Guo, M.-Z., Chen, Z., Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.* (2015). Effects of recycled glass on properties of architectural mortar before and after exposure to elevated temperatures. Journal of Cleaner Production, 101:158-164.
Zhao, X., Lim, S.-K., Tan, C.-S., Li, B., Ling, T.-C.*, Huang, R., Wang, Q. (2015). Properties of foamed mortar prepared with granulated blast-furnace slag. Materials, 8 (2):462-473.
Lim, S. K., Tan C. S.*, Zhao, X., Ling, T.-C. (2015). Strength and toughness of lightweight foamed concrete with different sand grading. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 19(17):2191-2197.
Su, H., Yang, J.*, Ling, T.-C., Ghataora, G. S., Dirar, S. (2015). Properties of concrete prepared with waste tyre rubber particles of uniform and varying sizes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 91:288-296.
Ling, T.-C.*, Poon, C.-S.* (2014). Feasible use of large volumes of GGBS in 100% recycled glass architectural mortar. Cement and Concrete Composites, 53:350-356.
Ling, T.-C.*, Poon, C.-S.* (2014). Use of recycled CRT funnel glass as fine aggregate in dry-mixed concrete paving blocks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 68: 209-215.
Ling, T.-C.*, Poon, C.-S* (2014). Use of CRT funnel glass in concrete blocks prepared with different aggregate-to-cement ratios. Proceedings of the ICE-Green Materials, 2(1): 43-51.
Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.* (2014). High temperatures properties of barite concrete with CRT funnel glass. Fire and Materials, 38(2): 279-289.
Xiao, Z, Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.*, Kou, S.-C., Wang, Q, Huang, R. (2013). Properties of partition wall blocks prepared with high percentages of recycled clay brick after exposure to elevated temperatures. Construction and Building Materials, 49:56-61.
Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.*, Lam, W.-S., Chan, T.-P., Fung, K.-L. (2013). X-ray radiation- shielding properties of cement mortar prepared with different types of aggregate. Materials and Structures, 46(7): 1133-1141.
Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.* (2013). Use of phase change materials for thermal heat storage in concrete- an overview. Construction and Building Materials, 46: 55-62.
Zhao, H.*, Poon, C.S., Ling, T.C. (2013). Utilizing recycled cathode ray tube funnel glass sand as river sand replacement in the high-density concrete. Journal of Cleaner Production, 51: 184-190.
Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.* (2013) Stress-strain behaviour of fire exposed self-compacting glass concrete. Fire and Materials, 37(4): 297-310.
Gou, M.-Z., Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.* (2013). Nano-TiO2-based architectural mortar for NO removal and bacteria inactivation: Influence of coating and weathering conditions. Cement and Concrete Composites, 36: 101-108.
Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.* (2013). Effects of particle size of treated CRT funnel glass on properties of cement mortar. Materials and Structures, 46(1-2): 25-34.
Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.* Wong, H.-K. (2013). Management and recycling of waste glass in concrete products: Current situations in Hong Kong. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 70: 25-31.
Hui, Z.*, Poon, C.S., Ling, T.C. (2013). Properties of mortar prepared with recycled cathode ray tube funnel glass sand at different mineral admixture. Construction and Building Materials, 40: 951-960.
Lee, G., Poon, C.-S.*, Wong, Y.-L., Ling, T.-C. (2013). Effects of recycled fine glass aggregates on the properties of dry-mixed concrete blocks. Construction and Building Materials, 38: 638-643.
Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.* (2012). Development of a method for recycling of CRT funnel glass. Environmental Technology, 33(22): 2531-2537. (Special Issue: Advance Treatment Technologies for Waste Recycling: Selected papers)
Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.* (2012). Feasible use of recycled CRT funnel glass as heavyweight fine aggregate in barite concrete. Journal of Cleaner Production, 33:42-49.
Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.* (2012). A comparative study on the feasible use of recycled beverage and CRT funnel glass as fine aggregate in cement mortar. Journal of Cleaner Production, 29-30:46-52.
Gou, M.-Z., Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.* (2012). TiO2-based self-compacting glass mortar: Comparison of photocatalytic nitrogen oxide removal and bacteria inactivation. Building and Environment, 53:1-6.
Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.*, Kou, S.-C. (2012). Influence of recycled glass content and curing conditions on the properties of self-compacting concrete after exposure to elevated temperatures. Cement and Concrete Composites, 34(2): 265-272.
Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.*, Lam, W.-S., Chan, T.-P., Fung, K.K.-L. (2012). Utilization of recycled cathode ray tubes glass in cement mortar for X-ray radiation-shielding applications. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 199-200: 321-327.
Ling, T.-C.* (2012). Effects of compaction method and rubber content on the properties of concrete paving blocks. Construction and Building Materials, 28(1): 164-175.
Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.*, Kou, S.-C. (2011). Feasibility of using recycled glass in architectural cement mortars. Cement and Concrete Composites, 33 (8): 848-854.
Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.* (2011). Utilization of recycled glass derived from cathode ray tube glass as fine aggregate in cement mortar. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 192 (2): 451-456.
Ling, T.-C.* (2011). Prediction of density and compressive strength for rubberized concrete blocks. Construction and Building Materials, 25 (11): 4303-4306.
Xiao, Z., Ling, T.-C., Kou, S.-C., Wang, Q.-Y., Poon, C.-S.* (2011). Use of wastes derived from earthquakes for the production of concrete masonry partition wall blocks. Waste Management, 31(8): 1859-1866.
Lim, S.K.*, Ling, T.C., Hussin, M.W. (2011). Ground-granulated blast-furnace slag as potential filler in polyester grout: compressive strength development. ACI Materials Journals, 108 (2): 120-127.
Ling, T.-C., Poon, C.-S.* (2011). Properties of architectural mortar prepared with recycled glass with different particle sizes. Materials and Design, 32 (5): 2675-2684.
Lee, G., Ling, T.-C., Wong, Y.-L., Poon, C.-S.* (2011). Effects of crushed glass cullet sizes, casting methods and pozzolanic materials on ASR of concrete blocks. Construction and Building Materials, 25 (5): 2611-2618.
Ling, T.-C.*, Nor, H.M., Hainin, M.R., Chik, A.A. (2009). Laboratory performance of crumb rubber concrete block pavement. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 10 (5): 361-374.
Ling, T.-C., Nor, H.M., Hainin, M.R.* (2009). Properties of crumb rubber concrete paving blocks with SBR latex. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 10 (1): 213-222.
Lim, S.K.*, Hussin, M.W., Zakaria, F., Ling, T.C. (2009). GGBFS as potential filler in polyester grout: Flexural strength and toughness. Construction and Building Materials, 23 (5): 2007-2015.
Refereed International Journal Papers (国际期刊论文)
Lim, S.K., Ling, T.C.*, Hussin, M.W. (2012) Strength properties of self-compacting mortar mixed with GGBFS. Proceedings of the ICE-Construction Materials, 165(2):87-98.
Ling, T.-C.* (2012) Feasible use of crumb rubber in concrete paving blocks in a plant production setting. Magazine of Concrete Plant International, 5:88-93.
Poon, C.S.*, Ling, T.C.B. (2010) Use of recycled glass in architectural mortar. Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, 32 (17): 231-235.
Ling, T.C.*, Nor, H.M., Lim, S.K. (2010) Using recycled tyres in concrete paving blocks. Proceedings of the ICE- Waste and Resources Management, 163 (1): 37-45.
Ling, T.-C.*, Nor, H.M., Hainin, M.R., Lim, S.-K. (2010) Long term strength of rubberised concrete paving blocks. Proceedings of the ICE- Construction Materials, 163 (1): 19-26.
Ling, T.-C.*, Nor, H.M., Chow, M.-F. (2008) Permanent deformation of concrete block pavements under highway accelerated loading instrument. Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australia (REAAA) Journal, 15 (1-2): 59-65.
Puan, O.C., Mustaffar, M., Ling, T.-C.* (2007) Automated pavement imaging program (APIP) for pavement cracks classification and quantification. Malaysia Journal of Civil Engineering, 19 (1): 1-16.
Mudiyono, R., Nor, H.M., Hainin, M.R., Ling, T.-C.* (2007) Performance of concrete paving blocks pavement on sloped road section. International Journal of Pavement, 6 (1-2-3): 136- 145.
Technical Report (科研项目报告)
1) Hasanan Md. Nor, Abd. Aziz Abd. Muti, and Othman Che Puan, Abdul Aziz Chik, Che Ros Ismail, Tung-Chai Ling and Rachmat Mudiyono (2008). Development of New Technologies of Interlocking Concrete Block Pavements (ICBP). Project Report. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skudai, Johor. (Unpublished)
Book (书籍)
1) Tung-Chai Ling, Sarra Drissi, Kim Hung Mo (2020). Smart Nanoconcretes and Cement-Based Materials: Properties, Modelling and Applications, Chapter 14: Use of phase change materials in nano-concrete for energy savings. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-817854-6.00014-3
2) Senthil Kumar Kaliyavaradhan,Tung-ChaiLing (2019). Use of Recycled Plastics in Eco-efficient Concrete,Chapter 17: Performance of concrete with PVC?fibres, Pages 369-385. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-102676-2.00017-7
3) Bao Lu,Caijun Shi,Jianlan Zheng,Tung-ChaiLing (2018). Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Cementitious Construction Materials,Chapter 11: Carbon dioxide sequestration on recycled aggregates, Pages 247-277. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-102444-7.00011-3
4) Tung-Chai Ling (2009). Rubberized Concrete Paving Blocks. LAMBERT Academic Publishing ISBN-10: , ISBN-13: 36
Invited Research Talk or Seminar
- Invited Talk and closed-workshop at University of Tokyo (Japan) by Yuichiro Kawabata, Yuya Takahashi & Kazuo Yamada, 16 August 2017
- Invited Talk at University of Missouri S&T (USA) by Ma Hongya & Kamal H. Khayat, 6 July 2017
- Research Visiting at National Taiwan University of S&T by Ta-Peng Chang, 9 June 2017
- Invited Talk at Chain Mai University (Thailand) by Kedsarin Pimraksa & Arnon Chaipanich,16 Jan 2017
- Research Visiting at Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand) by C. Visvananthan,20 Jan 2017
- Invited Talk at University of Malaya by Center of CICT, 12 August 2016
- Invited Talk at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia by Rosli Hainin & CMRG, 9-10 August 2016
- Invited Talk at Swinburne University, Sarawak Campus by MeiYun Chin, August 2016
- Visiting at Federal Highway Administration, 18-21 July 2016
- Invited Talk at Pennsylvania State University by Farshad Rajabipour,15 July 2016
- Invited Talk at University of Louisville by Zhijui Sun, 5 July 2016
- Visiting at MIT by Kunal Kupwade-Patil, 30 June - 1 July 2016
- Research Talk at Hunan University, 12 June 2014
- Research Talk at Shanghai Jiaotong University, 24 Dec 2013
- Research Talk at Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, 20 Dec 2013
- Seminar Talk at Shenzhen University, 24 July 2013
- Research Seminar at Tianjin Chengjian University (Funded by Tianjin Municipal International Talent Introducing Projects), 22-28 Nov 2013
- Robert L'Hermite Medal, 2020
- EmergedinWorldTop2%(career-longimpact)Scientists2020 RankingsbyStanfordUniversity, 2020
- Most Cited Paper Award 2020from Resources, Conservation and Recycling Journal, 2020(RCR, 136:187-197)
- Finalist of Ten Outstanding Young Malaysian Award (2020 马来西亚十大****三十強)
- EmergedinWorldTop2%(career-longimpact)Scientists2019RankingsbyStanfordUniversity, 2019
-ESI Hot Papar and Highly Cited Paper, 2019 (RCR, 136:187-197)
- 湖南大学首批 “天职****”, 2018
-湖南大学 “岳麓****计划” (晨星A岗), 2017
- Fellow of Hong Kong Concrete Institute (香港混凝土学会会士), 2016
- Finalist of Ten Outstanding Young Malaysian Award (2015 马来西亚十大****三十強)
- The National Young Talent Program, China (国家级青年人才)
- 2014 National Research Council Senior Research Associate Fellowship of United State of America
- Most Cited Articles for articles published since 2011 and since 2012 in Construction and Building Materials, extracted from Scopus.
- Most Downloaded Articles for Cement and Concrete Composites, July-September 2011
- Best paper in the NICOM4, 2012 and published in a Special Issue in Cem.Concr.Comp.
- Best paper in the ISWA, 2011 and published in a Special Issue in Env.Tech. Journal
- Best paper in the 1st SusCoM2010 and published in Journal of Wuhan University of Technology
- Selected as one of the best published by ICE (UK) journals in 2010
- Best paper award in 7th Malaysia Road Conference 2007
- UTM Fellowship Award (2003-2005)
- UTM Dean's Endowment (1999-2000)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-18
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