

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-18




中文名: 杨亮 英文名:
学历: 博士 职称: 教授
联系电话: 电子邮件: liangy@hnu.edu.cn liangyang.guangzhou@gmail.com
研究方向: 无线通信、光无线通信、智能通信技术、无线通信中的机器学习
联系地址: 湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓山南路2号,湖南大学信息科学与工程学院(410082)
所属机构: 通信工程系 学院教师

1. 杨亮教授获得2020年IEEE Wireless Communications Letters最佳编委。
2. 恭喜实验室硕士研究生杨银、孟凡旭获得2020年国家奖学金资助;杨银、孟凡旭、郭旺、言小琴获得2020年校级优秀研究生,袁勇杰获得2020年校级优秀研究生干部。
3. 实验室举办线上智能无线通信研讨会。
4. 课题组关于RIS+UAV的工作成为IEEE ComSoc Best Readings论文。
5. 和湖南理工学院合作的RIS物理层安全方面的工作成为IEEE ComSoc Best Readings论文。
6. 杨亮教授成为通信学报编委并赴桂林参加编委会会议。
7. 杨亮教授成为中国科学:信息科学青年编委并赴同济大学参加编委会会议。
8. 杨亮教授成为IEEE Wireless Communications Letters及IEEE Communications Letters编委。
9. 恭喜廖朝晖同学(原工作单位广东工业大学的硕士研究生)获得2019年国家奖学金资助。

10. 恭喜陈剑超同学(原工作单位广东工业大学的硕士研究生)获得2019年广东省优秀研究生称号。

教育背景Research Background

2003.9-2006.6:中山大学 PhD

工作经历Working Experience
2018-Current 湖南大学Hunan University
2013.4~ 2018.11 广东工业大学Guangdong University of Technology

2006.7 ~ 2013.4 暨南大学Jinan University
2008.7~2009.7 博士后Research Fellow
香港城市大学City University of Hong Kong
2011.11~2012.11 博士后Research Associate
Texas A&M University at Qatar

研究兴趣Research Interests
无线通信Wireless Communication
光无线通信Optical Wireless Communication
无线通信中的机器学习Machine Learning in Wireless Communication Systems

社会服务Social Service
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters期刊编委;
IEEE Communications Letters期刊编委;
IEEE Access期刊编委;
Frontiers in Communications and Networks期刊副主编;
IEEE Backhaul/Fronthaul Networking & Communications Emerging Technologies Initiatives (ETI-BNC) 创始成员。
Chairs or TPC members for some international conferences, such as IEEEWCNC 2016-GRASNET,WCSP 2017, UNET 2018,EuCAP 2015, IWCMC 2018 5G Symposium,IWCMC 2016 5G Workshop,IWCMC 2017 5G Workshop,IWCMC 2015 Cognitive Workshop,IWCMC 2014 Cognitive Workshop,ICC 2016 Workshop-W04-Back nets2016,ICC 2015 CRN,ICACCI Special Session on Cognitive Computing andApplications,ICSigSys2019,IEEE ICC'19 -WC Symposium,ICSigSys2018,IoTaIS 2018,ICCEREC 2018,GC'18 WS -GS5GWN,Globecom2018WC,ICon EEI 2018,WCSP'18,Globecom2017WC,WPMC'17,ISMICT2017,WCSP'16,EuCAP 2019, IWCMC 2019, EuCAP 2019, 10th IEEE GCC-2019, Globecom 2019, IAICT 2019, UNet 2019, Globecom 2020.
A reviewer for many IEEE Journals, suchas IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE TWC, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE TCOM, IEEE TVT.

[1]Arthur S. de Sena, Pedro H. J. Nardelli, Daniel B. da Costa, F. Rafael M. Lima,Liang Yang, Petar Popovski,Zhiguo Ding, and Constantinos B. Papadias,IRS-Assisted Massive MIMO-NOMA Networks: Exploiting Wave Polarization, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, DOI:10.1109/TWC.2021.**, 2021.
[2]Imran Shafique Ansari, Latif Jan, Yutong Tang, andLiang Yang, Outage and Error Analysis of Dual-Hop TAS/MRCMIMO RF-UOWC Systems,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, DOI:10.1109/TVT.2021.**,2021.
[3]Yang Liang, Qi Zhu, Li Sai, Ansari Imran Shafique,Yu, Siyuan,On the Performance of Mixed FSO-UWOC Dual-Hop Transmission Systems,IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, DOI:10.1109/LWC.2021.**,2021.
[4]Liang Yang, Xiaoqin Yan,Daniel B. da Costa, andMohamed-Slim Alouini,Performance Analysis of Dual-Hop Mixed PLC/RF Communication Systems, IEEE System Journal, DOI:10.1109/JSYST.2021.**,2021.
[5]Jiakuo Zuo, Yuanwei Liu, ???Liang Yang???, Lingyang Song,Ying-ChangLiang,Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Enhanced NOMAAssisted Backscatter Communication System,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.70, no.7, pp.7261-7266, July2021.
[6]Sai Li,Liang Yang(通讯作者), Daniel Benevides da Costa, and Siyuan Yu,Performance Analysis of UAV-based Mixed RF-UWOC Transmission Systems, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.69,no.8, pp.5559-5572, Aug.2021.
[7]Anas Mohamed Aatef Ata Salhab,Liang Ya?n?g,RIS-Equipped RF Source vs RIS-Aided RF Source,IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,vol.10, no.8, pp.1712-1716, Aug.2021.
[8]Liang Yang, Fanxu Meng, Mazen O. Hasna, and Ertugrul Basar,A Novel RIS-Assisted Modulation Scheme,IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,vol.10.no.6, pp.359-1363, June 2021.
[9]Sai Li,LiangYang(通讯作者), Daniel Benevides da Costa, Marco Di Renzo and Mohamed-Slim Alouini,On the Performance of RIS-Assisted Dual-HopMixed RF-UWOC Systems, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol.7, no.2, pp.340-353, June2021.
[10]Sai Li,Liang Yang(通讯作者), Daniel Benevides da Costa, Jiayi Zhang and Mohamed-Slim Alouini,Performance Analysis of Mixed RF-UWOCDual-Hop Transmission Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.69,no.1, pp.14043-14048,Nov.2020.

[11] Brena K. S. Lima, Daniel B. da Costa, Liang Yang, F. Rafael M. Lima, Rodolfo Oliveira, and Ugo S. Dias, Adaptive Power Factor Allocation for Cooperative Full-Duplex NOMA Systems with Imperfect SIC and Rate Fairness,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.69,no.1, pp.14061-14066,Nov.2020.
[12]Jairde Carvalho,Daniel Benevidesda Costa, Liang Yang,GeorgeAlexandropoulos, RodolfoOliveira,UgoDias, User Fairness in Wireless Powered Communication Networks with Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,vol.10,no.1,pp.189-193, Jan.2021.
[13]Liang Yang, Yin Yang, Daniel Benevides da Costa, and Imene Trigui,Outage Probability and Capacity Scaling Law ofMultiple RIS-Aided Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,vol.10.no.2, pp.256-260, Feb.2021.

[14]Wei Zhang, Siwang Zhou, Dan Peng, Liang Yang, Fangmin Li, Hui Yin,Understanding and Modeling of WiFi Signal based Indoor Privacy Protection,IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol.8, no.3,pp.2000-2010, Feb. 2021.

[15]Liang Yang, Xiaoqin Yan, Daniel Benevides da Costa, Theodoros Tsiftsis, Hong-Chuan Yang, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Indoor Mixed Dual-Hop VLC/RF Systems Through Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.9,no.11,pp.1995-1999,Nov.2020.
[16]Liang Yang, Fanxu Meng, Qingqing Wu, Daniel Benevides da Costa, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Accurate Closed-Form Approximations to Channel Distributions of RIS-Aided Wireless Systems, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.9, no.11, pp.1985-1989, Nov.2020.
[17]Liang Yang, Jinxia Yang, Wenwu Xie, Mazen O. Hasna, Theodoros Tsiftsis, Marco Di Renzo,Secrecy Performance Analysis of RIS-Aided Wireless Communication Systems,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.69,no.10, pp.12296-12300,Oct.2020. (IEEE ComSoc Best Readings论文
[18] Liang Yang, Fanxu Meng, Jiayi Zhang, Mazen O. Hasna, and Marco Di Renzo, On the Performance of RIS-Assisted Dual-Hop UAV Communication Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.69.no.9, pp.10385-10390, 2020.(IEEE ComSoc Best Readings论文
[19] Sai Li, Liang Yang(通讯作者), Mazen O. Hasna, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, and Jiayi Zhang, Amount of Secrecy Loss: A Novel Metric for Physical Layer Security Analysis,IEEE Communications Letters, vol.24, no.8, pp.1626-1630, Aug.2020.
[20] Jiayi Zhang, Hongyang Du, Peng Zhang, Julian Cheng, and Liang Yang, Performance Analysis of 5G Mobile Relay Systems for High-Speed Trains, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol.38, no.12, pp.2760-2772,Dec.2020. (1区,CCF A类)
[21] Yan Zhang, Jiayi Zhang, Liang Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, and Bo Ai, On the Performance of Dual-Hop Systems over Mixed FSO/mmWave Fading Channels, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, DOI:10.1109/OJCOMS.2020.**, 2020.
?[22]Liang Yang, Yin Yang, Mazen O. Hasna, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini,Coverage, Probability of SNR Gain, and DOR Analysis of RIS-Aided Communication Systems, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.9, no.8, pp.1268-1272,Aug.2020.(中科院SCI2区)
[23]Liang Yang, Wang Guo, and Imran Shafique Ansari, Mixed Dual-Hop FSO-RF Communication Systems Through Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.24, no.7, pp.1558-1562, July 2020. (中科院SCI3区)

[24] Zhishan Deng, Quanzhong Li, Qi Zhang, Liang Yang, and Jiayin Qin, Beamforming Design for Physical Layer Security in a Two-Way Cognitive Radio IoT Network with SWIPT, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol.6, no.6, pp.10786-10798, Dec.2019.(中科院SCI1区)
[25] Zhu Xiao, Xingxia Dai, Hongbo Jiang, Dong Wang, Hongyang Chen, Liang Yang, Fanzi Zeng, Vehicular Task Offloading via Heat-Aware MEC Cooperation Using Game-Theoretic Method, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol.7, no.3, 2020. (中科院SCI1区)
[26] Hui Zhao, Zhedong Liu, Liang Yang(通讯作者), Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Secrecy Analysis in DF Relay over Generalized-K Fading Channels,IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.67,no.10, pp.7168-7182, Oct. 2019.(中科院SCI2区)
[27]Siwang Zhou, Luyao Xu,Yonghe Liu, Liang Yang, Keqin Li, A Distributed Compressive Data Gathering Framework For Mobile Crowdsensing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2019.**, 2019.(中科院SCI1区)
[28]Wei Zhang, Siwang Zhou, Liang Yang, Lu Ou, and Zhu Xiao,WiFiMap+: High-Level Indoor Semantic Inference with WiFi Human Activity and Environment, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.68, no.8, pp.7890-7903, Aug. 2019.(中科院SCI2区)
[29]Li Quanzhong, Liang Yang(通讯作者), Beamforming for Cooperative Secure Transmission in Cognitive Two-Way Relay Networks, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, vol.15, no.1, 2020. (Google Citation 20)(中科院SCI 1区, CCF A类,ESI高被引论文
[30] Li Quanzhong, Liang Yang(通讯作者), Robust Optimization for Energy Efficiency in MIMO Two-Way Relay Networks with SWIPT, IEEE System Journal, vol.14, no.1, pp.196-207, Mar. 2020.(Google Citation 17)(中科院SCI2区)(ESI高被引论文
[31]Jianchao Chen, Liang Yang(通讯作者), Wenjie Wang, Hongchuan Yang, Yuanwei Liu, Mazen O.Hasna, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, A Novel Energy Harvesting Scheme for Mixed FSO-RF Relaying Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,vol.68, no.8, pp.8259-8263, Aug. 2019.(中科院SCI2区)
[32] Hui Zhao, Jiayi Zhang, Liang Yang,Gaofeng Pan, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Secure mmWave Communications in Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.8, no.4, pp.1171-1174, Aug.2019. (中科院SCI2区)
[33] Hui Zhao, Liang Yang(通讯作者),Ahmed S. Salem, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Ergodic Capacityunder Power Adaption Over Fisher-SnedecorF FadingChannels, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.23, pp.546-549, Mar.2019. (Google Citation 11)(中科院SCI3区)
[34]Liang Yang, Jinhai Yuan, Xinxin Liu, Mazen O. Hasna, On the Performance of LAP-BasedMultiple-Hop RF/FSO Systems, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol.55, no.1, pp.499-505, Feb.2019.(Google Citation 1)?(中科院SCI3区)
[35] Liang Yang,Ting Liu, Jianchao Chen, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Physical-Layer Security for Mixed and M-Distribution Dual-Hop RF/FSO Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.67, no.12, pp.12427-12431, Dec. 2018.(Google Citation 1)(中科院SCI2区)
[36] Liang Yang, Mazen O. Hasna, and Imran Shafique Ansari,Physical Layer Security for TAS/MRC Systems With and Without Co-channel Interference OverFading Channels, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,vol.67, no.12, pp. 12421-12426, Dec.2018. (Google Citation 13)(中科院SCI2区)
[37] Liang Yang, Jianchao Chen, Mazen O. Hasna, and Hong-Chuan Yang, Outage Performance of UAV-Assisted Relaying Systems with RF Energy Harvesting, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.22, no.12, pp.2471-2474, Dec. 2018.(Google Citation 1)(Google Citation 14)(中科院SCI3区)
[38] Zhaohui Liao, Liang Yang(通讯作者), ,Jianchao Chen, Hong-Chuan Yang, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Physical Layer Security For Dual-Hop VLC/RF Communication Systems, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.22, no.12, pp.2603-2606, Dec.2018.(中科院SCI3区)
[39] Jianchao Chen, Liang Yang(通讯作者), and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Performance Analysis of Cooperative NOMA Schemes in Spatially Random Relaying Networks,IEEE Access, vol.6, pp.33159-33168, June 2018. (Google Citation 10)(中科院SCI2区)
[40]Liang Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, and Imran ShafiqueAnsari, Asymptotic Performance Analysis of Two-Way Relaying FSO Networks with Nonzero Boresight Pointing Errors Over Double-Generalized Gamma FadingChannels, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.67, no.8,pp.7800-7805, Aug. 2018. (中科院SCI2区)
[41]Quanzhong Li and Liang Yang, Artificial Noise Aided Secure Precoding for MIMO Untrusted Two-Way Relay Systems with Perfectand Imperfect Channel State Information, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol.13, no.10, pp.2628-2638, Oct. 2018. (Google Citation 26)(中科院SCI1区,CCF A类)
[42]Jianchao Chen, Liang Yang(通讯作者)Mohamed-SlimAlouini, Physical Layer Security for Cooperative NOMA Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.67, no.5, pp.4645-4649, May2018. (Google Citation 87)(中科院SCI2区,?ESI高被引论文
[43] Ling Wu, Liang Yang(通讯作者), Jianchao Chen, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Physical Layer Security for Cooperative Relaying Over Generalized-K Fading Channels,IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.7, no.4, pp.606-609, Aug. 2018.(Google Citation 15)(中科院SCI2区)
[44] Quanzhong Li, Liang Yang, Qi Zhang, and Jiayin Qin, Robust AN-Aided Secure Precoding for an AF MIMO Untrusted Relay System, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.66, no.11, pp.10572-10576,Nov. 2017. (Google Citation 15)(中科院SCI2区)
[45]Liang Yang, Mazen O. Hasna, Imran Shafique Ansari,Unified Performance Analysis for Multiuser Mixed and M-Distribution Dual-Hop RF/FSO Systems, IEEE Transactions on Communications,vol.65,no.8, pp.3601-3613, Aug. 2017.(Google Citation 34)(中科院SCI2区)
[46]Liang Yang, Mazen Omar Hasna, Performance Analysis of Amplify-and-Forward Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Networks With Co-Channel Interference, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.63, no.12,pp.5052-5061, 2015. (Google Citation 40)(中科院SCI2区)
[47]Liang Yang, Mazen Omar Hasna, and Xiqi Gao, Performance of Mixed RF/FSO with Variable Gain over Generalized Atmospheric TurbulenceChannels, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol.33, no. 9,pp.1913-1924, 2015. (Google Citation 56)(中科院SCI1区,CCFA类)
[48]Han Zhang, Shan Gao, Dong Li, Hongbin Chen, Liang Yang,On Superimposed Pilot for Channel Estimation in Multi-cell Multiuser MIMO Uplink:Large System Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.65,no.3, pp.1492-1505, 2016. (Google Citation 49)(中科院SCI2区)
[49]Liang Yang, Khalid Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin, and Xiqi Gao, Performance Analysis of Two-Way Relaying Networks with the Nth Worst Relay Selection Over Various Fading Channels, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.64, no.7, pp.3321-3327, July 2015.(Google Citation 23)(中科院SCI2区)
[50]Liang Yang, Xiqi Gao, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Performance Analysis of Relay-Assisted All-Optical FSO Networks Over Strong Atmospheric Turbulence Channels with Pointing Errors, IEEE Journal Lightwave of Technology, vol.32, no. 23, pp. 4613-4620, 2014. (Google Citation 65)(中科院SCI2区)
[51]Liang Yang, Xiqi Gao, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Performance Analysis of Free-Space Optical Communication Systems with Multiuser Diversity Over Atmospheric Turbulence Channels, IEEE Photonics Journal, vol.6,No.2, Apr.2014. (Google Citation 82)(中科院SCI3区)
[52]Liang Yang, Khalid Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Performance Analysis of Amplify-and-Forward Two-Way Relaying with Co-Channel Interference and Channel Estimation Error, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.61, no.6, pp.2221-2231, 2013.(Google Citation 66)(中科院SCI2区)
[53]Liang Yang, Khalid Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin, and Mohamed-SlimAlouini, Performance Analysis of Distributed Beamforming in a Spectrum Sharing System, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.62,no.4, pp.1655-1666, 2013. (Google Citation 5)(中科院SCI2区)
[54]Liang Yang, Mohamed-SlimAlouini, Khalid Qaraqe, and Weiping Liu, On the Performance of Dual-Hop Systems with Multiple Antennas at Destination: Effects of Spatial correlation, Keyhole, and Co-Channel Interference, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.60, no.12,pp.3541-3547, 2012. (Google Citation 6)(中科院SCI2区)
[55]Liang Yang, Q. T. Zhang, Performance Analysis of MIMO RelayWireless Networks with Orthogonal STBC, IEEE Transactions onVehicular Technology, vol.59, no.7, pp.3668-3674, 2010.(Google Citation 40)(中科院SCI2区)
[56]Liang Yang, Jiayin Qin, Performance of Alamouti scheme with transmit antenna selection for M-ray signals, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol.5, No.12, pp.3365-3369,Dec.2006. (Google Citation 75)(中科院SCI 1区)
[57]Liang Yang, Khalid A. Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin,Mohamed-Slim Alouini,Weiping Liu, Cognitive Radio Networks with Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coding and Multiuser Diversity. IEEE Communications Letters,vol.17, no.4, pp.685-688, 2013. (Google Citation 11)(中科院SCI3区)
[58]Liang Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, and Khalid Qaraqe, On the Performance of Spectrum Sharing Systems with Two-Way Relaying and Multiuser Diversity, IEEE Communications Letters,vol.16, no.8, pp.1240-1243, Aug.2012. (Google Citation 33)(中科院SCI3区)
[59]Liang Yang, Mohamed-SlimAlouini, Outage Probability of Distributed Beamforming with Co-ChannelInterference, IEEE Communications Letters,vol.16, no.3, pp.334-337, Mar. 2012. (Google Citation 3)(中科院SCI3区)
[60]Liang Yang, Weiping Liu, On the Throughput of MIMO Relay Wireless Network with Receive Antenna Selection, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.15,No.6 , pp.626-628, June 2011. (Google Citation 13)(中科院SCI3区)
[61]Liang Yang, Outage Performance of MRT with Unequal-PowerCo-Channel Interference and Channel Estimation Error,IEEE Communications Letters,Vol.11, No.7, pp.598-600, July 2007. (Google Citation 5)(中科院SCI3区)
[62] Liang YangJiayinQin,Outage performance of MIMO MRC systems with unequal-power co-channel interference,IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.10, No.4,pp.245-247, 2006. (Google Citation 41)(中科院SCI3区)?

[1] Luyao ZHANG, Hui ZHAO, Gaofeng PAN, Liang YANG(通讯作者), Jiawei CHEN, Secure Analysis Over Generalized-K Channels, 中国科学:信息科学, 2019. (中科院SCI4区)
[2] Liang Yang, Mazen Omar Hasna, and XiqiGao, Asymptotic BER analysis of FSO with multiple receive apertures over M-distributed turbulence channels with pointing errors, Optics Express, vol. 22, Iss. 15, pp. 18238–18245, 2014. (Google Citation 11)(中科院SCI2区)
[3] Qingming Chen, Chao Jin, Yuan Bao, Zhaohui Li, Jianping Li, Chao Lu, Liang Yang, and Guifang Li, A distributed fiber vibration sensor utilizing dispersion induced walk-off effect in a unidirectional Mach-Zehnder interferometer, Optics Express, Vol. 22, Issue 3,pp. 2167-2173, 2014. (Google Citation 17)(中科院SCI2区)
[4] Liang Yang,Jiayin Qin,Performance of STBCs with antenna selection: spatial correlation and keyhole, IET Proceedings Communications, Vol.153, No.1, p15-20,2006. (Google Citation 10)(中科院SCI4区)
[5] Liang Yang,Dong Tang, Jiayin Qin,Performance of spatially correlated MIMO channel with antenna selection, IET ElectronicsLetters, Vol.40,No.20, p1281-1282, 2004. (Google Citation 34)(中科院SCI4区)
[6] Liang Yang,Achievable Rate of MIMO Systems with Multiuser Diversity and Delayed Feedback,IET Electronics Letters, vol.45, No.15, p.783-785, July.2009. (Google Citation 6)(中科院SCI4区)
[7] Liang Yang, Q. T. Zhang,Outage Performanceof MIMO Relay Channels with Maximal Ratio Transmission,IET Electronics Letters, vol.45, No.5, Feb.2009. (Google Citation 8)(中科院SCI4区)
[8] Liang Yang,MIMO Relay Wireless Networks with Scheduling and Transmit Beamforming,Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing,vol.12, no.4, pp.345-351, Mar.2012. (中科院SCI4区)
[9] Liang Yang, Capacity of Multiuser Diversity Systems With Adaptive Transmission and Different MIMO Schemes, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing,vol.8 , no.9, pp.1103-1114, Nov.2008. (中科院SCI4区)
[10] Liang Yang, MIMO MRC Systems With and Without Multiuser Diversity, Wireless Personal Communications,vol.43, pp.1717-1725,2007. (中科院SCI4区)
[11]Liang Yang,Outage Performance of OSTBC in MIMO Channels With Shadowing,Wireless Personal Communications,vol.43, pp.1751-1754,2007. (Google Citation 9)(中科院SCI4区)
[12] Liang Yang, Performance analysis of MIMO systems with multiuser diversity, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computinications,vol.8, issue 10, pp.1247-1253,Dec.2008. (中科院SCI4区)
[13] Liang Yang, Outage performance of OSTBC in double scattering MIMO channels, Wireless Personal Communications,vol.45, pp.225-230,Apr.2008. (Google Citation 8)(中科院SCI4区)
[14] Liang Yang, MIMO Systems with Transmit Antenna Selection and Power Allocation over Correlated Channels, Wireless Personal Communications,vol.55, no.2, pp.225-235, Oct.2010.(Google Citation 10) (中科院SCI4区)
[15] Liang Yang,Transmit Antenna Selection with Optimal Power Allocation and Channel Estimation Error, Wireless Personal Communications,vol.53, no.1, pp.133-140, Mar.2010.(中科院SCI4区)
[16] Liang Yang, Diversity Order Analysis of OSTBC over Keyhole Fading Channels with Antenna Selection, International Journal of Communication Systems, vol.26, no. 12,pp.1636-1642, Dec 2013. (Google Citation 3)(中科院SCI4区)
[17] Weiping Liu, Liang Yang(通讯作者), Performance analysisfor two-way relaying networks with and without relay selection, Wireless Personal Communications, 2014. (Google Citation 5)(中科院SCI4区)
[18] Liang Yang, Khalid Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin, Mohamed-Slim Alouini,Capacity analysis of spectrum sharing spatial multiplexing MIMO systems, Physical Communication, pp.109-119,2014.(中科院SCI4区)
[19]杨亮,秦家银,Nakagami-m衰落信道下MIMO系统容量及天线选择,电子学报,vol.34,no.1,Jan. 2006.
[20]杨亮,秦家银,具有不完全信道状态信息MIMO系统的优化设计,电子学报,vol.37,no.1, Jan. 2009.
[21] Hui Zhao, Liang Yang, Gaofeng Pan, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Secrecy Outage Analysis Over Fluctuating Two-Ray Fading Channels, IET Electronics Letters, 2019.(中科院SCI4区)
[22]Jianfei Yan, Quanzhong Li, Qi Zhang, Liang Yang, Jiayin Qin, Secrecy Sum Rate Optimization in MISO Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems with Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coding,International Journal of Communication Systems, 2019.(中科院SCI4区)
[23] Liang Yang, Yongjie Yuan, Secrecy outage probability analysis for RIS-assisted NOMA systems, to appear on IET Electronics Letters, 2020.
[24]ZHIYIWANG, YAOQIANG XIAO, SITAO WANG, YUANSIYI YAN,BINGSHUAI WANG, YATING CHEN, ZHIHUA ZHOU, JING HE, ANDLIANGYANG,Probabilisticshaping based constellation encryption for physical layer security in OFDM RoF system,Optics Express, 2021.
[25]Wenwu Xie, Jianwu Liao, Jinxia Yang, Peng Zhu, Liang Yang,SecrecyPerformance Analysis for the Mixed RF/VLC Cooperative Relaying Systems, IET Communications, 2021.
[26]Y Deng, Q Li, Q Zhang, L Yang, J Qin,Secure beamforming design in MIMO NOMA networks for Internet of Things with perfect and imperfect CSI,Computer Networks 187, 107839, 2021.

1. Liang Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, On theBER and Capacity Analysis of MIMO MRC Systems with Channel Estimation Error, WiMoB2011, Shanghai.
2. Liang Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, and Khalid Qaraqe, On the Performance of Spectrum SharingSystems with Multiple Antennas, CrownCom2012, Stockholm.
3. Liang Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, and Khalid Qaraqe, Performance Analysis of DistributedBeamforming in a Spectrum Sharing System, VTC2012 Fall, Quebec.
4. Liang Yang,Khalid Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Performance Analysisof Amplify-and-Forward Two-Way Relaying with Co-Channel Interference andChannel Estimation Error, WCNC 2013, Shanghai.
5. Liang Yang, Khalid Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin and Mohamed-Slim Alouini,Sum-Rate Analysis of Spectrum Sharing SpatialMultiplexing MIMO Systems with Zero-forcing and Multiuser Diversity,SPAWC 2013,Darmstadt, Germany.
6. Liang Yang, Zhixiong Lin, BER Analysis of MultiuserRelaying Networks with Receive Antenna Selection, WCSP 2013, Hangzhou.
7. Liang Yang, Xiqi Gao, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Capacity Analysis of a Multiuser Mixed RF/FSO, VTC 2014 Spring, Seoul.
8. Liang Yang, Xiqi Gao, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini , On the Performance of Free-Space Optical Communication Systems with Multiuser Diversity, IWOW 2014.
9. Liang Yang, Jinhai Yuan, JunZhang,Yi Feng,Unified Performance Analysis of Mixed and M-Distribution Dual-Hop RF/FSO Systems, IEEE VTC-Spring 2017, Sydney.
10. Liang Yang and Mohamed-Slim Alouini Secure SC Systems Over Generalized Fading Channels With Imperfect CSI and Co-Channel Interference, WCNC 2018, Barcelona.
11.Xinxin Liu, Liang Yang, Jianchao Chen, Fuchun Zheng, On the Performance of Nth Best Relay Selection Scheme for NOMA-Based Cooperative Relaying Networks With SWIPT, IEEE VTC-Spring 2019,Kuala Lumpur.
12. Liang Yang, Xiaoqiong Long, Jun Zhang, Secrecy Analysis of UAV-Aided Relaying Systems, IEEE VTC-Spring 2020, Belgium.
13. Xiaobo Lei, Liang Yang, JunZhang, Guangping Li, Jianchao Chen, LAP-Based FSO-RF Cooperative NOMA Systems,IEEE VTC-Fall 2020, Canada.

3. 广州市科技计划项目。
10. 暨南大学科研培育与创新基金研究项目-杰出人才项目,研究期限:2010.1-2012.12。
13. 中国博士后基金面上项目及特别资助项目。
14. 东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室开放基金:2009,2014,2017。
15. 北京邮电大学网络与技术交换国家重点实验室开放基金:2019。
16. 西安电子科技大学综合业务网理论及关键技术国家重点实验室开放基金:2014,2018。
17. 上海交通大学区域光纤通信网与新型系统国家重点实验室开放基金:2108。

1. 2020年IEEE Wireless Communications Letters最佳编委。
2. 2019年湖南省自然科学奖二等奖(排名第一)。
3. 2021年中国电子学会先进科技工作者。
4. 2014年广东省自然科学奖三等奖。

2. 一种卫星通信系统,申请号:3.7,杨亮,廖朝晖
3. 一种无限信能同传的方法、装置及设备,申请号:0.X,杨亮,雷小波
5. 一种无人机及射频能量收集方法,申请号:20**,杨亮,王文杰
6. 一种用户终端以及MIMO数能同传系统,申请号:20**,杨亮,刘婷
7. 一种无人机通信系统,申请号:20**,杨亮,张桓豪
9. 一种基于可见光和射频技术的无线通信方法,1.5,杨亮,龙晓琼


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