姓 名 | 陈鼎 | 性别 | 男 | ||||
出生年月 | 1975.3 | 民族 | 汉 | ||||
政治面貌 | 党员 | 籍贯 | 江苏溧阳 | ||||
最高学历 | 博士研究生 | 最高学历专业名称 | 材料物理 材料学 | ||||
最高学位 | 博士 | 最高学位专业名称 | 材料物理 材料学 | ||||
现任专业技术职称(职务) | 教授 | 任职时间 | 2007 | ||||
所属一级学科 | 材料科学与工程 | 所属二级学科 | 材料加工工程 | ||||
所在系(所或教研室) | 湖南大学材料学院金属材料研究所 | 联系电话或邮箱 | ** Ma97chen@hotmail.com | ||||
教 育 经 历 | 序号 | 起止时间 | 毕业学校 | 所学专业 | 学制类型 | 获得学历或学位 | |
1 | 1993.7-1997.6 | 中南工业大学 | 金属材料热处理 | 全日制 | 本科毕业 | ||
2 | 1997.9-2000.6 | 中南大学 | 材料学 | 全日制 | 硕士学位 | ||
3 | 2000.9-2003.9 | 中南大学 | 材料学 | 全日制 | 博士学位 | ||
4 | 2003.10-2006.9 | 日本东北大学 | 材料物理 | 全日制 | 博士学位 | ||
工作经历 | 序号 | 起止时间 | 工作单位 | 专业技术职务 | 从事专业 | ||
1 | 2006.10-2007.1 | 湖南大学 | 讲师 | 材料科学与工程 | |||
2 | 2007.1-2007.6 | 湖南大学 | 校聘教授 | 材料科学与工程 | |||
3 | 2007.6-现在 | 湖南大学 | 教授 | 材料科学与工程 | |||
4 | 2008.7-2009.7 | 日本京都大学 | 客座研究员 | 能源纳米材料 |
1. 机械力化学/机械合金化、超声化学和微波化学制备纳米粉末
3. 有色金属的深冷处理
. 在国际上最早提出了深冷处理引起有色金属织构变化现象。在该方向发表国内外学术论文近20篇,研
多次应邀为国内外材料领域的知名刊物《Journal of Alloys and Compound》、《Powder Metallurgy》、
《CURRENT NANOSCIENCE 》《Solid State Communications》、《Materials Research Bulletin》、《African Journal of Microbiology Research》、《BioResources》、《中国有色金属学报》《哈尔滨工业大学学报》《北京航空航天大学学报》、《北京科技大学学报》和《材料科学与工艺》等10余种国内外SCI/EI刊物审阅大块非晶、机械合金化、纳米粉末和高性能铝镁合金材料方面的稿件。
四、科研情况(包含近期主持、主研主要教学科研项目名称及经费) :
1. 国家自然科学基金项目“镁合金深冷处理过程中微观结构演化性能变化的机理研究”
2. 教育部博士点青年教师项目“固液反应球磨制备纳米级多元合金粉末的研究”
3. 湖南省国际合作重点项目“轨道车辆用铝基复合材料制动盘疲劳与断裂韧性研究”
4. 湖南省重大专项子项目“350MPa冷轧冲压用高强钢工艺技术研究”
5. 湖南省斯瑞摩科技有限公司技术服务项目“市售镁合金废料回收再生的实验研究和产业化”
1. 湖南省重大专项子项目“硬质合金大制品质量评估及检测“
2. 湖南省科技厅项目“铝镁合金及其产品产业化”
1. 一种ZnO纳米粉末的超声波球磨制备方法( CN**A),第一发明人。
2. 制备金属间化合物粉末的方法及其装置(ZL02114332.3),第二发明人。
3. 一种铝基、锌基、铜基轴瓦的深冷处理方法(CN**),第二发明人。
4. 喷射沉积多孔材料的陶粒轧制变形方法及装置(ZL**9.7),第四发明人。
5. 液体金属和合金的盐雾化 (ZL01106868.X),第五发明人。
6. 喷射沉积多孔材料的梯温楔压变形方法及装置(CN**),第四发明人。
7. 制备高性能镁合金板材的等径角轧制方法及装置(CN**),第四发明人。
1. One-step synthesis of Zn to single-phase nanocrystalline ZnO by solid -liquid reaction ball milling assisted by ultrasonic wave, Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
2. Effect of Cryogenic Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Behaviors of the Cu-based bulk metallic glass matrix composite,Journal of Alloys and Compounds.
3. Cryogenic treatment-induced martensitic transformation in Cu-Zr-Al bulk metallic glass composite, Intermetallics,
4. Low-cycle fatigue behavior of SiCp/Al-Si composites produced by spray deposition, Materials Science and Engineering A
5. Producing ternary intermetallic compounds powders by solid-liquid reaction ball milling, Journal of Material Science
6. Simultaneous Wet Ball Milling and Mild Acid Hydrolysis of Rice Hull, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology.
7. Predicting the thermal stability of RE-based bulk metallic glasses, Intermetallics,
8. Preparation of Cu2O nanoparticles in cupric chloride solutions using a simple mechanochemical approach, Journal of Alloys and Compounds.
1. The microstructure, optical, and electrical properties of sol-gel-derived Sc-doped and Al-Sc co-doped ZnO thin films, Applied Surface Science.
2. Phase Transformation Regularities of Zn in the solution systems by solid-liquid reaction milling, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
3. Preparation of Al-Mo intermetallic powders by solid-liquid reaction ball milling, Journal of Alloys and Compounds.
4. Preparation of several aluminum alloys by solid-liquid mixed casting process, Journal of Alloys and Compounds.
5. Investigation on microstructures and properties of rapidly solidified Mg–6 wt.% Zn–5 wt.% Ca–3 wt.% Ce alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds
6. Effects of Si addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of RS/PM (rapid solidification and powder metallurgy) AZ91 alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds.
7. Thermodynamic analysis of Gd-Ni(Co)-Al bulk metallic glasses, Philosophical Magazine Letters.
8. Densification of large-size spray-deposited Al-Mg alloy square preforms via a novel wedge pressing technology, Materials Science and Engineering A;
1. Improving the Tribological Behavior of Graphite/Cu Matrix Self-lubricating Composite-Contact Strip by Electroplating Zn on Graphite.Tribology Letters
2. Preparation of W-Al intermetallic compound powders by a mechanochemical approach, Journal of Alloys and Compounds
3. Phase Formation Regularities of ultrafine TiAl, NiAl and FeAl intermetallic compound powders during solid-liquid reaction milling , Journal of Alloys and Compounds.
1. Synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles by wet milling iron powder in a planetary ball mill,China PARTICUOLOGY.
2. Gd-Ni-Al bulk glass alloys with great glass forming ability and good mechanical properties, Journal of Materials Science
3. Thermal Stability and Magnetic Properties of Gd-Fe-Al Bulk Amorphous Alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds
4. Gd-Co-Al and Gd-Ni-Al bulk metallic glasses with high glass forming ability and good mechanical properties. Materials Science and Engineering A,
5. Synthesis of binary and ternary intermetallic powders via a novel reaction ball milling technique,Materials Science and Engineering A
1. Bulk Fe-Nd-Al Amorphous Alloys With Hard Magnetic Properties, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
1. Ding Chen, Yong Jiang, Jianguo Cai, Zhenhua Chen, Peiyun Huang: Production of intermetallic compound powders by a mechanochemical approach: solid–liquid reaction ball milling, In the High-energy ball milling: Mechanochemical processing of nanopowders (Chapter 7:p149-166) (ISBN:978-1-4398-2974-5) Edited by Malgorzata Sopicka-Lizer, Woodhead Publishing Limited,2010, Cambridge CB21 6AH, UK.
2. D.Chen and G.Z. Ma, The development of co-based bulk metallic glasses, In “Handbook of Material Science Research”(Chapter 12, p433-443)(ISBN: 978-1-60741-798-9 ) , Editors: Charles René and Eugene Turcotte, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2010.
3. 陈鼎,陈振华《机械力化学》化学工业出版社,2008(ISBN: 978-7-122-02451-0)
4. Ding Chen and Z. H. Chen,: Re (Re= Rare-earth)-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses, In The Word of Bulk metallic Glasses and their Composites(Chapter.15: p299-319)(ISBN:978-81-308-0196-4) , Editor: Cang Fan, Research Signpost, 2007, Keraia, India.
5. 陈振华,陈鼎《快速凝固粉末冶金铝合金》 冶金工业出版社,2009(ISBN:978-7-5024-4516-4)
6. 陈振华,陈鼎《机械合金化与固液反应球磨》化学工业出版社,2006 (ISBN: 7-5025-7911-7)