

湖南大学 考研网/2015-09-25

  Associate Professor of Chemistry

  with research in

  Analytical Chemistry

  Biological Chemistry

  B.S., 2000, Hunan University, China

  Ph.D., 2006, Hunan University, China

  Postdoc, 2006-2009, University of California- Riverside, USA

  Office: Sixth Student Building 406

  Lab: Sixth Student Building, 38 Pailou Road

  Phone: (+86)**

  Email: jishanli@hnu.cn


  李继山,理学博士,副教授,研究方向为 生物分析和生物传感。2000年于湖南大学,获理学学士学位,2006年获理学博士学位。2006年12月赴美国加州大学河滨分校化学系从事博士后研究。 2009年 6月受聘为湖南大学化学化工学院副教授。主要从事核酸、蛋白质、环境污染物分析等领域的研究。已在 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Nucleic Acids Research, Analytical Chemistry, Chem. Commun., Chemistry - A European Journal, Advanced Functional Materials, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Analyst等杂志发表科研论文30余篇。获湖南省优秀博士论文,主持湖南大学人才引进基金一项。


  The research work focuses on the following two aspects: 1), Formation of biosensor interfaces: Development of novel piezoelectric, capacitance or impedance immunosensor based on the plasma-polymerized film, self-assembly film, electropolymerized film or magnetic nanoparticle, and using electrochemical transporting channels switched by allosteric molecular beacon to study the DNA base paring or protein-nucleic acid interaction. 2), Based on the modern biotechnology, rolling circle amplification (RCA), molecular beacon, DNAzyme and so on, develop new analytical method or platform for the detection of nucleic acid, protein or environmental pollutant.

  Selected Publications

  Jishan Li,Tierui Zhang, Jianping Ge, Yadong Yin, Wenwan Zhong. Fluorescence Signal Amplification by Cation Exchange in Ionic Nanocrystals, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2009, 48(9):1588-91
Jishan Li, Jingjing Yao, Wenwan Zhong. Membrane Blotting for Rapid Detection of mercury (II)in Water, Chem. Commun., 2009, 4962-4964.

  Jishan Li, jianping Ge, Yadong Yin, Wenwan Zhong. Multiplexed Affinity-Based Protein Complexes Purification, Analytical Chemistry, (80)2008, 7068-7074

 Jishan Li, Wenwan Zhong. A two-dimensional suspension array system by coupling field flow fractionation to flow cytometry, Journal of Chromatography A, 1183(2008), 143-149

  Jishan Li, Xia Chu, Jianhui Jiang, Guoli Shen and Ruqin Yu. Simultaneous identification of point mutations in DNA targets based on ligase-meditated gold nanoparticles assembly, Analyst, 133(2008), 939-945

  Jishan Li, Wenwan Zhong. Typing of Multiple Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms Using a Microsphere-based , Analytical Chemistry, 79(2007), 9030-9038olling Circle Amplification Assay

  Jishan Li, Xia Chu, Yali Liu, Jian-Hui Jiang, Zhimin He, Zhiwei Zhang, Guoli Shen and Ru-Qin Yu. A colorimetric method for point mutation detection using high-fidelity DNA ligase, Nucleic Acids Research, 2005, Vol. 33, No. 19 e168

  Jishan Li, Zhaisheng Wu, Hua Wang, Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu. A reusable capacitive immunosensor with a novel immobilization procedure based on 1,6-hexanedithiol and nano-Au self-assembled layers, Sensors and Actuators B, 110(2005), 327–334

  Jishan Li, Hua Wang, Ting Deng, Zhaoyang Wu, Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu. A plasma-polymerized film for capacitance immunosensing, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20(2004), 841–847

  Jishan Li, Xiaoxiao He, Zhaoyang Wu, Kemin Wang, Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu. Piezoelectric immunosensor based on magnetic nanoparticles with simple immobilization procedures, Analytica Chimica Acta, 481(2003), 191–198

  Jishan Li, Zhaoyang Wu, Hua Wang, GuoLi Shen, Ruqin Yu. Studies on Antibody Immobilization Based on o-Phenylenediamine Electropolymerized Films for Immunosensors, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 24(2003), 624-626

  Ni Li, Jishan Li, Wenwan Zhong. CE combined with rolling circle amplification for sensitive DNA detection, Electrophoresis, 29(2008), 424-432

  Ting Deng, Jishan Li, Jian-Hui Jiang, Guo-Li Shen, Ru-Qin Yu. A Sensitive Fluorescence Anisotropy Method for Point Mutation Detection by Using Core-Shell Fluorescent Nanoparticles and High-Fidelity DNA Ligase, Chemistry - A European Journal, 13(2007), 7725-7730

  Kejun Feng, Jishan Li, Jian-Hui Jiang, Guo-Li Shen, Ru-Qin Yu. QCM detection of DNA targets with single-base mutation based on DNA ligase reaction and biocatalyzed deposition amplification, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2007, V22, 1651-1657

  Ting Deng, Jishan Li, Jian-Hui Jiang, Guo-Li Shen, Ru-Qin Yu. Preparation of novel near-infrared fluorescent nanoparticles for fluorescence anisotropy-based immunoagglutination assay in whole blood, Advanced Functional Materials, 16(2006), 2147-2155

  Ting Deng, Jishan Li, Shuangyan Huan, Haifeng Yang, Hua wang, Guoli Shen,

  Ruqin Yu. Quartz crystal microbalance bioaffinity sensor for biotin based on mixed self-assembled monolayers and metastable molecular complex receptor, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21(2006), 1545–1552

  Guzhen Zhou, Jishan Li, Jianhui Jiang, Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu. Electrochemical impedance method based on enzyme-catalyzed depositing enlargement used for the immunoassay of human IgM. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemical,34(2006), 155-158

  Lanlan Pang, Jishan Li, Jianhui Jiang, Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu. DNA Point mutation detection based on DNA ligase reaction and nano-Au amplification: A Piezoelectric approach, Analytical Biochemistry, 358(2006), 99-103

  Zaisheng Wu, Jishan Li, Minghui Luo, Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu. A novel capacitive immunosensor based on gold colloid monolayers associated with a sol–gel matrix, Analytica Chimica Acta, 528(2005), 235–242

  Zaisheng Wu, Jishan Li, Ting Deng, Minghui Luo, Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu. A sensitive immunoassay based on electropolymerized films by capacitance measurements for direct detection of immunospecies, Analytical Biochemistry, 337(2005), 308-315

  Ting Deng, Jishan Li, Hua Wang, Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu. Piezoelectric immunoassay for complement C4 based on a Nafion-modified interface for antibody immobilization, Journal of Immunological Methods, 299(2005), 1-8

  Guzhen Zhou, Jishan Li, Jianhui Jiang, Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu. Chronopotentiometry Based on Nano-Au Labeled Aggregates Enlargement Used for The Immunoassay of Complement C3, Acta Chimica Sinica, 63(2005), 2093-2097

  Hua Wang, Jishan Li, Yanjun Ding, Cunxi Lei, Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu. Novel immunoassay for Toxoplasma gondii-specific immunoglobulin G using a silica nanoparticle-based biomolecular immobilization method, Analytica Chimica Acta, 501(2004), 37-43


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