

湖南大学 考研网/2015-09-25

姓 名黄维清性 别照 片
职 称副教授评定时间2006.3
职 务/目前可支配经费 3.0 (万元)
起止时间经 历
1989.9-1992.6湖南益阳师专 物理学
1992.7-1998.8湖南省安化县第六中学 教师
1998.9-2001.2湖南大学应用物理系 硕士研究生 (材料物理与化学)
2001.3-2002.4湖南大学材料科学与工程 教师
2002.9-2005.5湖南大学和中科院化学研究所联合培养 博士研究生 (材料物理与化学)
2006.7-2009.1中南大学 材料科学与工程 博士后 (合作导师:黄伯云院士)
2009.3-2010.2新加坡国立大学 访问学者
2002.5--湖南大学物理与微电子科学学院 教师
主 要 研 究 领 域
序号研 究 领 域
新型金属表面等离子体亚波长光学材料与器件的理论设计2007.1- 2009.12省自然科学基金重点项目10.0第二
Phonon-cavity-enhanced low-temperature thermal conductance of a semiconductor nanowire with narrow constrictions2007.6Physical Review B第一VirtualJournalofNanoscaleScience&Technology (收录) SCI收录
Selective transport of ballistic phonon modes by an acoustic nanocavity in a Ψ-shaped semiconductor nanowire2008.9Journal of Applied Physics第一VirtualJournalofNanoscaleScience&Technology (收录) SCI收录
Selective transmission and enhanced thermal conductance of ballistic phonon by nanocavities embedded in a narrow constriction2009.1Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics第一SCI收录
Material properties dependence of ballistic phonon transmission through two coupled nanocavities2009.6Journal of Applied Physics第一VirtualJournalofNanoscaleScience&Technology (收录) SCI收录
Effects of lanthanum on magnetic behavior and hardness of electroless Ni-Fe-P deposits2009.5International Journal of Materials Research第一SCI收录
Magnetic properties of CoFeP films prepared by electroless deposition.2009.4Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials第一SCI收录
Influence of CeCl3 and Deposition Parameters on Electroless NiFeP Deposition2009.3International Journal of Electrochemical Science第一SCI收录
Effects of Ligands on Electroless Ni-Fe-P thin Films from Sulphate Bath2008.11International Journal of Electrochemical Science第一SCI收录
Propagation characteristics of the silica and silicon subwavelength-diameter hollow wire waveguides2008.10Chinese Optics Letters第二 (研究生第一)SCI收录
Acoustic phonon transport in a four-channel quantum structure2009.5Journal of Applied Physics第三VirtualJournalofNanoscaleScience&Technology (收录) SCI收录
Molecular dynamics simulation of polycrystalline molybdenum nanowires under uniaxial tensile strain: Size effects2008.10Physica E第四SCI收录
Heat transport in a four-perpendicularity-bend quantum waveguide2008.7Physics Letters A第三SCI收录
Effect of diffusion layers and defect layer on acoustic phonons transport through the structure consisting of different films2008.5Physics Letters A第三SCI收录
A wide bandgap plasmonic Bragg reflector2008.5Optics Express第四SCI收录
Studies on the Fe-P Film Plating from a Chemical Bath: Deposition Mechanism and Parameter Effects2008.3International Journal of Electrochemical Science第二SCI收录
Acoustic phonon transport through a quantum waveguide with two stubs2007.9Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics第三 通讯作者SCI收录
Preparation and luminescence properties of nanocrystalline La2O3:Eu phosphor2007.8Materials Letter第三SCI收录
The influence of Nd on the corrosion behavior of electroless-deposited Fe-P2007.6International Journal of Materials Research第四SCI收录
Effects of Complexing Agents on the Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Ni-Fe-P Alloys2007.4International Journal of Electrochemical Science第二SCI收录
Acoustic phonon transport and thermal conductance in a periodically modulated quantum wire2007.5Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics第三SCI收录
Surface phonon polaritons in a semi-infinite superlattice with a cap layer consisting of ternary crystal2007.4Physics Letters A第三SCI收录
The evolution of the interface phonon-polariton modes in a finite superlattice with a structural defect2006.12Semiconductor Science and technology第三SCI收录
The influence of boundary conditions on thermal conductance in semiconductor quantum wire with structural defect2006.9Physics Letters A第四SCI收录
Electrochemical study of electroless deposition of Fe–P alloys2005.8Electrochimica Acta第二SCI收录
Coupling effect on phonon thermal transport in a double-stub quantum wire2006.6Applied Physics Letters第四SCI收录
A surface optical phonon assisted transition in a semi-infinite superlattice with a cap layer2006.1Semiconductor Science and technology第三SCI收录
Acoustic phonon transmission and thermal conductance in a double-bend quantum waveguide2005.11Journal of Applied Physics第一VirtualJournalofNanoscaleScience&Technology (收录) SCI收录
Localized electronic states in N-layer-based superlattices with structural defects2005.6Physica E第一SCI收录
Discontinuity effect on the phonon transmission and thermal conductance in a dielectric quantum waveguide2005.1Physics Letters A第一SCI收录
Lattice thermal conductivity in a hollow silicon nanowire2005.5International Journal of Modern Physics B第一SCI收录
Influence of the coupling between the normal and lateral motions on surface states of a semi-infinite superlattice with a cap layer2004.6Physics Letters A第一SCI收录

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    湖南大学 考研网 2015-09-25
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    湖南大学 考研网 2015-09-25
  • 湖南大学机械与运载工程学院导师介绍:刘坚
      个人基本情况:  姓名:刘坚  出生年月:1975年1月  民族:汉  政治面貌:中共党员  职称职务:副教授、机械与运载工程学院院长助理  最高学历、学位:博士  工作单位:湖南大学机械与运载工 ...
    湖南大学 考研网 2015-09-25