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Dr Thomas G. Bauer
Dr Bauer has been involved in the hotel and tourism industry since 1971 when he started his career as an apprentice in a German hotel. He subsequently gained undergraduate degrees in Business Administration (Landshut) as well as Tourism (Munich), a Master of Business in Tourism Development (Victoria University) and a PhD (Monash). He has taught tourism at tertiary level since 1989 and currently holds the post of Assistant Professor in Tourism in the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Thomas has travelled extensively in over 60 countries on all continents. He has worked in Germany, Japan, Fiji, the United States, Australia and Hong Kong. Thomas is one of the leading experts on Antarctic Tourism and has traveled to the region 15 times as a lecturer, researcher, and guide and Zodiac driver. He has consulted to UNWTO and the government of Hong Kong. Dr Bauer’s achievements have earned him entries into the 1999 and 2001 ‘Who is Who in the World’. He is a Rainforest Guardian of the Australian Rainforest Foundation, aFellow of the Royal Geographical Society, London, a Fellow of the Australian Tourism Research Institute (FATRI) 2001, Honorary Professor, Shanghai Institute of Tourism, Honorary Fellow of Footscray Institute, Melbourne, Australia 1989, and is a Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE). He has published widely and is the author of the book Tourism in the Antarctic: Opportunities, Constraints and Future Prospects.
Environment oriented activities
As a rainforest guardian of the Australian Rainforest Foundation and the owner of a 38 acre conservation rainforest property in Queensland, Australia I have a high awareness of conservation issues including mangrove protection.
Member of PATA’s Committee for Sustainable Tourism
World Vision Australia and World Vision Kenya advisor on the establishment of an elephant sanctuary as a community development option for the Taru ADP, Coastal District, Kenya 1-6 May 2004. Conducted workshop and site visit. This was the first time in the history of World Vision that tourism has been considered as a development option.
Bauer, T. and Leung P. Development of Tourism Products Contributing to Poverty Alleviation. Invited presentation at the UNESCAP Seminar on Poverty Alleviation through Sustainable Tourism Development, Kathmandu, Nepal 26-28 August.
Sustainable Tourism Planning, Development and Management. Invited presentation at the ITF-PATA Forum at the 2004 Taipei International Travel Fair, Taipei, Taiwan 18 November 2004
Ecotourism consultant to IBM Business Consulting Services, Hong Kong on the establishment of performance indicators for the future operator of the Hong Kong Wetland Park (February-March 2003)
First foreign tourism expert for a county level tourism master planning exercise in China. Wulong County, July 2002 (invited by CNTA). Provided advise on existing and potential future tourism infrastructure and their appeal to the international tourism market.
Invited by China National Tourism Administration and Peking University as the international tourism expert for the development of a Xiamen Tourism Master Plan 26, April to 12 May 2002. Assessment of existing tourism infrastructure and its adequacy and appeal for the international tourism market.
Bauer, T. 2003 Carrying Capacity of Cultural Heritage destinations. Invited presentation at the WTO/UNESCAP seminar on Sustainable Tourism Resource Management, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 9-10 June (published in the proceedings)
Invited speaker at the International Ecotourism Conference Okinawa, Japan Nov/Dec 2002
Participant in the BEST seminar to develop a universal curriculum for sustainable tourism, South Africa February 2001
Moderator and Chairman of the Environment & Sustainable Tourism in the PATA Region session at the 48th PATA Annual Conference in Nagoya, Japan, 1999
Publications related to ecotourism/ environment
Bauer, T. 2004 Antarctica: Sustainable Tourism Indicators. In Indicators of Sustainable Development for Tourism Destinations. WTO, Madrid pp 338-341
Bauer, T. and Ap. J. 2004 Sustainable Tourism. In: Mottershead, T. (ed.) Sustainable Development in Hong Kong. Hong Kong University Press, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Bauer, T. 2003 Ecotourism: Issues and prospects in China, The Voice of TIC, Vol. 4 pp.17-20
Deng, J., Bauer, T. and Huang, Y. 2003 Ecotourism, Protected Areas and Globalization: Issues and Prospects in China. ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism, Vol. 2, pp.17-32
Deng, J. King, B. and Bauer, T. 2002 ‘Evaluating Natural Attractions for Tourism’. Annals of Tourism Research Vol. 29, No 2. pp 422-438.
Bauer, T. 2003 Antarctic Tourism: A Unique Educational Experience. In Ritchie, B. (ed.) Managing Educational Tourism, Channel View Publications, Clevedon pp. 126-129
Bauer, T. and Dowling, R. 2003 Ecotourism Policies and Issues in Antarctica. In: Fennell, D.A. and Dowling R. (eds.) 2003 Ecotourism Policy and Planning, pp. 309-329 CABI Publishing, Oxon .
Bauer, T. 2003 Environmental Risks in Antarctica In BIMCO Review 2003, Baltic and International Maritime Council, Copenhagen, Denmark pp.204-207
Bauer, T 2001 Tourism in the Antarctic: Opportunities, Constraints and Future Prospects. The Haworth Hospitality Press, Binghamton, New York. This book covers ecotourism in the greatest wilderness area of the world.
Bauer, T. and Chan, A.2001 ‘Does the environment matter? Experiences, attitudes and re-visit intentions of International visitors to Hong Kong’. Pacific Tourism Review. Vol. 5 No.1/2 pp.75-82
Thomas G. Bauer博士
1 澳大利亚雨林基金会雨林保护者之一,在昆士兰拥有38英亩的雨林保护区,对包括红树在内的自然保护区高度重视。
2 亚太旅游协会可持续旅游委员会会员
3 《澳大利亚世界展望》和《肯尼亚世界展望》的顾问。2004年5月1-6日,为肯尼亚沿海区建立大象保护区,旅游作为发展的选择是《世界展望》的历史中的第一次。
4 Bauer,T和Leung P. 旅游产品对减轻贫困贡献的发展。8月26-28日,应邀出席在尼泊尔Kathmandu举行的联合国亚太经合组织关于通过旅游可持续发展减轻贫困的会议。
5 可持续旅游规划、发展和管理。2004年11月28日,应邀参加台北举行的2004台北国际旅游展览会,出席ITF-PATA论坛。
6 进行IBM商业咨询服务的生态旅游咨询,指导香港湿地公园未来开发机构。
Bauer,T. 2003文化遗产目的地的发展力。6月9-10日,应邀出席在柬埔寨Phnom Penh举行的世界旅游组织和亚太旅游协会的研讨会,探讨可持续旅游资源管理问题。

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