

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-23


jzpeng[at]zzu.edu.cn (请将[at]换成@)




? 2015/01-至今,郑州大学,电气工程学院,副教授
? 2012/09-2015/10,郑州大学,电气工程学院,博士后
? 2009/07-2011/07,加拿大University of New Brunswick,机械工程系,博士后
? 2008/08-2014/12,郑州大学,电气工程学院,讲师

? IEEE Member
? 中国自动化学会会员

? 2018年,河南省教育厅学术技术带头人
? 2018年,河南省高校青年骨干教师
? 2018年,第二届“林枫奖教金”优秀教师奖
? 2017年,首届“林枫奖教金”优秀教师奖
? 2015年,郑州大学本科教学审核评估先进个人

? (主持)河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划项目(20HASTIT031),2020.01-2021.12
? (主持)国家自然科学基金项目(**),2018.01-2021.12
? (主持)河南省高校青年骨干教师培训计划项目(2017GGJS004),2018.01-2020.12
? (主持)河南省自然科学基金项目(**0),2017.01-2018.12
? (主持)郑州大学优秀青年教师发展基金项目(),2016.01-2018.12

[1] Jinzhu Peng, Shuai Ding, Zeqi Yang, Jianbin Xin*. Adaptive neural impedance control for electrically driven robotic systems based on a neuro-adaptive observer. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-020-05569-8
[2] Jianbin Xin, Chuang Meng, Frederik Schulte, Jinzhu Peng*, Yanhong Liu, Rudy Negenborn. A Time-Space Network Model for Collision-free Routing of Planar Motions in a Multi-Robot Station. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1109/TII.2020.**
[3] Jinzhu Peng*, Shuai Ding, Zeqi Yang, Fangfang Zhang. Neural Network-Based Hybrid Position/Force Tracking Control for Robotic Systems Without Velocity Measurement. Neural Processing Letters, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11063-019-10138-1
[4] Jinzhu Peng, Zeqi Yang, Yaonan Wang, Fangfang Zhang*, Yanhong Liu. Robust Adaptive Motion/Force Control Scheme for Crawler-type Mobile Manipulator with Nonholonomic Constraint Based on Sliding Mode Control Approach. ISA Transactions, 92: 166-179, 2019
[5] Jinzhu Peng*, Rickey Dubay. Adaptive fuzzy backstepping control for a class of uncertain nonlinear strict-feedback systems based on dynamic surface control approach. Expert Systems With Applications, 120: 239-252, 2019
[6] Zeqi Yang, Jinzhu Peng*, Yanhong Liu. Adaptive Neural Network Force Tracking Impedance Control for Uncertain Robotic Manipulator Based on Nonlinear Velocity Observer. Neurocomputing, 331: 263-280, 2019
[7] Jinzhu Peng, Zeqi Yang, Tianlei Ma*. Position/Force Tracking Impedance Control for Robotic Systems with Uncertainties Based on Adaptive Jacobian and Neural Network. Complexity, 2019: **, 2019
[8] Xuhong Ma, Jinzhu Peng*. Kinect sensor-based long-distance hand gesture recognition and fingertips detection with depth information. Journal of Sensors, 2018: **, 2018
[9] Yingnan Bian, Jinzhu Peng*, Chuang Han. Finite-time Control for Nonholonomic Mobile Robot by Brain Emotional Learning-based Intelligent Controller. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 14(2): 683-695, 2018
[10] Jinzhu Peng*, Yan Liu, Jie Wang. Fuzzy adaptive output feedback control for robotic systems based on fuzzy adaptive observer. Nonlinear Dynamics, 78(2): 789-801, 2014
[11] Jinzhu Peng*, Jie Yu, Jie Wang. Robust adaptive tracking control for nonholonomic mobile manipulator with uncertainties. ISA Transactions, 53(4): 1035-1043, 2014
[12] Jinzhu Peng, Rickey Dubay*. Nonlinear inversion-based control with adaptive neural network compensation for uncertain MIMO systems. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(9): 8162-8171, 2012
[13] Jinzhu Peng, Rickey Dubay*, Jose Mauricio Hernandez, Ma’moun Abu-Ayyad. A Wiener Neural Network-Based Identification and Adaptive Generalized Predictive Control for Nonlinear SISO Systems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 50(12): 7388-7397, 2011
[14] Jinzhu Peng*, Jie Wang, Yaonan Wang. Neural network based robust hybrid control for robotic system: an H approach. Nonlinear Dynamics, 65(4): 421-431, 2011
[15] Jinzhu Peng, Rickey Dubay*. Identification and adaptive neural network control of a DC motor system with dead-zone characteristics. ISA Transactions, 50(4): 588-598, 2011
[16] 彭金柱*, 王耀南, 王杰. 基于递归模糊神经网络的机器人鲁棒H跟踪控制. 控制理论与应用, 27(9): 1145-1151, 2010
[17] Jinzhu Peng, Shuai Ding, Rickey Dubay*. Adaptive Impedance Control Based on Neural Network for Electrically-Driven Robotic Systems. The 14th Annual IEEE International System Conference (SYSCON2020), Montreal, Canada, 2020
[18] Shuai Ding, Jinzhu Peng*, Yixin Hou, Xiaodong Lei. Neural Network-based Hybrid Position/Force Tracking Control for Flexible Joint Robot. The 14th Annual IEEE International System Conference (SYSCON2020), Montreal, Canada, 2020
[19] Jinzhu Peng*, Xuhong Ma, Feibiao Meng, Yan Liu. Robust Quadratic Stabilization Tracking Control for Mobile Robot with Nonholonomic Constraint, 2017 International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences (ICRAS 2017), Hongkong, China, 2017
[20] Yingnan Bian, Jinzhu Peng*. Neural network based robust tracking control for nonholonomic mobile robotic system. 2nd Annual International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Information Science (EEEIS 2016), Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, 2016
[21] Jinzhu Peng, Rickey Dubay*. Wiener-type neural network for nonlinear system identification. The 22nd IASTED International Symposia on Modelling and Simulation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July 4-6, 2011
[22] Jinzhu Peng, Rickey Dubay*. PID-type neural network control of a DC motor system Based on Dynamic Neural Network Identification. The 22nd IASTED International Symposia on Modelling and Simulation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July 4-6, 2011
[23] Jinzhu Peng, Rickey Dubay*. Neural Network-Based Parameters Identification of Dynamic Systems with Time Delay, The 20th International Conference of Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, San Francisco, USA, July 12-14, 2010
[24] Jinzhu Peng, Rickey Dubay*. Adaptive Control for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Using Recurrent Neural Networks, The 20th International Conference of Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, San Francisco, USA, July 12-14, 2010

? 指导硕士生杨泽琦获2019年度河南省优秀硕士论文,2020年
? 撰写《以智能制造引领工业转型升级》被河南省政协确定为河南省政协十二届九次常委会议大会口头报告,2019年

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