

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-03

  王秋芬,女,汉族,1969年9月生,博士、副教授, 物理化学学院硕士生导师。

主要研究方向:    锂离子电池电极材料,新能源材料
2014年1月--2016年12月,石墨烯/导电高聚物/锡(硅)基纳米管三元复合负极材料的制备及脱嵌锂特性(20**6),2013年度高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助课题(博导类),经费12万元,可支配经费 3万元。
2014年1月--2015年12月,三元复合负极材料的制备与提高能量密度的研究,上海航天科技创新基金(上海航天技术研究院811所),经费 10万元。

Qiufen Wang, Ying Huang, Juan Miao, Yang Zhao, Wei Zhang and Yan Wang. Synthesis and electrochemical characterizations of Ce doped SnS2anode materials for rechargeable lithium ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 93:120-130.
Qiufen Wang, Ying Huang, Juan Miao, Yang Zhao, Wei Zhang and Yan Wang. Graphene supported Ce-SnS2 nanocomposite as anode material for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2013, 96 (7): 2190-2196
Qiufen Wang, Ying Huang, Juan Miao, Yang Zhao and Yan Wang. Synthesis and properties of carbon-doped Li2SnO3 nanocomposite as cathode material for lithium-ion batteries. Materials Letters, 2012,71: 66-69.
Qiufen Wang, Ying Huang, Juan Miao, Yang Zhao and Yan Wang. Hydrothermal derived Li2SnO3/C composite as negative electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries,Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258 (18): 6923-6929.
Qiufen Wang, Ying Huang, Juan Miao, Yang Zhao and Yan Wang. Synthesis and properties of Li2SnO3/polyaniline nanocomposites as negative electrode material for lithium-ion batteries, Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258(24): 9896-9901.
Qiufen Wang, Ying Huang, Yang Zhao, Wei Zhang and Yan Wang. Preparation of Li2SnO3 and its application in lithium ion batteries. Surface and Interface Analysis, 2013, 45 (8): 1297-1303
Ying Huang, Qiufen Wang and Yan Wang. Preparation and electrochemical characterisation of polypyrrole-coated Li2SnO3 anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Micro & Nano Letters, 2012, 7(12): 1278-1281.
Qiufen Wang, Ying Huang, Juan Miao and Yan Wang. Fabrication of Zn-Se/stainless steel thin films by ultrasonic electrochemical deposition and its application. Advanced Materials Research,2011, 239-242:310-313.
王秋芬,黄英, 缪娟. 锂离子电池锡氧化物负极材料的研究进展. 电源技术. 2011, 135(8): 1000-1004
黄英,王秋芬,赵阳,齐暑华,王岩,姚文慧,王雷,张银玲,何倩. 锂电池碳掺杂锡酸锂负极材料的制备方法. 专利号:ZL 2011 1 **.1, 国家发明专利授权日:2013.8
黄英,王秋芬,赵阳,王岩,姚文慧,宗蒙. 聚合物掺杂锡酸锂负极材料的的制备方法.专利号:ZL2011 1 **.3, 国家发明专利授权日:2013.11.

电子信箱:        wqf@hpu.edu.cn
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相关话题/河南理工大学 化学工程