作者: 粘够 时间: 2013-1-7 23:25
标题: 河南大学2013翻译硕士回顾(修改)
本帖最后由 粘够 于 2013-1-9 18:02 编辑
英语翻译基础:词汇翻译难度适中,有情人节,战国时期,教师休息室,NATO,CBS(这个硬是想不起来)等等,剩下的都是常见的,大部分都可在前两年真 题中找到. 后面翻译虽没有涉及指定的两本参考书的内容,可风格极其相似,汉译英先有几个句子翻译,其中两个文言句子,记得是关于修身类的,后是文章翻 译:介绍春城--昆明,这个难度不小. 英译汉也是几个句子翻译,再文章翻译:关于seagull想飞却没勇气飞的文章,其中一个核心词好像是 ledge我翻译错了,难度总体适中.
百科名词解释25个,有经济软实力,山海经,论语,塔斯社,道家,怒江溜索,山寨产品,白描,瘦金体,湿地,剩下的等想起来再补充,感觉各个领域都有涉 及. 应用文写作是一则通知,关于学生会组织全校英语书法比赛的通知,300-500字,大作文是:铭记与忘记,800字.能想到的暂时就这些,欢迎各位战友 补充,希望我们能如愿以偿~ 考完后感触最深的一点是:用心考研的过程就是一种修行。
作者: 阳光凌雪 时间: 2013-1-8 17:15
词语翻译 还有京杭大运河
作者: 1990smile 时间: 2013-1-9 10:07
翻译基础的汉译英句子还有:1.进口用于复制的音像制品,其有关的著作权事项须向国务院著作权行政管理部门登记。(汉英翻译教程第256页) 2.见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。 3. 择善人而交,择善书而读,择善言而听,择善行而从。 4.一册在手,纵观全球。(《环球》杂志广告)(汉英翻译教程第61页)
作者: 考研Mopper 时间: 2013-1-9 11:42
作者: 阳光凌雪 时间: 2013-1-9 13:41
作者: 叶亚男237875527 时间: 2013-1-9 15:05
2013 年河南大学考题回顾
2 长城穿过绵延的山脉与 长12700里
见贤思齐 见不贤而自省
从国外进口用于复制的音像制品的版权 ,需要向国务院版权行政管理部门登记
交善友 读善书 听善言 丛善行
P40 练习:春城昆明
Kunming——City of Eternal Spring
Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province, is situated in the central area of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in southwest of China. Endowed with a pleasant climate, it is popularly known as the City of Eternal Spring(气候). As one of the 24 well-known historical and cultural cities, Kunming boasts a history of more than 1000 years(历史). With its numerous beautiful landscapes, rich and varied national cultures and ethnic customs, abundant natural resources and products, Kunming has become more and more attractive to foreign visitors.
昆明辖四区八县,总面积15561平方公里,总人口370万,居住着26个民族。市中心海拔1891米,城区三面环山,南濒滇池,依山傍水,全年气温变化 不大,日平均气温15.1C 夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,万紫千红花不谢,花枝不断四时春。有四百多种花卉。茶花为昆明市花。由于昆明气候四季如春,引得西伯利亚的数十万只红嘴鸥每值冬季都 要结群南徙,分享昆明春的气息。
Occupying a total area of 15,561 square kilometers, Kunming has 4 urban districts and 8 suburban counties under its jurisdiction, with a total population of 3.7 million consisting of 26 different ethnic groups. At an elevation of 1,891 meters, the city proper is surrounded on three sides by hills and faces the Dianchi Lake on the south. The temperature in Kunming varies only slightly all the year around with an annual average of 15.1 degrees Celsius. With no high summer or hard winter, flowers of all sorts bloom in a riot of color throughout the whole year. More than 400 species of flowers and plants are found in Kunming, of which camellia, in particular, has been designated as the city flower. Besides, tens of thousands of red-beak gulls migrate from Siberia to enjoy Kunming’s mild winter every year, creating a unique spectacle.
The Stone Forest, one of China’s four great natural wonders, is located at the Lunan Autonomous County of the Yi nationality, 90 kilometers southwest of Kunming. With an area of 350 square kilometers, it is the largest and the most intact Karst landform on earth. This place is populated by the Sani people, one of the offshoots of the Yi nationality. According to the legend, it is the native place of Ashima, a most beautiful and talented folk song singer. Here the unique scenery and the multi-hued ethnic charms and customs that add radiance and beauty to each other have fascinated many visitors.
Kunming is a provincial capital of China with the largest concentration of national minorities. Festive activities, such as the Torch Festival of the Yi, the Water-Sprinkling Festival of the Dai, the March 3 (of the lunar year) Outing of the Han and Yao, and the Munao Festival of the Jingpo, display the style of grace of the respective ethnic groups.
Kunming’s communication network extends in all directions. As one of the China’s six international airports, the Kunming Airport handles 2.4 million passengers a year. In addition, six railroads connect the nation-wide railway network and Vietnam while a high-grade highway system is already under construction. The IDD service in Kunming reaches more than 200 countries and regions the world over as well as all the large and medium-sized cities in China.
There are 38 hotels for foreign visitors with 6,000 standard rooms, which provided excellent service for both Chinese and overseas guests.
文章也是课本里的 His first flight
海鸥的第一段 那一页 大家看书找一下吧
作者: 微蓝Lucky.w 时间: 2013-2-25 11:51
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作者: 微蓝Lucky.w 时间: 2013-2-26 12:33
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作者: 粘够 时间: 2013-2-26 17:40
微蓝Lucky.w 发表于 2013-2-26 12:33
请问楼主关于翻译硕士的参考书就是那本英汉翻译教程好像有两个版本的就是这两个版本 ...
我用的是右边那本 实用英汉翻译教程,还有它的姊妹篇,也就是专业目录上指定的那两本,还有你问我百科,我主要是把去年各校的真题名词解释准备了一下,明年题型不一定会不会变,所以你多看点知识还是有好处的,祝你成功~
作者: 微蓝Lucky.w 时间: 2013-2-26 21:55
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作者: kailio 时间: 2013-5-1 20:35
作者: Alex.一个人久了 时间: 2013-5-2 17:34
作者: 我要考研yeah! 时间: 2013-5-23 19:23
作者: 米修123 时间: 2013-5-23 23:48
叶亚男237875527 发表于 2013-1-9 15:05
2013 年河南大学考题回顾
作者: 粘够 时间: 2013-5-25 13:08
kailio 发表于 2013-5-1 20:35
作者: 粘够 时间: 2013-5-25 13:24
Alex.一个人久了 发表于 2013-5-2 17:34
童鞋,能告诉我河大翻硕考题侧重哪个方面吗??还有就是你的真题是在哪买的?感激不尽!! ...
作者: 粘够 时间: 2013-5-25 13:26
我要考研yeah! 发表于 2013-5-23 19:23
还有,请问历年真题怎么才能买到啊?好人有好报~ ...
作者: 米修123 时间: 2013-5-27 23:16
叶亚男237875527 发表于 2013-1-9 15:05
2013 年河南大学考题回顾
作者: 科大狂人 时间: 2013-6-12 20:59
作者: 1030215223 时间: 2013-8-13 14:08
作者: 咿呀,加油 时间: 2014-4-19 15:58
楼主你好,我是15年的,准备考河大的翻译硕士,可是查不到相关复习资料及参考书目,求指导。 我的扣扣2037649436 ,万分感谢
作者: 咿呀,加油 时间: 2014-5-6 19:49
考试题型每年都会变的是么??? 怎么在网上都找不到真题呢?
作者: 祈夏安然 时间: 2015-9-19 00:07