

河南农业大学 考研网/2016-03-01

姓名 刘怀攀 姓名拼音 liuhuaipan
性别 职称/职务 教授/主任
出生年月 1970.6 民族 汉族
导师类别 硕士导师 政治面貌 中共党员
所在院系 农学院
所在学科 作物学
研究专长 作物抗性生理、植物分子生理
电话、传真 **
通讯地址 河南省农业厅
E-mail liuhuaipan@yahoo.com.cn
导师批准时间和指导研究生情况 2006.7;目前指导两名研究生做国家自然科学基金项目,已经协助指导3名研究生顺利毕业。
任职经历 2008.12至今,河南省农业厅,厅长助理。
学术和社会兼职 中国植物生理学会河南分会副理事长;《作物学报》审稿专家。
承担主要科研项目和获奖情况 (1) 国家自然科学基金 No.30771296,水分胁迫下玉米幼苗根叶细胞内结合态多胺的功能,第一主持人。
论著和论文(著作限填5部,代表性论文10篇) 1.Liu Huai Pan,Liu You Liang,Yu Bing Jun.Increased Polyamines conjugated to tonoplast vesicles from wheat seedling roots enhanced osmotic stress tolerance via maintenance of the H+-ATPase and H+-PPase Activities.Journal of Plant Growth Regulation,23(2):156-165.
2.Liu Huai Pan,Dong Bi Hui,Zhang Yan Yan,Liu You Liang,Liu Zhao Pu.Relationship between osmotic stress and the levels of free,conjugated and bound polyamines in leaves of wheat seedlings.Plant Science,166 (5): 1261-1267.
3.Liu Huai Pan,Liu Jun,Zhang Yan Yan,Liu You Liang.Relationship between ATPase activity and conjugated polyamines in mitochondrial membrane from wheat seedling roots under osmotic stress.Journal of Environmental Science,16 (5): 712-716.
4.Liu Huai Pan,Yu Bing Jun,Liu You Liang.Effect of osmotic stress on the activity of H+-ATPase and the levels of covalently and noncovalently conjugated polyamines in plasma membrane from wheat seedling roots.Plant Science,168:1599-1607.
5.Liu Huai Pan,Yu Bing Jun,Ji Xiu E,Liu You Liang.Relationship between osmotic stress and polyamines conjugated to the deoxyribonucleic acid-protein in wheat seedling roots.Science in China Series C-Life science,49 (1):1-6 (IF of SCI: 0.320).
6.Liu Huai Pan,Ji Xiu E,Shi Liu Gong,Li Chao Hai,2006.Effect of osmotic stress on the contents of different form polyamines in leaves of maize seedlings.Acta Agronomica Sinica,32 (10):1430-1436.
7.LIU Huai-Pan,ZHU Zi-Xue,LIU Tian-Xue,LI Chao-Hai,2006.Effects of osmotic stress on the kinds,forms and levels of polyamines in wheat coleoptiles.Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology,32 (3): 293-299.
8.Liu H P,Liu T X,Zhu Z X,L i C H.Involvement of polyamine in osmotic stress-induced ABA signaling pathway.Proceedings of the China Association for Science and Technology,2006,2 (1):231-236
国际学术交流情况 2006.5月,参加首届国际生物节水会议并做大会报告。

