
哈尔滨医科大学生物信息科学与技术学院研究生导师简介-孙 杰

哈尔滨医科大学 [db:出处]/2016-02-28

>副教授 姓  名: 孙 杰 部  门: 生物医学软件工程教研室 职  称: 副教授 学  历: 博士研究生 职  务: 教师 办公电话: 0451-86620941-132 办公地址: 分子生物学馆132室 Email: sunjie2211(at)gmail.com 主要研究方向: 非编码RNA生物信息学研究 个人简介   孙杰,博士、副教授,2012年毕业于哈尔滨医科大学获生物物理学博士学位,2007年至哈尔滨医科大学生物医学软件工程教研室工作,主要从事非编码RNA生物信息学的研究和高级程序设计语言、数据库原理与程序设计、商业与经济统计、医用高等数学、高等数学等课程的教学工作。2013年晋升为副教授,指导本科生毕业设计6人。近几年,孙杰副教授在非编码基因的识别、功能预测和进化研究上取得一系列了重要的学术成果,发表SCI收录论文12篇(第一作者9篇,累计影响因子33.167)。这些研究成果分别发表在国际著名学术杂志《Bioinformatics》,《PLoS ONE》,《Genomics》,《FEBS Letters》,《FEBS Journal》和《GENE》等上。主持省教育厅、省卫生厅、中国博士后课题项目各1项,获哈尔滨市自然科学技术学术成果一等奖、优秀奖、黑龙江省自然科学技术学术成果奖三等奖共4项。   主要承担的课题项目: 黑龙江省教育厅项目:复杂疾病lncRNA基因调控网络重构和分子动态性研究.(12541319) (2014-2016年,在研)。 黑龙江省卫生厅项目:基于复杂网络和蛋白质结构域组的肝癌相关microRNA基因的挖掘技术研究和应用.(2012809)(2013-2014年,在研). 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:复杂疾病lncRNA基因调控网络重构与调控模式研究.(2014M551268)(在研).   主要科研奖励情况: 哈尔滨市自然科学技术学术成奖一等奖 : characterization and evolution of microRNA gene derived from repetitive elements and duplication events in plants (2013) 哈尔滨市自然科学技术学术成奖优秀奖: 脊椎动物miRNA基因的基因组组织特征与进化系统生物学研究(2013). 哈尔滨市自然科学技术学术成奖优秀奖: genome-wide analysis of clustering patterns and flanking characteristics for plant microRNA genes (2012). 第十二届黑龙江省自然科学技术学术成果奖三等奖:In silico detection and characteristics of novel microRNA g enes in the Equus caballus genome using an integrated ab initio and comparative genomic approach (2011).   主要发表的论文列表: 12. Jie Sun, Hongbo Shi, Zhenzhen Wang, Changjian Zhang, Lin Liu, Letian Wang, Weiwei He, Dapeng Hao, Shulin Liu, and Meng Zhou. Inferring novel lncRNA-disease associations based on a random walk model of a lncRNA functional similarity network. Molecular BioSystems. (2014) ( SCI IF : 3.35). 11. Jie Sun, Bo Gao, Meng Zhou, Zhen-zhen Wang, Fan Zhang, Jia-en Deng, Xia Li. Comparative genomic analysis reveals evolutionary characteristics and patterns of microRNA clusters in vertebrates. Gene 512 (2013) 383–391. (SCI IF : 2.341) 10. Jie Sun, Meng Zhou, Haixiu Yang, Jiaen Deng, Letian Wang, Qianghu Wang. Inferring Potential microRNA-microRNA Associations Based on Targeting Propensity and Connectivity in the Context of Protein Interaction Network. PLoS ONE 8(7): e69719. (SCI IF : 3.73) 9. Jie Sun, Meng Zhou, Zhi-Tao Mao, Da-Peng Hao, Zhen-zhen Wang, Chuan-Xing Li. Systematic analysis of genomic organization and structure of long noncoding RNAs in the human genome. FEBS Letters 587 (2013) 976–982. (SCI IF : 3.582) 8. Jie Sun, Meng Zhou, Zhitao Mao, Chuanxing Li. Characterization and Evolution of microRNA Genes Derived from Repetitive Elements and Duplication Events in Plants. PLoS ONE 7(4): e34092. April 2012. (SCI IF : 4.092) 7. Jie Sun, Hai-ping Liu, Jia-en Deng, Meng Zhou. Systematic analysis of genomic organization and heterogeneities of miRNA cluster in vertebrates. Mol Biol Rep (2012) 39:5143–5149. (SCI IF : 2.929) 6. Sali Lv, Yan Li, Qianghu Wang, Shangwei Ning, Teng Huang, Peng Wang, Jie Sun, Yan Zheng, Weisha Liu, Jing Ai, Xia Li. A novel method to quantify gene set functional association based on gene ontology. J. R. Soc. Interface, Volume 9, no.70, Pages 1063-1072. 2012 May. (SCI IF: 4.259) 5. Qianghu Wang, Meng Zhou, Jie Sun, Shangwei Ning, Yan Li, Li Chen, Yan Zheng, Xiang Li, Sali lv, Xia Li. Systematic analysis of human microRNA divergence based on evolutionary emergence. FEBS Lett, Volume 585, Issue 1, Pages 240-248. 2011 Jan. (SCI IF: 3.601) 4. Meng Zhou, Jie Sun, Qianghu Wang, Liqun Song, Guang Zhao, Hongzhi Wang, Haixiu yang, Xia Li. Genome-wide analysis of clustering patterns and flanking characteristics for plant microRNA genes. FEBS Journal, Volume 278, Issue 6, pages 929-940, April 2011.(SCI IF: 3.75) 3. Qianghu Wang, Jie Sun§, Meng Zhou, Haixiu Yang, Yan Li, Xiang Li, Sali Lv, Xia Li and Yixue Li. A novel network-based method for measuring the functional relationship between gene sets. Bioinformatics, Volume 27, Issue 11, Pages 1521-1528. 2011 Jun.(SCI IF: 5.468) 2. Xia Li, Qianghu Wang, Yan Zheng, Sali Lv, Shangwei Ning, Jie Sun, Teng Huang, Qifan Zheng, Huan Ren, Jin Xu, Xishan Wang, Yixue Li. Prioritizing human cancer microRNAs based on genes' functional consistency between microRNA and cancer. Nucleic Acids Res, Volume 39, Issue 22, Pages e153. 2011 Oct 5. (SCI IF: 7.836) 1. Meng Zhou, Qianghu Wang, Jie Sun, Xia Li, Liangde Xu, Haixiu Yang, Hongbo Shi, Shangwei Ning, Li Chen, Yan Li, Taotao He, Yan Zheng. In silico detection and characteristics of novel microRNA genes in the Equus caballus genome using an integrated ab initio and comparative genomic approach. Genomics, 2009 Aug, 94:125-131.