

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-26










江树勇,男,1973年1月生,博士,教授。哈尔滨工程大学材料科学与化学工程学院材料科学与工程专业博士生导师,材料科学与工程专业硕士生导师,哈尔滨工程大学机电工程学院机械工程硕士生导师。2005年11月于哈尔滨工业大学获得材料加工工程博士学位,2006年3月哈尔滨工程大学破格晋升为副教授,2010年12月破格晋升为教授。2009年11月哈尔滨工程大学材料科学与工程博士后流动站出站。2013年被聘为江苏省创新创业领军人才和镇江331计划领军人才。学术兼职为中国机械工程学会塑性工程分会会员;中国机械工程学会模具成型与制造委员会委员;国家自然科学基金会议评审专家;国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家;国家科技奖励专家库成员;国家创新人才推进计划综合评议专家;教育部学位与研究生教育学位论文评审专家;河北省和北京市自然科学基金通讯评审专家;《应用科技》期刊编委;《International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture》、《Journal of Materials Processing Technology》、《Computational Materials Science 》、《Materials and Design》、《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids》、《Thin Solid Films》、《Mechanics of Materials》、《Materials Characterization》、《Smart Materials and Structure》、《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》、《Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials》、《International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering》、《Materials Letters》、《Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics》、《PLOS ONE》、《Metals and Materials International》、《Journal of Materials Research》、《Phase transitions》、《Journal of Materials Science and Technology》、《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》、《Materials Research Express》、《Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science》、《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》、《Advances in Mechanical Engineering》、《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》、《Journal of Central South University》、《Journal of Chinese Mechanical Engineering》、《Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters)》、《Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers》、《International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials》等国内外30余种SCI期刊审稿人。主持《国家自然科学基金》面上项目2项,在国内外三十几种期刊上发表科研论文100余篇,其中SCI收录77篇(第一作者或通讯作者论文74篇),EI收录90余篇,申请发明专利19项, 已授权10项,翻译机械工业出版社《晶界与晶体塑性》和《工程材料力学行为》著作两部。发表教学研究论文20余篇,主编高等教育出版社教材《工程材料》和《材料成形技术基础》两部。作为参加人获得国家级教学团队、省教学成果一等奖各1项,作为负责人获得国家多媒体课件一等奖、国家级多媒体课件三等奖、江苏省科学技术奖三等奖、省级精品课程和省级教学成果二等奖各1项。

1992年9月–1996年7月, 太原重型机械学院,锻压工艺与设备,学士学位;
2000年9月–2002年7月, 哈尔滨工业大学,材料加工工程,硕士学位;

1996年8月–2000年8月, 哈尔滨飞机制造公司,助理工程师;

1.《镍钛形状记忆合金管滚珠旋压变形机制及组织演变机理研究》, 国家自然科学基金, 2011.1-2013.12, 38万元, 负责人.
2. 《基于精确塑性成形成性的异种形状记忆合金复合管微观结构演变机理及界面结合机制》, 国家自然科学基金, 2015.1-2018.12, 83万元, 负责人.
3.《LNG超低温球阀数字化设计与制造关键技术研究》, 民品横向, 2013-1-2016.1, 150万元, 负责人.
4.《LNG超低温蝶阀数字化设计与制造关键技术研究》, 民品横向, 2013.1-2016.1, 50万元, 负责人.
5.《某直升机旋转盘锻件等温精密成形工艺及模具数字化设计》, 民品横向, 2012.5-2013.6, 3万元, 负责人.
6.《镍钛基形状记忆合金管接头等温精密塑性成形微观结构演变及形状记忆效应研究》, 教育部博士点基金, 2014.1-2016.12, 4万元, 第2名.

1. The 12th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity 2017 (ICTP2017), 英国剑桥大学, 2017.9.17-2017.9.22, 口头报告;
2. Annealing 2017 China (International) Functional Materials Technology and Industry Forum (CFMTIF2017),银川, 2017.8.18- 2017.8.21, 特邀报告.
3. 2016 China International Conference on Functional Materials & 9 th China National Conference on Functional Materials and Applications (CIFM 2016), 重庆, 2016.7.25-2016.7.28, 特邀报告.
5. 第十三届中国机械工程学会塑性工程分会年会,武汉,2013.10.14-, 口头报告




10. 国内外三十余种SCI期刊审稿专家.

1.江树勇, 张艳秋, 赵亚楠, 张春芳, 钱玉峰, 钱存根.一种复合密封低温球阀. 专利号: ZL**5, 2017.6.20.
2.江树勇, 张艳秋, 赵亚楠, 钱存根, 钱玉峰. 一种基于记忆合金弹性元件的低温双瓣式止回阀. 专利号: ZL**9.4, 2016.10.21.
3.江树勇, 张艳秋, 赵立红, 唐明, 胡励, 镍钛形状记忆合金复合管接头成形方法. 专利号: ZL**7.X, 2014.8.20.
4. 江树勇, 张艳秋, 唐明, 李红彬, 梁玉龙. 基于液体介质的形状记忆合金管接头扩径装置. 专利号: ZL**0.6, 2014.1.29.
5. 江树勇, 张艳秋, 郑玉峰, 易文林, 范红涛. 径向间隙可调的双层滚珠旋压装置. 专利号: ZL**1.0, 2013.2.6.
6. 江树勇, 张艳秋, 郑玉峰, 佟永祥, 易文林. 镍钛形状记忆合金薄壁管滚珠热旋压成形装置及成形方法, 专利号: ZL**9.0, 2013.2.6.
7. 江树勇, 张艳秋, 郑玉峰, 赵立红, 谷进进. 基于等径角挤压的超细晶镍钛形状记忆合金管制备方法. 专利号: ZL**0.7, 2013.2.6.
8. 张艳秋, 钱玉峰, 江树勇, 赵亚楠. 一种唇形密封圈制造方法及专用工装. 专利号: ZL**3.0, 2017.4.26.
9. 张艳秋, 江树勇, 钱玉峰, 赵亚楠. 一种低温塑性变形纳米晶化镍基合金及其制备方法. 专利号: ZL**3.6, 2017.3.29.
10. 张艳秋, 江树勇, 赵亚楠, 钱存根, 钱玉峰, 吴纪福, 张春芳. 一种耐低温蝶阀. 专利号: ZL**6.0, 2017.1.18

1. 江树勇,张艳秋译. 《晶界与晶体塑性》. 机械工业出版社, 2016年1月. 32.3万字.
2. 江树勇,张艳秋译. 《工程材料力学行为》. 机械工业出版社, 2016年5月. 108.1万字.
1. 江树勇主编. 张艳秋, 赵立红, 赵成志, 张涛, 李翀参编.《工程材料》, 高等教育出版社, 2010年7月. 64万字.
2. 江树勇主编, 王传洋, 赵立红, 张艳秋, 赵成志参编.《材料成形技术基础》, 高等教育出版社, 2010年7月. 54万字.

1. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*. Atomistic mechanisms for temperature-induced crystallization of amorphous copper based on molecular dynamics simulation. Computational Materials Science, 2018, 151: 25–33.
2. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*. Atomistic Investigation on Diffusion Welding between Stainless Steel and Pure Ni Based on Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Materials, 2018, 11(10): 1957.
3.Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Bingyao Yan, Man Wang. Influence of Degree of Deformation on Static Recrystallization Texture and Compressive Strength of NiTiFe Shape Memory Alloy Subjected to Canning Compression. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2018, 49A: 6277-6289.
4. Li Hu, Shuyong Jiang*, Jian Tu, Zhiming Zhou. Subgrain Effect on Grain Scale Plasticity of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Under Canning Compression: A Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Analysis. Metals and Materials International, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s12540-018-0178-4.
5. Yulong Liang, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Chengzhi Zhao. Effect of Plane Strain Compression and Subsequent Recrystallization Annealing on Microstructures and Phase Transformation of NiTiFe Shape Memory Alloy. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 24(9): 4514-4524.
6. Yulong Liang, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Li Hu, Chengzhi Zhao. Microstructure evolution and deformation mechanism of NiTiFe shape memory alloy based on plane strain compression and subsequent annealing. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 215:112–120.
7. Shuyong Jiang*, Dong Sun, Yanqiu Zhang, Bingyao Yan. Influence of Heat Treatment on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of NiCuCrMoTiAlNb Nickel-Based Alloy. Metals, 2018, 8(4): 217.
8. Li Hu, Shuyong Jiang*, Tao Zhou, Qiang Chen. A Coupled Finite Element and Crystal Plasticity Study of Friction Effect on Texture Evolution in Uniaxial Compression of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy. Materials, 2018, 11(11): 2162.
9. Man Wang, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang. Phase Transformation, Twinning, and Detwinning of NiTi Shape-Memory Alloy Subject to a Shock Wave Based on Molecular-Dynamics Simulation. Materials, 2018, 11(11): 2334.
10. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Sibing Wang, Dong Sun, Li Hu. Influence of partial static recrystallization on microstructures and mechanical properties of NiTiFe shape memory alloy subjected to severe plastic deformation. Materials Research Bulletin, 2017, 88: 226–233.
11. Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Yanan Zhao, Xiaoming Zhu, Dong Sun, Man Wang. Investigation of interface compatibility during ball spinning of composite tube of copper and aluminum. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 88(1): 683–690.
12. Shuyong Jiang*, Dong sun, Yanqiu Zhang, Sibing Wang, Chengzhi Zhao. Plastic deformation mechanisms of equiatomic Ni20Ti20Fe20Al20Cu20 high-entropy alloy at high temperatures. Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 52(6): 3199–3207.
13. Li Hu, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Xiaoming Zhu, Yanan Zhao, Dong Sun. Influence of slip system combination models on crystal plasticity finite element simulation of NiTi shape memory alloy undergoing uniaxial compression. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2017, 27(5): 598–605.
14. Li Hu*, Shuyong Jiang, Tao Zhou, Jian Tu, Laixn Shi, Qiag Chen, Mingbo Yang. Multiscale modeling of polycrystalline NiTi shape memory alloy under various plastic deformation conditions by coupling microstructure evolution and macroscopic mechanical response. Materials, 2017, 10(10): 1172.
15. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Xiaoming Zhu, Yanan Zhao. Influence of void density on dislocation mechanisms of void shrinkage in nickel single crystal based on molecular dynamics simulation. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2017, 90: 90–97.
16. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Xiaoming Zhu, Yanan Zhao. Influence of twist angle on crack propagation of nanoscale bicrystal nickel film based on molecular dynamics simulation. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2017, 87: 281–294.
17. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Xiaoming Zhu, Yanan Zhao. Mechanisms of crack propagation in nanoscale single crystal, bicrystal and tricrystal nickels based on molecular dynamics simulation. Results in Physics, 2017, 7: 1722-1733.
18. Li Hu, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Dong Sun. Crystal plasticity finite element simulation of NiTi shape memory alloy based on representative volume element. Metals and Materials International, 2017, 23(6): 1075–1086.
19. Yan-qiu ZHANG, Shu-yong JIANG*, Xiao-ming ZHU, Ya-nan ZHAO, Yu-long LIANG, Dong SUN. Influence of Fe addition on phase transformation behavior of NiTi shape memory alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2017, 27(7): 1580–1587.
20. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Li Hu, Yanan Zhao, Dong Sun. Investigation of primary static recrystallization in NiTiFe shape memory alloy subjected to cold canning compression by coupling crystal plasticity finite element method with cellular automaton. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, 25(7): 075008.
21. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Can Chen, Li Hu, Xiaoming Zhu. Hot workability of a NiTiCu shape memory alloy with acicular martensite phase based on processing maps. Intermetallics, 2017, 86: 94–103.
22. Li Hu, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang. Role of Severe Plastic Deformation in Suppressing Formation of R Phase and Ni4Ti3 Precipitate of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy. Metals, 2017, 7(4), 145.
23. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Li Hu. Investigation of dynamic recrystallization of NiTi shape memory alloy subjected to local canning compression. Metals, 2017, 7(6): 208.
24. Shuyong Jiang*, Junbo Yu, Li Hu, Yanqiu Zhang. Investigation on Deformation Mechanisms of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Tube under Radial Loading. Metals, 2017, 7(7): 268.
25. Shuyong Jiang*, Dong Sun, Yanqiu Zhang, Li Hu. Deformation Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of NiTiCu Shape Memory Alloy Subjected to Plastic Deformation at High Temperatures. Metals, 2017, 7(8): 294.
26. Yulong Liang, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Junbo Yu. Microstructure, Mechanical Property, and Phase Transformation of Quaternary NiTiFeNb and NiTiFeTa Shape Memory Alloys. Metals, 2017, 7(8): 309.
27. Yu Wang, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang. Processing map of NiTiNb shape memory alloy subjected to plastic deformation at high temperatures. Metals, 2017, 7(9), 328.
28. Li Hu, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang. A combined experimental-numerical approach for investigating texture evolution of NiTi shape memory alloy under uniaxial compression. Metals, 2017, 7(9): 356.
29. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*. The Mechanism of Inhomogeneous Grain Refinement in a NiTiFe Shape Memory Alloy Subjected to Single-Pass Equal-Channel Angular Extrusion. Metals, 2017, 7(10): 400.
30. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*. Molecular Dynamics simulation of crack propagation in nanoscale polycrystal Nickel based on different strain rates. Metals, 2017, 7(9): 432.
31. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*. Investigation on dislocation-based mechanisms of void growth and coalescence in single crystal and nanotwinned nickels by molecular dynamics simulation. Philosophical Magazine, 2017, 97(3): 2772–2794.
32. Ya-Nan Zhao, Shu-Yong Jiang*, Yan-Qiu Zhang, Yu-Long Liang. Influence of Fe Addition on Phase Transformation, Microstructure and Mechanical Property of Equiatomic NiTi Shape Memory Alloy. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2017, 30(8): 762-770.
33. Yanqiu Zhang, Sibing Wang, Shuyong Jiang*, Xiaoming Zhu, Dong Sun. Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of NiTiFeAlCu High-Entropy Alloys with Exceptional Nano-precipitates. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26(1): 41–50.
34. Yulong Liang, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Yanan Zhao, Dong Sun, Chengzhi Zhao. Deformation heterogeneity and texture evolution of NiTiFe shape memory alloy under uniaxial compression based on crystal plasticity finite element method. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26(6): 2671-2682.
35. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Xiaoming Zhu, Yanan Zhao, Debin Shan. Influence of heat treatment on complex-shape rotating disk subjected to isothermal precision forging. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2017, 31 (1): 141–147.
36. ZHANG Yan-qiu, JIANG Shu-yong*, ZHAO Ya-nan, ZHU Xiao-ming. Simulation of isothermal precision extrusion of NiTi shape memory alloy pipe coupling by combining finite element method with cellular automaton. Journal of Central South University, 2017, 24(3): 506?514.
37. Li Hu, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Xiaoming Zhu, Dong Sun. Texture evolution and inhomogeneous deformation of polycrystalline Cu based on crystal plasticity finite element method and particle swarm optimization algorithm. Journal of Central South University. 2017, 24(12): 2747?2756.
38. Li Hu, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Yanan Zhao, Siwei Liu, Chengzhi Zhao, Multiple plastic deformation mechanisms of NiTi shape memory alloy based on local canning compression at various temperatures. Intermetallics, 2016, 70: 45–52.
39. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Xiaoming Zhu, Yanan Zhao. A molecular dynamics study of intercrystalline crack propagation in nano-nickel bicrystal films with (0 1 0) twist boundary. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2016, 168: 147–159.
40. Li Hu, Shuyong Jiang*, Siwei Liu, Yanqiu Zhang, Yanan Zhao, Chengzhi Zhao. Transformation twinning and deformation twinning of NiTi shape memory alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 660: 1–10.
41. Shuyong Jiang*, Dong Sun, Yanqiu Zhang, Xiaoming Zhu, Man Wang, Chengzhi Zhao. Plastic deformation mechanisms of NiCuCrMoTiAlNb Ni-based alloys at cryogenic temperature. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 664: 135–145.
42. Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Xiaoming Zhu, Dong Sun, Man Wang, Chengzhi Zhao. Physical mechanisms of nanocrystallization of a novel Ni-based alloy under uniaxial compression at cryogenic temperature. Materials Characterization, 2016, 116: 18–23.
43. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Xiaoming Zhu, Dong Sun. Orientation dependence of void growth at triple junction of grain boundaries in nanoscale tricrystal nickel film subjected to uniaxial tensile loading. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2016, 98: 220–232.
44. Yan-qiu ZHANG, Shu-yong JIANG*, Ya-nan ZHAO, Si-wei LIU. Constitutive equation and processing map of equiatomic NiTi shape memory alloy under hot plastic deformation, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2016, 26(8): 2152?2161.
45. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Xiaoming Zhu, Yanan Zhao. Dislocation mechanism of void growth at twin boundary of nanotwinned nickel based on molecular dynamics simulation. Physics Letters A, 2016, 380(35): 2757–2761.46.Shuyong Jiang*, 46. Yulong Liang, Yanqiu Zhang, Yanan Zhao, Chengzhi Zhao. Influence of Addition of Nb on Phase Transformation, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Equiatomic NiTi SMA. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2016, 25(10): 4341–4351.
47. Shu-yong JIANG*, Yan-qiu ZHANG, Ya-nan ZHAO, Si-wei LIU, Li HU, Cheng-zhi ZHAO. Influence of Ni4Ti3 precipitates on phase transformation of NiTi shape memory alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2015, 25(12): 4063?4071.
48. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanan, Zhao, Debin Shan. Isothermal precision forging of aluminum alloy ring seats with different preforms using FEM and experimental investigation. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 72(9?12): 1693?1703.
49. Shuyong Jiang*, Ming Tang, Yanan Zhao, Li Hu, Yanqiu Zhang, Yulong Liang. Crystallization of amorphous NiTi shape memory alloy fabricated by severe plastic deformation. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2014, 24(6): 1758?1765.
50. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Li Hu, Yulong Liang, Deformation mechanism of NiTi shape memory alloy subjected to severe plastic deformation at low temperature. Materials Science and Engineering A, 559, 2013, 607?614.
51. Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Lihong Zhao, Yufeng Zheng, Influence of annealing on NiTi shape memory alloy subjected to severe plastic deformation. Intermetallics, 2013, 32: 344?351.
52. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanan Zhao, Debin Shan, Isothermal precision forging of complex-shape rotating disk of aluminum alloy based on processing map and digitized technology. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2013, 580: 294?304.
53. Shuyong Jiang*, Li Hu, Yanan Zhao, Yanqiu Zhang, Yulong Liang, Multiscale investigation of inhomogeneous plastic deformation of NiTi shape memory alloy based on local canning compression. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2013, 569: 117?123.
54. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Yulong Liang, Li Hu, Simulation of dynamic recrystallization of NiTi shape memory alloy during hot compression deformation based on cellular automaton. Computational Materials Science, 2013, 71: 124?134.
55. Shuyong Jiang*, Li Hu, Yanqiu Zhang, Yulong Liang, Nanocrystallization and amorphization of NiTi shape memory alloy under severe plastic deformation based on local canning compression. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2013, 367: 23?29.
56. Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Yanan Zhao, Dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization of NiTi shape memory alloy under hot compression deformation. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2013, 23(1): 140?147.
57. Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Yanan Zhao, Ming Tang, Chunfeng Li, Finite element simulation of ball spinning of NiTi shape memory alloy tube based on variable temperature field. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2013, 23(3): 781?787.
58. Shuyong Jiang*, Yanan Zhao, Yanqiu Zhang, Ming Tang, Chunfeng Li. Equal channel angular extrusion of NiTi shape memory alloy tube. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2013, 23(7): 2021?2028.
59. Shuyong Jiang*, Li Hu, Yanan Zhao, Yanqiu Zhang, Yulong Liang. Plastic yielding of NiTi shape memory alloy under local canning compression. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2013, 23(10): 2905?2913.
60. Shuyong Jiang*, Yanan Zhao, Yanqiu Zhang, Li Hu, Yulong Liang. Effect of solution treatment and aging on microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of NiTi shape memory alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2013, 23(12): 3658?3667.
61. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanan Zhao, Ming Tang. Microstructural evolution of plastic deformation of NiTi shape memory alloy at low temperature, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Material Science Edition, 2013, 28(5): 1034?1037.
62. Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Yanan Zhao, Ming Tang, Wenlin Yi. Constitutive behavior of Ni-Ti shape memory alloy under hot compression, Journal of Central South University, 2013, 20(1): 24?29.
63. Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Yufeng Zheng, Chunfeng Li. Deformation mechanism of hot spinning of NiTi shape memory alloy tube based on FEM, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Material Science Edition, 2012, 27(5): 811?814. 影响因子: 0.524.
64. Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang, Hongtao Fan. Fracture behavior and microstructure of as-cast NiTi shape memory alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2012, 22 (6): 1401?1406.
65. Yanqiu Zhang, Shuyong Jiang*, Yanan Zhao, Ming Tang. Influence of cooling rate on phase transformation and microstructure of Ti-50.9 at.% Ni shape memory alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2012, 22(11): 2685?2690.
66. Shuyong Jiang*, Yanqiu Zhang. Microstructure evolution and deformation behavior of as-cast NiTi shape memory alloy under compression. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2012, 22(1): 90?96.
67. Yanqiu Zhang*, Fuchang Xu, Shuyong Jiang, Debin Shan. Influence of fire times on the microstructure and mechanical properties of forgings with complex shape, Advanced Science Letters, 2011, 4(3): 1027?1031.
68. Shuyong Jiang*, Zhengyi Ren, Chunfeng Li, Keming Xue. Role of ball size in backward ball spinning of thin-walled tubular part with longitudinal inner ribs. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2009, 209(4): 2167?2174.
69. JIANG Shuyong*, ZHAO Lihong, WU Guixiang. Prediction of Mechanical Properties of 50CrVA Tempered Steel Strip for Horn Diaphragm Based on BPANN. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci.Ed. 2009, 24(5): 791-795.
70. JIANG Shuyong*, ZHENG Yu-feng, REN Zhengyi, LI Chunfeng. Multi-pass spinning of thin-walled tubular part with longitudinal inner ribs. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2009, 19(1): 215?221.
71. Shuyong Jiang*, Zhengyi Ren, Kemin Xue, Chunfeng Li. Application of BPANN for prediction of backward ball spinning of thin-walled tubular part with longitudinal inner ribs. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2008, 196(1-3): 190?196.
72. JIANG Shuyong*, REN Zhengyi. Analysis of mechanics in ball spinning of thin-walled tube. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2008, 21(1): 25?30.
73. JIANG Shu-yong*, REN Zheng-yi, WU Bin, WU Gui-xiang. General issues of FEM in backward ball spinning of thin-walled tubular part with longitudinal inner ribs. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2007, 17(4): 793?798.
74. JIANG Shuyong*, XUE Kemin, LI Chunfeng, REN Zheng-yi. Spinning Deformation Criteria of Thin-walled Tubular Part with Longitudinal Inner Ribs. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. 2006, 21(4): 169?172.
75. JIANG Shu-yong*, LI Ping, XUE Ke-min. Application of BPANN in spinning deformation of thin-walled tubular parts with longitudinal inner ribs. Journal of Central South University of technology, 2004, 11(1): 27?30.
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1. 2013年镇江市331人才计划获得者;
2. 2013年江苏省双创领军人才计划获得者;

1.《基于镍钛基形状记忆合金元件的超低温阀门关键技术及产业化》获江苏省科学技术奖,2018, 三等奖,第1名.
2.《机械制造基础(双语)课件》获第九届全国多媒体课件大赛一等奖, 2009年11月. 第1名.
3.《机械制造基础课程网站》获第八届全国多媒体课件大赛三等奖, 2008年11月. 第1名.
4.《工程素质教育及其多元化评价体系的研究》获黑龙江省高等教育教学成果一等奖, 2009年6月. 第3名.
5.《机械制造基础》获评黑龙江省精品课程, 2009年6月. 课程负责人.
6.《基于工程创新人才培养的《机械制造基础》课程教学改革与实践》获黑龙江省高等教育教学成果二等奖, 2013年3月. 第1名.
7.《机械制造工艺技术》课件获黑龙江省多媒体课件评比二等奖, 2009年5月. 第2名.
8.《材料成型工艺基础》课件获黑龙江省多媒体课件评比三等奖, 2009年5月. 第3名
9.《基于大工程观的工程实践教学体系研究与实践》获哈尔滨工程大学教学成果二等奖, 2012年3月. 第1名




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