

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-26









李迎松,教授,博士生导师,中国电子学会高级会员,IEEE高级会员,先后入选2015年哈尔滨工程大学青年骨干教师支持计划,黑龙江省“龙江科技英才”特别支持计划,曾任International Journal of Antennas and Propagation(SCI源),“Small Antennas: Miniaturization Techniques and Applications”客座编辑;AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications(SCI源)编委,Wireless Personal Communications (SCI源)编委,CECNet 2014-2017,MAPE 2015,WiCOM 2015,IMWS-Bio2015, APCAP 2016等国际会议技术委员会委员,APCAP 2015, ACES 2016,WCNC 2017分会场主席,PIERS 2015-2016,ACES 2017分会场组织者和分会场主席。担任IEEE TAP,APWL,MTT,WMCL,EMC等20余个期刊的审稿人。现任EU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications(SCI源)区域编辑,IEEE Access(SCI源)副主编,ACES Journal (SCI源)副主编,Wireless Personal Communications (SCI源)编委。担任ICEICT 2019, ACES-China 2019, iWEM 2019 TPC Co-Chair,ICEICT 2019技术程序委员会共同主席,IWEM 2019技术程序委员会共同主席,ACES-China 2019技术程序委员会共同主席,两岸四地 2019技术程序委员会共同主席,发表SCI检索论文100余篇,授权发明专利9项,优秀论文奖4项,谷歌学术引用1900余次,主持国家重点研发计划,十三五海装预研,黑龙江省重点研发计划,中国博士后基金,滨市科技创新人才研究专项-学科带头人专项,水声国防重点试验开放基金等课题17项,国家科技奖励评审专家,黑龙江省科技奖励评审专家,哈尔滨市科技奖励专家,科技部专家库专家,教育部学位论文等通讯评议专家,留学基金委评审专家。





2012年,参加IB2COM 国际会议,悉尼
2014年,参加PIERS 国际会议,广州
2015年,参加PIERS 国际会议,捷克
2015年,参加iWATch 国际会议,首尔
2015年,参加APS 国际会议,温哥华
2015年,参加APCAP 国际会议,巴厘岛
2016年,参加IMS 国际会议,旧金山
2016年,参加APS 国际会议,波多黎各
2017年,参加WCNC 国际会议,旧金山
2018年,参加APS 2018国际会议,美国
2018年,参加APCAP 2018国际会议,新西兰
2018年,参加ISAP 2018国际会议,韩国





1. 国家科技奖励专家库专家
2. 中国博士后科学基金评审专家
3. 黑龙江省科技奖励评审专家
4. AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications(SCI源)区域编辑(2016.9-)
5. Wireless Personal Communications (SCI源)编委(2016-)
6. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation(SCI源)杂志“Small Antennas: Miniaturization Techniques and Applications”客座编辑 (2014-2016)
7. AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications(SCI源)编委(2015-2017.8)
8.IEEE Access 副主编
9.ACES Journal 副主编

1. 李迎松,李文兴,刘乘源,一种超宽带开关重构天线及实现不同频率的陷波方法,专利授权号:ZL **2.4,专利公开号:**A.
2. 李迎松,杨晓冬,吴成云,姜弢,一种小型化双频天线,专利授权号:ZL **8.8,专利公开号:**A.
3. 杨晓冬,李迎松,刘乘源,双频宽带E形微带天线,专利授权号:ZL **8.3,专利公开号:CN**.
4. 杨晓冬,李迎松,刘乘源,李渠塘,一种用于移动通信的宽频带全向天线,专利授权号:ZL **7.5,专利公开号:CN**A.
5. 杨晓冬,李迎松,李渠塘,刘乘源,杨倩,吴成云,一种高增益宽频带全向天线,专利授权号:ZL **6.1,专利公开号:**A.
6. 杨晓冬,李迎松,刘乘源,吴成云,王世刚,杨倩,王积祥,姜兴文,李渠塘,一种高增益宽频带全向天线,专利授权号:ZL **4.9,专利公开号:**A.
7. 邢红兵,徐燕,李迎松,刘乘源,姜兴文,吴成云,王积祥,一种用于移动通信的宽频带定向天线,专利授权号:ZL **9.X,专利公开号:**A.
8. 李文兴,李迎松,一种电抗加载的双频天线,专利授权号:ZL **7.0,专利公开号:**B
9.李迎松,李文兴,一种集成缺陷微带线带阻滤波器的超宽带认知无线电天线,专利授权号:ZL **2.8 ,专利公开号:**B

1.Book Chapter
Y. Li and Y. Wang, Reconfigurable antennas for UWB cognitive radio communication applications, Cognitive Radio, Intech, 2017.


SCI 期刊论文

1. Y. Li, Z. Jiang, O. M. Omer-Osman, X. Han, J. Yin, Mixed norm constrained sparse APA algorithm for satellite and network channel estimation, IEEE Access Accepted, SCI
2. J. Li, J. Shi, L. Li, T. A. Khan, J. Chen, Y. Li, A. Zhang, Dual-band annular slot antenna loaded by reactive components for dual-sense circular polarization with flexible frequency ratio, IEEE Access Accepted. SCI
3. T. Jiang, X. Zhang, Y. Li, Bayesian compressive sensing using reweighted Laplace priors, AEü - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, accepted SCI
4. Y. Tian, X. Han, J. Yin, Y. Li, (2018) Adaption penalized complex LMS for sparse under-ice acoustic channel estimations, IEEE Access, accepted SCI
5. W. Che, L. Sun, Y. Li, W. Tan, D. Ye, D. Zhang, B. Zou, Y. Liu, (2018) Non-destructive classification of apple bruising time based on visible and near-infrared hyperspectral imaging, Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture,Accepted SCI
6. M. Wang, L. Zhao. J. Wang, X. Liang, S. Zhang, Y. Li, W. Yu, (2018) A low-profile miniaturized frequency selective surface with insensitive polarization, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, accepted. SCI
7. Y. Wang, Y. Li, J. C. M. Bermudez, X. Han, (2018) An adaptive combination constrained proportionate normalized maximum correntropy criterion algorithm for sparse channel estimations, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, accepted, SCI
8. Y. Li, Z. Jiang, Z. Jin, X. Han, J. Yin, (2018) Cluster-sparse proportionate NLMS algorithm with the hybrid norm constraint, IEEE Access, SCI
9. Y. Li, Z. Shao, X. Zhang, J. Jiang, (2018) Mm-wave radar based micro-deformation monitoring for highway and freight railway bridges, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, accepted. SCI
10. W. Ma, J. Duan, Y. Li, B. Chen, (2018) Proportionate adaptive filtering algorithms based on mixed square/fourth error criterion with unbiasedness criterion for sparse system identification, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Accepted SCI
11. Y. Liu, L. Sun, Y. Li, D. Zhang, Z. Song, C. Zhang, X. Pan, J. Li, Z. Wang, (2018) Quality evaluation of fried soybean oil base on near infrared spectroscopy, Journal of Food Process Engineering, Accepted SCI
12. Y. Xu, L. Guo, W. Shang, Y. Li, (2018) Underwater electro-location method based on improved matrix adaptation evolution strategy, IEEE Access, vol.6, pp. 39220- 39232, 2018. (SCI: **001, EI:)
13. Li, Y., S. Luo and W. Yu, (2018) A triple stop-band filter based on defected microstrip line structures, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.33, no.7, pp.752-757, 2018. (SCI: **006, EI:)
14. L. Zhao, F. Liu, X. Shen, G. Jing, Y. Cai and Y. Li, (2018) A high-pass antenna interference cancellation chip for mutual coupling reduction of antennas in contiguous frequency bands, IEEE Access, vol.6, pp. 38097-38105,2018. (SCI: **001, EI:)
15. K. Yu, Y. Li, X. Liu, (2018) Mutual coupling reduction of a MIMO antenna array using 3-D novel meta-material structures, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.33, no.7, pp.758-763,2018. (SCI: **007, EI:)
16. Z. Shao, X. Zhang, Y. Li, J. Jiang, (2018) A comparative study on radar interferometry for vibrations monitoring on different types of bridges, IEEE Access, vol.6, pp.29677-29684. (SCI: **021, EI:)
17. H. Yu, G. Yang, Y. Li, F. Meng, (2018) Design and analysis of multiple-input multiple-output radar system based on RF single-link technology, Symmetry, vol.10, no.5, ID:130, 2018. (SCI: **003, EI:)
18. W. Ma, X. Qiu, J. Duan, Y. Li, B. Chen, (2018) Kernel recursive generalized mixed norm algorithm, Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol.355, no.4, pp.1596-1613, 2018. (SCI: **006;EI: **954)
19. Z.Jin, Y. Li, J. Liu, (2018) An improved set-membership proportionate adaptive algorithm for a block-sparse system, Symmetry, vol.10, no.3, ID:75, 2018. (SCI: **024, EI:)
20. Y. Xu, W. Shang , L. Guo , J. Qi, Y. Li, W. Xue, (2018) Active electro-location of object in underwater environment based on mixed polarization multiple signal classification algorithm, Sensors, vol.18, no.2, ID:554, 2018. (SCI: **237)
21. T. Jiang, T. Jiao, Y. Li, W. Yu, (2018) A low mutual coupling MIMO antenna using periodic multi-layered electromagnetic band gap structures, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.33, no.3, pp.305-311, 2018. (SCI: **009)
22. H. Yu , G. Yang, F. Meng, Y. Li, (2017) Performance analysis of MIMO system with single RF link based on switched parasitic antenna, Symmetry, vol.9, no.12, ID: 304, 2017. (SCI: **016)
23. Y. Xu, W. Xue, Y. Li and L. Guo, (2017) Multiple signal classification algorithm based electric dipole source localization method in an underwater environment, Symmetry, vol.9, no.10, ID:231, pp.1-16, 2017. (SCI: **034)
24. Y. Li, Y. Wang, F. Albu, J. Jiang (2017) A general zero attraction proportionate normalized maximum correntropy criterion algorithm for sparse system identification, Symmetry, vol.9, no.10, ID:229, 2017. (SCI: **032)
25. Y. Wang, Y. Li, F. Albu, R. Yang, (2017) Group constrained maximum correntropy criterion algorithms for estimating sparse mix-noised channels, Entropy, vol.19, no.8, ID:432, 2017. (SCI: **050)
26. Y. Xu, W. Xue, and Y. Li, L. Guo, (2017) Electromagnetic field analysis of an electric dipole antenna based on surface integral equation in multilayered dissipative media, Applied Science, vol.7, no.8, ID:774, 2017. (SCI: **024)
27. Y. Wang, Y. Li, (2017) Norm penalized joint optimization NLMS algorithms for broadband sparse adaptive channel estimation, Symmetry, vol.9, no.8, ID:133, 2017. (SCI: **007)
28. Y. Wang, Y. Li, R. Yang (2017) Sparse adaptive channel estimation based on mixed controlled l2 and lp-norm error criterion, Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics, vol.354, no.15, pp:7215-7239, 2017. (SCI: **036; **012)
29. Z. Jin, Y. Li, and Y. Wang, (2017) An enhanced set-membership PNLMS algorithm with a correntropy induced metric constraint for acoustic channel estimation, Entropy, vol.19, no.6, ID:281, 2017. (SCI: **043)
30. T. Jiang, Y. Wang, and Y. Li, (2017) Design and analysis of a triple stop-band filter using ratioed periodical defected microstrip structure, Frequenz-Journal of RF-Engineering and Telecommunications, accepted vol.71, no.7-8, pp:341-347, 2017. (SCI: **009; EI: **698)
31. K. Yu, Y. Li, W. Yu, (2017) A compact tri-band antenna for Bluetooth, WLAN and WiMAX applications, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.32, no.5, pp.424-429, 2017. (SCI: **008; EI: **763)
32. W. Li, X. Mao, Z. Zhai, Y. Li, (2017) A low complexity high performance robust adaptive beamforming, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.32, no.5, pp.441-448, 2017. (SCI: **011; EI: **766)
33. Li, Y., Y. Wang, and T. Jiang, (2017) Sparse least mean mixed-norm adaptive filtering algorithms for sparse channel estimation applications, International Journal of Communication Systems, vol.30, no.8, pp., 2017. (SCI: **010; EI: **842)
34. Y. Wang, Y. Li, (2017) Sparse multipath channel estimation using norm combination constrained set-membership NLMS algorithms, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol.2017, Article ID:**, pp.1-10, 2017. (SCI: **001, EI: **687)
35. Y. Kong, Li, Y.,W. Yu, (2017) A minimized MIMO-UWB antenna with high isolation and triple band-notched functions, Frequenz-Journal of RF-Engineering and Telecommunications, vol.70, no.11-12, pp. 463–471, 2016. (SCI: **001, EI: **762)
36. Li, Y., Y. Wang, R. Yang, F. Albu, (2017) A soft parameter function penalized normalized maximum correntropy criterion algorithm for sparse system identification, Entropy, vol.19, no.1, ID:45, pp.1-16, 2017. (SCI: **044)
37. Li, Y., Z. Jin, Y. Wang, (2017) Adaptive channel estimation based on an improved norm constrained set-membership normalized least mean square algorithm, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol.2017, Article ID **, 1-8, 2017. (SCI: **001, EI: **685) ESI 高被引论文
38. Y. Li, Z. Jin, Y. Wang and R. Yang, (2016) A robust sparse adaptive filtering algorithm with a correntropy induced metric constraint for broadband multi-path channel estimation, Entropy, vol.18, no.10, ID:380, pp.1-14, 2016. (SCI: **037)
39. Y. Kong, Li, Y.,W. Yu, (2016) A quadruple band-notched UWB antenna by using arc-shaped slot and rotated E-shaped resonator, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.31, no.11, pp.1316-1321, 2016. (SCI:**009, EI: **640)
40. Li, Y., T. Jiang, and R. Mittra (2016). A miniaturized dual-band antenna with toothbrush-shaped patch and meander line for WLAN applications, Wireless Personal Communications, vol.91, no.2, pp.595-602, 2016. (SCI: **006, EI: **896)
41. Yu. W., Y. Li, M. M. Tentzeris, Small antennas: miniaturization techniques and applications 2016, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2016, Article ID **, 2 page, 2016. (SCI: **001, EI: **424)
42. Li, Y., Y. Wang, (2016) Sparse SM-NLMS algorithm based on correntropy criterion,IET Electronics Letters, vol.52, no.17, pp.1461-1463. (SCI: **022, EI: **507)
43. T. Jiang, T. Jiao, Y. Li, (2016) Array mutual coupling reduction using L-loading E-shaped electromagnetic band gap structures, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol.2016, Article ID:**, pp.1-9, 2016. (SCI: **001, EI: **320)
44. Li,W., Mao, X., Zhai, Z., and Li, Y., (2016) High performance robust adaptive beamforming in the presence of array imperfections, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol.2016, Article ID:**, 12 pages, 2016. (SCI: **001, EI: **545)
45. Li, Y., Y. Wang, and T. Jiang, (2016) Sparse-aware set-membership NLMS algorithms and their application for sparse channel estimation and echo cancelation, AEü - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol.70, no.7, pp.895-902, 2016. (SCI: **004, EI: **243)
46. Li, Y., Y. Wang, and T. Jiang, (2016) Norm-adaption penalized least mean square/fourth algorithm for sparse channel estimation, Signal processing, vol.128, pp.243-251,2016. (SCI: **024, EI: **154)
47. Li, Y., Zhang, C. and Wang, S., (2016). Low complexity non-uniform penalized affine projection algorithm for sparse system identification, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, vol.35, no.5, pp. 1611-1624,2016. (SCI: **010, EI: **866)
48. Li, Y. and R. Mittra, (2016) A three-dimensional circularly polarized antenna with a low profile and a wide 3-dB beamwidth, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 89–97, 2016. (SCI: **005, EI: **622)
49. Li, W., Bao, L., Li, Y., (2015). A novel frequency and radiation pattern reconfigurable antenna for portable device applications, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.30, no.12, pp.1276-1285, 2015. (SCI: **005, EI: **945)
50. Li, Y., W. Zhang, and W. Yu, (2015) A circular slot UWB antenna with independently tunable quad-band filtering characteristics, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.30, no.10, pp.1089-1095, 2015. (SCI: **009, EI: **535)
51. X. Mao, Li, W., and Li, Y., Sun, Y., Zhai, Z., (2015) Robust adaptive beamforming against signal steering vector mismatch and jammer motion, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol.2015, Article ID:780296, pp.1-12, 2015. (SCI: **001, EI: **206)
52. Li, Y., and Q. Ye, (2015) A CPW-fed wide slot ultra-wideband antenna with triple band rejection characteristics, Frequenz-Journal of RF-Engineering and Telecommunications, vol.69, no.9-10, pp.413-418, 2015. (SCI: **006, EI: **818)
53. Li, Y., W. Yu (2015). A miniaturized triple band monopole antenna for WLAN and WiMAX applications, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol.2015, Article ID: 146780, pp.1-12, 2015. (SCI: **001, EI: **042)
54.Li, Y. and Hamamura M., (2015). Zero-attracting variable-step-size least mean square algorithms for adaptive sparse channel estimation, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vol.29, no.9, pp.1189-1206, 2015. (SCI: **008, EI: **801)
55. Yu, W., Li, W., Chang, D. C., and Li, Y., (2014) Small antennas: miniaturization techniques and applications, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2014, Article ID 134103, 1 page, 2014. (SCI: **001, EI: **092)
56. Li, L, Zhang, X., Li, Y., and Sun, Y., (2014) Singularity processing method of microstrip line edge based on LOD-FDTD, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2014, Article ID 980967, 9 pages, 2014. (SCI: **001, EI: **037)
57. Li, W., Mao, X., Yu, W., Li, Y., Yue, C., (2014). Robust adaptive array beamforming based on modified norm constraint algorithm, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.29, no.4, pp.1060-1066, 2014. (SCI: **012, EI: **977)
58. Li, Y., Li, W., Yu, W., Wan, J., and Li, Z., Sparse adaptive channel estimation based on lp-norm-penalized affine projection algorithm, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol.2014, Article ID: 434659, 2014. (SCI: **001, EI: **428)
59. Li, Y. and Hamamura M., (2014). An improved proportionate normalized least-mean-square algorithm for broadband multipath channel estimation, The Scientific World Journal, vol.2014, Article ID: 572969, 2014. (SCI: **001)
60. Li, Y. and Hamamura M., (2014). Smooth approximation l0-norm constrained affine projection algorithm and its applications in sparse channel estimation, The Scientific World Journal, vol.2014, Article ID: 937252, 2014. (SCI: **001)
61. Li, Y., Li, W., Yu, W., (2014). A miniaturization band-pass filter with ultra-narrow multi-notch-band characteristic for ultra-wideband communication applications, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.29, no.4, pp.289-300, 2014. (SCI: **004, EI: **835)
62. Li, Y., Li, W., (2014). A circular slot antenna with wide tunable and reconfigurable frequency rejection characteristic using capacitance loaded split-ring resonator for UWB applications, Wireless Personal Communications, vol.78, no.1, pp.137-149, 2014. (SCI: **009, EI: **218)
63. Li, Y., Li, W., Liu, C., Ye, Q., (2014). A compact UWB band-pass filter with ultra-narrow tri-notch-band characteristic, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.29, no.2, pp.170-177, 2014. (SCI: **008, EI: **922)
64. Li, Y., Li, W., Ye, Q., (2014). A CPW-fed circular wide-slot UWB antenna with dual-notch bands by combining slot and parasitic element techniques, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.56, no.5, pp.1240-1244, 2014. (SCI: **055, EI:)
65. Li, Y., Li, W., Yu, W., (2014). A CPW-fed circular slot UWB antenna with WLAN band and X-band filtering characteristics using hybrid resonators, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.56, no.4, pp.925-929, 2014. (SCI: **037, EI: **757)
66. Li, Y., Li, W., Mittra, R., (2014). Miniaturized CPW-fed UWB antenna with dual frequency rejection bands using stepped impedance stub and arc-shaped parasitic element, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.56, no.4, pp.783-787, 2014. (SCI: **003, EI: **743)
67. Li, Y., Li, W., Ye, Q., (2014). A compact circular slot UWB antenna with multimode reconfigurable band-notched characteristics using resonator and switch techniques, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.56, no.3, pp.570-574, 2014. (SCI: **014, EI: **410)
68. Li, Y., Li, W., Mittra, R., (2014). A compact CPW-fed circular slot antenna with reconfigurable dual band-notch characteristics for UWB communication applications, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.56, no.2, pp.465-468, 2014. (SCI: **051, EI: **762)
69. Li, W., Wang, C., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., (2014). A miniaturized frequency selective surface based on square loop aperture element, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol.2014, Article ID: 701279, 2014. (SCI: **001, EI: **263)
70. Wang, S., Bi, Y., Li, Y., (2014). Improvements on robust stability of sampled-data system with long time delay, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol.2014, Article ID: 580768, 2014. (SCI: **001, EI: **430)
71. Wang, S., Li, Y., Wu, Y., (2014). Observer-based non-fragile passive control for uncertain nonlinear sampled-data system with time-delay, International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, vol.9, no.4, 482-496, 2014. (SCI: **010)
72. Hayashi, R., Li, Y., and Hamamura, M., (2013). Two-stage decoding algorithm for unmodulated parallel-combinatory high-compaction multicarrier modulation signals, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol.2013, no.3, Article ID:75, pp.1-10. (SCI: **001, EI: **098)
73. Li, Y., Li, W., Ye, Q., (2013). A CPW-fed circular wide-Slot UWB antenna with wide tunable and flexible reconfigurable dual notch bands, Scientific World Journal, vol.2013, Article no.402914, pp.1-10. (SCI: **001)
74. Li, Y., Li, W., Yu, W., (2013). A compact CPW-fed wide-slot ultra-wideband antenna with sharp frequency rejection function for X- and WLAN bands, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.55, no.12, pp.2972-2976. (SCI: **039, EI: **638)
75. Li, Y., Li, W.,Ye, Q., (2013). A compact UWB antenna with dual band-notch characteristics using nested split ring resonator and stepped impedance resonator, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.55, no.12, pp.2827-2830. (SCI: **004, EI: **656)
76. Li, Y., Li, W., Mittra, R., (2013). A CPW-fed wide-slot antenna with reconfigurable notch bands for UWB and multi-band communication applications, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.55, no.11, pp.2777-2782. (SCI:**062, EI: **554)
77. Li, Y., Li, W., Mittra, R., (2013). Miniaturization of ACS-fed dual-band antenna with loaded capacitance terminations for WLAN applications, IEICE Electronics Express, vol.10, no.15, Article ID:**, pp.1-8. (SCI: **005, EI: **953)
78. Li, Y., Li, W., Mittra, R., (2013). A compact ACS-fed dual-band meandered monopole antenna for WLAN and WiMAX applications, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.55, no.10, pp.2370-2373. (SCI: **030, EI: **747)
79. Li, Y., Li, W.,Ye, Q., (2013). A compact asymmetric coplanar strip-fed dual-band antenna for 2.4/5.8 GHz WLAN applications, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.55, no.9, pp.2066-2070. (SCI: **023, EI: **702)
80. Li, Y., Li, W.,Ye, Q., (2013). A reconfigurable triple notch band antenna integrated with defected microstrip structure band-stop filter for ultra-wideband cognitive radio applications, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol.2013, Article ID: 472645, pp.1-13. (SCI: **001, EI: **706)
81. Li, Y., Li, W., Yu, W., (2013). A compact reconfigurable antenna using SIRs and switches for ultra wideband and multi-band wireless communication applications, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.28, no.5, pp.427-440. (SCI: **008, EI: **890)
82. Li, Y., Li, W.,Ye, Q., (2013). Miniaturization of asymmetric coplanar strip-fed staircase UWB Antenna with reconfigurable notch band, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.55, no.7, pp.1467-1470. (SCI: **009, EI: **656)
83. Li, Y., Li, W., Yu, W., (2013). A multi-band/UWB MIMO/diversity antenna with an enhance isolation using radial stub loaded resonator, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.28, no.1, pp.8-20. (SCI: **002, EI: **345)
84. Li, Y., Li, W., Ye, Q., (2013). A reconfigurable wide slot antenna integrated with SIRs for UWB/ Multi-band communication applications, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.55, no.1, pp.52-55. (SCI: **015, EI: **617)
85. Liu., C., Jiang, T., Li, Y., and Zhang, J., (2013). A Compact wide slot antenna with dual band-notch characteristic for ultra wideband applications, International Journal of Electronics, vol.100, no.8, pp.1134-1146. (SCI: **010, EI: **057)
86. Li, Y., Li, W., Mittra, R., (2012). A cognitive radio antenna integrated with narrow/ultra-wide band antenna and switches, IEICE Electronics Express, vol.9, no.15, pp.1273-1283, 2012. (SCI: **008, EI: **410)
87. Li, Y., Yang, X., Liu, C. and Jiang, T. (2012). Miniaturization cantor set fractal UWB antenna with a notch band characteristic, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.54, no.5, pp.1227-1230. (SCI: **027, EI: **692)
88. Li, Y., Yang, X., Bai, Y. and Jiang, T. (2012). Tiny UWB antenna notches two bands, Microwaves & RF, vol.51, no.2, pp.81-86, 2012. (SCI: **015)
89. Li, Y., Li, W. and Yu, W. (2012). A switchable UWB slot antenna using SIS-HSIR and SIS-SIR for multi-mode wireless communications applications, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.27, no.4, pp.340-351, 2012. (SCI: **007, EI: **536)
90. Li, Y., Li, W. and Ye, Q. (2012). Compact reconfigurable UWB antenna integrated with SIRs and switches for multi-mode wireless communications, IEICE Electronics Express, vol.9, no.7, pp.629-635, 2012. (SCI: **005, EI: **289)
91. Li, Y., Li, W. and Jiang, T. (2012). Implementation and investigation of a compact circular wide slot UWB antenna with dual notched band characteristics using stepped impedance resonators, Radioengineering, vol.21, no.1, pp.517-527, 2012. (SCI: **021)
92. Liu., C., Jiang, T., Li, Y., Zhang, J., (2012). A novel UWB filter with WLAN and RFID stop band rejection characteristic using tri-stage radial loaded stub resonators, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.27, no.9, pp. 340-351. (SCI: **007, EI: **807)
93. Li, Y., Yang, X., Bai, Y. and Jiang, T. (2011). Dual-band antenna handles WLAN/WiMAX, Microwaves & RF, vol.50, no.6, pp.80-88, 2011. (SCI: **018)
94. Li, Y., Yang, X., Yang, Q. and Liu, C. (2011). Compact coplanar waveguide fed ultra wideband antenna with a notch band characteristic, AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol.65, no.11, pp.961-966, 2011. (SCI: **012, EI: **182)
95. Yang, X. D., Li, Y. S., Li, Q. T. and Liu, C. Y. (2011). Analysis and experimental investigation on a novel wideband sleeve dipole array antenna, AEU- International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol.65, no.4, pp.373-376, 2011. (SCI: **013, EI: **936)
96. Liu, C. Y., Li, Y. S., Jiang, T. and Yang, X. D. (2011). Compact CPW-fed UWB antenna with a notched band characteristic, Microwave Journal, vol.54, no.8, 2011. (SCI: **019, EI: **217)
97. Liu, C. Y., Jiang, T. and Li, Y. S. (2011). A novel UWB filter with notch-band characteristi c using radial-UIR/SIR loaded stub resonators, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.25, No. 2, pp. 233-245,2011. (SCI: **007, EI: **807)
98. Luo, W. Y., Jin, L. and Li, Y. S. (2011). A subcarrier-reference scheme for multiuser MISO-OFDMA systems with low probability of interception, IEICE Transactions Communications, vol. E94-B, no.10, pp.2872-2876,2011. (SCI: **021, EI: **155)
99. Li, Y. S., Yang, X. D., Liu, C. Y. and Jiang, T. (2010). Compact CPW-fed ultra-wideband antenna with dual band-notched characteristics,Electronics letters, vol.46, no. 14, pp.967-968. (SCI: **004, EI: **011)
100. Li, Y. S., Yang, X. D., Liu, C. Y. and Jiang, T. (2010). Compact CPW-fed ultra-wide band antenna with dual band notched characteristics,IEICE Electronics Express, vol.7, no.20, pp.1597-1601. (SCI: **016, EI: **073)
101. Li, Y. S., Yang, X. D., Liu, C. Y. and Jiang, T. (2010). Compact CPW-fed ultra-wideband antenna with band-notched characteristics, Electronics Letters, vol.46, no. 23, pp.1533-1534. (SCI: **004, EI: **743)
102. Yang, X. D., Li, Y. S. and Liu, C. Y. (2009). A toothbrush-shaped patch antenna for millimeter wave communication, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 23, no.1, pp. 31-37. (SCI: **004, EI: **027)


2012年,IB2COM 2012优秀论文奖
2016年,ICECT 2016 优秀学生论文奖
2017年,ICCSNT 2017优秀论文奖
2019年,ICEICT 2019优秀论文奖


王燕燕 (首届博士研究生科研创新基金,博士国家奖学金,工信创新奖学金,美国加州大学戴维斯分校3个月,英国约克大学交流1年) (出国5次,其中3个月1次,1年1次)
Omer OSman
石万录 (出国3次,芬兰阿尔托大学交流3个月,博士研究生科研创新基金获得者)
赵宇婷 (出国1次)
Cherednichenko Aleksey




史凡萍 (出国1次)
罗生元 (54所,出国1次3个月,美国德州理工大学交流3个月)
董玥 (华为,出国1次)



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