科技委基础创新基金,面向海洋环境的先进激光技术研究,经费100万,执行期 2018-2021年
黑龙江省博士后科学基金,稀土离子掺杂晶体的反斯托克斯荧光制冷特性研究, 2011-2014年
>> 2019年拟招1-2位博士生,负责激光物理与固体激光器技术的课题研究。
中国光学学会光电专委会 委员
中国仪器仪表学会光机电分会 理事
黑龙江省光学学会 理事
68. F. Yan, L. Li*, R. X. Wang, H. Tian, J. L. Liu, J. Q. Liu, F. J. Tian, J. Z. Zhang, “Ultrasensitive tunable terahertz sensor with graphene plasmonic grating,” J. Lightwave Technol., 37(4): 1103-1112 (2019).67. R. X. Wang, L. Li*, T. Guo, T. Z. Wang, J. L. Liu, H. Tian, F. J. Tian, W. M. Sun, “Double tuning perfect terahertz metamaterial absorber with liquid crystal and graphene,” Submitted to journal (2019).
66. Y. C. Xue, L. Li*, B. Zhang, R. X. Wang, H. Tian, J. H. Cui, F. J. Tian, J. Z. Zhang, “ReSe2 Passively Q-switched Nd:Y3Al5O12 laser with near repetition rate limit of microsecond pulse output,” Opt. Commun., 445: 165-170 (2019).
65. P. Tan, H. Tian, F. Huang, X. D. Meng, Y. Wang, C. P. Hu, X. L. Cao, L. Li, Z. X. Zhou, “Strain-gradient-controlled disorder dynamics in chemically substituted ferroelectrics,” Phys. Rev. Appl., 11: 024037 (2019).
64. X. D. Meng, H. Tian, C. P. Hu, J. K. Yang, L. Li, B. Yang, Z. X. Zhou, “Elastic, piezoelectric, and dielectric properties of high-quality KTa0.53Nb0.47O3 single crystal with tetragonal phase,” J. Alloys & Compounds, 733: 21-26 (2019).
63. R. X. Wang, L. Li*, H. Tian, J. Q. Liu, J. L. Liu, F. J. Tian, J. Z. Zhang, W. M. Sun, “Full telecomband covered half-wave meta-reflectarray for efficient circular polarization conversion,” Opt. Commun., 427: 469-476 (2018).62. J. F. Luo, S. S. Chen, H. K. Qu, Z. L. Su, L. Li, F. J. Tian, “Highly birefringent single-mode suspended-core fiber in THz regime,” J. Lightwave Technol., 36(16): 3242-3248 (2018).61. S. S. Chen, F. J. Tian, L. Li, H. K. Qu, Z. L. Su, J. Z. Zhang, “Double D-shaped hole optical fiber coated with graphene as a polarizer,” Appl. Opt., 57(27): 7659-7666 (2018).60. H. K. Qu, F. J. Tian, S. S. Chen, Y. J. Zhang, J. F. Luo, L. Li, X. H. Yang, J. Z. Zhang, “Two-core single-polarization optical fiber with a large hollow coated bimetallic layer,” Appl. Opt., 57(10): 2446-2451 (2018).59. H. K. Qu, F. J. Tian, J. F. Luo, L. Li, X. H. Yang, J. Z. Zhang, “Proposal of high-birefringence twin-core hollow optical fiber,” Opt. Engineering, 57(5): 056102 (2018).58. J. Y. Bai, Z. L. He, L. Li*, Y. D. Li, W. M. Sun, “The influence of side-coupled quantum dots on thermoelectric effect of parallel-coupled double quantum dot system,” Physica B, 545: 377-382 (2018).57. Z. L. He, J. Y. Bai, L. Li*, Q. S. Zhi, W. M. Sun, “Photon-assisted electronic transport through an asymmetrically coupled triple-quantum dot interferometer,” Mosc. U. Phys. Bulletin, 73(5): 486-492 (2018).56. P. Tan, H. Tian, Y. Wang, X. D. Meng, F. Huang, X. L. Cao, C. P. Hu, L. Li, Z. X. Zhou, “Impact of dipolar clusters on electro-optic effects in KTa1-xNbxO3 crystal,” Opt. Lett., 43(20): 5009-5012 (2018).55. X. L. Cao, H. Tian, C. P. Hu, Y. Wang, X. Y. Li, L. Li*, X. D. Sun, Z. X. Zhou, “Discovery and evolution of double P-E loops in a tetragonal Fe-doped KTa0.57Nb0.43O3 single crystal,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 101: 3755-3760 (2018).54. B. Zhang, L. Li*, C. J. He, F. J. Tian, X. T. Yang, J. H. Cui, J. Z. Zhang, W. M. Sun, “Compact self-Q-switched Tm:YLF laser at 1.91 um,” Opt. Laser Technol., 100: 103-108 (2018).53. J. Wang, H. Tian, Y. Wang, X. Y. Li, Y. J. Cao, L. Li*, J. L. Liu, Z. X. Zhou, “Liquid crystal terahertz modulator with plasmon-induced transparency metamaterial,” Opt. Express, 26(5): 5769-5776 (2018).52. R. X. Wang, L. Li*, J. L. Liu, F. Yan, F. J. Tian, H. Tian, J. Z. Zhang, W. M. Sun, “Triple-band tunable perfect terahertz metamaterial absorber with liquid crystal,” Opt. Express, 25(26): 32280-32289 (2017).51. J. F. Luo, F. J. Tian, H. K. Qu. L. Li, J. Z. Zhang, X. H. Yang, L. B. Yuan, “Design and numerical analysis of a THz square porous-core photonic crystal fiber for low flattened dispersion, ultrahigh birefringence,” Appl. Opt. 56(24): 6993-7001 (2017).50. Y. Du, X. Cui, L. Li, H. Tian, W. X. Yu, Z. X. Zhou, “Dielectric properties of DMSO-doped-PEDOT:PSS at THz frequencies,” Phys. Status Solidi B, ** (2017).49. P. Tan, H. Tian, C. Y. Mao, C. P. Hu, X. D. Meng, L. Li, G. Shi, Z. X. Zhou, “Field-driven electron-optic dynamics of polar nanoregions in nanodisordered KTa1-xNbxO3 crystal,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 111: 012903 (2017). 48. J. Y. Bai, L. Li*, Z. L. He, S. J. Ye, S. J. Zhao, S. H. Dang, W. M. Sun, “Photon-assisted electronic and spin transport through two T-shaped three-quantum-dot molecules embedded in an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer,” Chin. Phys. B, 26(11): 117302 (2017).
47. J. Y. Bai, Z. L. He, L. Li*, S. J. Ye, W. M. Sun, “Electron transport through a linear tri-quantum-dot molecule Aharonov-Bohm interference,” Physica B, 521: 148-152 (2017).46. Z. L. He, J. Y. Bai, S. J. Ye, L. Li, C. X. Li, “Quantum switch and efficient spin-filter in a system consisting of multiple three-quantum-dot rings,” Chin. Phys. Lett., 34(8): 087301 (2017).45. L. Li*, B. Zhang, J. Q. Du, Z. G. Zhang, D. X. Wang, X. L. Zhang, “Bistable upconversion emission in Yb-sensitized Tm:ZrO2 nanophosphors at room temperature,” J. Nonlinear Opt. Phys. Mater., 25(1): ** (2016).
44. J. Y. Bai, Z. L. He, L. Li*, G. H. Han, B. L. Zhang, P. H. Jiang, Y. H. Fan, “Electron transport through a two-terminal Aharonov-Bohm interferometer coupled with linear di-quantum dot molecules,” Acta Phys. Sin., 64(20): 207304 (2015).
43. J. Q. Liu, Y. X. Zhou, L. Li, P. Wang, Anatoly V. Zayats, “Controlling plasmon-induced transparency of graphene metamolecules with external magnetic field,” Opt. Express, 23(10): 12524-12532 (2015).
42. J. Q. Zhao, Y. Li, S. Zhang, L. Li, X. L. Zhang, “Diode-pumped actively Q-switched Tm:YAP/BaWO4 intracavity Raman laser,” Opt. Express, 23(8): 10075-10080 (2015).
41. L. Li, H. Li, Z. G. Zhang, X. L. Zhang, J. Q. Zhao, J. H. Cui, “Laser-driven blackbody radiator with bistability,” Appl. Phys. B, 116(4):867-873 (2014).
40. X. L. Zhang, S. Zhang, Z. Xie, G. Li, L. Yu, J. Cui, J. Zhao, L. Li, “Polarization switching and optical bistability in the diode-pumped Tm,Ho:LLF laser,” Laser Phys. Lett., 11(10): 105804 (2014).
39. X. L. Zhang, S. Zhang, N. Xiao, J. Cui, J. Zhao, L. Li, “Diode-end-pumped continuously tunable single frequency Tm,Ho:LLF laser at 2.06 μm,” Appl. Opt., 53(8):1488-1492 (2014).38. X. L. Zhang, S. Zhang, N. Xiao, J. Zhao, L. Li, J. H. Cui, “Diode-pumped passively Q-switched dual-wavelength c-cut Tm,Ho:LLF laser at 2 μm,” Laser Phys. Lett., 11(3):035801 (2014).37. G. Z. Dong, X. L. Zhang and L. Li, “Energy transfer enhanced laser cooling in Ho3+ and Tm3+ codoped Lithium Yttrium Fluoride,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 30(4): 939-944 (2013).
36. X. L. Zhang, L. Yu, S. Zhang, L. Li, J. Q. Zhao and J. H. Cui, “Diode-pumped continuous wave and passively Q-switched Tm,Ho:LLF laser at 2 μm,” Opt. Express, 21(10): 12629-12634 (2013).
35. X. L. Zhang, S. Zhang, C. Y. Wang, L. Li, J. Q. Zhao and J. H. Cui, “Orthogonally polarized dual-wavelength single-longitudinal-mode Tm,Ho:LLF laser,” Opt. Express, 21(19): 22699-22704 (2013).
34. J. Q. Zhao, X. L. Zhang, X. Guo, X. J. Bao, L. Li and J. H. Cui, “Diode-pumped actively Q-switched Tm,Ho:GdVO4/BaWO4 intra-cavity Raman laser at 2533 nm,” Opt. Lett., 38(8): 1206-1208 (2013).
33. X. L. Zhang, L. Yu, S. Zhang, L. Li, J. Q. Zhao, J. H. Cui, G. Z. Dong and R. Wang, “Controlled optical bistability switching in a diode-pumped Tm,Ho:LLF laser,” Laser Phys. Lett., 10(12): 125801 (2013).
32. J. Q. Zhao, B. Q. Yao, X. L. Zhang, L. Li, Y. L. Ju and Y. Z. Wang, “An efficient, compact intra-cavity continuous-wave mid-infrared SRO with a narrow line width,” Laser Phys. Lett., 10(4): 045801 (2013).
31. X. L. Zhang, L. Yu, S. Zhang, J. Q. Zhao, L. Li and J. H. Cui, “Passively Q-switched Tm,Ho:LuLiF4 laser with near constant pulse energy and duration,” Appl. Phys. B, 111(2): 165-168 (2013).30. L. Liu, C. L. Li, X. L. Zhang, Y. J. Chen, L. Li, Z. Zhang and Y. Wang, “Suppression of energy transfer from Er3+ to OH- in Er3+ highly doped zirconia”, Opt. Commun., 287(15): 228-233 (2013).29. X. L. Zhang, X. J. Bao, L. Li, H. Li and J. H. Cui, “Laser diode end-pumped passively Q-switched Tm,Ho:YLF laser with Cr:ZnS as a saturable absorber,” Opt. Commun., 285(8): 2122-2127 (2012).
28. X. L. Zhang, M. Li, J. H. Cui, L. Li and J. Q. Zhao, “Single frequency optical bistability operation in end-pumped Tm,Ho:YLF lasers,” Appl. Phys. B, 108(3): 565-569 (2012).
27. L. Liu, C. L. Li, Y. J. Chen, X. L. Zhang, L. Li and Y. X. Wang, “Phase transformation of ZrO2 nanocrystals induced by Li+”, Mater. Lett., 79(15): 75-77 (2012).
26. X. L. Zhang, L. Li, G. Z. Dong, J. H. Cui and Y. L. Ju, “Determination of the effective upper laser level lifetime from an end-pumped Tm,Ho:YLF laser,” Appl. Phys. B, 103(2): 321-325 (2011).
25. X. L. Zhang, L. Li, Y. F. Liu, Y. F. Peng and J. H. Cui, “Stable microsecond pulsewidth passively Q-switched Tm,Ho:YLF laser,” Laser Phys. Lett., 8(4): 277-280 (2011).
24. X. L. Zhang, L. Li, J. H. Cui and Y. L. Ju, “Tunable repetition frequency passively Q-switched Tm,Ho:YLF laser with Cr:ZnS as a saturable absorber,” Laser Phys., 21(9): 1581-1584 (2011).
23. X. L. Zhang, L. Li, J. H. Cui, Y. L. Ju and Y. Z. Wang, “Single longitudinal mode and continuously tunable frequency Tm,Ho:YLF laser with two solid etalons,” Laser Phys. Lett., 7(3): 194-197 (2010).
22. X. L. Zhang, L. Li, B. Jiang, J. H. Cui, Y. L. Ju and Y. Z. Wang, “Single longitudinal mode and optical bistability Tm,Ho:YLF lasers at room temperature,” Laser Phys. Lett., 7(2): 108-111 (2010).
21. X. L. Zhang, L. Yang, L. Li, J. H. Cui, Y. L. Ju and Y. Z. Wang, “Bistable performances of diode-end-pumped quasi-three-level Tm,Ho:YLF lasers,” Opt. Commun., 283(6): 1086- 1089 (2010).
20. L. Li, X. L. Zhang, J. H. Cui and L.X. Chen, “Characteristics of intrinsic optical bistability and parameter optimization in Tm3+/Yb3+ codoped laser crystal,” Acta Phys. Sin., 59(2): 1052-1062 (2010).
19. L. Li, X. L. Zhang, J. H. Cui and L. X. Chen, “A theoretical study of intrinsic optical bistability dynamics in Tm3+/Yb3+ codoped systems with an upconversion avalanche mechanism,” J. Opt. A: Pure. Appl. Opt., 11(10): 105203 (2009).
18. X. L. Zhang, L. Li, Y. Zheng and Y. Z. Wang, “Formation mechanism of optical bistability in end-pumped quasi-three-level Tm,Ho:YLF lasers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 26(12): 2434-2439 (2009).
17. X. L. Zhang, Y. Z. Wang, L. Li, Y. L. Ju and Y. F. Peng, “The effects of energy transfer upconversion on end-pumped Q-switched Tm,Ho:YLF lasers,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 42(2): 025107 (2009).
16. L. Li, X. L. Zhang and L. X. Chen, “Intrinsic bistability and critical slowing in Tm3+/Yb3+ codoped laser crystal with the photon avalanche mechanism,” Chin. Phys. Lett., 26(6): 064216 (2009).
15. X. L. Zhang, L. Li, Y. Z. Wang, J. H. Cui, Y. L. Lv and W. Jin, “Diode-end-pumped optical bistability laser with a bulk Tm,Ho:YLF crystals as gain medium and saturable absorber,” Appl. Phys. B, 93: 491-496 (2008).
14. L. Li, X. L. Zhang and L. X. Chen, “Numerical analysis of intrinsic bistability and chromatic switching in Tm3+ single-doped systems under photon avalanche pumping scheme,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 41(19): 195105 (2008).
13. L. Li, X. L. Zhang and L. X. Chen, “Optical bistability and Fano-like resonance transmission in a ring cavity-coupled Michelson interferometer,” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt., 10(7): 075305 (2008).
12. L. Li, X. L. Zhang and L. X. Chen, “Intrinsic optical bistability in Tm-doped laser crystal pumped at 648 nm avalanche wavelength,” Acta Phys. Sin., 57(1): 278-284 (2008).
11. L. Li, X. L. Zhang, L. X. Chen and R. Wang, “Chromatic bistability and luminescence switching of visible-infrared emission in Tm-doped laser crystal,” Acta Phys. Sin., 57(9): 5675-5683 (2008).
10. X. L. Zhang, Y. Z. Wang, L. Li and Y. L. Ju, “Optical bistability performance of laser-diode end-pumped Tm,Ho:YLF laser,” Acta Phys. Sin., 57(3): 1699-1703 (2008).
9. X. L. Zhang, Y. Z. Wang, L. Li, J. H. Cui and Y. L. Ju, “Laser parameter optimization and experimental study of end-pumped continuous wave Tm,Ho:YLF lasers,” Acta Phys. Sin., 57(6):3519-3524 (2008).
8. X. L. Zhang, Y. Z. Wang, L. Li and Y. L. Ju, “Heat generation and thermal lensing in end pumped Tm,Ho:YLF laser crystals,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 40(11): 6930-6935 (2007).
7. X. L. Zhang, Y. Z. Wang, L. Li and Y. L. Ju, “Fractional thermal loading and thermal lensing in end-pumped Tm,Ho:YLF lasers,” Acta Phys. Sin., 56(4): 2196-2201 (2007).
6. L. Li, J. Q. Li, X. L. Zhang and L. X. Chen, “All-optical switch with low threshold over a wide wavelength range by use of a Mach-Zehnder racetrack resonator,” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt., 9(10): 848-853 (2007).
5. L. Li, X. L. Zhang, P. P. Sun and L. X. Chen, “Transient response and applications of microring resonator-coupled Mach-Zehnder interferometer,” Acta Photon. Sin., 36(10): 1788-1792 (2007).
4. J. Q. Li, L. Li, L. Jin and C. F. Li, “All-optical switch and limiter based on nonlinear polarization in Mach-Zehnder interferometer coupled with a polarization-maintaining fiber-ring resonator,” Opt. Commun., 260(1): 318-323 (2006).
3. J. Q. Li, L. Jin, L. Li and C. F. Li, “Bandgap separation and optical switching in nonlinear chiral photonic crystal with layered structure,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 18(11): 1261-1263 (2006).
2. J. Q. Li, L. Li, J. Q. Zhao and C. F. Li, “Ultrafast, low power, and highly stable all-optical switch in MZI with two-arm-sharing nonlinear ring resonator,” Opt. Commun., 256(4-6): 319-325 (2005).
1. J. Q. Li, L. Li, J. Q. Zhao and C. F. Li, “A novel all-optical switch in a double-loop Sagnac ring coupled with a nonlinear ring resonator,” Chin. Phys. Lett., 21(11): 2205-2208 (2004).
我们实验室同样渴望吸引优秀的学生,更投身于培养卓越的毕业生。—————— 激光与非线性光学实验室
>> 2019年拟招1-2位博士生,负责激光物理与固体激光器方面的课题研究。
——————————————————————————学术成果:》闫飞(硕士)SCI 论文, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(4): 1103-1112 (2019). 》薛喻宸(硕士)SCI 论文, Optics Communications, 445: 165-170 (2019).
》张斌(博士)发明专利, 授权号ZL**2.0, (2019).
》白继元(博士)SCI 论文, Physica B, 545: 377-382 (2018).
》白继元(博士)SCI 论文, Mosc. U. Phys. Bulletin, 73(5): 486-492 (2018).
》王若星(博士)SCI 论文, Optics Communications, 427: 469-476 (2018).
》张斌(博士)发明专利, 申请号**0.8, (2018).
》杨乐乐(硕士)发明专利, 申请号**3.6, (2018).
》杨乐乐(硕士)发明专利, 申请号**2.6, (2018).
》张宏烨(本科),学院优秀学士学位毕业论文, (2018).
》张斌(博士)贺春景(本科)SCI 论文, Opt. Laser Technol., 100: 103 (2018).
》王若星(博士)SCI 论文, Optics Express, 25(26): 32280 (2017).
》罗剑锋(硕士)SCI 论文, Appl. Opt., 56: 6993 (2017).
》白继元(博士)SCI 论文, Physica B, 521: 148 (2017).
》白继元(博士)SCI 论文, Chin. Phys. B, 26: 117302 (2017). (遴选为主编推荐文章)
》贺春景(本科),校级优秀学士学位毕业论文, (2017).
》祝贝贝(硕士)发明专利, 申请号**0.7, (2017).
》张斌(硕士)SCI 论文, J. Nonlinear Opt. Phys. Mater., 25(1): ** (2016).
》杜佳琪(硕士)发明专利, 授权号ZL**0.9, (2016).
》白继元(博士)SCI 论文, 物理学报, 64(20): 207304 (2015).
》张振国(硕士)发明专利, 授权号ZL**1.1, (2014).
》李鸿(硕士)SCI论文, Appllied Physics B, 116(4): 867-873 (2014).