

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25


Dr. Guanying Chen is a Full Professor at School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology



Research Interests:Rare earth Luminescence, Nanocrystals and Crystals, Biophotonics and Solar Cellls

2013.12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学化工学院 教授/博士生导师
2009.07-2013.12 哈尔滨工业大学化工学院 讲师,副教授/博士生导师
2009.09-2012.01美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校&瑞典皇家工学院(Joint Position) 博士后
PeriodProfessional Affiliation
Harbin Institute of Technology Professor

Harbin Institute of Technology Assistant Professor/Associate Professor

SUNY Buffalo &KTH(Joint Position) Postdoc

学士 2000.09 2004.07 哈尔滨工业大学

博士 2004.09 2009.07 哈尔滨工业大学

Undergraduate 2000.09-2004.07 Harbin Institute of Technology

PhD 2004.09-2009.07 Harbin Institute of Technology

国际期刊 Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group(IF=4.122), Editorial Board (2017-)

国际期刊 Nanomaterials, MDPI (IF=3.504), Editorial Board (2015-)

国际期刊 Crystals, MDPI (IF=2.144), Editorial Board (2018-)

国际期刊 Theranostics, Ivyspring (IF=8.537), Guest Editor (2013-2014)

国际期刊 Nanomaterials, MDPI (IF=3.504), Guest Editor (2015-2016)

国际期刊 American Journal of Applied Sciences, Editor in Chief(2017-)

国际期刊 Sicence Letters Journal, Associate Editor (2015-)

国际期刊 American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Associate Editor(2015-2016)

国际期刊 Journal of Nanoscience Letters, Associate Editor (2014-2015)

国际期刊 Journal of Advances in Nanomaterials, Editorial Board (2016-)

国际期刊 Science Advances Today, Editorial Board (2015-)

国际期刊 International Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology, and Nanomedicine, Editorial Board(2015-)

Grant Review: 欧盟ERC基金函评专家、美国DOE基金函评专家、波兰NSC基金函评专家、国家自然科学基金委NSFC函评专家

Manuscript Review: Chemical Reviews, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Chemical Society Reviews, Accounts of Chemical Research, Advanced Materials, Angewandte Chemie, Journal of American Chemical Society,Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, Chemistry of Materials, Small, Advanced Optical Materials, Advanced Healthcare Materials, ACS Photonics, Biomaterials,Scientific Reports, Chemical Communications, Nanoscale, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Nanoscale, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Journal of Material Chemistry, Journal of Material Chemistry C, Journal of Material Chemistry B, RSC Advances, Dalton Transactions, Analyst, Cancers, Lasers& Photonics Review, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Optical Materials Express, Biomedical Optics Express, Jounal of Applied Physics, Optical Materials, Optics Communications, Solid State Science, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Materials Letters, Nanotechnology Science and Applications, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, International Journal of Nanomedcine, Medicinal Chemistry: Current Research, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Theranostics, Surgery: Current Research, Materials Letters, Journal of Materials Science, Inorganics, Materials Chemistry and Physics, IEEE Photonics, Nanomaterials, etc.

2015 入选第二批****“青年拔尖人才”

2015 Joseph Wang Award, Cognizure

2015 哈尔滨工业大学基础研究杰出人才“跃升”培育计划

2013 哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才计划

2012 哈尔滨工业大学基础研究杰出人才培育计划

2011 全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖

2010 哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士论文

《晶体物理基础》《Fundamentals of Crystal Physics》双语课程

《太阳能电池工艺学》《Technologies for Solar Cell Devices》

年度 博后1名,博士生2名,硕士生2名,



Some selected recent publications

[1] Dirk H Ortgies?, Meiling Tan?, Erving C Ximendes?, Blanca del Rosal, Jie Hu, Lei Xu, Xindong Wang, Emma Martin Rodriguez, Carlos Jacinto, Nuria Fernandez, Guanying Chen*, Daniel Jaque*, "Lifetime-Encoded Infrared-Emitting Nanoparticles for In Vivo Multiplexed Imaging", ACS Nano, 2018, 12 (5), pp 4362–4368 (*通讯作者,IF=13.709)

[2] Xindong Wang, Rashid R. Valiev, Tymish Y. Ohulchanskyy, Hans ?gren, Chunhui Yang and Guanying Chen*, “Dye-Sensitized Lanthanide-Doped Upconversion Nanoparticles”, Chemical Society Reviews, 2017, 46, 4150-4167. (Invited review, IF=40.182)

[3] Guanying Chen, Indrajit Roy, Chunhui Yang*, Paras N. Prasad*, "Nanochemistry and Nanomedicine for Nanoparticle-based Diagnostics and Therapy", Chemical Reviews, 2016,116 (5), pp 2826–2885 .(Invited review, IF=52.613, ESI十年高引& ESI两年亮点,封面).

[4] Wei Shao, Guanying Chen,* Andrey N Kuzmin, Hilliard L Kutscher, Artem Pliss, Tymish Y Ohulchanskyy, Paras N Prasad*, "Tunable Narrow Band Emissions from Dye-Sensitized Core/Shell/Shell Nanocrystals in the Second Near-Infrared Biological Window", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138 (50), pp 16192–16195 (*通讯作者,IF=14.357).

[5] Guanying Chen*, Hans Agren, Tymish Y. Ohulchanskyy, and Paras N. Prasad*, “Light Upconverting Core/Shell Nanostructures: Nanophotonic Control of Emerging Applications”, Chemical Society Reviews, 2015, 44 (6), 1680-1713. (*通讯作者, Invited review, ESI 十年高引, IF=40.182)

[6] Guanying Chen,* Jossana A Damasco, Hailong Qiu, Wei Shao, Tymish Y Ohulchanskyy, Rashid Rinatovich Valiev, Xiang Wu, Gang Han, Yan Wang, Chunhui Yang, Hans ?gren, Paras N Prasad*, Energy Cascaded Upconversion in an Organic Dye-Sensitized Core/Shell Fluoride Nanocrystal, Nano Letters, 2015, 15 (11), 7400–7407. (Highlighted by Discovery, OSA Photonics Review, Science Daily, Phys. Org, EU Science News., etc.., ESI十年高引&ESI两年亮点) (*通讯作者, IF=12.712)

[7] James Rieffel, Feng Chen, Jeesu Kim, Guanying Chen*, Wei Shao, Shuai Shao, Upendra Chitgupi, Reinier Hernandez, Stephen A. Graves, Robert J. Nickles, Paras N. Prasad*, Chulhong Kim, Weibo Cai, Jonathan F. Lovell*, Hexamodal Imaging with Porphyrin-Phospholipid-Coated Upconversion Nanoparticles, Advanced Materials, 2015, 27(10), 1785-1790. (*通讯作者, Highlighted by Chemical&Engineering News, ESI十年高引,IF=21.950)

[8] Guanying Chen*, Hailong Qiu, Paras N Prasad*, Xiaoyuan Chen*, “Upconversion Nanoparticles: Design, Nanochemistry, and Applications in Theranostics”, Chemical Reviews, 2014, 114 (10), pp 5161–5214. (*通讯作者) (ESI 十年高引, Invited review, IF=52.613, 封面). (曾入选ESI 两年热点)

[9] Guanying Chen, Jangwon Seo, Chunhui Yang*, and Paras N. Prasad*, “Nanochemistry and Nanomaterials for Photovoltaics”, Chemical Society Reviews, 2013,42, 8304-8338 (ESI 十年高引,Invited review, IF=40.182)

[10] Guanying Chen,* Chunhui Yang*, and P. N. Prasad*, “Nanophotonics and Nanochemistry: Controlling the Excitation Dynamics for Frequency Up- and Down-Conversion”, Accounts of Chemical Research, 2013,46(7) 1474-1486 (Invited Review, ESI 十年高引).(*通讯作者,IF=20.955)

[11] Guanying Chen, Jie Shen, Tymish Y. Ohulchanskyy, Nayan J. Patel , Artem Kutikov, Zhipeng Li, Jie Song, Ravindra K. Pandey , Hans ?gren , Paras N. Prasad*, and Gang Han*. (a-NaYbF4:Tm3+)/CaF2 Core/Shell Nanoparticles with Efficient Near-Infrared to Near-Infrared Upconversion for High-Contrast Deep Tissue Bioimaging. ACS Nano 2012, 6, 8280-8287 (Highlighted by Science Daily, Phys. Org, Science News line, EU Science News., Nanodaily, eurekalert.org, newswise, rdmag., Nanotech-now., Gizmag, Azonano. Lapspaces, sciencecodex, gizmag., etc. More than 30 media). (ESI 十年高引,IF=13.709) (曾入选ESI两年热点)

[12] Guanying Chen, T. Y. Ohulchanskyy, S. Liu, W. C. Law, F. Wu, M. T. Swihart, H. ?gren, and P. N. Prasad*, Core/Shell NaGdF4:Nd3+/NaGdF4 Nanocrystals with Efficient Near-Infrared to Near-Infrared Downconversion Photoluminescence for Bioimaging Applications, ACS Nano, 2012, 6:2969-2977. (ESI 十年高引, IF=13.709)

[13] Guanying Chen, T. Y. Ohulchanskyy, A. Kachynski, H. ?gren, and P. N. Prasad*, Intense visible and near-infrared upconversion photoluminescence in colloidal LiYF4:Er3+ nanocrystals under low power excitation at 1490 nm, ACS Nano. 2011, 5:4981-4986. (ESI 十年高引, IF=13.709)

[14] Guanying Chen, T. Y. Ohulchanskyy, R. Kumar, H. ?gren, and Paras N. Prasad*. Ultrasmall monodisperse NaYF4:Yb3+/Tm3+ nanocrystals with enhanced near-infrared to near-infrared upconversion photoluminescence. ACS Nano. 2010, 4 (6):3163-3168. (ESI 十年高引, IF=13.709)

[15] Shuwei Hao, Guanying Chen*, Chunhui Yang, Wei Shao, Wei Wei , Yang Liu, Paras N. Prasad*, “Nd3+-Sensitized Multicolor Upconversion Luminescence from A Sandwiched Core/Shell/Shell Nanostructure”, Nanoscale, 2017, 9 (30):10633-10638. (IF=7.233)

[16] Shuwei Hao, Yunfei Shang, Deyang Li, Hans ?gren, Chunhui Yang*, and Guanying Chen*, “Enhancing Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Efficiency through Broadband Near-Infrared Upconverting Nanoparticles”, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 6711-6715. (IF=7.233,封面)

[17] Wei Shao, Guanying Chen*, Tymish Y. Ohulchanskyy, Chunhui Yang, Hans, ?gren, Paras N. Prasad*, “A Core-Multiple Shell Nanostructure Enabling Concurrent Upconversion and Quantum Cutting for Photon Management”, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 1934-1941. (IF=7.233)

[18] Jing Liu, Guanying Chen*, Shuwei Hao and Chunhui Yang*, Sub-6 nm Monodisperse Hexagonal Core/Shell NaGdF4 Nanocrystals with Enhanced Upconversion Photoluminescence, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 91-98 (IF=7.233)

[19] Artem Pliss?, Tymish Y Ohulchanskyy?, Guanying Chen?, Jossana Damasco, Caroline Bass, Paras N Prasad*, Subcellular Optogenetics Enacted by Targeted Nanotransformers of Near-Infrared Light, ACS Photonics, 2017, 4 (4), 806–814 (IF=6.880)

[20] Wei Wei, Guanying Chen, Alexander Baev, Guan S. He, Wei Shao, Jossana Damasco, Paras N. Prasad*, Alleviating the luminescence concentration quenching effect of upconversion nanoparticles through organic dye sensitization, Journal of American Chemical Society, 2016, 138 (46), pp 15130–15133. (IF=14.357)

[21] Guanying Chen*, Wei Shao, Rashid R. Valiev, Tymish Y. Ohulchanskyy, Guang S. He, Hans ?gren and Paras N. Prasad*, “Efficient Broadband Upconversion of Near-Infrared Light in Dye-Sensitized Core/Shell Nanocrystals,” Advanced Optical Materials, 2016, 4(1), pp 1760–1766. (IF=7.430)

[22] Wei Shao, Guanying Chen*, Tymish Y. Ohulchanskyy, Andrey Kuzmin, Jossana Damasco, Hailong Qiu, Chunhui Yang, Hans, ?gren, Paras N. Prasad*, “Lanthanide-Doped Fluoride Core/Multishell Nanoparticles for Broad-Band Upconversion of Infrared Light”, Advanced Optical Materials, 2015, 3(4), 575-582 (IF=7.430)

[23] Shuai Ye, Guanying Chen*, Wei Shao, Junle Qu, and Paras N Prasad*, “Tuning Upconversion through A Sensitizer-Activator-Isolated Core/Shell Nanostructure”, Nanoscale 2015, 7, 3976-3984. (IF=7.367)

[24] Shuwei Hao, Liming Yang, Hailong Qiu, Chunhui Yang*, and Guanying Chen*, “Heterogeneous Core/Shell Fluoride Nanocrystals with Enhanced Upconversion Photoluminescence for In Vivo Bioimaging”, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 10775-10780. (IF=7.233)

[25] Chunze Yuan, Guanying Chen,* Lin Li, Jossana A. Damasco, Zhijun Ning, Hui Xing, Tianmu Zhang, Licheng Sun, Hao Zeng, Alexander Cartwright, Paras N. Prasad* and Hans ?gren*, “Simultaneous Multiple Wavelength Upconversion in a Core-Shell Nanoparticle for Enhanced Near Infrared Light Harvesting in a Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6 (20), pp 18018–18025. (IF=8.097)

[26] Jossana A. Damasco, Guanying Chen*, Xianliang Wang, Wei Shao, Hans Agren, Haoyuan Huang, Wentao Song, Jonathan Lovell, and Paras N. Prasad,* “Size-Tunable and Monodisperse Tm3+/Gd3+-Doped Hexagonal NaYbF4 Nanoparticles with Efficient Near Infrared-to-Near Infrared Upconversion for In Vivo Imaging”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6(16), pp 13884-13893 2014. (IF=8.097)

[27] Hailong Qiu, Guanying Chen,* Rongwei Fan, Liming Yang, Cheng Liu, Shuwei Hao, Michael J Sailor, Hans Agren, Chunhui Yang* and Paras N Prasad*, "Intense Ultraviolet Upconversion Emission from Water-Dispersed Colloidal YF3:Yb3+/Tm3+ Rhombic Nanodisks", Nanoscale, 2014, 6(2), 753-757 (co-corresponding authors, IF=7.233)

[28] Jie Shen?, Guanying Chen?, Anne-Marie Vu, Wei Fan, Osman S Bilsel, Chun-Chih Chang and Gang Han*, “Engineering the Upconversion Excitation Wavelength: Cascade Sensitization of Tri-doped Upconversion Colloidal Nanoparticles at 800nm”, Advanced Optical Materials, 2013, 1(9), 644-650. (? equal contribution, ESI 10-year highly cited papers) (IF=7.430)

[29] Jie Shen, ? Guanying Chen, ? Tymish Y. Ohulchanskyy, Samuel J. Kesseli, Steven Buchholz, Zhipeng Li, Paras N Prasad and Gang Han*. Tunable Near Infrared to Ultraviolet Upconversion Luminescence Enhancement in (NaYF4:Yb,Tm)/CaF2 Core/Shell Nanoparticles for In Situ Real-time Recording Biocompatible Photoactivation, Small. 2013, 9 (19), 3213-3217. (?equal contribution, featured on front cover, IF=9.598).

[30] Gang Han*, and Guanying Chen,* “Theranostic Upconversion Nanoparticles (II)”, Theranostics, 2013; 3(5) 354-355.(Editorial, *co-corresponding authors)(IF= 8.712)

[31] Guanying Chen,* and Gang Han*, “Theranostic Upconversion Nanoparticles (I)”, Theranostics, 2013; 3(4) 289-291.(Editorial, *co-corresponding authors)(IF= 8.712)

[32] Shuwei Hao, Guanying Chen,* and Chunhui Yang,* Sensing Using Rare-Earth-Doped Upconversion Nanoparticles, Theranostics, 2013, 3(5) 331-345(*co-corresponding authors, featured on front cover, (IF= 8.712)

[33] Sha Liu; Guanying Chen; Tymish Y. Ohulchanskyy, Mark T. Swihart, Paras N. Prasad*. Facile Synthesis and Potential Bioimaging Application of Hybrid Upconverting and Plasmonic NaGdF4:Yb3+,Er3+/Silica/Gold Nanoparticles. Theranostics 2013, 3(4) 275-281. (IF= 8.712)

[34] Guanying Chen, Hailong Qiu, Rongwei Fan, Shuwei Hao, Shuo Tan, Chunhui Yang*, Gang Han*, Lanthanide-Doped Ultrasmall Yttrium Fluoride Nanoparticles with Enhanced Multicolor Upconversion Photoluminescence, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 20190-20196 (featured on front cover, IF=6.626)

[35] C. Yuan, Guanying Chen* Paras N. Prasad, Tymish Y. Ohulchanskyy, Zhijun Ning,*Haining Tian, Licheng Sun, Hans ?gren*, Use of colloidal upconversion nanocrystals to energy relay solar cell light harvesting in the near infrared region J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 16709-16713.(*co-corresponding authors,IF=6.626)

[36] Guanying Chen, T. Ohulchanskyy*, W. C. Law, Hans ?gren, and P. N. Prasad*. Monodisperse NaYbF4:Tm3+/NaGdF4 core/shell nanocrystals with near-infrared to near-infrared upconversion photoluminescence and magnetic resonance properties. Nanoscale. 2011, 3(5):2003-2008. (IF=7.233)

[37] Hailong Qiu, Guanying Chen,* Rongwei Fan, Cheng Cheng, Shuwei Hao, Deiying Chen and Chunhui Yang,* Tuning the Size and Shape of Colloidal Cerium Oxide Nanocrystals through Lanthanide Doping. Chem. Commun. 2011, 47:9648-9650. (*co-corresponding authors, IF=6.290)

相关话题/国际 哈尔滨工业大学 人才 化工学院 博士生导师