

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25

基本信息科学研究教育教学Curriculum Vitae of Professor Ying MA论文专著

1983年7月-1984年12月 黑龙江省劳动保护研究所工业尘毒研究室,助理工程师;
1984年12月-1996年6月 东北农业大学中心实验室,讲师、副教授;
1996年6月-2003年7月 东北农业大学食品学院,副教授、教授、博士生导师,副院长;
2003年7月-2015年5月 哈尔滨工业大学食品科学与工程学院,教授、博士生导师,副院长;
2005年9月-2006年9月 爱尔兰国立大学(University College Dublin)客座教授。

1979年-1983年 黑龙江大学化学系本科毕业,获理学学士学位;1986年-1987年 哈尔滨工业大学应用化学系环境化学专业助教进修班毕业,获硕士研究生班结业证;1996年-2000年 东北农业大学食品学院食品科学与工程专业博士毕业,获工学博士学位;2001年-2003年 中国农业大学食品学院 农产品贮藏与加工学科博士后流动站工作。

中国畜产品加工研究会常务理事黑龙江省科顾委成员《Dairy Science and Technology》(SCI,法国, Le Lait)副主编

李琳: 副教授, 研究方向: 食品工程, 制糖工程.王荣春: 副教授, 研究方向: 食品微生物, 植物功能蛋白.何胜华: 讲师, 研究方向: 乳品科学, 大豆发酵制品及功能食品.


玉米淀粉脂肪代用品的生产方法.马莺,蔡春光.授权公告号:CN**C 专利号:ZL **.1,授权公告日:2006.4.5黄豆酱混合菌种发酵剂的生产方法.马莺 李海梅. 授权公告号:CN**C 专利号:ZL **.8,授权公告日:2006.8.30一种完全生物降解的高直链淀粉基薄膜的制备方法.马莺 兰俊杰 何胜华. 授权公告号:CN**B 专利号:ZL **9,授权公告日:2010.5.26一种分子笼状淀粉的制备方法.马莺 刘天一 李海梅. 授权公告号:CN**C 专利号:ZL**7.6,授权公告日:2009.12.9一种大豆分离蛋白基因组DNA的提取方法 专利号:ZL 2011 1 ** 发明(设计)人:徐伟丽;马莺;李启明复合交联高直链玉米淀粉基全降解材料及其制备方法.马莺 李德海. 专利申请号:**8.3,授权公告号:CN**B, 专利号ZL**8.3,授权公告日:2011.10.26,利用黄浆水和废糖蜜发酵生产高蛋白饲料的方法.马莺 李琳 李小雨. 专利申请号:**6.9,授权公告号:CN**B,专利号:ZL**6.9,授权公告日:2012.3一种活性大豆膳食补充剂的制备方法.马莺 李琳 李海梅. 专利申请号:**7.6,授权公告号:CN**B 专利号ZL**7.6,授权公告日:2012.7.25利用黄浆水和废糖蜜发酵生产生物活性饲料的方法.马莺 李琳 何胜华.专利申请号:**7.X,授权公告号:CN**B, 专利号ZL**7.X,授权公告日:2012.8.15一种维生素E阿魏酸酯的合成方法.马莺 于殿宇 李琳 朱秀清 李振岚 王妍 孙博 刘晶 常云鹤 周晓丹. 专利申请号:**9.4 授权公告号:CN**B, 专利号ZL**9.4,授权公告日:2012.8.29一种淀粉脂质复合物的制备方法.马莺,孟爽,刘天一,何胜华,李琳. 专利号:ZL**.4,授权公告号:CN**B,,授权公告日:2012.09.26一种超临界CO2体系双酶法生产速溶全脂米糠营养粉的方法. 马莺;于殿宇;李宝昌;张兰威;李志平;刘鑫;宋云花;张春艳;张佳宁;王雪;李越;时敏;陈晓慧.专利号:ZL**2.2 授权公告号:CN**A,授权公告日:2012.12.12应用超高压微射流方法制备淀粉基粉末油脂. 马莺,孟爽,刘天一,何胜华,李琳.专利号:ZL**.8,授权公告号:CN**B,授权公告日:2013.01.02一种高碘酸钠氧化法固定磷酸酯酶A1的方法.马莺,于殿宇,张兰威,刘静,李林,陈晓慧,王雪,张佳宁,于博涵专利号:ZL**5.9,授权公告号:CN**B,权公告日:2013.01.23高碘酸钠氧化法固定磷酸酯酶A1用于大豆毛油脱胶的方法. 于殿宇,马莺,李林,刘静,李红玲,常云鹤,孙博,王玉,李振岚,齐颖,于博涵.专利号ZL**9.4,授权公告号:CN**B,授权公告日:2013.03.13微波辅助反胶束分离纯化芸豆凝集素的方法.马莺,何述栋,李琳,何胜华,王超.专利号ZL**7.1, 发文序号:**98230,已授权.

粮食储藏技术规程,黑龙江省地方标准,2004,DB23/T 748-2004,(马莺、周凤英、王鹏).蔬菜贮藏技术规程,黑龙江省地方标准,2004,DB23/T 749-2004,(马莺、王鹏).大米储藏技术规程, 黑龙江省地方标准,2004,DB23/T 864-2004,(马莺、王玉军、李海梅).无公害韭菜生产技术规程,黑龙江省地方标准,2005,DB23/T 918-2005,(马莺、潘凯、吴凤芝).大豆储藏技术规程,黑龙江省地方标准,2005,DB23/T 1003-2005,(马莺、何胜华).净菜加工技术规范,黑龙江省地方标准,2005,DB23/T 1001-2005,(马莺、李海梅).净菜(叶类蔬菜)通用技术规范,黑龙江省地方标准,2005, DB23/T 1002-2005,(马莺、李海梅).净菜(瓜菜类蔬菜)通用技术条件,黑龙江省地方标准,2008,DB23/T 1228-2008,(马莺、李海梅、何胜华).净菜(茄果类蔬菜)通用技术条件,黑龙江省地方标准,2008,DB23/T 1227-2008,(马莺、何胜华、李海梅)..饲料中角黄素含量的测定方法-高效液相色谱法,黑龙江省地方标准,2008,DB23/T1278—2008,(马莺、杨鑫、张华、董爱军、张英春).饲料中虾青素含量的测定方法-高效液相色谱法,黑龙江省地方标准,2008,DB23/T1274—2008,(马莺、杨鑫、张华、董爱军、张英春).禽肉中二硝托胺残留量的测定——液相色谱-串联质谱法,黑龙江省地方标准,2009,DB23/T1335—2009,(马莺、杨鑫、刘永、董爱军、张华、张英春、刘爽英).饲料中特布他林的测定——液相色谱-质谱/质谱法,黑龙江省地方标准,2010,DB23/T1436-2011,(马莺,刘永,井晶,董爱军).饲料中炔诺醚的测定 ——液相色谱-质谱/质谱法,黑龙江省地方标准,2010,DB23/T1435-2011,(井晶,李东刚,马莺,鞠福龙).



恶臭假单胞杆菌海藻糖合酶基因的克隆和表达, 黑龙江省自然科学基金,验收低温和超低温下大米淀粉凝胶回生机理的研究,黑龙江省自然科学基金,验收西南地区牦牛乳自发脂解作用机制及其对牦牛奶膻味形成的影响,国家自然科学基金,验收无机盐和蛋白质遗传多态性对牦牛乳热稳定的影响机制,国家自然科学基金,验收


《食品工艺学》 硕士研究生:

《食品加工新技术》 博士研究生:



083201 食品科学081703 生物化工



School of Food Science and Engineering

Harbin Institute of technology

73 Huanghe Road

Harbin, Heilongjiang

P. R. China, 150090

Tel: 86-**

Fax; 86-**

E-mail: maying@hit.edu.cn

Current Position
Professor, food processing engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, P. R. ChinaAssociate Dean, School of Food Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, P. R. China

1997-2000: PhD in Food Science, Northeast Agricultural University, China1986-1987: Postgraduate Courses in Environmental Chemistry, Harbin Institute of Technology, China1979-1983: B. S in Chemistry, Heilongjiang University, China

Working Experience
2003-present: Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, China2005-2006: Visiting Professor, University College Dublin, Ireland2000-2003: Professor, Northeast Agricultural University, China1995-2000: Associate Professor, Northeast Agricultural University, China1990-1995: Lecturer, Northeast Agricultural University, China1984-1990: Assistant lecture, Northeast Agricultural University, China1983-1984: Assistant Researcher, R & D Centre of Labour Safety of Heilongjiang, China

Research Interests
The main research activities include processing and preservation of food, food chemistry, fermented food, dairy chemistry. Especially, the innovative works are on the microbiology and fermentation mechanism of traditional spontaneous fermented soybean products, starch modification, and dairy chemistry.

Teaching Summary
Life analysis to Doctoral students (2012 to present)Dairy Science and Technology to B. Eng students (by English lecture) (2008)Principles of Food Processing to B. Eng students (by English lecture) (2007-present)Food Safety to B. Eng students (2007-present)Selected English Writings for Food Speciality to B. Eng students (by English lecture) (2006-present) Advanced Food Process Engineering to M. Eng postgraduate students (2003- present)Emerging Technology in Food Processing to M. Eng postgraduate students (2003- present)Food Analysis to B.Eng. students (1996-2003)Chemistry of Fat and Oil to M. Eng. postgraduate student (1996-2003)Agricultural Food Processing to M. Eng postgraduate students (1997-2003)Chromatography to M. Eng postgraduate students (1984-1995)

Patents (China)
Ying Ma, Chunguang Cai. The producing methods of fat mimics by corn starch. Authorization number: CN ** C; patent number: ZL **.1; publication Date:4/5/2006.Ying Ma,Haimei Li. Producing method of mixture starter for fermented soya paste and soya sauce. Authorization number: CN ** C; patent number: ZL **.8; publication Date:8/30/2006.Ying Ma, Junjie Lan, et al. The producing method of a kind of completely biodegradable film consist of high content corn amylose. Authorization number: CN ** B; patent number:ZL **9.7; publication Date:5/26/2010Ying Ma, Tianyi Liu, et al. The producing method of a kind of molecular clathrate starch. Authorization number: CN ** C; patent number:ZL**7.6; publication Date:12/9/2009Ying Ma, Dehai LI. The producing method of completely biodegradable material based on complex crosslink of high content corn amylose. Authorization number: CN ** B; patent number:ZL**8.3; publication Date:10/26/2011.Ying Ma, Lin Li, Xiaoyu Li. The producing method of protein animal feeds based on the fermentation of waste water and molasses original from industrial producing of corn starch and crystal glucose. Authorization number: CN ** B; patent number:ZL**6.9; publication Date:3/2012Ying Ma, Lin Li, Haimei Li. The producing method of a kind of an activity soybean fibe. Authorization number: CN ** B; patent number:ZL**7.6; publication Date: 7/25/2012Ying Ma, Lin Li, Shenghua He. The producing method of activity animal feeds based on the fermentation of waste water and molasses original from industrial producing of corn starch and crystal glucose. Authorization number: CN ** B; patent number:ZL**7.X; publication Date:8/15/2012Ying Ma, Dianyu Yu, et al. The synthesis method of Vitamin E ferulic acid ester. Authorization number: CN ** B; patent number:ZL**9.4; publication Date:8/29/2012Ying Ma. Shuang Meng, et al. The producing method of a kind of starch-lipid complex. Authorization number: CN ** B; patent number:ZL**.4; publication Date:9/26/2012. Ying Ma, Dianyu Yu, et al. The producing method of soluble full fat rice bran nutritional powder using two enzymes in supercritical CO2 system. Authorization number: CN ** A; patent number:ZL**2.2; publication Date:12/12/2012Ying Ma. Shuang Meng, et al. Producing starch based powder oil using ultrahigh pressure microfluidics. Authorization number: CN ** B; patent number:ZL**.8; Publication Date:01/02/2013.Ying Ma, Dianyu Yu, et al. The method of immobilized phosphatise A1 by Sodium periodate oxidation. Authorization number: CN ** B; patent number:ZL**5.9; publication Date:01/23/2013.Ying Ma, Dianyu Yu, et al. Applying immobilized phosphatise A1 in degumming of soybean oil. Authorization number: CN ** B; patent number:ZL**9.4; publication Date:3/13/2013Ying Ma, Shudong He, et al. A extraction method for of kidney bean lectin using reversed micellar and microwave-assisted extraction. Authorization number: CN ** A; patent number:ZL**7.1; publication Date:2/10/2014

Drafting Local Food Standards
Technical Specifications for storage of grain, DB23/T 748-2004Technical Specifications for storage of vegetable, DB23/T 749-2004 TTechnical Specifications for storage of rice, DB23/T 864-2004Technical Specifications for storage of soybean, DB23/T 1003-2005Technical Specifications for cultivation of no-polluted Chinese Chive, DB23/T 918-2005Technical Specifications for processing of ready vegetable, DB23/T 1001-2005General Technical Specifications for producing of ready leaf vegetable, DB23/T 1002-2005General Technical Specifications for producing of ready solanaceous vegetable, DB23/T 1227-2008General Technical Specifications for producing of ready cucurbits vegetable, DB23/T 1228-2008Determination of Canthaxanthin in feedstuffs by high performance liquid chromatography, DB23/T1274—2008Determination of astaxanthin in feedstuffs by high performance liquid chromatography, DB23/T1278—2008Determination of dinitolmide residues in chicken meat by HPLC-MS/MS, DB23/T1335—2009Determination of terburaline in animal feed by HPLC-MS/MS, DB23/T1436-2011Determination of quinestrol in animal feed by HPLC-MS/MS, DB23/T1435-2011

Other Academic Appointments
Deputy editor, Dairy Science and Technology ( formerly Le Lait) (Springer)Science and technology adviser of Heilongjiang governmentMember of the editorial board of Agricultural Food Products Science and TechnologyChair of CAAPPR (China Association of Animal Product Processing Research) Section of Food Nutrition and Safety

Edited Books
Ying MA, Liang Li, Jie Cui. Safety and Quality Control of Cereal. Science Press, China.2010Ying MA, Zhenyu Wang, Dianyu Yu, Processing of Wild Plant Food. Light industry press, China. 2009.Ying MA, Lijun Chen. Functional Foods for the Gastrointestinal Tract. Chemical Industry Press, China. 218pp, ISBN 978-7-5025-9797-9. 2006.Ying MA, Jing Wang. Analysis of Composition in Functional Foods. Chemical Industry Press, China. 343pp, ISBN 7-5025-6734-8/TS.256. 2005.Ying MA, Ruixia Gu. Potato: Processing and Products. Light industry press, China. 274pp, ISBN-7-5019-3957-8/TS.2359. 2003Ying MA, Dianyu Yu. Processing of Agricultural Products. Heilongjiang Science Press, China. 181pp, ISBN-7-5388-4546-1. 2004Ying MA, Shuhua Sun, Aihua Zhai. Detection and Storage of Cereal and Oil. Heilongjiang Science Press, China.636pp, ISBN-7-5388-3878-3. 2001.

Chapters in edited books
Ma, Y., He, S. H. & Li, H. M.. Chapter 29 Yak milk. In: Milk and Dairy Products in Human Nutrition edit by Young, P & Haenlein, F. W., pp:627-641, 2013. Wiley Blackwell.John Shi, Sophia Xue, Ying Ma, Yueming Jiang, Xiangqian Ye and Dianyu Yu. Chapter 11: Green separation technology in food processing: supercritical- CO2 fluid and subcritical water extraction. In: Green Separation Technologies in Food Production and Processing, edit by Joyce I. Boye & Yves Arcand, pp 273-295, 2012. SpringerJohn Shi, Sophia Xue, Xiangqian Ye, Yueming Jiang, Ying Ma, Yanjun Li, Xianzhe Zheng. Chapter 40: Separation Technology in Food Processing. In: Food Biochemistry and Food Processing, Second Edition, edite by Benjamin K. Simpson, pp:746-787. 2013. Wiley.J. Shi, X. Ye, B. Jiang, Y. Ma, D. Liu, and S.J. Xue. Traditional Medicinal Wines, in Functional Foods of the East, edited by John Shi, Chi-Tang Ho, Fereidoon Shahidi, 2010. CRC PressYing Ma, Francois Nau, Yoshinori Mine et Marie Yang. Chpitre 4 Les ovoproduits en Chine et en Amerique du Nord, In Science et technologie de l’ouef (volume 2), edited by Francoise Nau, Catherine Guerin-Dubiard, Florence Baron, Jean-Louis Thapon. TEC & DOC (France), 2010Xiao Dong Li, Ying MA. Functional Soybean Foods, Chemical Industry Press, China. 248pp, ISBN 7-5025-8100-6. 2006.Xiao Dong Li, Changqing Yu, Jingbo Liu, Ying MA. Egg Science and Technology, Chemical Industry Press, China. pp 186-203, ISBN 7-5025-6806-9. 2005Lanwei Zhang, Ying MA. Dairy Science and Technology. China Agriculture Press, China. pp 144-167, ISBN-7-109-09751-x. 2005.Xiaoyu Huang, Linwei Liu, Ying MA. Food Analysis. Texbook series for 21 st century, China Agricultural University Press, China. pp 47-77, pp 136-142, ISBN-7-8016-502-2. 2002.Ying MA. China Dairy Encyclopedia. Jilin People’s Press, China. 2002.

Peer-Reviewed Research Papers in Recent Years (2003--)
Cai, JX., Yang., He, HJ., Liu, TB., Wu, Q., Ma, Y., Liu, QH. & Nie, MH. (2014). Antioxidant capacity responsible for a hypocholesterolemia is independent of dietary cholesterol in adult rats fed rice protein. Gene. 533(1):57-66Li, QM., Ma, Y*., He, SH., Elfalleh, W., Xu WY., Wang, JQ., Qiu. LY. (2014). Effect of pH on heat stability of yak milk protein. International Dairy Journal, Volume 35, 102-105Yu, DY., Ma, Y*., Jiang, LZ., Elfalleh, W., He SH. (2014). Stability of Soybean Oil Degumming Using Immobilized Phospholipase A2. Journal of Oleo Science,63(1), 25-30.Meng, S., Ma, Y*., Sun, DW., Wang, LF., Liu, TY. (2014). Properties of Starch-Palmitic Acid Complexes Prepared by High Pressure Homogenization, Journal of Cereal Science, 59(1):25-32.Xin, HM., Li L., Gui, SL., Elfalleh W., He, SH., Sheng, QH., Ma, Y*. (2014). Formation, stability and properties of an algae oil emulsion for application in the UHT milk. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 7(2): 567-574.Li, M., Ma, Y*, Ngadi, M. (2013). Binding of curcumin to b-lactoglobulin and its effect on antioxidant characteristics of curcumin. Food Chemistry 141: 1504–1511Sami, R., Jiang, LZ*., Li, Y.& Ma, Y .(2013). Evaluation of fatty acid and amino acid compositions in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) grown in different geographical locations. BioMed Research International, ID 574283, 6 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/574283.He, SD., Shi, J*., Elfalleh, W., Ma, Y.* & Xue, S. (2013). Extraction and purification of lectin from small black kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) using a reversed micellar system. Process Biochemistry. 48:746-752.Yu, DY., Ma, Y*., Xue, J., Jiang, LZ. & Shi, J. (2013). Characterization of immobilized phospholipase A1 on magnetic nanoparticles for oil degumming application. LWT - Food Science and Technology, Volume 50, 519-525.Yu, DY., Elfalleh, W., He SH., Ma, Y., Jiang, LZ., Hu, LZ., Zhang, JN. (2013) Physicochemical Properties and Minor Lipid Components of Soybean Germ. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, Volume 90, 1551-1558.Yu, DY., Ma, Y*., Jiang, LZ., Elfalleh, W., Shi, M., Hu, LZ. (2013). Optimization of magnetic immobilized phospholipase A1 degumming process for soybean oil using response surface methodology. European Food Research and Technology, 237:811–817.He, SH., Ma, Y*., Li, QM., Li DH., Wang, JQ., Cui, YH. (2013). The fatty acid profile of Chinese Maiwa yak milk in relation to season and parity. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 66, 25-30.Yu, S. F., Ma, Y.*, Menager, L., Sun D.-W. (2012). Physicochemical Properties of Starch and Flour from Different Rice Cultivars. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5:626-537.Elfalleh, W., Hannachi, H., Guetat, A., Tlili, N., Guasmi, F., Ferchichi, A. & Ma, Y. (2012). Storage protein and amino acid contents of Tunisian and Chinese pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cultivars. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 59: 999-1014.Chen, LS., Cui, J., Ding, QB., Ma, Y*., Chen, LJ., Dong, JY., Jiang, TM. & Maubois, JL. (2012). The effect of yeast species from raw milk in China on proteolysis and aroma compound formation in Camembert-type Cheese. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5:2548-2556.Cui, YH., Cao, Y., Ma, Y*., Qu, XJ. & Dong, AJ. (2012). Genetic variation in the beta-lactoglobulin of Chinese yak (Bos grunniens). Journal of Genetics.91:E44-E48.Liu, TY., Ma, Y*., Xue, S. & Shi, J. (2012). Modifications of structure and physicochemical properties of maize starch by gamma-irradiation treatments. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 46(1):156-163.Cui, YH., Qu, XJ., Li, HM., He, SH., Liang, HY., Zhang, H. &Ma, Y*. (2012).Isolation of halophilic lactic acid bacteria from traditional Chinese fermented soybean paste and assessment of the isolates for industrial potential. European Food Research and Technology. 234:797-806.Yu, SF., Ma, Y*., Zheng, XQ., Liu, XL. & Sun, DW. (2012). Impacts of Low and Ultra-Low Temperature Freezing on Retrogradation Properties of Rice Amylopectin During Storage. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5:391-400.Li, HM., Ma,Y*., Cui, YH., Wang, JQ., Li, QM. & He, SH. (2012). Separation and purification of main allergens in yak milk. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (Chinese), 44(4), 80-85.Cheng, JJ., Ma, Y*. & Li, HM. (2012). Study on the detection in the components of lactoperoxidase system in yak milk and thermodynamics of lactoperoxidase. Food Science and Technology (Chinese), 33 (4):138-141.Elfalleh, W., Tlili, N., Ma Y*, He SH., Ferchichi, A. & Nasri. N. (2011) .Organoleptic Quality, Minerals, Proteins and Amino Acids from Two Tunisian Commercial Pomegranate Fruits. International Journal of Food Engineering. 7:1-13.He, SH., Ma, Y*., Jiaqi Wang, JQ., Li, OM., et al. (2011). Milk fat composition of yak breeds in China. Journal of food composition and analysis. 24:223-230Li, HM., Ma, Y*., Xiang, JJ., et al. (2011). Comparison of the immunogenicity of yak milk and cow milk. European Food Research and Technology. 233: 545-551.Li, DH. & Ma, Y*. (2011).Impact of enzymatic hydrolysis on the crystal structure, and thermal and textural properties of corn starch. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10 (17):3430-3435.Liu, TY., Ma, Y*., Yu, SF., Shi, J., Xue, J. (2011). The effect of ball milling treatment on structure and porosity of maize starch granule. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 12: 586-593Li, HM., Ma, Y*., Li, QM., Wn, JQ., Cheng, JJ., Xue, J. & Shi, J. .(2011).The chemical composition and nitrogen distribution of Chinese yak (Maiwa) milk. Internaltional Journal of Molecular Science. 12 (8):4885-4895Yang, X., Wang, J., Xu, DC., Qiu, JW. Ma Y, Cui, j. (2011). Simultaneous determination of 69 pesticide residues in coffee by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. 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Science et technologie de l’ouef


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Milk and Dairy Products in Human Nutrition

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发表论文(2006-)1. Ma,Y., Cai, CG., Wang, J. & D Sun, DW. (2006). Enzymatic hydrolysis of corn starch for producing fat mimetics. Journal of Food Engineering, 73(3), 297-303.

2. Ma, Y., Xue, L. & Sun, DW. (2006). Characteristics of Trehalose Synthase from Permeablized Pseudomonas putids Cells and its Application in Converting Maltose into Trehalose. Journal of Food Engineering, 77, 342-347.

3. 郭继平,马莺*. (2007). 紫外诱变选育米曲霉高产蛋白酶菌株. 微生物学通报,34(2), 246-250.

4. 孙常雁,马莺*,李德海,郭继平,李海梅,何胜华. (2007). 自然发酵黄豆酱酱曲培养过程中蛋白酶的形成及蛋白质的分解. 食品科技,8, 188-192.

5. 刘巧红,马莺*. (2007). 恶臭假单胞菌产海藻糖合酶的训化及酶性质. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版), 43卷专辑,131-137.

6. Guo, L., Ma, Y, Sun, D. W. & Wang, P. (2008). Effects of controlled freezing-point storage at 0oC on quality of green bean as compared with cold and room-temperature storages. Journal of Food Engineering, 86, 25-29.

7. Ma, Y, Lin, L. & Sun, D. W. (2008). Preparation of high ratio oligopeptide by proteolysis of corn gluten meal, Czech J. Food Science, 26(1):38-47.

8. Jiang, T. M., Chen, L. J., Jia, S. Chen, L. S. & Ma, Y. (2008). High-level and production of human lactoferrin in Pichia pastoris. Dairy Science and technology, 88, 173-181.

9. Guo, J. P. & Ma, Y*. (2008). High-level expression, purification and characterization of recombinant Aspergillus oryzae alkaline protease in Pichia pastoris. Protein Expression and Purification, 58, 301-308.

10. 于殿宇, 张智, 王世让, 屈岩峰, 马莺*. (2008). 超临界CO2状态下氢化大豆卵磷脂的研究. 中国粮油学报, 23(05),50-53.

11. 郭丽, 马莺*. (2008). 油豆角冰温贮藏对淀粉与蛋白质降解速度的影响. 食品与发酵工业, 34(6), 160-163.

12. 郭丽, 马莺*. (2008). 不同贮藏温度下薄膜包装油豆角生理特性的研究. 食品工业科技, 29(7), 222-225.

13. 郭继平, 马光, 马莺*. (2008). 米曲霉碱性蛋白酶基因的前导区对其在毕赤酵母中表达的必要性. 上海交通大学学报(农业科学版), 26(3), 237-240.

14. 崔艳华, 马莺*. (2008). 动物性食品中磺胺类药物残留免疫分析研究进展. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版), 44 专辑, 122-132.

15. Yang, X. Zhang, H., Zhang, Y. C., Ma, Y. & Wang, J. (2008). Two new diterpenoid acids from Pinus Koraiensis. Fitoterapia, 79, 171-181.

16. 兰俊杰, 马莺*. 直链玉米淀粉基复合膜的制备. 高分子材料科学与工程, 24(12),180-183.

17. Chen, J., Shi, J. Xue, J. & Ma, Y. (2009). Comparison of lycopene stability in water- and oil-based food model systems under thermal-and light-irradiation treatments. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 42, 740-747.

18. Dong, J. Y., Chen, L. J., Maubois, J. L., Ma Y.* (2009). Influence of medium-concentration factor microfiltration treatment on the characteristics of low-moisture Mozzarella cheese. Dairy Science and Technology, 89,139-154

19. Guo, L., Ma, Y*., Shi, J., & Xue, J. (2009). The purification and characterization of polyphenol oxidase from green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Food Chemistry, 117, 143–151

20. Ma. Y. & Sun, D. W*. (2009). Hardness of cooked rice as affected by varieties, cooling methods and chill storage. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 32, 161-176

21. Shi, J., Xue, S. J., Ma, Y., Li, D., Kakuda, Y. & lan, Y. B. (2009). Kinetic study of saponins B stability in navy beans under different processing conditions. Journal of Food Engineering, 93,59-65

22. Yu S. F., Ma, Y*. & Sun. (2009). Impact of amylose content on starch retrogradation and texture of cooked rice during Storage, Journal of cereal science, 50,139-144.

23. 崔艳华, 张海玲, 马莺*,崔杰,代翠红.(2009).磺胺类药物母核人工抗原的制备研究. 卫生研究,38(5):99-102.

24. 崔艳华, 马莺*. (2009).嗜酸乳杆菌群双组分信号转导系统分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 41(4):104-110.

25. 董爱军,杨鑫,李海梅,张英春,张华,马莺*. (2009). 高效液相色谱法测定牦牛乳曲拉中的脂溶性维生素,中国乳品工业,37(7)50-53.

26. 董晶莹,马莺*,陈历俊,Jean-Louis Maubois. (2009). 陶瓷膜微滤分离酪蛋白与乳清蛋白,哈尔滨工业大学学报, 6 , 78-81

27. 董晶莹,马莺*,陈历俊,Jean-Louis Maubois. (2009). 微滤处理对Mozzarella干酪液相组成及微观结构的影响,哈尔滨工业大学学报,8,50-55

28. 郭继平, 马莺*, 马光, 陈历水. (2009).响应面法优化重组毕赤酵母表达米曲霉碱性蛋白酶诱导条件的研究. 工业微生物, 2,23-27

29. 何胜华,李海梅,马莺*.(2009). 乳脂肪球膜(MFGM)的组成及生理特性。中国乳品工业,4,38-41

30. 何胜华,杨鑫,李海梅,马莺*.(2009). 固相微萃取技术(SPME)分析羊奶中挥发性化合物,食品工业科技,12,133-135

31. 余世锋, 马莺*, 张海玲. (2009). 籼米、粳米及泰国香米吸水性质及其动力学研究. 食品工业科技,9, 86-90.

32. 余世锋, 杨秀春, Menager Lucile,马莺*. (2009). 直链淀粉、蛋白质及脂类对大米淀粉及米粉热特性的影响. 食品发酵与工业,35(4), 38-42.

33. Li, HM., Ma, Y.*, Dong, AJ., Wang, JQ., Li, QM., He, SH., Maubois, JL. (2010). Short Communication: Protein Compositions of Yak Milk. Dairy Science and Technology, 90,111-117.

34. He, SH., Ma, Y*., Wang, JQ., Li, QM., Tang, SH., Zhao, CH., Maubois, JL. (2010) Characterization of fat globules and milk fat globule membrane proteins in milk of different yak breeds. Dairy Science and Technology. 90, 601-609

35. Chen, L. S., Ma, Y*., Maubois, J. L., Chen, L. J., Liu, Q. H. & Guo, J. P. (2010). Identification of yeasts from raw milk and selection for some specific antioxidant properties. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 63 (1), 47-54.

36. Chen, L. S., Ma, Y*., Maubois, J. L., He, S. H., Chen, L. J.& Li, H. M. (2010). Screening for the potential of probiotic yeast strains from raw milk to assimilate cholesterol. Dairy Science and Technology, 2010, 90, 537-548.

37. Chen, L. S., Ma, Y*., Chen, L. J., Zhao, C. H., Maubois, J. L., Jiang, T. M., Li, H. M., He. S. H. (2010). Antioxidant activity of two yeasts and their attenuation effect on 4- Nitroquinoline-1-oxide induced in vitro lipid peroxidation. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 45 (3): 555 -561.

38. Yu, S. F., Ma, Y*., Sun, D.-W. (2010). Effects of freezing rates on the retrogradation and textural properties of cooked milled rice during storage. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 43, 1138-1143.

39. Yu, S. F., Ma, Y*., Liu, T. Y., Menager L., Sun, D.-W.. (2010). Impact of cooling rates on the staling behavior of cooked rice during storage. Journal of Food Engineering, 96: 416~420.

40. Elfalleh, W., Ma, Y*., Nasri, N., He, SH., Guasmi, F., Ferchichi, A. (2010) Fatty acids from Tunisian and Chinese pomegranate (Punicagranatum L.) Seeds. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 62 (3):200-206.

41. 陈历水, 马莺*, Jean-Louis Maubois, 刘巧红. (2010). 乳源酵母Pichia fermentans的抗氧化特性研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2010, 42 (2): 292-296.

42. 陈历水, 马莺*, 刘巧红, Jean-Louis Maubois. (2010). 两株抗氧化活性酵母的初步鉴定及对乳成分的影响. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2010,42(12):1932-1937.

43. 陈历水, 马莺*, 刘天一, Jean-Louis Maubois. (2010).一株抗氧化活性酵母产多糖的纯化与结构分析. 分析化学,38 (3),409- 412.

44. 董晶莹,马莺*,陈历俊,李玲娟. (2010). 不同体细胞原料乳对Mozzarella干酪特性的影响. 食品科学,1,1-5

45. 刘天一,马莺*, 陈历水, 杨秀春. (2010). 非晶化玉米淀粉的制备及其结构表征. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2, 286-291.

46. 刘天一,马莺*,李德海. (2010) 非晶化玉米淀粉的理化性质。哈尔滨工业大学学报, 42(4):602-607.

47. 徐伟丽,孙文广,马莺*. (2010). MAPK信号通路与结直肠癌. 现代肿瘤医学,2,389-392

48. 余世锋, 马莺*. (2010).贮藏温度和时间对五常米米饭品质的影响. 食品科学. 31(2): 250~254

49. Walid elfalleh, Nizar Tlili, Ma Ying, He Shenghua, Ali Ferchichi & Nizar Nasri. (2011) .Organoleptic Quality, Minerals, Proteins and Amino Acids from Two Tunisian Commercial Pomegranate Fruits. International Journal of Food Engineering. 7:1-13.

50. He, SH., Ma, Y*., Jiaqi Wang, JQ., Li, OM., et al. (2011). Milk fat composition of yak breeds in China. Journal of food composition and analysis. 24:223-230.

51. Li, HM., Ying Ma, Y*., Xiang, JJ., et al. (2011). Comparison of the immunogenicity of yak milk and cow milk. European Food Research and Technology. 233: 545-551.

52. Li, GH. & Ma, Y*. (2011).Impact of enzymatic hydrolysis on the crystal structure, and thermal and textural properties of corn starch. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10 (17):3430-3435.

53. Liu, TY., Ma, Y*., Yu, SF., Shi, J., Xue, J. (2011). The effect of ball milling treatment on structure and porosity of maize starch granule. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 12: 586-593.

54. Li, HM., Ma, Y*., Li, QM., Wang, JQ., Cheng, JJ., Xue, J. & Shi, J. .(2011).The chemical composition and nitrogen distribution of Chinese yak (Maiwa) milk. Internaltional Journal of Molecular Science. 12 (8):4885-4895

55. Elfalleh, E., Nasri, N., Hannachi, H., Tlili, N., Ma, Y*. & Ferchichi, A. (2011). Water-soluble vitamins from Chinese and Tunisian Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) fruits. Italian Journal of Food Science, 23(4):373-381.

56. Elfalleh, E., Tlili, N., Nasri, N., Yahia, Y., Hannachi, H., Chaira, H., Ma, Y. & Ferchichi, A. (2011). Antioxidant capacities of phenolic compounds and tocopherols from Tunisian (Punica Granatum) Pomegranate fruits. Journal of Food Science. 76:c707-c713.

57. Yu, SF., Ma, Y*., Zheng, XQ., Liu, XL. & Sun, DW. (2011). Impacts of Low and Ultra-Low Temperature Freezing on Retrogradation Properties of Rice Amylopectin During Storage. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5:391-400.

58. He, SH., Ma, Y*., Wang, JQ., Li, QM., Tang, SH. & Li, HM. (2011). Effects of proteose-peptone fractions from yak milk on lipoprotein lipase lipolysis. International Journal of Dairy Technology. 65:32-37.

59. 崔艳华,马莺*,曲晓军,李海梅,何胜华. (2011). 牦牛乳中DNA提取方法的建立与优化. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,43(2):66-69.

60. 徐桂莲,代翠红,马莺*. (2011). 土霉素完全抗原的制备与鉴定. 食品工业科技, 4:192-196.

61. 李德海,马莺*. (2011). 玉米淀粉组分的分离及其特性. 食品工业科技, 5:116-122.

62. 曹喻,崔艳华,曲晓东,董爱军,马莺*. (2011).牛乳清蛋白遗传多态性研究. 中国乳品工业,39(5):43-46.

63. 李德海,马莺*. (2011). 交联酶解高直链玉米淀粉的制备及糊化特性. 食品工业科技, 32(7):253-256

64. 徐伟丽, 杜明, 李启明, 汪家琦, 张伟洋, 马莺*. (2011). 动物肌肉组织基因组DNA两种提取方法的比较. 食品工业科技, 39(12):81-84.

65. 徐伟丽,马莺*,汪家琦,李启明,杨林.(2011).大米基因组DNA不同提取方法的比较. 江苏农业科技,39(6): 46-49.

66. 李海梅,马莺*,崔艳华,汪加琦,李启明,何胜华. (2012). 牦牛乳中主要过敏原的分离纯化. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 44(4):80-85.

67. 程金菊,马莺*,李海梅. (2012). 牦牛乳过氧化物酶体系及其酶热动力学研究. 食品工业科技,33 (4):138-141.

68. 李良, 马莺*. (2012).乳酸菌对发酵乳制品风味形成的影响.中国乳品工业. 40(5):42-45, 50.

69. 于殿宇, 马莺*, 刘晶, 张佳宁, 李琳. (2012). 高碘酸钠氧化法固定化磷脂酶A1的研究. 食品工业科技, 33(7):188-190,205.

70. 崔艳华,曲晓军,董爱军,马莺. (2012). 牦牛κ-酪蛋白新遗传变异体及进化分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,44(2):120-123.

71. 李海梅, 马莺*, 崔艳华, 汪加琦, 李启明, 何胜华.(2012). 牦牛乳中主要过敏原研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 44(6):97-101.

72. 李良; 马莺*; 杨鑫. (2012).SPME-GC-MS测定稀奶油中的挥发性化合物.哈尔滨工业大学学报.44(6):102-104.

73. 徐伟丽; 马莺*.(2012). 奶粉基因组DNA不同提取方法的比较. 哈尔滨工业大学学报.44(8):73-75,129.

74. 何胜华,马莺*,崔艳华,李海梅,董爱军. (2012). 牦牛乳脂肪球膜组成分析及蛋白热稳定性. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,44(10):104-108.

75. Yu, S. F., Ma, Y.*, Menager, L., Sun D.-W. (2012). Physicochemical Properties of Starch and Flour from Different Rice Cultivars. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5:626-537.

76. Elfalleh, W., Hannachi, H., Guetat, A., Tlili, N., Guasmi, F., Ferchichi, A. & Ma, Y. (2012). Storage protein and amino acid contents of Tunisian and Chinese pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cultivars. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 59: 999-1014.

77. Chen, LS., Cui, J., Ding, QB., Ma, Y*., Chen, LJ., Dong, JY., Jiang, TM. & Maubois, JL. (2012). The effect of yeast species from raw milk in China on proteolysis and aroma compound formation in Camembert-type Cheese. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5:2548-2556.

78. Cui, YH., Cao, Y., Ma, Y*., Qu, XJ. & Dong, AJ. (2012). Genetic variation in the beta-lactoglobulin of Chinese yak (Bos grunniens). Journal of Genetics.91:E44-E48.

79. Liu, TY., Ma, Y*., Xue, S. & Shi, J. (2012). Modifications of structure and physicochemical properties of maize starch by gamma-irradiation treatments. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 46(1):156-163.

80. Cui, YH., Qu, XJ., Li, HM., He, SH., Liang, HY., Zhang, H. & Ma, Y*. (2012).Isolation of halophilic lactic acid bacteria from traditional Chinese fermented soybean paste and assessment of the isolates for industrial potential. European Food Research and Technology. 234:797-806.

81. Yu, SF., Ma, Y*., Zheng, XQ., Liu, XL. & Sun, DW. (2012). Impacts of Low and Ultra-Low Temperature Freezing on Retrogradation Properties of Rice Amylopectin During Storage. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5:391-400.

82. Li, M., Ma, Y*, Ngadi, M. (2013). Binding of curcumin to b-lactoglobulin and its effect on antioxidant characteristics of curcumin. Food Chemistry 141: 1504–1511

83. He, SD., Shi, J*., Elfalleh, W., Ma, Y.* & Xue, S. (2013). Extraction and purification of lectin from small black kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) using a reversed micellar system. Process Biochemistry. 48:746-752.

84. Yu, DY., Ma, Y*., Xue, J., Jiang, LZ. & Shi, J. (2013). Characterization of immobilized phospholipase A1 on magnetic nanoparticles for oil degumming application. LWT - Food Science and Technology, Volume 50, 519-525.

85. Yu, DY., Elfalleh, W., He SH., Ma, Y., Jiang, LZ., Hu, LZ., Zhang, JN. (2013) Physicochemical Properties and Minor Lipid Components of Soybean Germ. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, Volume 90, 1551-1558.

86. Yu, DY., Ma, Y*., Jiang, LZ., Elfalleh, W., Shi, M., Hu, LZ. (2013). Optimization of magnetic immobilized phospholipase A1 degumming process for soybean oil using response surface methodology. European Food Research and Technology, 237:811–817.

87. He, SH., Ma, Y*., Li, QM., Li DH., Wang, JQ., Cui, YH. (2013). The fatty acid profile of Chinese Maiwa yak milk in relation to season and parity. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 66, 25-30.

88. Cai, JX., Yang., He, HJ., Liu, TB., Wu, Q., Ma, Y., Liu, QH. & Nie, MH. (2014). Antioxidant capacity responsible for a hypocholesterolemia is independent of dietary cholesterol in adult rats fed rice protein. Gene. 533(1):57-66

89. Li, QM., Ma, Y*., He, SH., Elfalleh, W., Xu WY., Wang, JQ., Qiu. LY. (2014). Effect of pH on heat stability of yak milk protein. International Dairy Journal, Volume 35, 102-105

90. Yu, DY., Ma, Y*., Jiang, LZ., Elfalleh, W., He SH. (2014). Stability of Soybean Oil Degumming Using Immobilized Phospholipase A2. Journal of Oleo Science, doi: 10.5650/jos.ess13105.

91. Meng, S., Ma, Y*., Sun, DW., Wang, LF., Liu, TY. (2014). Properties of Starch-Palmitic Acid Complexes Prepared by High Pressure Homogenization, Journal of Cereal Science, 59(1):25-32.

92. Xin, HM., Li L., Gui, SL., Elfalleh W., He, SH., Sheng, QH., Ma, Y*. (2014). Formation, stability and properties of an algae oil emulsion for application in the UHT milk. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 7(2): 567-574.

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