

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25

Ping XuResearchTeachingAlbumPublicationsTalksEnglish VersionHarbin WorkshopMembers
Diligence Redeems Stupidity 勤能补拙

教育经历 Education
2005.09-2010.01 哈尔滨工业大学 化学工程与技术 博士

2008.10-2009.10 美国能源部Los Alamos国家实验室 联合培养(CSC公派)

2003.09-2005.07 哈尔滨工业大学 工业催化 硕士

1999.09-2003.07 哈尔滨工业大学 应用化学 本科

工作经历 Work Experience
2016.03~哈尔滨工业大学化工与化学学院,教授 Professor
2014.12~2016.03哈尔滨工业大学理学院化学系,教授 Professor
2014.04~哈尔滨工业大学化学工程与技术学科,博士生导师 Ph.D. Advisor
2013.12~2014.12哈尔滨工业大学理学院化学系,副教授 Associate Professor
2010.03~2013.12哈尔滨工业大学理学院化学系,讲师 Assistant Professor
2012.01~2013.08美国能源部Los Alamos国家实验室,Director's Postdoctoral Fellow,导师:Dr. Hsing-Lin Wang
2010.08~2014.05哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程博士后流动站,导师:周玉 院士

硕士招生: 分析化学或无机化学 2人/年

博士招生: 化学工程与技术 2人/年

学术任职 Professional Service
Editorial Board: Polymers (MDPI)

Editorial Advisory Board:ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (ACS)


Guest Editor:

Journal of Nanotechnology (Special Issue on Nanocomposites 2013)

Polymers (Special Issue on Polymer Colloids; Conjugated Polymers 2016; Polymer Hybrid Materials)

Journal of Nanomaterials (Special Issue on Catalyst Nanomaterials)

Frontiers in Chemistry (Special Issue on Catalysis in Electrochemical Water Splitting)

荣誉称号 Awards
2018年 入选黑龙江省“龙江学者”特聘教授

2017年 黑龙江省高等教育教学成果二等奖 “一体两翼”实践教学体系构建与创新创业型人才培养模式探索(排名第二)

2016年 哈工大2015-2016年度大学生创新创业教育活动优秀指导教师奖

2016年 哈工大第二届国家开发银行科技创新奖

2016年 哈尔滨工业大学百优本科毕业设计(论文)指导教师 (学生:黄炜)

2016年 黑龙江省高校自然科学一等奖 “高效表面增强拉曼光谱基底材料的制备及应用” (排名第一)

2016年 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划一等奖指导教师 (学生:熊露、韩迎新、马妍)

2015年 黑龙江省科技进步二等奖 “高能射线梯度法综合利用的基础与应用研究”(排名第三)

2015年 第八届全国大学生创新创业年会优秀论文指导教师 (学生:黄炜)

2015年 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划二等奖指导教师 (学生:黄炜)

2014年 哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才选聘计划

2014年 第七届全国大学生创新创业年会优秀论文指导教师 (学生:李思伟、熊露)

2014年 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划一等奖指导教师 (学生:李思伟、熊露)

2013年 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划一等奖指导教师 (学生:李思伟)

2012年 美国Los Alamos国家实验室杰出表现奖Distinguished Performance Award

2012年 哈工大基础研究杰出人才培育计划III类

2011年 美国Los Alamos国家实验室Director@#%s Postdoctoral Fellowship

2011年 博士论文评为校优秀博士论文

2009年 黑龙江省优秀毕业生

2007年 黑龙江省自然科学二等奖 “电动车用镍氢及铅酸电池材料研究”(排名第五)

2005年 国防科工委优秀毕业生

Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) 表面增强拉曼光谱
- Conducting Polymer Based SERS Substrates 导电聚合物基SERS基底
- Single Particle SERS Technique 单颗粒SERS技术
- Plasmon-Driven Catalytic Chemical Reactions 表面等离激元诱导催化反应
Directed Self-Assembly and Hierarchical Structures 导向自组装与分级结构
- Electrochemical Performances 电化学性能
- Electromagnetic Absorption/Shielding 电磁吸收/屏蔽
- Radiation Chemistry Routes (In Collaboration with Dr. Hongtao Zhao) 辐射化学方法(合作人:赵弘韬研究员)
Electrocatalysis 电催化 (In Collaboration with Dr. Bin Zhang) (合作人:张彬博士)
- Conjugated Polymer Based Nanocomposites 导电聚合物基纳米复合材料
- Non-precious Metal Electrocatalysts 非贵金属电催化剂
- Noble Metal Nanoparticle Synthesis 贵金属电催化剂























































1.徐平,韩喜江,张彬. 连续三维结构纳米银表面增强拉曼光谱基底及其制备方法. ZL **6.7

2.赵弘韬,徐平,赵孝文,张丽芳,韩喜江. γ辐射制备纳米银表面增强拉曼光谱基底的方法. ZL **6.7

3.徐平, 张彬, 杜耘辰, 韩喜江, 康磊磊. 一种贵金属纳米粒子的制备方法. ZL **7.1 (已转让)

4.徐平,楚家玉,韩喜江,张彬,杜耘辰. 一种H-TiO2-CdS-Cu2-xS纳米带的制备方法. ZL **7.8

本科生课程 Undergraduates固体化学 Solid State Chemistry

光化学概论 An Introduction to Photochemistry

研究生课程 Graduates固体化学 Solid State Chemistry

分子光化学 Molecular Photochemistry

硕士招生 Masters:学科:分析化学 Analytical Chemistry


博士招生 Ph.D.:学科:化学工程与技术 Chemical Engineering and Technology


Group Photo

Summer 2017

Summer 2016

Summer, 2015

ACS on Campus @ Harbin Institute of Technology

Total Citations: ~6300; H-Index: 44 (As of April 2019)


169. Jiayu Chu, Yanchun Sun, Xijiang Han*, Bin Zhang, Yunchen Du, Bo Song*, Ping Xu*. A Mixed Titanium Oxides Strategy for Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, LINK

168. Siqi Niu, Yanchun Sun, Guoji Sun, Dmitrii Rakov, Yuzhi Li, Yan Ma, Jiayu Chu, Ping Xu*. Stepwise Electrochemical Construction of FeOOH/Ni(OH)2 on Ni Foam for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019 LINK

167. Na Wang, Wenjie Ma, Yunchen Du*, Ziqiu Ren, Binhua Han, Leijiang Zhang, Bojing Sun, Ping Xu*, Xijiang Han*. Prussian Blue Microcrystals with Morphology Evolution as a High-Performance Photo-Fenton Catalyst for Degradation of Organic Pollutants. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11(1), 1174-1184. LINK

166. Wenjie Ma, Na Wang, Yunchen Du, Ping Xu, Bojing Sun, Leijiang Zhang, Kun-Yi Andrew Lin. Human Hair-Derived N, S-Doped Porous Carbon: An Enrichment and Degradation System for Wastewater Remediation in the Presence of Peroxymonosulfate. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7(2), 2718-2727. LINK

165. Yu Wang, Xiangda Meng, Hao Tian, Chengpeng Hu, Ping Xu, Peng Tan, Zhongxiang Zhou. Dynamic evolution of polar regions in KTa0.56Nb0.44O3 near para-ferroelectric phase transition. Cryst. Growth Des. 2019, 19 (2), 1041–1047. LINK

164. Zhan Xu, Yunchen Du, Dawei Liu, Yahui Wang, Wenjie Ma, Ying Wang, Ping Xu, Xijiang Han. Pea-like Fe/Fe3C nanoparticles embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes with tunable dielectric/magnetic loss and efficient electromagnetic absorption. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019,11(4), 4268-4277. LINK

163. Chao Liu, Yifei Ye, Zimin Jiang, Ping Xu, Jiaxu Zhang, Jianmin Sun. Carbon Dioxide Activation and Conversion by Hyperbranched Polyethylenimine/ZnI2 Catalysts. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58(2), 872-878. LINK

162. Peng Miao, Yan Ma, Mengtao Sun, Jing Li*, Ping Xu*. Tuning the SERS activity and plasmon-driven reduction of p-nitrothiophenol on Ag@MoS2 film. Faraday Discuss. 2019 LINK

161. Leilei Kang, Yan Guo, Peng Miao, Mengtao Sun, Bo Song, Ping Xu*, Xiaoyan Liu*. Surface plasmon assisted understanding of the light-induced decarboxylation of N719 sensitizer. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2019, 23-28. LINK

160. Yan Ma, Jiayu Chu, Zhennan Li, Dimitrii Rakov, Yunchen Du, Xijiang Han, Bo Song*, Ping Xu*. Homogeneous Metal Nitrate Hydroxide Nanoarrays Grown on Nickel Foam for Efficient Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution. Small 2018, 14, **. LINK
159. Peng Miao, Jie Wu, Yunchen Du, Yanchun Sun* and Ping Xu*. Phase transition induced Raman enhancement on vanadium dioxide (VO2) nanosheets. J. Mater. Chem. C 2018, 6, 10855-10860. LINK

158. Ying Wang, Yunchen Du*, Bo Wu, Binhua Han, Shaoming Dong, Xijiang Han,* Ping Xu*. Fabrication of PPy Nanosphere/rGO Composites via a Facile Self-Assembly Strategy for Durable Microwave Absorption. Polymers 2018, 10, 998. LINK

157. Dawei Liu, Yunchen Du,* Zhennan Li, Yahui Wang, Ping Xu, Honghong Zhao, Fengyuan Wang, Chaolong Li,* Xijiang Han*. Facile synthesis of 3D flower-like Ni microspheres with enhanced microwave absorption properties. J. Mater. Chem. C 2018, 6, 9615-9623. LINK

156. Na Wang, Wenjie Ma, Ziqiu Ren, Leijiang Zhang, Rong Qiang, Kun-Yi Andrew Lin,* Ping Xu, Yunchen Du,* Xijiang Han*. Template synthesis of nitrogen-doped carbon nanocages–encapsulated carbon nanobubbles as catalyst for activation of peroxymonosulfate. Inorg. Chem. Front. 2018, 5, 1849-1860. LINK

155. Xiaohui Zhao, Min Deng, Gaofeng Rao, Yichao Yan, Chunyang Wu, Yu Jiao, Anqing Deng, Chaoyi Yan, Jianwen Huang, Songhao Wu, Wei Chen, Tianyu Lei, Ping Xu,* Weidong He,* and Jie Xiong*. High-Performance SERS Substrate Based on Hierarchical 3D Cu Nanocrystals with Efficient Morphology Control. Small 2018, 14, ** LINK

154. Min Ji, Siqi Niu, Yunchen Du, Bo Song*, and Ping Xu*. Anion Induced Size Selection of β-Mo2C Supported on Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotubes for Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2018,6 (9), 11922–11929. LINK

153. Zhennan Li, Xijiang Han*, Yan Ma, Dawei Liu, Yahui Wang, Ping Xu, Chaolong Li*, and Yunchen Du*. MOFs-Derived Hollow Co/C Microspheres with Enhanced Microwave Absorption Performance. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2018, 6 (7), 8904-8913. LINK

152. Dmitrii Rakov, Yuzhi Li, Siqi Niu, and Ping Xu*. Insight into Mn and Ni doping of Ni1-xMnxPS3 and Mn1-xNixPS3 nanosheets on electrocatalytic hydrogen and oxygen evolution activity. J. Alloys Compd. 2018, 769, 532-538. LINK

151. Linlin Yang, Bin Zhang,* Wenjie Ma, Yunchen Du, Xijiang Han and Ping Xu*. Pearson@#%s principle-inspired strategy for the synthesis of amorphous transition metal hydroxide hollow nanocubes for electrocatalytic oxygen evolution. Mater. Chem. Front. 2018, 2, 1523 - 1528 LINK

150. Jiayu Chu, Xijiang Han,* Zhen Yu, Yunchen Du, Bo Song*, and Ping Xu*. Highly Efficient Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production on CdS/Cu7S4/g-C3N4 Ternary Heterostructures. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10 (24), 20404–20411. LINK

149. Dan-Dan Ren, Jing-Kai Qin, Yang Li, Peng Miao, Zhao-Yuan Sun, Ping Xu, Liang Zhen, Cheng-Yan Xu*. Photoluminescence inhomogeneity and excitons in CVD-grown monolayer WS2. Opt. Mater. 2018, 80, 203-208. LINK

148. Yunfeng Shen,? Peng Miao,? Chang Hu, Jie Wu, Mansha Gao, PingXu*. SERS-Based Plasmon-Driven Reaction and Molecule Detection on a Single Ag@MoS2 Microsphere: Effect of Thickness and Crystallinity of MoS2. ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 3520-3525. LINK

147. Z.Y. Hu, P.P. Wang, E.G. Fu, X.J. Wang, X.Q. Yan, P. Xu, Z.M. Wu, Y.B. Zhao, Y.X. Liang. Bilayer nanoporous copper films with various morphology features synthesized by one-step dealloying. J. Alloy Compds. 2018, 754, 26-31. LINK

146. Congli Zhen, Bin Zhang,* Yuhong Zhou, Yunchen Du and Ping Xu*. Hydrothermal synthesis of ternary MoS2xSe2(1-x) nanosheets for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Inorg. Chem. Front. 2018, 5, 1386-1390. LINK

145. Yuzhi Li, Siqi Niu, Dmitrii Rakov, Ying Wang, Miguel Cabán-Acevedo, Shijian Zheng, Bo Song* and Ping Xu*. Metal organic framework-derived CoPS/N-doped carbon for efficient electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Nanoscale 2018, 10, 7291-7297. LINK

144. Na Wang, Wenjie Ma, Ziqiu Ren, Yunchen Du,* Ping Xu and Xijiang Han*. Prussian blue analogues derived porous nitrogen-doped carbon microspheres as high-performance metal-free peroxymonosulfate activators for non-radical-dominated degradation of organic pollutants. J. Mater. Chem. A 2018,6, 884-895 LINK

143. Peng Miao, Jing-Kai Qin, Yunfeng Shen, Huimin Su, Junfeng Dai, Bo Song, Yunchen Du, Mengtao Sun, Wei Zhang, Hsing-Lin Wang,* Cheng-Yan Xu,* and Ping Xu*. Unraveling the Raman Enhancement Mechanism on 1T’-Phase ReS2 Nanosheets. Small 2018, 14, **. LINK
142. Yan Guo, Leilei Kang, Menghua Zhu, Yan Zhang, Xin Li*, Ping Xu*. A strategy toward air-stable and high-performance ZnO-based perovskite solar cells fabricated under ambient conditions. Chem. Eng. J. 2018, 336, 732–740. LINK

141. Jiajie Li, Yumin Zhang, Tangling Gao, Jiecai Han, Xianjie Wang, Benjamin Hultman, Ping Xu*, Zhihua Zhang, Gang Wu*, Bo Song*. A confined “microreactor” synthesis strategy to three dimensional nitrogen-doped graphene for high-performance sodium ion battery anodes. J. Power Sources 2018, 378, 105–111. LINK

140. Peng Miao,? Wei Huang,? Mansha Gao, Jiayu Chu, Bo Song,* and Ping Xu*. Photothermally Enhanced Plasmon-Driven Catalysis on Fe5C2@Au Core-Shell Nanostructures. ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 1084-1088. LINK (? Equal contribution)


139. J.L. Du, L.Y. Zhang, E.G. Fu, X. Ding, K.Y. Yu, Y.G. Wang, Y.Q. Wang, J.K. Baldwin, X.J. Wang, P. Xu. Comparison of interface structure of BCC metallic (Fe, V and Nb) films on MgO (100) substrate. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2017, 410, 585–592. LINK

138. Bo Song, Kai Li, Ying Yin, Tao Wu, Lianna Dang, Miguel Cabán-Acevedo, Jiecai Han, Tangling Gao, Xianjie Wang, Zhihua Zhang, J. R. Schmidt, Ping Xu*, Song Jin*. Tuning Mixed Nickel Iron Phosphosulfide Nanosheet Electrocatalysts for Enhanced Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution. ACS Catal. 2017, 7, 8549–8557 LINK

137. Yanzhen He, Ping Xu*, Bin Zhang, Yunchen Du, Bo Song, Xijiang Han*, Huisheng Peng*. Ultrasmall MnO Nanoparticles Supported on Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotubes as Efficient Anode Materials for Sodium Ion Batteries. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9 (44), 38401-38408. LINK

136. Yanzhen He, Xijiang Han*, Yunchen Du, Bo Song, Bin Zhang, Wei Zhang*, Ping Xu*. Conjugated polymer-mediated synthesis of sulfur- and nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes as efficient anode materials for sodium ion batteries. Nano Res. 2018, 11(5), 2573–2585. LINK

135. Chunhua Tian, Yunchen Du*, Haiyan Xu, Jianlei Xue, Wenlei Chu, Rong Qiang, Xijiang Han*, Ping Xu*. Differential shrinkage induced formation of yolk-shell carbon microspheres toward enhanced microwave absorption. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2017, 111, 133103. LINK

134. Jinzhen Huang, Jiecai Han, Tangling Gao, Xinghong Zhang*, Jiajie Li, Zhenjiang Li, Ping Xu*, Bo Song*. Metal-free nitrogen-doped carbon nanoribbons as highly efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction. Carbon 2017, 124, 34-41. LINK

133. Jianglong He?, Yanzhen He?, Yanan Fan, Bin Zhang, Yunchen Du, Jingyu Wang* and Ping Xu*. Conjugated Polymer-Mediated Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanoribbons for Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Carbon, 2017, 124, 630-636. (?Equal Contribution) LINK

132. Kai Li, Dmitrii Rakov, Wei Zhang*, Ping Xu*. Improving the intrinsic electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution activity of few-layer NiPS3 by cobalt doping. Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 8199-8202. LINK

131.Chang Hu, Xianjie Wang*, Peng Miao, Lingli Zhang, Bingqian Song, Weilong Liu, Zhe Lv, Yu Zhang, Yu Sui, Jinke Tang, Yanqiang Yang, Bo Song*, and Ping Xu*. Origin of the Ultrafast Response of the Lateral Photovoltaic Effect in Amorphous MoS2/Si Junctions. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9 (21), 8362–18368. LINK

130. 康磊磊, 苗芃, 楚家玉, 徐平*. 原位拉曼光谱研究激光诱导化学反应的最新进展. 中国科学: 化学 2017, 47(6), 713-723. LINK

129. Ying Wang, Yunchen Du, Di Guo, Rong Qiang, Chunhua Tian, Ping Xu, Xijiang Han. Precursor-directed synthesis of porous cobalt assemblies with tunable close-packed hexagonal and face-centered cubic phases for the effective enhancement in microwave absorption. J. Mater. Sci. 2017, 52, 4399–4411. LINK

128. Chunhua Tian, Yunchen Du, Chunsheng Cui, Zhiliang Deng, Jianlei Xue, Ping Xu, Rong Qiang, Ying Wang, Xijiang Han. Synthesis and microwave absorption enhancement of yolk–shell Fe3O4@C microspheres. J. Mater. Sci. 2017, 52, 6349–6361. LINK

127. Na Wang, Yunchen Du*, Wenjie Ma, Ping Xu, Xijiang Han*. Rational design and synthesis of SnO2-encapsulated α-Fe2O3 nanocubes as a robust and stable photo-Fenton catalyst. Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 2017, 210, 23-33. LINK

126. Yongda Yan,* Jingran Zhang, Ping Xu, Peng Miao. Fabrication of arrayed triangular micro-cavities for SERS substrates using the force modulated indention process. RSC Adv. 2017,7, 11969-11978. LINK

125. Hung-Ju Yen, Changsheng Shan, Leeyih Wang, Ping Xu, Ming Zhou, Hsing-Lin Wang. Development of Conjugated Polymers for Memory Device Applications. Polymers 2017, 9(1), 25; doi:10.3390/polym**. LINK

124. Ying Wang, Yunchen Du*, Ping Xu, Rong Qiang, Xijiang Han*. Recent Advances in Conjugated Polymer-Based Microwave Absorbing Materials. Polymers 2017, 9(1), 29; doi:10.3390/polym** LINK

123. Ying Yin, Yumin Zhang, Tangling Gao, Tai Yao, Xinghong Zhang, Jiecai Han, Xianjie Wang, Zhihua Zhang, Ping Xu,* Peng Zhang, Xingzhong Cao, Bo Song* and Song Jin*. Synergistic Phase and Disorder Engineering in 1T-MoSe2 Nanosheets for Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Adv. Mater. 2017, 29, **. LINK

122. Jiayu Chu, Xijiang Han,* Zhen Yu, Yunchen Du, Bo Song,* Ping Xu*. Fabrication of H-TiO2/CdS/Cu2-xS Ternary Heterostructures for Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production. ChemistrySelect 2017, 2, 2682-2687. LINK

121. Ying Yin,? Peng Miao, ? Yumin Zhang, Jiecai Han, Xinghong Zhang, Yue Gong, Lin Gu, Chengyan Xu, Tai Yao, Ping Xu,* Yi Wang,* Bo Song* and Song Jin. Significantly Increased Raman Enhancement on MoX2 (X=S, Se) Monolayers upon Phase Transition. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 27, **. LINK (? Equal Contribution)

120. Jiajie Li, Yumin Zhang, Tangling Gao, Chang Hu, Tai Yao, Quan Yuan, Xianjie Wang, Ping Xu,* Zhihua Zhang, Jikang Jian, Xinghong Zhang* and Bo Song*. Quantum Dots-Induced Improved Performance of Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) Solar Cells without Cu Buffer Layer. J. Mater. Chem. A 2017, 5, 4904-4911. LINK

119. D. Ding, Y. Wang, X. D. Li, R. Qiang, P. Xu, W. L. Chu, X. J. Han, Y. C. Du. Rational design of core-shell Co@C microspheres for high-performance microwave absorption. Carbon 2017, 111, 722-732.

118. Jiajie Li, Yumin Zhang, Xinghong Zhang, Jinzhen Huang, Jiecai Han,* Zhihua Zhang, Xijiang Han, Ping Xu* and Bo Song*. S, N Dual-Doped Graphene-like Carbon Nanosheets as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysts. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9(1), 398-405. LINK


117. Shen Chen, Danfeng Deng, Siying Xie, ShanShan Wu, Jing Peng, Cong Ma, Ping Xu, Dongyan Tang, Xiaohong Wu, Zhegang Huang. Thermo-responsive chiral column by scissoring motion from rigid–flexible aromatic rod assembly. European Polymer Journal 2016, 74, 38-42. LINK

116. Y. L. Song, X. J. Wang, X. Q. Zhang, Y. Sui, Y. Zhang, Z. G. Liu, Z. Lv, Y. Wang, P. Xu, B. Song. The contribution of doped-Al to the colossal permittivity properties of AlxNb0.03Ti0.97-xO2 rutile ceramics. J. Mater. Chem. C 2016, 4, 6798-6805.

115. C. Y. Kuo, Y. H. Liu, D. Yarotski, H. Li, P. Xu, H. J. Yen, S. Tretiak, H. L. Wang. Synthesis, electrochemistry, STM investigation of oligothiophene self-assemblies with superior structural order and electronic properties. Chem. Phys. 2016, 481, 191-197. LINK

114. Wei Li, Wenlei Chu, Wen Jin, Xijiang Han,* Yufei Ma, Bin Dai, Ping Xu,* Yuwei Liang and Dengtai Chen*. In situ SERS monitored photoactive yellow protein (PYP) chromophore model elimination, nanocatalyzed phenyl redox and I2 addition reactions. RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 111144–111147. LINK

113. Qiang Fu, Xianjie Wang,* Changyu Li, Yu Sui, Yaping Han, Zhe Lv, Bo Song, and Ping Xu*. Enhanced photocatalytic activity on polarized ferroelectric KNbO3. RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 108883-108887. LINK

112. Qi Ding, Bo Song, Ping Xu, and Song Jin*. Efficient Electrocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Generation Using MoS2 and Related Compounds. Chem 2016, 1, 699-726. LINK

111. Bingqian Song, Xianjie Wang, Bo Li, Lingli Zhang, Zhe Lv, Yu Zhang, Yang Wang, Jinke Tang, Ping Xu, Bingsheng Li, Yanqiang Yang, Yu Sui, and Bo Song. Near-ultraviolet lateral photovoltaic effect in Fe3O4/3C-SiC Schottky junctions. Optics Express 2016, 24(21) 23755-23764. LINK

110. Yanzhen He, Xijiang Han *, Yunchen Du, Bin Zhang, Ping Xu*. Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Nanostructures Derived from Conjugated Polymers for Energy Applications. Polymers 2016, 8, 366. LINK

109. Wen Jin, Xijiang Han,* Yanzhen He, Bin Zhang, Ping Xu,* and Yunchen Du*. Galvanic replacement mediated synthesis of rGO-Mn3O4-Pt nanocomposites for oxygen reduction reaction. RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 89124-89129. LINK

108. Wen Jin, Li Han, Xijiang Han,* Bin Zhang, Ping Xu*. Interfacial synthesis of lollipop-like Au-polyaniline nanocomposites for catalytic applications. RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 81983 - 81988. LINK

107. Hongtao Zhao,* Zhigang Li, Nan Zhang, Yunchen Du,* and Ping Xu*. Gamma irradiation induced synthesis of electromagnetic functionalized aligned CoxNi1-x alloy nanobundles. RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 72263-72268. LINK

106. Yongli Song, Xianjie Wang,* Xingquan Zhang, Yu Sui,* Yu Zhang, Zhiguo Liu, Zhe Lv, Yang Wang, Ping Xu, and Bo Song*. The contribution of doped-Al to the colossal permittivity properties of AlxNb0.03Ti0.97u0002xO2 rutile ceramics. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016, 4, 6798-6805. LINK

105. Rong Qiang, Yunchen Du*, Dengtai Chen, Wenjie Ma, Ying Wang, Ping Xu, Jun Ma, Hongtao Zhao, Xijiang Han*. Electromagnetic functionalized Co/C composites by in situ pyrolysis of metal-organic frameworks (ZIF-67). Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016, 681, 384–393. LINK

104. Qing Li,* Tanyuan Wang, Dana Havas, Hanguang Zhang, Ping Xu, Jiantao Han, Jaephil Cho,* Gang Wu*. High-Performance Direct Methanol Fuel Cells with Precious-Metal-Free Cathode. Advanced Science , 2016, 3(11), **. LINK

103. Ying Yin, Jiecai Han, Yumin Zhang, Xinghong Zhang, Ping Xu,* Quan Yuan, Leith Samad, Xianjie Wang, Yi Wang, Zhihua Zhang, Peng Zhang, Xingzhong Cao, Bo Song,* Song Jin*. Contributions of Phase, Sulfur Vacancies, and Edges to the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Catalytic Activity of Porous Molybdenum Disulfide Nanosheets. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138 (25), 7965–7972. LINK

102. Peng Miao, Jiayu Chu, Yuanfu Chen, Jie Xiong, PingAn Hu, Yunchen Du, Xianjie Wang, Bo Song,* and Ping Xu*. Site-Selective Chlorination of Graphene through Laser Induced In Situ Decomposition of AgCl Nanoparticles. ChemNanoMat 2016, 2, 515-519. LINK

101. Zhenglong Zhang, Ping Xu,* Xianzhong Yang, Wenjie Liang, Mengtao Sun*. Surface plasmon-driven photocatalysis in ambient, aqueous and high-vacuum monitored by SERS and TERS. J. Photochem. Photobio. C: Photochem. Rev., 2016, 27, 100-112. LINK

100. Jiayu Chu, Peng Miao, Xijiang Han,* Yunchen Du, Xianjie Wang, Bo Song,* and Ping Xu*. Ultrafast Surface Plasmon-Induced Photodimerization of p-Aminothiophenol on Ag/TiO2 Nanoarrays. ChemCatChem 2016, 8, 1819-1824. LINK

99. Ying Wang, Yunchen Du*, Rong Qiang, Chunhua Tian, Ping Xu* andXijiang Han*. Interfacially Engineered Sandwich-Like rGO/Carbon Microspheres/rGO Composite as an Efficient and Durable Microwave Absorber. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2016, 3, **. DOI: 10.1002/admi.**. LINK

98. Rong Qiang, Yunchen Du*, Ying Wang, Na Wang, Chunhua Tian, Jun Ma, Ping Xu*, Xijiang Han*. Rational design of yolk-shell C@C microspheres for the effective enhancement in microwave absorption. Carbon 2016, 98, 599-606. LINK

97. Dengtai Chen, Xijiang Han,* Yunchen Du, Hsing-Lin Wang, and Ping Xu*.In Situ Raman Monitoring of Silver(I)-Aided Laser-Driven Cleavage Reaction of Cyclobutane. ChemPhysChem 2016, 17, 46-50. LINK

96. Yanzhen He, Xijiang Han,* Yunchen Du, Bo Song, Ping Xu,* Bin Zhang*. Bifunctional Nitrogen-Doped Microporous Carbon Microspheres Derived from Poly(o-methylaniline) for Oxygen Reduction and Supercapacitors. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8 (6), 3601–3608. LINK


95. Lei Jin, Huayu Zhang, Ruiqun Pan, Ping Xu, Xinghong Zhang, Jiecai Han, Quan Yuan, Zhihua Zhang, Xianjie Wang, Yi Wang, and Bo Song. Observation of the Long Afterglow in AlN Helices. Nano Lett. 2015, 15, 6575-6581. LINK

94. Chunhua Tian, Yunchen Du*, Ping Xu, Rong Qiang, Ying Wang, Ding Ding, Jianlei Xue, Jun Ma, Hongtao Zhao, and Xijiang Han.Constructing Uniform Core-shell PPy@PANI Composites with Tunable Shell Thickness toward Enhancement in Microwave Absorption. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(36), 20090–20099. LINK

93. Lu Xiong, Siwei Li, Bin Zhang,* Yunchen Du, Peng Miao, Yan Ma, Yingxin Han, Hongtao Zhao, and Ping Xu*. Galvanic replacement-mediated synthesis of hollow Cu2O-Au nanocomposites and Au nanocages for catalytic and SERS applications. RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 76101-76106. LINK

92. Ping Xu, Bo Song, Hongmei Luo, Ling Fei, Hsing-Lin Wang. Catalyst Nanomaterials (Editorial). Journal of Nanomaterials, vol. 2015, Article ID 514309, 2 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/514309. LINK

91. Jiajie Li, Yumin Zhang, Xinghong Zhang, Jiecai Han, Yi Wang, Lin Gu,* Zhihua Zhang, Xianjie Wang, Jikang Jian, Ping Xu,* Bo Song*. Direct Transformation from Graphitic C3N4 to Nitrogen-Doped Graphene: An Efficient Metal-Free Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7 (35), 19626–19634. LINK

90. HsinHan Tsai, Wanyi Nie, Pradeep Cheruku, Nathan Mack, Ping Xu, Gautam Gupta, Aditya Mohite, Hsing-Lin Wang. Optimizing Composition and Morphology for Large Grain Perovskite Solar Cell Efficiency via Controlling Chemical Reaction. Chem. Mater. 2015, 27(16), 5570–5576. LINK

89. Leilei Kang, Jiayu Chu, Hongtao Zhao, Ping Xu*, Mengtao Sun*. Recent progresses on the applications of graphene in surface-enhanced Raman scattering and plasmon-induced catalytic reactions. J. Mater. Chem. C 2015, 3, 9024-9037. LINK

88. Rong Qiang, Yunchen Du,* Hongtao Zhao, Ying Wang, Chunhua Tian, Zhigang Li, Xijiang Han * and Ping Xu*. Metal organic framework-derived Fe/C Nanocubes toward efficient microwave absorption. J. Mater. Chem. A 2015, 3, 13426-13434. LINK

87. Yunchen Du,* Di Guo, Meiling Xiong, Yanwu Qi, Chenkui Cui, Jun Ma, Xijiang Han, Ping Xu*. Fe3+-exchanged titanate nanotubes: A new kind of highly active heterogeneous catalyst for Friedel–Crafts type benzylation. Journal of Nanomaterials vol. 2015, Article ID 738089, 9 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/738089 LINK

86. Wei Huang, Qiang Jing, Yunchen Du,* Bin Zhang, Xiangli Meng, Mengtao Sun, Kirk S. Schanze, Hong Gao, and Ping Xu*. An in situ SERS study of substrate-dependent surface plasmon induced aromatic nitration. J. Mater. Chem. C 2015, 3, 5285-5291. LINK

85. Leilei Kang, Xijiang Han, Jiayu Chu, Jie Xiong, Xiong He, Hsing-Lin Wang, Ping Xu*. In Situ SERS Study of Plasmon-Driven Catalytic Reactions of 4-Nitrothiophenol under Controlled Atmosphere.ChemCatChem 2015, 7(6), 1004-1010. LINK Cited by a Nature paper


84. Dengtai Chen, Xijiang Han, Wen Jin, Yunchen Du, Ping Xu*. In-situ Raman monitoring of [2+2] cycloaddition of pyridine substituted olefins induced by visible laser.Chem. Comm. 2014, 50 (98), 15631 - 15633. LINK

83. Wen Jin, Ping Xu*, Lu Xiong, Qiang Jing, Bin Zhang, Kai Sun and Xijiang Han. SERS-active silver nanoparticle assemblies on branched Cu2O crystals through controlled galvanic replacement. RSC Adv. 2014, 4(96), 53543 - 53546. LINK

82. Weiyu Liu, Peng Miao, Lu Xiong, Yunchen Du, Xijiang Han, Ping Xu*. Superhydrophobic Ag nanostructures on polyaniline membranes with strong SERS enhancement. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2014, 16 (41), 22867 - 22873. LINK

81. Yunchen Du,* Wenwen Liu, RongQiang, Ying Wang, XijiangHan, Jun Ma, Ping Xu*. Shell Thickness-Dependent Microwave Absorption of Core-Shell Fe3O4@C Composites. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 12997?13006. LINK.

80. Hongtao Zhao,* Zhigang Li,* Nan Zhang, Yunchen Du, Siwei Li, Lin Shao, Deyu Gao, Xijiang Han and Ping Xu*. γ-irradiation induced one-step synthesis of electromagnetic functionalized reduced graphene oxide-Ni nanocomposites. RSC Adv. 2014, 4 (57), 30467 - 30470 LINK
79. Xuandong Li, Meirong Kang, Xijiang Han, Jingyu Wang, Ping Xu. Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Titanium Dioxide: Modification with Graphene Oxide and Reduced Graphene Oxid. Chemistry Letters. 2014, 43, 871-873. LINK

78. Siwei Li, Lu Xiong, Shuai Liu, Ping Xu*. Fast fabrication of homogeneous Ag nanostructures on dual-acid doped polyaniline for SERS applications. RSC Adv.2014, 4, 16121-16126. LINK

77. Hongtao Zhao, Zhigang Li, Nan Zhang, Siwei Li, Lu Xiong, Shuai Liu, Wen Jin, Leilei Kang, Ping Xu*. Gamma-irradiation induced direct fabrication of SERS-active Ag nanoparticles on glass substrates. RSC Adv. 2014, 4 (39), 20247 - 20251. LINK
76. Yanzhen He, Xijiang Han*, Dengtai Chen, Leilei Kang, Wen Jin, Rong Qiang, Ping Xu* and Yunchen Du*. Chemical deposition of Ag nanostructures on polypyrrole films as active SERS substrates. RSC Adv. 2014,4, 7202-7206. LINK
75. Ping Xu,* Xijiang Han,* Bin Zhang, Yunchen Du, Hsing-Lin Wang*. Multifunctional polymer-metal nanocomposites via direct chemical reduction by conjugated polymers. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2014, 43, 1349-1360. LINK

74. Qing Li, Ping Xu,* Shuguo Ma, Guoqi Zhang,* Ruiguo Cao, Jaephil Cho, Hsing-Lin Wang, and Gang Wu*. Graphene/Graphene Tube Nanocomposites Templated from Cage-Containing Metal-Organic Framework for Oxygen Reduction in Li-O2 Batteries. Adv. Mater. 2014, 26(9), 1378-1386. LINK


73. Ping Xu,* Leilei Kang, Nathan Mack, Kirk Schanze, XIjiang Han, Hsing-Lin Wang. Mechanistic understanding of surface plasmon assisted catalysis on a single particle: cyclic redox of 4-aminothiophenol. Scientific Reports 2013, 3: 2997. LINK

72. Qing Li, Ping Xu,* Bin Zhang, Hsinhan Tsai, Jian Wang, Hsing-Lin Wang, Gang Wu. One-step synthesis of Mn3O4/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites for oxygen reduction in nonaqueous Li-O2 batteries. Chem. Comm. 2013, 49 (92), 10838 - 10840 LINK

71. Qing Li, Ping Xu,* Bin Zhang, Hsinhan Tsai, Shijian Zheng, Gang Wu and Hsing-Lin Wang. Structure-Dependent Electrocatalytic Properties of Cu2O Nanocrystals for Oxygen Reduction Reaction. J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117(27), 13872–13878. LINK

70. Qing Li, Ping Xu*, Bin Zhang, Gang Wu, Hongtao Zhao, Engang Fu, Hsing-Lin Wang. Self-supported Pt nanoclusters via galvanic replacement from Cu2O nanocubes as efficient electrocatalysts. Nanoscale 2013, 5 (16), 7397–7402. LINK
69. Weidong He, Jing Zou, Bin Wang, Subramanian Vilayurganapathy, Ming Zhou, Xiao Lin, Kelvin H.L. Zhang, Junhao Lin, Ping Xu, James H. Dickerson. Gas transport in porous electrode of solid oxide fuel cells: A review on diffusion and diffusivity measurement. J. Power Sources 2013, 237, 64-73. REVIEW ARTICLE LINK
68. Leilei Kang, Ping Xu*, Dengtai Chen, Bin Zhang, Yunchen Du, Xijiang Han, Qing Li, Hsing-Lin Wang. Amino Acid-Assisted Synthesis of Hierarchical Silver Microspheres for Single Particle Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117 (19), 10007–10012 LINK
67. Young-Shin Park, Yagnaseni Ghosh, Ping Xu, Nathan Mack, Hsing-Lin Wang, Jennifer Hollingsworth, Han Htoon. Single-Nanocrystal Photoluminescence Spectroscopy Studies of Plasmon-Multiexciton Interactions at Low Temperature. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2013, 4, 1465-1470. LINK

66. Bin Zhang, Yunchen Du,* Peng Zhang, Hongtao Zhao, Leilei Kang, Xijiang Han, Ping Xu*. Microwave Absorption Enhancement of Fe3O4/Polyaniline Core/Shell Hybrid Microspheres with Controlled Shell Thickness. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2013, 130(3), 1909–1916. LINK

65. Leilei Kang, Ping Xu,* Bin Zhang, Hsinhan Tsai, Xijiang Han and Hsing-Lin Wang. Laser wavelength- and power-dependent plasmon-driven chemical reactions monitored using single particle surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 3389-3391. (Front Cover Article) LINK Cited by a Science paper

64. Gang Wu, Karren L. More, Ping Xu, Hsing-Lin Wang, Magali Ferrandon, Arthur J. Kropf, Deborah J. Myers, Shuguo Ma, Christina M. Johnston, and Piotr Zelenay. Carbon-nanotube-supported graphene-rich non-precious metal oxygen reduction catalyst with enhanced performance durability. Chem. Commun. 2013, LINK
63. Young-Shin Park, Yagnaseni Ghosh, Yongfen Chen, Andrei Piryatinski, Ping Xu, Nathan H. Mack, Hsing-Lin Wang, Victor I. Klimov, Jennifer. A. Hollingsworth, and Han Htoon. Super-Poissonian statistics of photon emission from single CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals coupled to metal nanostructures. Physical Review Letters 2013, 110, 117401 LINK
62. Siwei Li, Ping Xu*, Ziqiu Ren, Bin Zhang, Yunchen Du, Xijiang Han, Nathan Mack, Hsing-Lin Wang. Fabrication of Thorny Au Nanostructures on Polyaniline Surfaces for Sensitive Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013, 5(1), 49-54. LINK
61. Ping Xu*, Kuan Chang, Young Il Park, Bin Zhang, Leilei Kang, Yunchen Du, Hsing-Lin Wang. Conjugated polymer mediated synthesis of nanoparticle clusters and core/shell nanoparticles. Polymer 2013, 54(2), 485-489. LINK
60. Hongtao Zhao, Yunchen Du, Leilei Kang, Ping Xu, Lei Du, Zhenhua Sun, Xijiang Han. Precursor-directed synthesis of quasi-spherical barium ferrite nanoparticles with good dispersion and superior magnetic properties. CrystEngComm 2013,15, 808-815 LINK


59. Yunchen Du, Tao Liu, Bin Yu, Haibin Gao, Ping Xu, Jingyu Wang, Xiaohong Wang, Xijiang Han. The electromagnetic properties and microwave absorption of mesoporous carbon. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2012, 135, 884-891 LINK
58. Chenkui Cui, Yunchen Du,* Tainhao Li, Xiaoying Zheng, Xiaohong Wang, Xijiang Han, Ping Xu*. Synthesis of Electromagnetic Functionalized Fe3O4 Microspheres/Polyaniline Composites by Two-Step Oxidative Polymerization. J. Phys. Chem. B 2012, 116 (31), 9523–9531 LINK
57. Yu-Fong Huang, YoungIl Park, ChengYu Kuo, Ping Xu, Darrick William, Jian Wang, Chi-Wen Lin, Hsing-Lin Wang. Low temperature synthesis of PANI/Au nanocomposites: Toward controlled size, morphology, and size dispersity. J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116 (20), 11272–11277 LINK
56. Jun Yan, Xijiang Han, Jiaojiao He, Leilei Kang, Bin Zhang, Yunchen Du, Hongtao Zhao, Cunku Dong, Hsing-Lin Wang, Ping Xu*. Highly Sensitive Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) Platforms Based on Silver Nanostructures Fabricated on Polyaniline Membrane Surfaces. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2012, 4 (5), 2752–2756 LINK
55. Jiaojiao He, Xijiang Han, Jun Yan, Leilei Kang, Bin Zhang,Yunchen Du, Cunku Dong, Hsing-Lin Wang, Ping Xu*. Fast fabrication of homogeneous silver nanostructures on hydrazine treated polyaniline films For SERS applications. CrystEngComm 2012, 14 (15), 4952 - 4954. LINK
54. Yu-Fong Huang, Hung-Shin Shih, Chi-Wen Lin, Ping Xu, Darrick J. Williams, Kyle J. Ramos, Daniel E. Hooks, Hsing-Lin Wang. Morphology Control of Cu Crystals on Modified Conjugated Polymer Surfaces. Crystal Growth & Design. 2012, 12 (4), 1778–1784. LINK
53. Liuan Gu, Jingyu Wang, Rong Qi, Xiaoyu Wang, Ping Xu, Xijiang Han. A Novel Incorporating Style of Polyaniline/TiO2 Composites as Effective Visible Photocatalysts. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 2012, 357, 19-25. LINK
52. Bin Zhang, Botao Zhao, Shenghui Huang, Ruiying Zhang, Ping Xu*, Hsing-Lin Wang. One-pot interfacial synthesis of Au nanoparticles and Au-polyaniline nanocomposites for catalytic applications. CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 1542–1544. LINK


51. Ping Xu, Elshan Akhadov, Leeyih Wang, Hsing-Lin Wang. Sequential chemical deposition of metal alloy jellyfish using polyaniline: redox chemistry at the metal polymer interface. Chem. Comm. 2011, 47, 10764-10766. LINK

50. Donghua Zhou, Yanhai Li, Jingyu Wang, Ping Xu, Xijiang Han. Synthesis of polyaniline nanofibers with high electrical conductivity from CTAB–SDBS mixed surfactants. Mater. Lett. 2011, 65 (23-24), 3601-3604. LINK
49. Xueai Li, Bin Zhang, Chunhua Ju, Xijiang Han, Yuchen Du, and Ping Xu*. Morphology-Controlled Synthesis and Electromagnetic Properties of Porous Fe3O4 Nanostructures from Iron Alkoxide Precursors. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2011, 115 (25), 12350–12357. LINK
48. Jia Chu, Xin Li and Ping Xu*. Fluorescent feature of CdTe nanorods grafted to graphene oxide through an amidation process. J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21(30), 11283-11287. LINK
47. Nathan H. Mack, James A. Bailey, Stephen K. Doorn, Chien-An Chen, Han-Mou Gau, Ping Xu, Darrick J. Williams, Elshan A. Akhadov, Hsing-Lin Wang. Mechanistic Study of Silver Nanoparticle Formation on Conducting Polymer Surfaces. Langmuir 2011, 27 (8), 4979–4985. LINK
46. Xiaojia Gao, Yunchen Du, Xinrong Liu, Ping Xu and Xijiang Han. Synthesis and characterization of Co–Sn substituted barium ferrite particles by a reverse microemulsion technique. Mater. Res. Bull. 2011, 46, 643–648. LINK
45. Chao Wang, Xijiang Han, Ping Xu, Jingyu Wang, Yunchen Du. The electromagnetic property of chemically reduced graphene oxide and its application as microwave absorbing material. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2011, 98, 072906. LINK
44. Sea-Ho Jeon, Ping Xu,* Nathan H. Mack,Hsinhan Tsai, Long Y. Chiang, Hsing-Lin Wang. Polymer-Assisted Preparation of Metal Nanoparticles with Controlled Size and Morphology. J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 2550–2554. LINK
43. Bin Zhang, Ping Xu,* Xinmiao Xie, Hong Wei, Zhipeng Li, Nathan H. Mack, Xijiang Han,Hongxing Xu, Hsing-Lin Wang. Acid–directed synthesis of SERS–active hierarchical assemblies of silver nanostructures. J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 2495–2501. (Front Cover Article) LINK

42. XueAi Li, XiJiang Han, YunChen Du, Ping Xu. Magnetic and electromagnetic properties of composites of iron oxide and Co-B alloy prepared by chemical reduction. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2011, 323, 14–21. LINK
41. Hongtao Zhao, Xijiang Han, Lifang Zhang, Gangyi Wang, Chao Wang, Xueai Li, Ping Xu*. Controlled synthesis and morphology-dependent electromagnetic properties of nickel nanostructures by γ-ray irradiation technique. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 2011, 80, 390–393. LINK


40. Ping Xu,* Sea-Ho Jeon,Hou-Tong Chen,Hongmei Luo,Guifu Zou, Quanxi Jia, Marian Anghel,Christof Teuscher,Darrick J. Williams, Bin Zhang, XIjiang Han, and Hsing-Lin Wang. Facile Synthesis of Silver Nanowires through Chemical Reduction by Polyaniline. J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 22147–22154. LINK
39. Hongtao Zhao,Bin Zhang,Lifang Zhang,Xijiang Han, Ping Xu,* and Yu Zhou. Field-Assisted Synthesis and Electromagnetic Properties of Aligned Magnetic Nanostructures by γ-Irradiation Induced Reduction. J. Phys. Chem. C 2010,114, 21214–21218. LINK
38. Lei Du, Yunchen Du, You Li, Jingyu Wang, Chao Wang, Xiaohong Wang, Ping Xu, Xijiang Han.Surfactant-Assisted Solvothermal Synthesis of Ba(CoTi)xFe12-2xO19 Nanoparticles and their Promotions on Microwave Absorbing Properties of Polyaniline. J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 19600–19606. LINK
37. Chao Wang, Xijiang Han, Xiaolin Zhang, Surong Hu, Tao Zhang, Jingyu Wang, Yunchen Du, Xiaohong Wang, Ping Xu*. Controlled Synthesis and Morphology-Dependent Electromagnetic Properties of Hierarchical Cobalt Assemblies. J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 14826–14830. LINK
36. Ping Xu*, Bin Zhang, Nathan H. Mack,Stephen K. Doorn, Xijiang Han and Hsing-Lin Wang. Synthesis of homogeneous silver nanosheet assemblies for surface enhanced Raman scattering applications. J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20, 7222–7226. LINK
35. Ping Xu*, Sea-Ho Jeon, Nathan H. Mack,Stephen K. Doorn,Darrick J. Williams,Xijiang Han and Hsing-Lin Wang. Field-assisted synthesis of SERS-active silver nanoparticles using conducting polymers. Nanoscale 2010, 2, 1436–1440. LINK
34. Yunchen Du, Haibin Gao, Xinrong Liu, Jingyu Wang, Ping Xu, Xijiang Han. Solvent-free synthesis of hexagonal barium ferrite (BaFe12O19) particles. J. Mater. Sci. 2010, 45, 2442–2448. LINK
33. Ping Xu, Nathan H. Mack,Sea-Ho Jeon,Stephen K. Doorn,Xijiang Han,Hsing-Lin Wang. Facile Fabrication of Homogeneous 3D Silver Nanostructures on Gold-Supported Polyaniline Membranes as Promising SERS Substrates. Langmuir 2010, 26, 8882–8886. Highlighted by LANL. LINK
32. Hongtao Zhao, Xijiang Han, Miaofei Han, Lifang Zhang, Ping Xu*. Preparation and electromagnetic properties of multiwalled carbon nanotubes/Ni composites by γ-irradiation technique. Mater. Sci. Engi.: B 2010, 167, 1–5. LINK
31. Chao Wang, Xijiang Han, Ping Xu, Jingyu Wang, Yunchen Du, Xiaohong Wang, Wu Qin and Tao Zhang. Controlled Synthesis of Hierarchical Nickel and Morphology-Dependent Electromagnetic Properties. J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 3196–3203. LINK
30. Sea-Ho Jeon, Ping Xu, Nathan H. Mack, Long Y. Chiang, Leif Brown, Hsing-Lin Wang. Understanding and Controlled Growth of Silver Nanoparticles Using Oxidized N-methyl-pyrrolidone as a Reducing Agent. J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 36–40. LINK


29. Ping Xu, Xijiang Han, Bin Zhang, Nathan H. Mack, Seaho Jeon, Hsing-Lin Wang. Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Polypyrroles: Morphology- Dependent Electrochemical Responses and Chemical Deposition of Au Nanoparticles. Polymer 2009, 50, 2624–2629. LINK
28. P. Xu, X. J. Han, C. Wang, B. Zhang, H.-L. Wang. Morphology and physico -electrochemical properties of poly(aniline-co-pyrrole). Syn. Met. 2009, 159, 430–434. LINK
27. P. Xu, X. J. Han, X. R. Liu, B. Zhang, C. Wang, X. H. Wang. A study of the magnetic and electromagnetic properties of γ-Fe2O3-multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and Fe/Fe3C-MWCNT composites. Mater. Chem. Phys. 2009, 114, 556–560. LINK
26. Zhenhua Wang, Naiqing Zhang, Jinshuo Qiao, Kening Sun and Ping Xu. Improved SOFC performance with continuously graded anode functional layer. Electrochem. Commun. 2009, 11, 1120–1123. LINK
25. Jingyu Wang, Hongtao Zhao, Xinrong Liu, Xuandong Li, Ping Xu and Xijiang Han. Formation of Ag nanoparticles on water-soluble anatase TiO2 clusters and the activation of photocatalysis. Catalysis Commun. 2009, 10, 1052–1056. LINK
24. Yingying Zhang, Liliana Stan, Ping Xu, Hsing-Lin Wang, Stephen K. Doorn, Han Htoon, Yuntian Zhu, Quanxi Jia. A double-layered carbon nanotube array with super-hydrophobicity. Carbon 2009, 47, 3332–3336. LINK
23. Chao Wang, Xijiang Han, Ping Xu, Xiaohong Wang, Xueai Li, Hongtao Zhao. Magnetic and dielectric properties of barium titanate-coated barium ferrite. J. Alloys Compd. 2009, 476, 560–565. LINK
22. Bin Zhang, Gang Chen, Yilin Liang, Ping Xu*. Structural and electrochemical properties of LiNi0.5Mn0.5-xAlxO2 (x=0, 0.02, 0.05, 0.08, and 0.1) cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Solid State Ionics 2009, 180, 398–404. LINK
21. Xueai Li, Xijiang Han, Ping Xu. Microstructure evolution and magnetic properties of Co-B coatings electrolessly plated on hollow microspheres. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2009, 255, 6125–6131. LINK


20. Ping Xu, Xijiang Han, Chao Wang, Bin Zhang,Xiaohong Wang,Hsing-Lin Wang. Facile Synthesis of Polyaniline-Polypyrrole Nanofibers for Application in Chemical Deposition of Metal Nanoparticles. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2008, 29, 1392–1397. LINK
19. Ping Xu, Xijiang Han, Chao Wang, Donghua Zhou, Zushun Lv, Aihua Wen, Xiaohong Wang, Bin Zhang. Synthesis of Electromagnetic Functionalized Nickel/Polypyrrole Core/Shell Composites. J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 10443–10448. LINK
18. Ping Xu, Xijiang Han, Chao Wang, Hongtao Zhao,Jingyu Wang,Xiaohong Wang,Bin Zhang. Synthesis of Electromagnetic Functionalized Barium Ferrite Nanoparticles Embedded in Polypyrrole. J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 2775–2781. LINK
17. P. Xu, X.J. Han, X.H. Wang, C. Wang, H.T. Zhao, W.J. Zhang. Effect of Ni(OH)2 coating on the electromagnetic properties of hexagonal barium ferrite. Mater. Chem. Phys. 2008, 108, 196–200. LINK
16. Ping Xu, Xijiang Han, Hongtao Zhao, Zhihua Liang, Jinfu Wang. Effect of stoichiometry on the phase formation and magnetic properties of BaFe12O19 nanoparticles by reverse micelle technique. Mater. Lett. 2008, 62, 1305–1308. LINK
15. Zhenhua Wang, Kening Sun, Shuiyun Shen, Naiqing Zhang, Jinshuo Qiao and Ping Xu. Preparation of YSZ thin films for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells by dip-coating method. J. Membrane Sci. 2008, 320, 500–504. LINK
14. Limei Chu, Baibin Zhou, Hongchen Mu, Yuzeng Sun, Ping Xu. Mild hydrothermal synthesis of hexagonal CuS nanoplates. J. Crystal Growth 2008, 310, 5437–5440. LINK
13. Xueai Li, Xijiang Han, Yanjiang Tan, Ping Xu. Preparation and microwave absorption properties of Ni–B alloy-coated Fe3O4 particles. J. Alloys Compd. 2008, 464, 352–356. LINK
12. Bin Zhang, Gang Chen, Ping Xu, Cui Cui Li. Effect of Equivalent and Non-equivalent Al Substitutions on the Electrochemical Properties of LiNi0.5Mn0.5O2. J. Power Sources 2008, 176, 325–331. LINK
11. Jingyao Qi, Ping Xu*, Zushun Lv, Xinrong Liu, Aihua Wen. Effect of crystallinity on the electrochemical performance of nanometer Al-stabilized α-nickel hydroxide. J. Alloy Compd. 2008, 462, 164–169. LINK


10. Ping Xu, Xijiang Han, Jingjing Jiang, Xiaohong Wang, Xuandong Li, Aihua Wen. Synthesis and characterization of novel coralloid Polyaniline/BaFe12O19 nanocomposites. J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 12603–12608. LINK
9. Ping Xu, Xijiang Han, Maoju Wang. Synthesis and magnetic properties of BaFe12O19 hexaferrite nanoparticles by a reverse microemulsion technique. J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 5866–5870. LINK
8. P. Xu, X.J. Han, B. Zhang, Z.S. Lv, X.R. Liu. Characterization of an ultrafine β-nickel hydroxide from supersonic co-precipitation method. J. Alloys Compd. 2007, 436, 369–374. LINK
7. Ping Xu, Xijiang Han, Xiaohong Wang. Effect of amorphous B-Co alloy coating on the electromagnetic properties of spinel cobalt ferrite. J. Func. Mater. 2007, 38, 997–999.
6. Bin Zhang, Gang Chen, Ping Xu, Zushun Lv. Effect of ultrasonic irradiation on the structure and electrochemical properties of cathode material LiNi0.5Mn0.5O2 for lithium batteries. Solid State Ionics 2007, 178, 1230–1234. LINK

Before 2006

5. Mo Zhi-bo, Xu Ping, Han Xi-jiang, Zhao Li. Electrochemical impedance behavior of Ni-MH battery under different depth of discharge. Chin. J. Power Sources 2006, 30, 388–390.
4. X.J. Han, P. Xu, C.Q. Xu, L. Zhao, Z.B. Mo, T. Liu. Study of the effects of nanometer β-Ni(OH)2 in nickel hydroxide electrodes. Electrochim. Acta 2005, 50, 2763–2769. LINK
3. Han Xijiang, Xu Ping, Meng Xiangli, Liang Zhihua, Zhang Zongshuang, Yang Zhancheng. Preparation of high purity Linolenic Acid from oil of Lithospermum Erythrorhizon by urea inclusion and column chromatography. J. Chin. Pharma. Sci. 2004, 13, 53–57.
2. Han Xijiang, Liang Zhihua, Meng Xiangli, Xu Ping, Yang Zhancheng, Zhang Zongshuang. Ingredient analysis for mixed fatty acid from lithospermun erythrorhizonoil after urea inclusion. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology 2003, 35, 173-175.
1. Han Xijiang, Meng Xiangli, Liang Zhihua, Zhang Zongshuang, Xu Ping, Yang Zhancheng. Research on the Separation and Purification of Linolenic Acid from Lithospermum Erythrorhizon Oil. Fine Chemicals 2002, 19, 130-132

Oral Presentation
1. Performance of nanometer nickel hydroxide in nickel hydroxide electrodes. 40th IUPAC Congress. Beijing, China, Aug. 14~19, 2005
2. Preparation of nanometer alpha nickel hydroxide by electrochemical precipitation. 24th Annual Meeting of Chinese Chemical Society. Jilin, China, June14~16, 2006
3. Facile Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanowires through an Electroless Deposition Route Using Polyaniline. CINT conference. Santa Fe, NM, USA, July 2009
4. Preparation of SERS-active silver nanostructures on polyaniline membranes. Los Alamos National Laboratory Annual Student Meeting. Los Alamos, NM, USA, Aug. 9, 2009
5. Preparation and Application of Conducting Polymers and Their Hybrid Nanocomposites. Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai, Nov. 10, 2009
6. SERS-Active Nanostructures on Conducting Polymer Substrates. Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Mar. 1, 2010
7. Reform of undergraduate experimental teaching in research universities. 2010 International Conference on Education and Educational Technology (IEEE 2010). Wuhan, China, May 10~11, 2010
8. Preparation of Functionalized Metal Nanoparticles through Chemical Reduction by Conducting Polymers. International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals 2010 (ICSM 2010). Kyoto, Japan, July 4~9, 2010
9. Functionalized Nanocomposites Based on Conducting Polymers. 6th IUPAC International Symposium on Novel Materials and their Synthesis (NMS-VI) & 20th International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers (FCFP-XX). Wuhan, China, Oct. 10~14, 2010
10.Highly Sensitive SERS Substrates Based on Conducting Polymers. Department of Chemistry, Harbin Institute of Technology, Jan. 20, 2011 (Invited Lecture on Prof. Kirk K. Schanze’s visiting HIT)
11.Acid-Directed Construction of Novel Silver Structures for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering. Nanotechnology and Printed Electronics International Symposium (NanoPrint 2011). Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, July 4~ 5, 2011
12.Fabrication of SERS-Active Silver Nanostructures on Conducting Polymer Substrates. Nanotechnology and Printed Electronics International Symposium (NanoPrint 2011). Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, July 4~ 5, 2011
13.聚苯胺薄膜上贵金属纳米结构的可控制备及SERS性能, 中国化学会第八届全国无机化学学术会议, 黑龙江大学,July 26, 2011
14.酸导向Ag复杂纳米结构的制备及SERS性能, 中国化学会第八届全国无机化学学术会议, 黑龙江大学,July 26, 2011
15.Acid-Directed Construction of Novel Silver Structures for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering. The first International Congress on Natural Sciences (ICNS2011) with sisterhood universities. Pukyong National University(PKNU), Busan, Republic of Korea, Aug. 25-27, 2011
16. Acid-Directed Construction of Novel Silver Structures for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering. 2011中国博士后材料科学与工程论坛,哈尔滨工业大学,Sep 22~24, 2011
17. Fabrication of Silver Structures on Polyaniline Substrates for SERS Applications. The 3rd Asian Spectroscopy Conference, Xiamen University, Nov 28~Dec. 1, 2011
18. Manipulation of Metal Nanostructures on Conducting Polymer Surfaces. University of Florida, Gainseville, FL, Invited by Prof. Kirk Schanze, April 16, 2012
19. Fabrication of Silver Nanostructures on Polyaniline Surfaces for SERS applications. Villa Conference on Energy, Materials, and Nanotechnology (EMN 2012), Orlando, FL, USA. April 16-20, 2012
20. Conducting Polymer Mediated Synthesis of Metal Nanostructures for Sensing Applications. Los Alamos National Lab. Technology Transfer on BASF visiting, August, 2012
21. Conducting Polymer Mediated Synthesis of Metal Nanostructures. Los Alamos National Lab. Technology Transfer on Apexvisiting, October, 2012
22. Manipulation of Functionalized Metal Nanostructures on Conducting Polymer Surfaces. EMN West Meeting 2013, Houston, TX, USA, Janu. 7-10, 2013

23. Conjugated Polymer Mediated Synthesis of Multifunctional Polymer-Metal Nanocomposites via Direct Chemical Reduction. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM (invited by Prof. David Whitten), April 2, 2013.

24. Conjugated Polymer based SERS Materials. Sichuan University, May, 2013.

25. Conjugated Polymer Mediated Synthesis of Multifunctional Polymer-Metal Nanocomposites. Shannxi Normal Univerisity, June, 2014.

26. In Situ Raman Monitoring of Surface Plasmon Induced Chemical Reactions. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Symposium, Beijing, April 12-14, 2015

27. 表面等离激元诱导催化反应研究. 第九届全国无机化学学术会议, 南昌,2015年7月

28. In Situ Raman Monitoring of Surface Plasmon Induced Chemical Reactions. International Workshop on “Nanomaterials for Energy and Biotechnology”, Harbin, Nov. 2-5, 2015

29. In Situ Raman Monitoring of Surface Plasmon Induced Catalytic Reactions. Beijing Symposium 2016, Chemical Reactions under External Fields. Xiamen, April, 2016

ICSM 2010, Kyoto, Japan, with mentor Hsing-Lin Wang (LANL)
LANL Student Symposium 2009, Los Alamos, NM
The 3rd Asian Spectroscopy Conference, Xiamen University
Pukyong National University(PKNU), Busan, Republic of Korea

Singapore Nanyang Technological University

About Ping Xu
Email: pxu@hit.edu.cnORpingxu_hit@163.com

ResearchGateGoogle Scholar

Ping Xu was born in Changxing, Zhejiang. He earned his B.S. (2003) in Applied Chemistry and Ph.D. (2010) in Chemical Engineering and Technology from Department of Chemistry, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). He then joined HIT as an Assistant Professor, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2013 and to Full Professor in 2014. He spent one year (2008.10-2009.10) as a visiting student (supported by China Scholarship Council) and twenty months (2012.01-2013.08) as a Director’s Postdoctoral Fellow in Dr Hsing-Lin Wang’s group at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), USA, and received a LANL Small Team Distinguished Performance Award. He now serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces and Editorial Board of Scientific Reports.

His current research interests include design and synthesis of nanostructured materials and hybrid materials for applications in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, surface plasmon assisted/induced catalysis, and advanced energy devices. Details are:

1. Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS): - Conducting Polymer Based SERS Substrates; - Single Particle SERS Technique; Surface Plasmon-Induced (Assisted) Catalytic Reactions.
2. Directed Self-Assembly and Hierarchical Structures: - Small Molecule Assistance; - Galvanic Replacement; - Radiation Chemistry (In Collaboration with Dr. Hongtao Zhao).
3. Electrocatalysis: - Conjugated Polymer Based Nanocomposites; - Non-precious Metal Electrocatalysts; - Noble Metal Nanoparticle Synthesis

Group Photo

Kirk S. Schanze, University of Florida

E-mail: kschanze@chem.ufl.edu


Ping Xu, Harbin Institute of Technology

E-mail: pxu@hit.edu.cn


Chengyan Xu, Harbin Institute of Technology

E-mail: cy_xu@hit.edu.cn


Bo Song, Harbin Institute of Technology

E-mail: songbo@hit.edu.cn


Yunchen Du, Harbin Institute of Technology

E-mail: yunchendu@hit.edu.cn

Xijun Liu, Tao Jing, Hongge Jia, Ming Zhao (Qiqihar Univeristy)

Current Members
PhD Candidates




Dmitrii Rakov








Graduated Students

李思伟 2014年本科毕业,现就读于北京大学
荆强 2015年硕士毕业,现就读于南京大学
黄炜 2016年本科毕业,现就读于香港中文大学
项亚康 2016年本科毕业,现就读于浙江大学

康磊磊 2016年博士毕业,现为大连化物所博士后

何艳贞 2017年博士毕业,现为齐鲁工业大学讲师

李硕 2017年硕士毕业

李凯 2017年硕士毕业

曹传 2017年硕士毕业

辛甜 2017年硕士毕业

何江龙 2017年硕士毕业

甄丛丽 2018年硕士毕业

杨琳琳 2018年硕士毕业

沈云峰 2018年硕士毕业

姬敏 2018年硕士毕业

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