

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25

杨鑫,博士,教授,博士生导师,哈尔滨工业大学化工与化学学院食品科学与工程系。研究兴趣为食品质量与安全和天然产物化学,主要从事食品及农产品中化学污染物的快速检测,研究具有快速、简便、准确、灵敏、现场操作性强的检测技术体系;同时开展刺激响应型生物相容材料在纳米尺度的自组装机制研究,在分子、细胞和动物水平探索其作为潜在药用载体的分解、代谢及分布等。主持承担了国家自然科学基金、黑龙江省自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金二等资助和特别资助、哈尔滨市优秀学科带头人项目等10余项,参与国家科技部、农业部等项目10余项,在 Nanoscale, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Journal of Functional Foods, Sensors and Actuators B - Chemical, Journal of Chromatography A, Analyst, Talanta, Carbohydrate Polymers, Microchimica Acta等国际期刊发表SCI收录论文58篇,EI收录论文21篇,其中1篇入选ESI "Highly-Cited Paper (last ten years)", 2篇入选ESI "Hot Paper (last two years)", 已授权发明专利9项,荣获北京市科学技术一等奖、中国分析测试学会科学技术一等奖、黑龙江省科技进步二等奖和三等奖、山东省德州市青年科技奖等。

稳慎思赋 剑胆琴心
稳慎乃思赋 勤奋自天助

万事出艰辛 多见思卓悟

小榻琴心展 长缨剑胆舒



2008年-2011年, 中国农业科学院农业质量标准与检测技术研究所, 博士后; 2002年-2005年, 江南大学生物工程学院, 博士; 2003年-2005年, 清华大学生物系/中国医学科学院药物研究所, 博士课题研究; 1999年-2002年, 新疆农业大学食品科学与工程学院, 硕士; 2000年-2002年, 东北农业大学分析测试中心, 硕士课题研究; 1995年-1999年, 齐齐哈尔大学生物工程学院, 学士.

2015.05-至今,哈尔滨工业大学, 化工与化学学院, 食品科学与工程系, 教授, 博导;2013.10-2014.11,美国耶鲁大学, 访问学者;2013.12-2015.05,哈尔滨工业大学, 食品科学与工程学院, 教授;2011.05-2015.05,哈尔滨工业大学, 食品科学与工程学院, 博导;2009.06-2011.05,哈尔滨工业大学, 食品科学与工程学院, 硕导;2008.06-2013.12,哈尔滨工业大学, 食品科学与工程学院, 副教授;2005.07-2008.06,哈尔滨工业大学, 食品科学与工程学院, 讲师.

中国仪器仪表学会分析仪器分会快速检测技术及仪器专业委员会, 委员;

黑龙江省食品科学技术学会, 理事;

黑龙江省天然产物工程学会, 秘书长;




Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Food Research International, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, Talanta, Natural Product Research, Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry等国际期刊审稿人.


新闻标题祝贺2016级博士研究生赵倩玉同学在国际期刊Analytical Methods上发表论文


Qianyu Zhao, Haitian Zhao, Weiwei Huang, Xin Yang*, Lei Yao, Jia Liu, Jiaqi Li, Jing Wang. Dual functional monomers surface molecular imprinted microspheres for polysaccharide recognition in aqueous solution. Analytical Methods, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9AY00132H. (SCI, IF: 2.073)

新闻标题祝贺2015级博士研究生智康康同学在国际期刊Progress in Chemistry上发表论文


Kangkang Zhi, Xin Yang*. Natural product gels and its gelators. Progress in Chemistry, 2019, accepted. (SCI, IF: 0.820)

新闻标题祝贺2014级博士研究生邹攀同学在国际刊物Journal of Functional Foods上发表学术论文


Pan Zou, Shoujun Yuan, Xin Yang*, Yongze Guo, Linna Li, Chengwang Xu, Xingchen Zhai, Jing Wang*. Structural characterization and antitumor effects of chitosan oligosaccharides against orthotopic liver tumor via NF-κB signaling pathway. Journal of Functional Foods, 2019, 57: 157-165. (SCI & EI, IF: 3.470)

新闻标题祝贺2015级博士研究生翟星辰同学在国际刊物Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry上发表学术论文


X.C. Zhai, S.J. Yuan, X. Yang*, P. Zou, L.N. Li, et al. Chitosan oligosaccharides induce apoptosis in human renal carcinoma via ROS-dependent ER stress. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67(6): 1691-1701. (SCI, IF: 3.412, Supplementary Journal Cover)

新闻标题祝贺2016级博士研究生赵倩玉同学在国际期刊Journal of Chromatography B上发表论文


Y.L. Liang, Q.Y. Zhao, H.D. Liu, X.T. Chen, D.M. Zhang, X.W. Lai, B. Li, X. Yang*. Amido surface-functionalized magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers for the efficient extraction of Sibiskoside from Sibiraea angustata. Journal of Chromatography B, 2019, 1109: 90-98. (SCI, IF: 2.441)

新闻标题祝贺2016级博士研究生赵倩玉同学在国际期刊Journal of Chromatography A上发表论文


Q.Y. Zhao, H.T. Zhao, X. Yang, H. Zhang, A.J.Dong, et al. Selective recognitionand fast enrichment of anthocyanins by dummy molecularly imprinted magnetic nanoparticles. Journal of Chromatography A, 2018, 1572: 9-19. (SCI, IF: 3.716)

新闻标题祝贺2016级硕士研究生何凝同学在国际期刊New Journal of Chemistry上发表论文


N.He, K.K. Zhi, X. Yang*, H.T. Zhao, H. Zhang, et al. Self-assembled fibrillarnetworks induced by two methods: a new unmodified natural product gel. NewJournal of Chemistry, 2018, 42: 14170-14178. (SCI, IF: 3.201)



K.K.Zhi, H.T. Zhao, X. Yang*, H. Zhang,J. Wang, et al. Solvent-induced Gel Formation Hypothesis for Natural ProductGelators with Polycyclic Structures. ChemPlusChem, 2018, 83: 797-803. (SCI, IF: 3.205)






K.K. Zhi, H.T. Zhao, X. Yang*, H. Zhang, J.C. Wang, et al. Natural product gelators and a general method for obtaining them from organisms. Nanoscale, 2018, 10: 3639-3643. (SCI, IF: 7.233)

新闻标题祝贺2015级博士研究生翟星辰同学在国际刊物Life Science上发表学术论文


X.C.Zhai, S.J. Yuan, X. Yang*, P.Zou, Y. Shao, et al. Growth-inhibition of S180 residual-tumor bycombination of cyclophosphamide and chitosan oligosaccharides in vivo. Life Science, 2018, 202, 21-27. (SCI, IF: 3.234)

新闻标题祝贺2015级博士研究生翟星辰同学在国际刊物Journal of chromatography B上发表学术论文

X. C. Zhai, H. T. Zhao, M. Zhang, X.Yang*, J. M. Sun, et al. New stationary phase for hydrophilic interaction chromatography to separatechito-oligosaccharides with degree of polymerization 2-6. Journal of chromatography B, 2018, 1081-1082: 33-40. (SCI, IF: 2.441)

新闻标题祝贺2015级博士研究生翟星辰同学在国际刊物Journal of Food Science上发表学术论文


X.C. Zhai, X. Yang*, P. Zou, Y. Shao, S.J.Yuan, et al. Protective effectof chitosan oligosaccharides against cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppressionand irradiation injury in mice. Journal of Food Science, 2018,83(2): 535-542. (SCI, IF: 2.018)

新闻标题祝贺2014级博士研究生邹攀同学在国际刊物Chemico-Biological Interactions上发表学术论文

发表时间2017-11-16 279

P. Zou, S.J. Yuan, X. Yang*,X.C. Zhai, J. Wang, et al. Chitosanoligosaccharides with degree of polymerization 2-6 induce apoptosis in humancolon carcinoma HCT116 cells. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2018, 279: 129-135. (SCI, IF: 3.396)

新闻标题祝贺2015级硕士研究生谢天娇同学在国际期刊RSC Advances上发表论文

T.J. Xie, M. Zhang, P. Chen, H.T. Zhao, X.Yang*, et al. A facile molecular imprintedelectrochemical sensor based on graphene: Application to selectivedetermination of thiamethoxam in grains. RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 38884-94. (SCI, IF: 2.936)

新闻标题祝贺2015级博士研究生智康康同学在国际期刊Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society上发表论文

发表时间2017-05-25 1.593

K.K. Zhi, M. Zhang, X. Yang*, H.T. Zhao, A.J. Dong, et al. Preparation andAdsorption Properties of Glucose Molecularly Imprinted Polymers in HydrousSolution for Effective Determination of Glucose in Fruits by MISPE-HPLC. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2017, 14(10): 2087-96. (SCI, IF: 1.593)

新闻标题祝贺2012级博士研究生张敏同学在国际刊物Sensors andActuators B: Chemical上发表学术论文


M. Zhang, H.T. Zhao, T.J. Xie, X. Yang*, A.J. Dong, et al. Molecularly imprinted polymer on graphene surface for selective and sensitive electrochemical sensing imidacloprid. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 252: 991-1002. (SCI, IF: 5.667)

新闻标题祝贺2013级博士研究生张敏同学在国际刊物New Journal of Chemistry上发表学术论文


M. Zhang,H. Zhang, T.J. Xie, X. Yang*, H.T. Zhao, et al. Application of β-cyclodextrin-reduced graphene oxide nanosheets forenhanced electrochemically sensing nitenpyram residue in real samples. New Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 41: 2169-2177. (SCI, IF: 3.201)

新闻标题祝贺2015级博士研究生翟星辰同学在国际刊物Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry上发表学术论文


X.C.Zhai, H. Zhang, M. Zhang, X. Yang*, C. Gu, et al. A rapid electrochemical monitoring platform for sensitivedetermination of thiamethoxam based on β–cyclodextrin-graphenecomposite. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2017, 36(8): 1991-1997. (SCI, IF: 3.179)

新闻标题祝贺课题组张华博士在国际期刊Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology上发表论文


H.Zhang, H.T. Zhao, L. Yao, X. Yang*, C.Y. Shen, J. Wang, et al. Isolation, physicochemical properties and in vitro antioxidant activity of polysaccharides extracted from different parts of Pinus koraiensis. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 2017, 37(3): 225-240. (SCI, IF: 1.418)

新闻标题祝贺课题组张华博士在国际期刊RSC Advances上发表论文


H. Zhang, H.T. Zhao, X.T. Zhou, X. Yang*, S.Y. Shen, et al. Isolation and Characterization of Antioxidant Polysaccharides (PKCP-D70-2-a and PKCP-D70-2-b) from the Pinus Koraiensis pinecone. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 110706-21. (SCI, IF: 3.108)

新闻标题课题组2016年发表在国际期刊Food Chemistry上的论文入选ESI高被引用论文


新闻标题祝贺2014级博士研究生邹攀同学在国际刊物Journal of Food Science上发表学术论文


P.Zou, X. Yang*, Y,X. Zhang, P.F. Du, S.J. Yuan, et al. Antitumoreffects of orally and intraperitoneally administered chitosan oligosaccharides(COS) on S180-bearing/residual mouse. Journal of Food Science, 2016,81(12): 3035-3042. (SCI, IF: 1.815)

新闻标题祝贺2013级博士研究生张彦欣同学在国际期刊Inter. J. Env. Res. Pub. Heal.上发表论文

Y.X. Zhang, X. Yang*, P.Zou, P.F. Du, J. Wang, et al. Nonylphenol Toxicity Evaluation andDiscovery of Biomarkers in Rat Urine by a Metabolomics Strategy throughHPLC-QTOF-MS. International Journal of Environmental Research and PublicHealth, 2016, 13 (5): 501-518. (SCI, IF: 2.101)

新闻标题祝贺2015级博士研究生智康康同学在国际期刊Acta Chimica Sinica上发表论文


K.K. Zhi, A.J. Dong, X. Yang*, Q.Y. Zhao, H.T. Zhao, et al. Preparation and Adsorption Properties Study of Glucose Magnetic Molecularly Imprinted Polymers with Dual Functional Monomers. Acta Chimica Sinica, 2016, 74 (2): 199-207. (SCI, IF: 2.131)



M. Zhang, X. C. Zhai, X. Yang*, H. T. Zhao, A. J. Dong, H. Zhang, et al. Liu. Rapid and sensitive determination of dinotefuran residue based on electrochemical enhancement of β-cyclodextrin-graphene composite. Electroanalysis, 2016, 28: 1495-1503. (SCI, IF: 2.851)

新闻标题祝贺2013级博士研究生张敏同学在国际期刊Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical上发表论文


M. Zhang, H. T. Zhao, X. Yang*, A. J. Dong, H. Zhang, et al. A simple and sensitive electrochemical sensor for new neonicotinoid insecticide Paichongding in grain samples based on β-cyclodextrin-graphene modified glassy carbon electrode. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 229: 190-199. (SCI, IF: 5.401)

新闻标题祝贺2013级博士研究生张敏同学在国际期刊RSC Advances上发表论文


M. Zhang, H.T. Zhao, X. Yang*, W.T. Zhang, J. Wang, et al. Preparation and characterization of surface molecularly imprinted film coated on magnetic nanocore for fast and selective recognition of new neonicotinoid insecticide Paichongding (IPP).RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 3714-3722. (SCI, IF: 3.108)

新闻标题祝贺2013级博士研究生刘广洋同学在国际刊物Carbohydrate Polymers上发表学术论文


G.Y. Liu, T.F. Li, X. Yang*, Y.X. She, M. Wang, J. Wang, et al. Competitive fluorescence assay for specific recognition of atrazine by magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer based on Fe3O4-chitosan. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016, 137, 75-81. (SCI, IF: 4.811)

新闻标题祝贺2013级博士研究生刘广洋同学在国际期刊Analytical Methods上发表论文


G.Y. Liu, S.S. Wang, X. Yang*, T.F. Li, Y.X. She, et al. Colorimetric sensing of atrazine in rice samples using cysteamine functionalized gold nanoparticles after solid phase extraction. Analytical Methods, 2016, 8: 52-56. (SCI, IF: 1.900)



新闻标题祝贺2013级博士研究生刘广洋同学在国际刊物Materials Letters上发表学术论文


G.Y. Liu, X. Yang*, T.F. Li, Y.X. She, S.S. Wang, et al. Preparation of a magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer using g-C3N4-Fe3O4 for atrazine adsorption. Materials Letters, 2015, 160: 472-475. (SCI, IF: 2.437)



新闻标题祝贺2014级博士研究生邹攀同学在国际刊物Food Chemistry上发表学术论文


P. Zou, X. Yang*, J. Wang, Y.F. Li, et al. Advances in characterisation and biological activities of chitosan and chitosan oligosaccharides. Food Chemistry, 2016, 190: 1174-1181. (SCI, IF: 4.529)



S. Zhao, X. Yang*, H.T. Zhao, A.J. Dong, J. Wang, et al. Water-compatible surface imprinting of Saccharin sodium on silica surface for selective recognition and detection in aqueous solution. Talanta, 2015,144: 717–725. ( SCI, IF: 4.035)

新闻标题祝贺2013级博士研究生刘广洋同学在国际刊物Microchimica Acta上发表学术论文


G.Y. Liu, X. Yang*, T.F. Li, H.L. Yu, X.W. Du, et al. Spectrophotometric and visual detection of the herbicide atrazine by exploiting hydrogen bond-induced aggregation of melamine-modified gold nanoparticles. Microchim Acta, 2015, 182:1983–1989. (IF: 4.831)

新闻标题祝贺2013级博士研究生张敏同学在国际期刊Food Control上发表学术论文


M. Zhang, X. Yang*, H.T. Zhao, A.J. Dong, J. Wang, et al. A quick method for routine analysis of C18 trans fatty acids in nonhydrogenated edible vegetable oils by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Food Control, 2015, 57: 293–301. (IF: 3.388)






新闻标题课题组2012年发表在国际期刊Food Chemistry上的论文入选ESI热点文章


新闻标题祝贺2010级硕士研究生王璞同学在国际期刊Food Chemistry上发表论文


P. Wang, X. Yang*, W.W. Huang, M. Zhang, W.H. Lu, H.T. Zhao, J. Wang*, et al. Effect of Pesticide 1-[6-Chloro-3-Methyl-Pyridyl-8-Nitro-7-Methyl-1 2 3 5 6 7-Hexahydro Imidazo (1, 2 a)]-Pyridine when responding to a wheat plants antioxidant defense system. Food Chemistry, 2014, 146: 569–576. (SCI, IF:3.334)



Huang W.W., Yang X.*, Zhao S., Zhang M., Hu X.L., Wang J.*, et al.Fast and selective recognizes polysaccharide by surface molecularly imprinted film coated onto aldehyde-modified magnetic nanoparticles. Analyst, 2013, 138: 6653-6661.(IF: 3.969)

新闻标题课题组2011年发表在国际期刊Food Chemistry上的论文入选ESI高被引用论文












Zou P., Yang X.*, Huang W.W., Zhao H.T., Wang J.*, Xu R.B., Hu X.L., Shen S.Y., Qin D. Characterization and Bioactivity of Polysaccharides Obtained from Pine Cones of Pinus koraiensis by Graded Ethanol Precipitation. Molecules, 2013, 18, 9933-9948.(SCI 收录, IF: 2.428)



关于对黑龙江省第八届优秀硕士学位论文评审结果进行公示的通知 http://www.hlje.net/e/action/ShowInfo.php?classid=559&id=66275

新闻标题祝贺2011级硕士研究生徐韧博同学在国际期刊International Journal of Molecular Sciences上发表论文


R.B. Xu, X. Yang*, J. Wang*, H.T. Zhao, W.H. Lu, et al. Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activities of three Polysaccharide Fractions from Pine cones. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2012, 13: 14262-14277. (SCI 收录, IF:2.598)

新闻标题祝贺2010级硕士研究生王璞同学在国际期刊Food Chemistry上发表论文


P. Wang, X. Yang*, J. Wang*, J. Cui, A.J. Dong, et al. Multi-residue method for determination of seven neonicotinoid insecticides in grains using dispersive solid-phase extraction and dispersive liquid–liquid micro-extraction by high performance liquid chromatography. Food Chemistry, 2012, 134: 1691–1698. (SCI, EI 收录, IF:3.655)

1. 食品质量与安全

2. 超分子化学与纳米科学

3. 天然产物化学





完成人王静, ..., 杨鑫(第八)




完成人金茂俊, 武爱波, 杨鑫, 等.




完成人王振宇, 杨鑫, 等.







完成人王静, 杨鑫, 赵海田, 等.




完成人王静, 杨鑫, 赵海田, 等




完成人杨鑫, 张华, 刘永, 等








完成人杨鑫, 王璞, 王静




完成人杨鑫, 张华, 刘永







项目名称01. 红松松塔抗肝癌活性多糖......







项目名称02. 松多酚资源高效利用基础......







项目名称03. 哌虫啶在小麦中降解动态......








项目名称04. 红松松塔抗肿瘤活性多糖......







项目名称05. 红松松塔活性多糖化学结......







项目名称06. 磁性纳米表面分子印迹核......







项目名称07. 新型磁性分子印迹纳米复......







项目名称08. 石墨烯表面分子印迹对烟......







杨鑫, 张英春, 张华, 王静. 一种红松松塔提取物及其应用和提取方法. 专利授权号: ZL **9.0.

杨鑫, 胡兴龙, 黄微薇, 王静, 赵海田. 分离单糖的分子印迹聚合物的制备方法. 专利授权号: ZL **1.3.

杨鑫, 黄微薇, 邹攀, 赵海田, 王静. 分离淀粉多糖的核壳结构磁性纳米分子印迹聚合物的制备方法. 专利授权号: ZL **.7.

杨鑫, 赵凇, 黄微薇, 张敏. 分离糖精钠的改性硅胶纳米分子印迹聚合物的制备方法. 专利授权号: ZL **5.8.

杨鑫, 邹攀, 王静. 一种壳寡糖的制备方法及其应用. 专利授权号: ZL **4.3.

杨鑫, 黄微薇, 王静. 一种制备高吸附的双功能单体多糖分子印迹纳米颗粒的方法. 专利授权号: ZL **0.X.

杨鑫, 智康康, 徐鹏飞, 王静. 一种制备葡萄糖双功能单体磁性分子印迹聚合物的方法. 专利授权号: ZL **4.1.

杨鑫, 张敏, 张琬桐, 王静. 一种分离烟碱农药哌虫啶的磁性纳米分子印迹聚合物的制备方法. 专利授权号: ZL **2.7.

杨鑫, 孙敬明, 王静. 一种用于壳寡糖分离的苯硼酸化亲和色谱固定相的制备方法. 专利授权号: ZL **2.6.

第二完成人. DB 23/T 1274-2008, 饲料中角黄素含量的测定 高效液相色谱法.

第二完成人. DB 23/T 1275-2008, 饲料中虾青素含量的测定 高效液相色谱法.

第二完成人. DB 23/T 1335-2009, 禽肉中二硝托胺残留量的测定 液相色谱/串联质谱法.

第二完成人. DB 23/T 1324-2009, 果蔬中氯吡脲含量的测定 高效液相色谱法.

第五完成人. DB 23/T 1436-2011, 饲料中特布他林的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法.

第九完成人. DB 23/T 1435-2011, 饲料中炔诺醚的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法.


硕士研究生课程:《高级食品化学》、《食品仪器分析技术》 、《食品安全学》和《食品科学技术专题》;




研究方向:[1]. 食品质量与安全研究;

[2]. 电化学传感器研究;

[3]. 超分子凝胶及功能研究;

[4]. 天然产物化学研究;

[5]. 天然纳米载药系统研究.

招生名额:硕士: 2人/年; 博士:2人/年; 博士后: 1人/年.



[1]. 2010年指导的学生高星烨获黑龙江省优秀毕业生;

[2]. 2011年指导的学生徐韧博获哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生;

[3]. 2013年指导的学生翟星辰获哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生;

[4]. 2016年指导的学生古成和周国鹏获国家大学生创新训练项目资助.


[1]. 2012年指导的学生王璞获黑龙江省第八届优秀硕士学位论文;

[2]. 2012年指导的学生王璞获2012年度哈尔滨市科学技术学术成果奖二等奖;

[3]. 2013年指导的学生徐韧博获研究生国家奖学金;

[4]. 2013年指导的学生徐韧博获哈尔滨工业大学优秀硕士毕业生;

[5]. 2013年指导的学生邹攀获哈尔滨工业大学优秀硕士研究生 (金奖);

[6]. 2013年指导的学生徐韧博获哈尔滨工业大学优秀硕士研究生 (银奖);

[7]. 2014年指导的学生翟星辰获研究生国家奖学金;

[8]. 2015年指导的学生赵凇获哈尔滨工业大学优秀硕士研究生 (银奖);

[9]. 2018年指导的留学生塔纳瓦获第二届国际化学与化工创新大赛二等奖;

[10]. 2018年指导的留学生张贤尽获第二届国际化学与化工创业大赛二等奖.


[1]. 2015年指导的学生刘广洋获研究生国家奖学金;

[2]. 2015年指导的学生黄微薇获哈尔滨工业大学化工学科博士论坛银奖;

[3]. 2017年指导的学生智康康获哈尔滨工业大学化工学科博士论坛金奖.

58. Qianyu Zhao, Haitian Zhao, Weiwei Huang, Xin Yang*, Lei Yao, Jia Liu*, Jiaqi Li, Jing Wang*. (2019) Dual functional monomers surface molecular imprinted microspheres for polysaccharide recognition in aqueous solution. Analytical Methods, DOI: 10.1039/C9AY00132H. (SCI, IF: 2.073)

57. Kangkang Zhi, Xin Yang*. (2019) Natural product gels and its gelators. Progress in Chemistry, accepted. (SCI, IF: 0.820)

56. Pan Zou, Shoujun Yuan, Xin Yang*, Yongze Guo, Linna Li, Chengwang Xu, Xingchen Zhai, Jing Wang*. (2019) Structural characterization and antitumor effects of chitosan oligosaccharides against orthotopic liver tumor via NF-κB signaling pathway. Journal of Functional Foods, 57: 157-165. (SCI & EI, IF: 3.470)

55. Xingchen Zhai, Shoujun Yuan, Xin Yang*, Pan Zou, Linna Li, Guoyou Li, Yong Shao, A.M. Abd El-Aty, Ahmet Hacιmüftüoglu, Jing Wang*. (2019) Chitosan oligosaccharides induce apoptosis in human renal carcinoma via ROS-dependent ER stress. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67(6): 1691-1701. (SCI & EI, IF: 3.412) [Supplementary Journal Cover]

54. Yulan Liang, Qianyu Zhao, Hongdong Liu, Xiaotian Chen, Dongming Zhang, Xuewen Lai, Bin Li*, Xin Yang*. (2019) Amido surface-functionalized magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers for the efficient extraction of Sibiskoside from Sibiraea angustata. Journal of Chromatography B, 1109: 90-98. (SCI & EI, IF: 2.441)

53. Kangkang Zhi, Haitian Zhao, Xin Yang*, Hua Zhang, Jiacheng Wang, Jing Wang*, Joe M. Regenstein. (2018) Natural product gelators and a general method for obtaining them from organisms. Nanoscale, 10: 3639-3643. (SCI & EI, IF: 7.233)

52. Qianyu Zhao, Haitian Zhao, Xin Yang*, Hua Zhang, Aaijun Dong, Jing Wang*, Bin Li*. (2018) Selective recognition and fast enrichment of anthocyanins by dummy molecularly imprinted magnetic nanoparticles. Journal of Chromatography A, 1572: 9-19. (SCI & EI, IF: 3.716)

51. Ning He, Kangkang Zhi, Xin Yang*, Haitian Zhao*, Hua Zhang, Jing Wang*, Zhenyu Wang. (2018) Self-assembled fibrillar networks induced by two methods: a new unmodified natural product gel. New Journal of Chemistry, 42: 14170-14178. (SCI, IF: 3.201)

50. Kangkang Zhi, Haitian Zhao, Xin Yang*, Hua Zhang, Jing Wang*, Zhenyu Wang. (2018) Solvent-induced gel formation hypothesis for natural product gelators with polycyclic structures. ChemPlusChem, 83: 797-803. (SCI, IF: 3.205)

49. Xingchen Zhai, Shoujun Yuan, Xin Yang*, Pan Zou, Yong Shao, A.M. Abd El-Aty, Ahmet Hacιmüftüoglu, Jing Wang*. (2018) Growth-inhibition of S180 residual-tumor by combination of cyclophosphamide and chitosan oligosaccharides in vivo. Life Science, 202: 21-27. (SCI, IF: 3.234)

48. Xingchen Zhai, Haitian Zhao, Min Zhang, Xin Yang*, Jingming Sun, Yongxin She, Aijun Dong, Hua Zhang, Lei Yao, Jing Wang*. (2018) New stationary phase for hydrophilic interaction chromatography to separate chito-oligosaccharides with degree of polymerization 2-6. Journal of Chromatography B, 1081-1082: 33-40. (SCI & EI, IF: 2.441)

47. Xingchen Zhai, Xin Yang*, Pan Zou, Yong Shao, Shoujun Yuan, A.M. Abd El-Aty, Jing Wang*. (2018) Protective effect of chitosan oligosaccharides against cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppression and irradiation injury in mice. Journal of Food Science, 83(2): 535-542. (SCI, IF: 2.018)

46. Pan Zou, Shoujun Yuan, Xin Yang*, Xingchen Zhai, Jing Wang*. (2018) Chitosan oligosaccharides with degree of polymerization 2-6 induce apoptosis in human colon carcinoma HCT116 cells. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 279: 129-135. (SCI, IF: 3.296)

45. Tianjiao Xie, Min Zhang, Pan Chen, Haitian Zhao*, Xin Yang*, Lei Yao, Hua Zhang, Aijun Dong, Jing Wang*, Zhenyu Wang. (2017) A facile molecular imprinted electrochemical sensor based on graphene: Application to selective determination of thiamethoxam in grains. RSC Advances, 7: 38884-94. (SCI, IF: 2.936)

44. Kangkang Zhi, Min Zhang, Xin Yang*, Haitian Zhao*, Aijun Dong, Hua Zhang, Jing Wang*. (2017) Preparation and adsorption properties of glucose molecularly imprinted polymers in hydrous solution for effective determination of glucose in fruits by MISPE-HPLC. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 14(10): 2087-96. (SCI, IF: 1.593)

43. Min Zhang, Haitian Zhao, Tianjiao Xie, Xin Yang*, Aijun Dong, Hua Zhang, Jing Wang*, Zhenyu Wang. (2017) Molecularly imprinted polymer on graphene surface for selective and sensitive electrochemical sensing imidacloprid. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 252: 991-1002. (SCI & EI, IF: 5.667)

42. Xingchen Zhai, Hua Zhang, Min Zhang, Xin Yang*, Cheng Gu, Guopeng Zhou, Haitian Zhao, Zhenyu Wang, Aijun Dong, Jing Wang*. (2017) A rapid electrochemical monitoring plat form for sensitive determination of thiamethoxam based on β–cyclodextrin-graphene composite. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 36 (8): 1991-1997. (SCI, IF: 3.179)

41. Min Zhang, Hua Zhang, Tianjiao Xie, Xin Yang*, Haitian Zhao, Aijun Dong, Jing Wang*, Zhenyu Wang. (2017) Application of β-cyclodextrin-reduced grapheneoxide nanosheets for enhanced electrochemically sensing nitenpyram residue in real samples. New Journal of Chemistry, 41: 2169-2177. (SCI, IF: 3.201)

40. Hua Zhang, Haitian Zhao, Lei Yao, Xin Yang*, Siyan Shen, Jing Wang, Zhenyu Wang, Joe M. Regenstein, Lin Geng. (2017) Isolation, physicochemical properties and in vitro antioxidant activity of polysaccharides extracted from different parts of Pinus koraiensis. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 37(3): 225-240. (SCI & EI, IF: 1.418)

39. Pan Zou, Xin Yang*, Yanxin Zhang, Pengfei Du, Shoujun Yuan, Dexuan Yang, Jing Wang*. (2016) Antitumor effects of orally and intraperitoneally administered chitosan oligosaccharides (COS) on S180-bearing/residual mouse. Journal of Food Science, 81(12): 3035-3042. (SCI, IF: 1.815)

38. Hua Zhang, Haitian Zhao, Xintao Zhou, Xin Yang*, Siyan Shen, Jing Wang*, Zhenyu Wang, Lin Geng. (2016) Isolation and characterization of antioxidant polysaccharides (PKCP-D-70-2-a and PKCP-D-70-2-b) from the Pinus Koraiensis pinecone. RSC Advances, 6: 110706-110721. (SCI & EI, IF: 3.108)

37. Min Zhang, Xingchen Zhai, Xin Yang*, Haitian Zhao, Aaijun Dong, Hua Zhang, Jing Wang*, Guangyang Liu. (2016) Rapid and sensitive determination of dinotefuran residue based on electrochemical enhancement of β-cyclodextrin-graphene composite. Electroanalysis, 28 (7): 1495-1503. (SCI, IF: 2.851)

36. Yanxin Zhang, Xin Yang*, Pan Zou, Pengfei Du, Jing Wang*, Fen Jin, ,Maojun Jin, Yongxin She. (2016) Nonylphenol toxicity evaluation and discovery of biomarkers in rat urine by a metabolomics strategy through HPLC-QTOF-MS. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13 (5): 501-518. (SCI, IF: 2.101)

35. Min Zhang, Haitian Zhao, Xin Yang*, Aijun Dong, Hua Zhang, Jing Wang*, Guangyang Liu, Xingchen Zhai. (2016) A simple and sensitive electrochemical sensor for new neonicotinoid insecticide Paichongding in grain samples based on β-cyclodextrin-graphene modified glassy carbon electrode. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 229: 190-199. (SCI & EI, IF: 5.401)

34. Min Zhang, Haitian Zhao, Xin Yang*, Wantong Zhang, Jing Wang, Guangyang Liu, Hua Zhang, Aijun Dong. (2016) Preparation and characterization of surface molecularly imprinted film coated on magnetic nanocore for fast and selective recognition of new neonicotinoid insecticide Paichongding (IPP). RSC Advances, 6: 3714-3722. (SCI & EI, IF: 3.108)

33. Kangkang Zhi, Aijun Dong, Xin Yang*, Qianyu Zhao, Haitian Zhao, Hua Zhang, Jing Wang*, Pengfei Xu. (2016) Preparation and adsorption properties study of glucose magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers with dualfunctional monomers. Acta Chimica Sinica, 74 (2): 199-207. (SCI, IF: 2.131)

32. Guangyang Liu, Tengfei Li, Xin Yang*, Yongxin She, Miao Wang, Jing Wang*, Min Zhang, Shanshan Wang, Fen Jin, Maojun Jin, Hua Shao, Zejun Jiang, Hailong Yu. (2016) Competitive fluorescence assay for specific recognition of atrazine by magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer based on Fe3O4-chitosan. Carbohydrate Polymers, 137: 75-81. (SCI & EI, IF: 4.811)

31. Pan Zou, Xin Yang*, Jing Wang*, Yongfei Li, Hailong Yu, Yanxin Zhang, Guangyang Liu. (2016) Advances in characterisation and biological activities of chitosan and chitosan oligosaccharides. Food Chemistry, 190: 1174-1181. (SCI & EI, IF: 4.529) [ESI Highly-Cited Papers, Hot Paper]

30. Guangyang Liu, Shanshan Wang, Xin Yang*, Tengfei Li, Yongxin She, Jing Wang*, Pan Zou, Fen Jin, Maojun Jin, Hua Shao. (2016) Colorimetric sensing of atrazine in rice samples using cysteamine functionalized gold nanoparticles after solid phase extraction. Analytical Methods, 8: 52-56. (SCI & EI, IF: 1.900)

29. Pengfei Du, Maojun Jin*, Lihua Yang, Ge Chen, Chan Zhang, Fen Jin, Hua Shao, Mao Yang, Xin Yang, Yongxin She, Shanshan Wang, Lufei Zheng, Jing Wang. (2016) Determination of astaxanthin in feeds using high performance liquid chromatography and an efficient extraction method. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 39(1): 35-43. (SCI & EI, IF: 0.697)

28. Song Zhao, Xin Yang*, Haitian Zhao, Aijun Dong, Jing Wang*, Min Zhang, Weiwei Huang. (2015) Water-compatible surface imprinting of Saccharin sodium on silica surface for selective recognition and detection in aqueous solution. Talanta,144: 717-725. (SCI & EI, IF: 4.035)

27. Guangyang Liu, Xin Yang*, Tengfei Li, Hailong Yu, Xinwei Du, Yongxin She, Jing Wang*, Shanshan Wang, Fen Jin, Maojun Jin, Hua Shao, Lufei Zheng, Yanxin Zhang, Pan Zhou. (2015) Spectrophotometric and visual detection of the herbicide atrazine by exploiting hydrogen bond-induced aggregation of melamine-modified gold nanoparticles. Microchimica Acta, 182: 1983-1989. (SCI, IF: 4.831)

26. Guangyang Liu, Xin Yang*, Tengfei Li, Yongxin She, Shanshan Wang, Jing Wang*, Min Zhang, Fen Jin, Maojun Jin, Hua Shao, Mengqi Shi. (2015) Preparation of a magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer using g-C3N4-Fe3O4 for atrazine adsorption. Materials Letters, 160: 472-475. (SCI, IF: 2.437)

25. Min Zhang, Xin Yang*, Haitian Zhao, Aijun Dong, Jing Wang*, Guangyang Liu, Pu Wang, Cuilin Cheng, Hua Zhang. (2015) A quick method for routine analysis of C18 trans fatty acids in nonhydrogenated edible vegetable oils by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Food Control, 57: 293-301. (SCI, IF: 3.388)

24. Pu Wang, Xin Yang*, Weiwei Huang, Min Zhang, Haitian Zhao, Jing Wang*, Huiling Liu, Aijun Dong, Hua Zhang, Renbo Xu, Pan Zou, Cuilin Cheng, Yingchun Zhang, Jing Jing. (2014) Effect of pesticide 1-[6-chloro-3-methyl-pyridyl-8-nitro-7-methyl-1 2 3 5 6 7-hexahydro imidazo(1,2a)]-pyridine when responding to a wheat plants antioxidant defense system. Food Chemistry, 146: 569-576. (SCI & EI, IF: 3.391)

23. Hua Zhang, Zhenyu Wang*, Xin Yang, Haitian Zhao, Yingchun Zhang, Aijun Dong, Jing Jing, Jing Wang. (2014) Determination of free amino acids and 18 elements in freeze-dried straw berry and blue berry fruit using an Amino Acid Analyzer and ICP-MS with micro-wave digestion. Food Chemistry, 127: 855-865. (SCI & EI, IF: 3.391)

22. Hua Zhang, Zhenyu Wang*,Xin Yang, Lin Yang, Lili Zuo, Haina Bai, Xiaoyu Li. (2014) Protective effects of sulfated derivatives of polysaccharides extracted from Auricularia auricular on hematologic injury induced by radiation. International Journal of Radiation Research, 12(2): 99-111. (SCI, IF: 0.314)

21. Weiwei Huang, Xin Yang*, Song Zhao, Min Zhang, Xinglong Hu, Jing Wang*, Haitian Zhao. (2013) Fast and selective recognizes polysaccharide by surface molecularly imprinted film coated onto aldehyde-modified magnetic nanoparticles. Analyst, 138: 6653-6661. (SCI, IF: 3.909)

20. Pan Zou, Xin Yang*, Weiwei Huang, Haitian Zhao, Jing Wang*, Renbo Xu, Xinglong Hu, Siyan Shen, Di Qin. (2013) Characterization and bioactivity of polysaccharides obtained from pine cones of Pinus koraiensis by graded ethanol precipitation. Molecules,18: 9933-9948. (SCI, IF: 2.095)

19. Xiao Ma*, Satoshi Tsuda, Xin Yang, Ning Gu, Hiroko Tanabe, Rieko Oshima, Tetsuya Matsushita, Tatsuro Egawa, Aijun Dong, Beiwei Zhu, and Tatsuya Hayashi. (2013) Pu-Erh tea hot-water extract activates akt and induces insulin-independent glucose transport in rat skeletal muscle. Journal of Medicinal Food, 16(3): 259-262. (SCI, IF: 1.699)

18. Pu Wang, Xin Yang*, Jing Wang*, Jie Cui, Aijun Dong, Haitian Zhao, Lanwei Zhang, Zhenyu Wang, Renbo Xu, Wenjing Li, Hua Zhang, Jing Jing. (2012) Multi-residue method for determination of seven neonicotinoid insecticides in grains using dispersivesolid-phase extraction and dispersive liquid-liquid micro-extraction by high performance liquid chromatography. Food Chemistry, 134:1691-1698. (SCI & EI, IF: 3.334) [ESI Hot Papers, Highly-Cited Paper]

17. Renbo Xu, Xin Yang*, Jing Wang*, Haitian Zhao, Weihong Lu, Jie Cui, Cuilin Cheng, Pan Zou, Weiwei Huang, Pu Wang, Wenjing Li, Xinglong Hu. (2012) Chemical composition and antioxidant activities of three polysaccharide fractions from pine cones. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 13: 14262-14277. (SCI, IF: 2.464)

16. Haitian Zhao, Zhenyu Wang*, Fengming Ma, Xin Yang, Cuilin Cheng, Lei Yao. (2012) Protective effect of anthocyanin from Lonicera Caerulea var. Edulis on radiation-induced damage in mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 13(9): 11773-11782. (SCI, IF: 2.464)

15. Yingchun Zhang, Lanwei Zhang*, Wei Ma, Huaxi Yi, Xin Yang, Ming Du, Yujuan Shan, Xue Han, Lili Zhang. (2012) Screening of probiotic lactobacilli for inhibition of Shigella sonnei and the macromolecules involved in inhibition. Anaerobe, (18): 498-503. (SCI, IF: 2.022)

14. Cuilin Cheng, Zhenyu Wang*, Li Cheng, Haitian Zhao, Xin Yang, Jiaren Liu, Moli Cui, Rongchun Wang. (2012) In vitro antioxidant activities of water-soluble nucleotide-extract from Edible Fungi. Food Science and Technology Research, 18(3): 405-412. (SCI, IF: 0.471)

13. Xin Yang*, Hua Zhang, Yong Liu, Jing Wang, Yingchun Zhang, Aijun Dong, Haitian Zhao, Changhua Sun, Jie Cui. (2011) Multiresidue method for determination of 88 pesticides in berry fruits using solid-phase extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: Determination of 88 pesticides in berries using SPE and GC-MS. Food Chemistry, 127: 855-865. (SCI & EI, IF: 3.655) [ESI Highly-Cited Papers]

12. Xin Yang*, Jing Wang, Dechang Xu, Jianwei Qiu, Ying Ma, Jie Cui. (2011) Simultaneous determination of 69 pesticide residues in coffee by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Food Analytical Methods, 4(2): 186-195. (SCI & EI, IF: 1.943)

11. Jie Cui, Xin Yang*, Aijun Dong, Dayou Cheng, Jing Wang, Haitian Zhao, Renbo Xu, Pu Wang, Wenjing Li. (2011) Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Euphorbia fischeriana essential oil from China. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5(19): 4794-4798. (SCI, IF: 0.879)

10. Hua Zhang, Zhenyu Wang*, Lin Yang, Xin Yang, Xue Wang, Zhi Zhang. (2011) In vitro antioxidant activities of sulfated derivatives of polysaccharides extracted from Auricularia auricula. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 84: 3202-3287. (SCI, IF: 2.279)

9. Shenghua He, Ying Ma*, Jiaqi Wang, Qiming Li, Xin Yang, Shanhu Tang, Haimei Li. (2011) Milk fat chemical composition of yak breeds in China. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 24(2): 223-230. (SCI, IF: 2.079)

8. Haitian Zhao, Zhenyu Wang*, Cuilin Cheng, Lei Yao, Lu Wang, Weihong Lu, Xin Yang, Fengming Ma. (2011) In-vitro freeradical scavenging activities of anthocyanins from three berries. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5(32): 7036-7042. (SCI, IF: 0.879)

7. Lei Yao, Zhenyu Wang*, Haitian Zhao, Cuilin Cheng, Xiaoyi Fu, Jiaren Liu, Xin Yang. (2011) Protective effects of polysaccharides from soybean meal against X-ray radiation induced damage in mouse spleen lymphocytes. International Journalof Molecular Sciences, 12(11): 8096-8104. (SCI, IF: 2.279)

6. Xin Yang*, Haitian Zhao, Jing Wang, Qi Meng, Hua Zhang, Lei Yao, Yingchun Zhang, Aijun Dong, Ying Ma, Zhenyu Wang, Dechang Xu, Yi Ding. (2010) Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of essential oil of pine cones of Pinus armandii from the Southwest region of China. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 4(16):1668-1672. (SCI, IF: 0.879)

5. Xin Yang*, Yingchun Zhang, Hua Zhang, Aijun Dong, Haitian Zhao, Dechang Xu, Ying Ma, Jing Wang. (2010) Diterpenoid acids from Pinus koraiensis. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 46(2): 227-229. (SCI, IF: 0.693)

4. Xin Yang*, Hua Zhang, Yingchun Zhang, Haitian Zhao, Aijun Dong, Dechang Xu, Lin Yang, Ying Ma, Jing Wang. (2010) Analysis of the essential oils of pine cones of Pinus koraiensis Steb. Et Zucc. and P. sylvestris L. from China. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 22: 446-448. (SCI & EI, IF: 0.412)

3. Xin Yang*, Dechang Xu, Jianwei Qiu, Hua Zhang, Yingchun Zhang, Aijun Dong, Ying Ma, Jing Wang. (2009) Simultaneous determination of 118 pesticide residues in Chinese teas by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Chemical Papers, 63(1): 39-46. (SCI, IF: 0.795)

2. Xin Yang*, Hua Zhang, Yingchun Zhang, Ying Ma, Jing Wang. (2008) Two new diterpenoid acids from Pinus koraiensis. Fitoterapia, 79(3): 179-181. (SCI, IF: 1.200)

1. Xin Yang, Yi Ding, Zhihao Sun, Dongming Zhang*. (2006) Studies on chemical constituents from Ilex pubescens. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 8(6): 505-510. (SCI, IF: 0.651)



















Name: Yang Xin

E-mail: yangxin@hit.edu.cn

Mailing Address: No. 92 West Dazhi Street, Nan-gang District, Harbin city, China P.R.150001.


Food Quality and Safety

Natural Product Chemistry

Electrochemistry and Biosensor

Supramolecular Gel

Nano Drug Delivery






Qiqihar university


Xinjiang agricultural university


Jiangnan university






School of Food Science and Engineering, HIT

Associate professor

School of Food Science and Engineering, HIT

Master supervisor

School of Food Science and Engineering, HIT

Doctor supervisor

School of Food Science and Engineering, HIT


School of Food Science and Engineering, HIT

Dean of food science department

School of Food Science and Engineering, HIT

Dean of food quality and safety center

School of Food Science and Engineering, HIT

Deputy director of food science department

School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, HIT


Teaching Duties:

Teacher, Food Chemistry

Teacher, Advanced Food Chemistry

Teacher, Food Instrument Analysis

Teacher, Food Safety and Sanitation (taught before)


Refereed journal papers

Q.Y. Zhao, H.T. Zhao, X. Yang*, H. Zhang, A.J. Dong, et al. (2018) Selective recognition and fast enrichment of anthocyanins by dummy molecularly imprinted magnetic nanoparticles. Journalof Chromatography A, 1572: 9-19. (SCI, IF: 3.716)

N. He, K.K. Zhi, X. Yang*, H.T. Zhao, H. Zhang, et al. (2018) Self-assembled fibrillar networks induced by two methods: a new unmodified natural product gel. New Journal of Chemistry, 42: 14170-14178. (SCI, IF: 3.201)

K.K. Zhi, H.T. Zhao, X. Yang*,H. Zhang, J. Wang, et al. (2018) Solvent-induced gel formation hypothesis for natural product gelators with polycyclic structures. ChemPlusChem, 83: 797-803. (SCI, IF: 3.205)

X.C. Zhai, S.J. Yuan, X. Yang*, P. Zou, Y. Shao, et al. (2018) Growth-inhibition of S180 residual-tumor by combination of cyclophosphamide and chitosan oligosaccharides in vivo. Life Science, 202: 21-27. (SCI, IF: 3.234)

X.C. Zhai, H.T. Zhao, M. Zhang, X. Yang*, J.M. Sun, et al. (2018) New stationary phase for hydrophilic interaction chromatography to separate chito-oligosaccharides with degree of polymerization 2-6. Journal of chromatography B, 1081-1082: 33-40. (SCI, IF: 2.441)

X.C. Zhai, X. Yang*, P. Zou, Y. Shao, S.J. Yuan, et al. (2018) Protective effect of chitosan oligosaccharides against cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppression and irradiation injury in mice. Journal of Food Science, 83(2): 535-542. (SCI,IF: 2.018)

P. Zou, S.J. Yuan, X. Yang*, X.C. Zhai, J. Wang, et al. (2018) Chitosan oligosaccharides with degree of polymerization 2-6 induce apoptosis in human colon carcinoma HCT116 cells. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 279: 129-135. (SCI, IF: 3.296)

T.J. Xie, M. Zhang, P. Chen, H.T. Zhao, X. Yang*, et al. (2017) A facile molecular imprinted electrochemical sensor based on graphene: Application to selective determination of thiamethoxam in grains. RSC Advances, 7: 38884-94. (SCI, IF: 2.936)

K.K. Zhi, M. Zhang, X. Yang*, H.T. Zhao, A.J. Dong, et al. (2017) Preparation and adsorption properties of glucose molecularly imprinted polymers in hydrous solution for effective determination of glucosein fruits by MISPE-HPLC. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 14(10): 2087-96. (SCI, IF: 1.593)

M. Zhang,H.T. Zhao, T.J. Xie, X. Yang*, A.J. Dong, et al. (2017) Molecularly imprinted polymer on graphene surface for selectiveand sensitive electrochemical sensing imidacloprid. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 252: 991-1002. (SCI, IF: 5.667)

X.C. Zhai, H. Zhang, M. Zhang, X. Yang*, C. Gu, et al. (2017) A rapid electrochemical monitoring plat form for sensitive determination of thiamethoxam based on β–cyclodextrin-graphene composite. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 36 (8): 1991-1997. (SCI, IF: 3.179)

M. Zhang, H. Zhang, T.J. Xie, X. Yang*, H.T. Zhao, et al. (2017) Application of β-cyclodextrin-reduced grapheneoxide nanosheets for enhanced electrochemically sensing nitenpyram residue in real samples. New Journal of Chemistry, 41: 2169-2177. (SCI, IF: 3.201)

H. Zhang, H.T. Zhao, L. Yao, X. Yang*, S.Y. Shen, et al. (2017) Isolation, physicochemical properties and in vitro antioxidant activity of polysaccharides extracted from different parts of Pinus koraiensis. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 37(3): 225-240. (SCI, IF: 1.418)

P. Zou, X. Yang*, J. Wang, Y.F. Li, et al. (2016) Advances in characterisation and biological activities of chitosan and chitosan oligosaccharides. Food Chemistry, 190: 1174-1181. (SCI, IF: 3.391)

M. Zhang, X. C. Zhai, X. Yang*, H. T. Zhao, A. J. Dong, H. Zhang, et al. (2016) Rapid and sensitive determination of dinotefuran residue based on electrochemical enhancement of β-cyclodextrin-graphene composite. Electroanalysis, 28: 1-10. (SCI, IF: 2.138)

M. Zhang, H. T. Zhao, X. Yang*, A. J. Dong, H. Zhang, J. Wang, et al. (2016) A simple and sensitive electrochemical sensor for new neonicotinoid insecticide Paichongding in grain samples based on β-cyclodextrin-graphene modified glassy carbon electrode. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 229: 190-199. (SCI, IF: 4.097)

M. Zhang, H.T. Zhao, X. Yang*, W.T. Zhang, J. Wang, et al. (2016) Preparation and characterization of surface molecularly imprinted film coated on magnetic nanocorefor fast and selective recognition of new neonicotinoid insecticide Paichongding (IPP).RSC Advances, 6: 3714-3722. (SCI, IF: 3.840)

K.K. Zhi, A.J. Dong, X. Yang*, Q.Y. Zhao, H.T. Zhao, et al. (2016) Preparation and Adsorption Properties Study of Glucose Magnetic Molecularly Imprinted Polymers with Dual Functional Monomers. Acta Chimica Sinica, doi: 10.6023/A**. (SCI, IF: 1.426)

G.Y. Liu, S.S. Wang, X. Yang*, T.F. Li, Y.X. She, et al. (2016) Colorimetric sensing of atrazine in rice samples using cysteamine functionalized gold nanoparticles after solid phase extraction. Analytical Methods, 8: 52-56. (SCI, IF: 1.821)

G.Y. Liu, T.F. Li, X. Yang*, Y.X. She, M. Wang, J. Wang, et al. (2016) Competitive fluorescence assay for specific recognition of atrazine by magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer based on Fe3O4-chitosan. Carbohydrate Polymers, 137, 75-81. (SCI, IF: 4.074)

S. Zhao, X. Yang*, H.T. Zhao, A.J. Dong, J. Wang, et al. (2015) Water-compatible surface imprinting of 'Saccharin sodium' on silica surface for selective recognition and detection in aqueous solution. Talanta, 144: 717-725. (SCI&EI, IF: 3.545)

G.Y. Liu, X. Yang*, T.F. Li, H.L. Yu, X.W. Du, et al. (2015) Spectrophotometric and visual detection of the herbicide atrazine by exploiting hydrogen bond-induced aggregation of melamine-modified gold nanoparticles. Microchim Acta, 182:1983-1989 (SCI, IF: 3.741)

G.Y. Liu, X. Yang*, T.F. Li, Y.X. She, S.S. Wang, et al. (2015) Preparation of a magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer using g-C3N4-Fe3O4 for atrazine adsorption. Materials Letters, 160: 472-475. (SCI, IF: 2.489)

M. Zhang, X. Yang*, H.T. Zhao, A.J. Dong, J. Wang, et al. (2015) A quick method for routine analysis of C18 trans fatty acids in nonhydrogenated edible vegetable oils by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Food Control, 57: 293-301. (SCI, IF:2.819)

P. Wang, X. Yang*, W.W. Huang, M. Zhang, W.H. Lu, et al. (2014) Effect of pesticide 1-[6-chloro-3-methyl-pyridyl-8-nitro-7-methyl-1 2 3 5 6 7-hexahydro imidazo (1,2a)]-pyridine when responding to a wheat plant's antioxidant defense system. Food Chemistry, 146: 569-576. (SCI&EI, IF:3.391)

W.W. Huang, X. Yang*, S. Zhao, M. Zhang, X.L. Hu, et al. (2013) Fast and selective recognizes polysaccharide by surface molecularly imprinted film coated onto aldehyde-modified magnetic nanoparticles. Analyst, 138: 6653-6661. (SCI, IF:3.909)

P. Zou, X. Yang*, W.W. Huang, H.T. Zhao, J. Wang, et al. (2013) Characterization and Bioactivity of Polysaccharides Obtained from Pine Cones of Pinus koraiensis by Graded Ethanol Precipitation. Molecules, 18: 9933-9948. (SCI, IF:2.095)

R.B. Xu, X. Yang*, J. Wang*, H.T. Zhao, W.H. Lu, et al. (2012) Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activities of Three Polysaccharide Fractions from Pine cones. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 13: 14262-14277. (SCI, IF:2.598)

P. Wang, X. Yang*, J. Wang*, J. Cui, A.J. Dong, et al. (2012) Multi-residue method for determination of seven neonicotinoid insecticides in grains using dispersive solid-phase extraction and dispersive liquid–liquid micro-extraction by high performance liquid chromatography. Food Chemistry, 134: 1691–1698. (SCI, EI, IF:3.334, ESI Hot Papers)

X. Yang*, H. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Wang, Y.C. Zhang, et al. (2011) Multiresidue method for determination of 88 pesticides in berry fruits using solid-phase extraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry: Determination of 88 pesticides in berries using SPE and GC-MS. Food Chemistry, 127: 855–865. (SCI, EI, IF:3.655, ESI Highly-Cited Papers)

X. Yang*, J. Wang, D.C. Xu, J.W. Qiu, Y. Ma, et al. (2011) Simultaneous Determination of 69 Pesticide Residues in Coffee by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry. Food Analytical Methods, 4(2): 186–195. (SCI, EI, IF:1.943)

J. Cui, X. Yang*, A.J. Dong, D.Y. Cheng, J. Wang, et al. (2011) Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Euphorbia fischeriana essential oil from China. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5(19): 4794-4798. (SCI, IF:0.879)

X. Yang*, H. T. Zhao, J. Wang, Q. Meng, H. Zhang, et al. (2010) Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of essential oil of pine cones of Pinus armandii from the Southwest region of China. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 4(16): 1668-1672. (SCI, IF:0.879)

X. Yang*, Y.C. Zhang, H. Zhang, A. J. Dong, H.T. Zhao, et al. (2010) DITERPENOID ACIDS FROM Pinus koraiensis. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 46(2): 227-229. (SCI, IF:0.693)

X. Yang*, H. Zhang, Y.C. Zhang, H.T. Zhao, A.J. Dong, et al. (2010) Analysis of the Essential Oils of Pine Cones of Pinus koraiensis Steb. Et Zucc. and P. sylvestris L. from China. Journal of essential oil research, 22: 446-448. (SCI, EI, IF:0.412)

X. Yang*, D.C. Xu, J.W. Qiu, H. Zhang, Y.C. Zhang, et al. (2009) Simultaneous determination of 118 pesticide residues in Chinese teas by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Chemical Paper, 63(1): 39-46. (SCI, IF:0.795)

X. Yang*, H. Zhang, Y.C. Zhang, Y. Ma, J. Wang. (2008) Two New Diterpenoid Acids from Pinus koraiensis. Fitoterapia, 79(3): 179-181. (SCI, IF:1.200)

X. Yang, Y. Ding, Z.H. Sun*, D.M. Zhang. (2006) Studies on Chemical Constituents from Ilex pubescens. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 8(6): 505-510. (SCI, IF:0.651)

Invited book chapters

Subeditor. Inspection of grain and oils, Science Technology Press, 2011.

Editorial member. Foodstuff quality safety, Science Technology Press, 2010.

Editorial member. Food safety (2nd edition), Chemical Industry Press, 2010.

Editorial member. Food safety (1st edition), Chemical Industry Press, 2005.

Conference papers

X. Yang*, J. Wang, H. Zhang, D.C. Xu, J.W. Qiu, et al. (2010) Simultaneous determination of 70 pesticide residues in coffees by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. (EI)

H. Zhang, X. Yang*, A.J. Dong, Y. Ma, Z.Y. Wang, et al. (2010) Residue analysis of forchlorfenuron in fruit and vegetable by RP-HPLC. 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. (EI)

J. Cui*, W.J. Li, D.Y. Cheng, X. Yang. (2011) Cloning and function identification of the promoters and terminator of sugar beet chloroplast gene psbA. International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, 6679-6681. (EI)


National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. ** )

National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. ** )

General and Special Program of the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China (No. **)

Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China (No. **)

Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province of China (No. QC08C01)


Faculty adviser, Heilongjiang 8th Excellent Master Dissertations, 2012.

Editorial member, Shanghai College Excellent Specialized Book Award, 2nd Award, 2011.

1st author, Harbin Academic Achievements Award of Natural Science Technology, 2011.

2nd author, Award of Science and Technology in Colleges and Universities in Heilongjiang Province,2012.


X. Yang, Y. C. Zhang, H. Zhang, and J. Wang, Method for extraction and application of Pinus koraiensis pinecone, CN Patent, No: ZL **9.0


X. Yang, H. Zhang, Y. C. Zhang, and J. Wang, Extraction method for Pinus koraiensis pinecone, CN Patent, filed No: **2.7

X. Yang, H. T. Zhao, J. Wang, Q. Meng, and R. B. Xu, Extraction method for pinecone polysaccharide of Pinus koraiensis, CN Patent, filed No: **6.6

H, Zhang, Z. Y. Wang, X. Yang, Z. Q. Xia, F. Liu, X. Y. Li, and J. Wang, Preparation method for sulfated derivative of yeast dextran against γ radiation damage, CN Patent, filed No: **5.4


Reviewer for Journals:

Reviewer, Food Chemistry

Reviewer, Food Research International

Reviewer, Talanta

Reviewer, Natural Product Research

Reviewer, International Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism

Reviewer, African Journal of Biotechnology

Reviewer for organizations

Institute director, Agricultural Products Storage and Processing-Branch of CAASS

Institute director, Heilongjiang Institute of Food Science and Technology

Institute director, Heilongjiang Institute of Natural Product Engineering

Association director, Heilongjiang Squash Association

Letter comments expert, National Natural Science Foundation of China

Letter comments expert, Heilongjiang Natural Science Foundation of China

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