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国家科技进步二等奖(2010年): “轻量化整体构件内高压成形技术”(排名8)黑龙江省技术发明一等奖(2009年): “内高压成形工艺及设备关键技术”(排名5)国防科技进步二等奖(2008):“***多点三明治成形技术”(排名1)国家科技进步二等奖(2004年): “大型封闭壳体内压成形技术”(排名4)黑龙江省自然科学二等奖(2003年):“封闭壳体内压成形机理”(排名3)


Bugang Teng, Gang Liu and Shijian Yuan. Effect of end angle of counterpunch on Y-shape hydroforming. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 753-755 (2013):1539-1542TENG Bu-gang, YUAN Shi-jian, CHEN Zeng-tao, JIN Xue-run. Plastic damage of T-shape hydroforming. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 22(2012): s294?s301 L.Hu, B.G.Teng, S.J.Yuan.Effect of internal pressure on hydro bending of double-layered tube. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture October 2012 vol. 226 no. 10: 1717-1726TENG Bu-gang, HU Lan, LIU Gang, YUAN Shi-jian. Wrinkling behavior of hydro bending of carbon steel/Al-alloy bi-layered tubes. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 22(2012): s560?s565Wang, Jiangchao, Ma, Ninshu, Murakawa, Teng, Bugang, Yuan, Shijian. Prediction and measurement of welding distortion of a spherical structure assembled from multi thin plates. MATERIALS & DESIGN. 32(10) (2011): 4728-4737胡蓝,滕步刚,何祝斌,初冠南,王仲仁. 用中心管限位的椭球壳无模液压成形试验研究. 压力容器,2011,28(4):1-6苑世剑,滕步刚,王仲仁,张琦,董国庆,李周复. 大型低速增压风洞制造关键技术与成形机理.数字制造科学,2009,7(2):29-56Bugang Teng, Shijian Yuan and Zhongren Wang. Manufacture of a seal flange with E-cross-section. Advanced Materials Research. 2010,Vols. 97-101:328-331Zhubin He, Bugang Teng, Shijian Yuan and Z.R. Wang. A study on the bending of a trough-shaped profile using a roller and PUR pad. Int. J. Materials and Product Technology, Vol. 38, Nos. 2/3, 2010:287-296D.M. CHENG, B.G. TENG, B. GUO, S.J. YUAN Thickness Distribution of a Hydroformed Y-shape Tube. Materials Science & Engineering A. ,2009,499(1):36-39刘泽宇,滕步刚,苑世剑. 内压对薄壁管充液压弯时的影响. 塑性工程学报, 2009,16(4):35-38滕步刚,程东明,郭斌, 苑世剑. 轴向补料比对Y型三通管内高压成形壁厚分布规律影响研究. 锻压技术. 2008,133(5):34-37CHENG Dong-ming, TENG Bu-gang, GUO Bin, YUAN Shi-jian Analysis of deformation and defects in hydroforming of Y-shaped tubes. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2008,4,15(2):206-210程东明, 滕步刚, 郭斌, 苑世剑. Y型三通管内高压成形壁厚分布规律. 材料科学与工艺,2007,12,15(6):750-753Shijian Yuan, Bugang Teng New Manufacturing technologies for wind tunnels and ultra-large vessels. International Conference on Applied Production Technology Bremen, Germany, 2007. 19-29滕步刚,苑世剑. 新成形工艺在风洞建造中的应用. 焊接技术 2007,36:85-87滕步刚,刘钢,苑世剑,苑文婧,杨华. 汽车发动机排气歧管的内高压成形技术. 塑性工程学报 2007,14(3):88-92滕步刚,苑世剑,王仲仁,刘元君. 大型密封法兰弯曲成形工艺研究. 中国机械工程. 2006,17(19):2046-2048刘强, 张琦,滕步刚,苗启斌,王仲仁. 近足球形封闭壳体无模液压胀形的实验研究. 锻压技术 2006,4:27-30王仲仁,董国庆,滕步刚,张琦,苑世剑,沈济全. 多点“三明治”成形及其在风洞收缩段形体制造中的应用,航空学报,2006,27(5)989-992Gang Liu,ShijianYuan,Bugang Teng. Analysis of thining at the transition corner in tube hydroforming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2006, 177,: 688-691滕步刚,苑世剑,王仲仁. 球形容器解决方案:整体无模液压胀形技术 锻造与冲压 2006,6:34-38Shijian Yuan, Bugang Teng, Z.R.Wang.Precision forming of flange for large special vessel. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2005,167:224-229滕步刚,苑世剑,王仲仁. 大型法兰加工制造工艺的研究 塑性工程学报2005,12 (52):77-80Zhubin He, Z.R.Wang, Bugang. Teng, A graphic representation of traction for a 3D elastic/plastic stress state, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 2004, Vol.32, Issue.2 153-159S.J.Yuan B.G. Teng X.Y.Dong R.W.Wang. Progress in large vessel forming——Introduction of some innovations of Prof. Z.R.Wang. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2004,151:12-17B.G. Teng, Z.R.Wang, G.Q. DONG, J.Q. SHEN Research on precision bending of a workpiece with a complicated cross-section for manufacturing a large flange. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2004,151:228-231He, ZB, Wang, ZR, Teng, BG Three-dimensional representation of normal stress magnitude with applications to hydrobulge forming. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2004, Vol.39, No.2 205-211Z.R.Wang, B.G. Teng, S.J. Yuan, L.H.Lang, Z.J.Wang. Simulation of Some Cases of Hydroforming and Viscous Pressure Forming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2004,150:25-29苑世剑,滕步刚.无模液压胀形技术. 塑性工程学报. 2004,(2):9-20滕步刚,王长文,王仲仁.等边双圆锥台壳体内环约束胀形的实验研究.锻压技术.2004,29(2):33-35滕步刚,王长文,王仲仁.锥台式壳体胀球时壳体的结构形式.金属成形工艺.2003,21(6):65-67滕步刚,苗启斌,董小瑛,王仲仁,董国庆,沈济全.特大型法兰用复杂截面工件精密弯曲成形的工艺.压力容器.2003,20(10):37-39滕步刚,王长文,王仲仁.薄壁半球件无模液压胀形的实验研究.压力容器.2003,20(5):23-25Bugang Teng, Shijian Yuan, Z.R.Wang. Effect of the Initial Structure on Hydro-Forming of Toroidal Shells. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2002,123:18-21Z.R.Wang, B.G. Teng, S.J. Yuan. Study on Occurring and Preventing Wrinkle during Integral Hydor-Bulge Foming. Proceedings of the 7thICTP, Yokohama, 2002, JapanZ.R.Wang, B.G. Teng, S.J. Yuan, L.H.Lang, Z.J.Wang. Numerical Simulation of Hydroforming and Viscous Pressure Forming Process. Advances in Concurrent Engineering of the 9th ISPE/CE2002:221-22何祝斌,滕步刚,苑世剑,王仲仁.管材轴压液力成形中的摩擦与润滑.锻压技术.2001,26(3):4-6滕步刚,苑世剑,王仲仁.等边双圆锥台壳体端部约束胀形的实验研究.金属成形工艺.2001,19(4):4-6滕步刚,苑世剑,王仲仁.不同初始结构环壳液压成形的理论分析与数值模拟.中国机械工程.2001,12(12):1405-1407滕步刚,苑世剑,王仲仁.环壳初始结构对其液压胀形过程的影响.压力容器.2000,(1):13-16Shijian Yuan, Bugang Teng, Z.R.Wang. A New Hydroforming Process for Large Elbow Pipes. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2001,117:28-31Zhenxiu Hou, Bugang Teng, Jun Lu, Zhubin He, Zhongren Wang. An Experimental Study of Bulge-Forming Polycarbonate (PC) Semisphere Shell Parts. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2001,17(1):157Bugang Teng, Shijian Yuan, Z.R.Wang. Experiment and Numerical Simulation of Hydro-forming Toroidal Shells with Different Initial Structure. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 2001,78(1):31-34

相关话题/成形 技术 哈尔滨工业大学 液压 工艺